True Dota 2 - Battle fury vs. Mjollnir on Anti-Mage

Battle fury vs. Mjollnir on Anti-Mage

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST

I had just played a game as Anti-Mage and had decided to build Mjollnir instead of Battle Fury. I was then flamed for my decision even though I have heard multiple times that bf is worse now than ever. Why is this? In what cases would bf be better than mjollnir or is mjollnir just always better?

Game in question:

submitted by /u/NotoriousQuacker
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Is Oracle in a bad place right now or is he simply misunderstood?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 07:41 AM PST

Oracle has an abysmal win rate of 39.77% and even among the 5k+ bracket it's only 45.16%. According to Dotabuff he's at a very sad 107th popularity. I personally feel he's a strong hero, so why then is his win rate so atrocious? I guess the first thing that strike me is the low popularity. The 3 main intuitions that strike me about a hero with low popularity (as it relates to their win rate) are (1) likely played mostly by true lovers of the hero, (2) the hero is possibly just really bad, and (3) since most people never play him or play with him, they don't 100% get how to play with an Oracle.

The first point I think can be disregarded because if anything, people that really love the hero probably play the hero better on average than your average player of equal skill. The hero could just be bad or bad in the current meta, but it seems like he would fit into this meta well from my perspective. Thoughts on that and possible buffs if needed? The third point is something that I really feel rings true for me. People don't really seem to know what to do w/ an Oracle on their team. Often when I ult someone they will run away instead of fight. Worse yet they get so far away from me that I can't heal them at all. One problem I keep running into is that so many heroes these days have blinks or just amazing mobility in general and I can barely catch up to them to Ult (1000 range) much less give them a Fate's Edict, which only has 500-800 range.

Fellow Oracle players (or anyone with an opinion) what are your thoughts on the hero? Thoughts on how to coordinate with team and/or educate allies?


submitted by /u/Godot_12
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Questions about odd interactions.

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 04:56 AM PST

So there are a lot of weird interactions in DotA, and I'd like to ask about the ones I've been curious about lately but haven't had a good opportunity to test out.

1) if rubick with aghs steals a spell from invoker , is it based off of invoker's actual orb level , or does the rubick aghs add a level of each orb like invoker's would ?

2) if a disarmed or blinded monkey King ults do the statues do zero damage since it's based off of his status when cast ? (For example enfeeble being on him reduces all of their damage as well).

3) does lotus orb active with duel still count as both heroes dueling each other ? (When lotus released if you dueled a lotus orbed target as legion the winner would get two victories instead of 1)

3.A) if so are both duels cast with legions extra duel damage talent or would one be her talent included the other just a normal duel?

3.B) similar to 3.A, but if a duel is cast on am with aghs, would it apply her talent or just as if am cast the duel himself (example , when rubick steals duel even post talent, his duel cast is only normal duel damage)

4) does magnetize do anything as rubick ? Since you have no remnants I imagine it's not possible to refresh, but is it a weird interaction where ES's remnants will explode and refresh rubick magnetize ?

5) do the slows from the little satyr and a diffusal stack ? Like could you have both active on the same target for whatever reason ?

6) when nyx uses carapace and reflects meatball from invoker , does only the impact damage reflect or does it reflect the burn ticks for the duration as well since it's from the same spell?

That's all I have for now, look forward to the answers if anyone has them.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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Tips on the offlane this patch?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

What are good heroes, some tips, and other helpful ideas can you share?

submitted by /u/cmplctdsmplcty
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How to counter illusion ?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 09:08 AM PST

As per title , how do you often counter illusion ? Let's not talk about drafting. How would you choose your item when your team has zero aoe?

I encountered CK and Jugg where both of them get manta style , when they activate all their illusion , me as a PA without bf feels irrelevant during team fight.

Match id :

submitted by /u/tamtong
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Where and how can I get a coach?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST

May I know what are the legit and major websites for hiring a coach?

How should I ask the coach to do? Should I ask him to play with me, or coach me in game(but not playing), or analysis my replay like purge did on his channel?

Many thanks!

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Countering ck?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

I got rekt in a few games against him and i feel its hard as a support to stop him from snowballing :/

submitted by /u/Karatekuh
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autoexec command for showing items in scoreboard?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

Hello, as you might know there is an option to show the items from your team in the scoreboard. Sadly since I have to click on it each game I often forget that it exists. So a autoexec command would help me a lot if it gets activated automaticlly.

submitted by /u/Culentriel
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How to learn something new/train something every game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 01:37 PM PST

So i wanted to take dota more serious lately and decided that i would try to learn/try something new every game (else i would just queue 10 games but not really get better). The only problem is - i don't know what to actually focus on. Offlane player btw. I thought about hero specific stuff and overall laning and rotations but don't really know how to get started-if you have any ideas pls share them!

submitted by /u/mojaaa
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How was I suppose to win this game?

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 07:09 AM PST

I understand that the title may seem like a complaint but that is not the point of the post, I have actually rethought this game over and over without finding a point where I did something wrong. Obviously I did or we would have won(I truly believe this) the dota buff is I am the jug.I am looking for how you would have won the game.

Was my build wrong, was my hero wrong, should I have ran around with my team by min 5 rather than farm any creep I could? Was it actually unwinnable (I doubt it) I've actually been on tilt since then that is how bothersome that game was I genuinely feel I played out of my mind.

submitted by /u/CrimsonTG
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Looking for Partner(s) for Dota2 Project (Just for fun)

Posted: 21 Feb 2017 03:33 AM PST


I just started a spreadsheet meaning its only an idea so far but I usually pull through with an idea like this and have created many spreadsheets for different games before.

The idea is to create an as accurate as possible representation of any heroes powercurve and powerspikes throughout the game. Taking into account Stats / Abilitys / Items based on statistical averages (hopefully statistical ones or else ill have to pull numbers out my ass :D) in order to gain knowledge about the game, find potential exploits and get a better understanding of lineups.

Ofcourse this process is quite tedious and with 100+ heroes to consider its a hell of a lot of work. Ive written some code in my life ... but just some and i cant dare call myself even an amateur. If you think you find this interesting and want to help out in any way feel free to speak up.

Of course I intend to hand it out to the community once its done.

As said i just started filling in some rows and getting a grasp on what i have and dont have to consider so its pretty much planning stage.

Any contribution and input is much appreciated, from simple ideas on what to do and specifics on how to do to "DO!".


submitted by /u/yinyie
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Where does Doom fit into this patch?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST

I used to play him a few years back as an aura carrying front line right clicker, and using his skills to get online really fast, given his higher than average farming speed. I tried playing like that again a few times today, because of how his his talents got changed around, but it still feels pretty weak. How should he be built and laned?

submitted by /u/Nasaghast
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What are some convenient ways to deal with Anti-mages' Aghanims?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 06:40 PM PST

Aside from Silver's Edge which seems really costly to invest if it's only for AM I was wondering are there any good items or spells to burst the shield.

I thought Medallion would be amazing until I realised it doesn't proc it (Though it still bypasses the shield which is nice). Same goes for Rubicks' Spell Steal which I read doesn't trigger it (does it still nullify it though?).

Would casting a spell from a HotD creep work?

Apologies I can't test this stuff on my own I don't have access to Dota at the moment.

submitted by /u/Fisti91
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Thought on Invoker in 7.02 (+30% XP Gain) [x-post /r/DotA2]

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 04:21 PM PST

During 6.87/6.88 I started learning Invoker. Being the 2k/3k scrub I am, I figured that it would not only offer me a very fun and versatile hero, but also force me to improve on other skills in the game (map awareness, mid lane proficiency, etc.). Things were going decent and after a while I was able to win most mid matchups or at least come out even.

Then 7.00 hit. My go-to build was abusing the double Forge Spirits at level 8 and just push lanes/farm. 7.00 forced me to completely revamp the way I used to play Invoker and in the beginning, I had a hard time finding something that worked for me. +15% XP Gain at level 15 was just not cutting it (and +1 Forge Spirit is trash at that point in the game, in my opinion).

After the changes to Invoker in 7.02 (especially the +30% XP Gain), I realized that this was probably what the hero needed for me. A decently timed Midas and a quick level 15 will skyrocket you into level 25 before 35 minutes. Unless your game is just utter shit, this should allow you to control most enemy heroes for the middle stages of the game (and late game, people in 2k rarely buy BKB).

Now, this is just my personal experience with how the hero changed and I was wondering if anyone else has some input as to how to play Invoker this patch.

For those wondering, I get a level in Wex at 2, 2 levels in Quas at 8 and then basically max Exort and Wex. For the talents, I usually pick damage, +XP Gain, +7 Stats and AoE DB, but that depends on how the game goes. In terms of items I build Midas > BoTs > Euls > Aghs > whatever is necessary at that point. Any improvements or tips are very much appreciated!

submitted by /u/Galactius
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Tips for a noob tinker player?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 04:42 PM PST

Non-farmed, but still high impact heroes

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 08:06 PM PST

As title says, who are some high impact heroes (mid game - pos 2/3/4 if i have to get specific) that regardless of farm can still have a strong influence on a game in regular intervals. Ie) not just an ult every 3 min

submitted by /u/SirDaveu
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What are some tips on laning/early game Invoker?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 04:37 PM PST

I can handle myself pretty well during fights and whatnot, but I seem to always have a hard time during laning and early game transitions. Not quite sure what I could do, so I am asking on here.

submitted by /u/ArcticIceFox
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