True Dota 2 - Arc warden

Arc warden

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:33 AM PST

Is he playable or dog shit tier?

And if he is playable, how?

submitted by /u/antihope4evil
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who to play against lone druid middle?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:37 AM PST

Just a question about the current common picks

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:15 AM PST

Hey, just a few quick questions;

1) Why is rubick suddenly picked up relatively often? It felt like previous patches rubick would be picked up if there were really big ultimate to steal. And Meepo is picked very often as well?

2) Also, there is more core like heroes being picked playing the 4/3.5 role(e.g. slardar, weaver)? How does the current patch favour this kind of pick?

Sorry if the questions seem a bit confusing, I'm willing to rephrase it myself if needed

submitted by /u/mango103
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Has the Team Fight Meta Calmed Down?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:35 PM PST

I haven't really played since about two weeks after 7.00's release and back then the team fighting was silly strong and gave so much gold and exp that farming wasn't that productive. Have things changed?

submitted by /u/tymandude1
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What are currently some FUN 5 man builds?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:01 PM PST

Doesn't have to face role or anything like that. Just something fun to try. Obviously not fun if we dont have any chance of winning either lol. Help!

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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Why is it objectively bad to use the WASD keys to move the camera?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:23 PM PST

I'm around 4.7k and I was recently told that it's not just unpopular, but its objectively bad. Why is this the case?

submitted by /u/Maps_and_Ass
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When/how to safely check Enemy Hero items/levels/cooldowns?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:22 AM PST

This is the weakest part of my game, and it doesn't even hold me back in my shit bracket because no one else checks itemizations either, we want until we get blinked on to realize Axe has a blink, and then we don't tell our team about it so they can be surprised too.

I've gotten better -- I know slark will go SB, and I know roughly when to expect it, and I will check for it. I'll check my own team for a vlads before I build one, then tell them I'm building one (and still note two vlads in postgame, but you can't teach your team everything every game).

TL;DR -- I need to work on regular habitual checking of enemy itemization, and I need to know which enemy heroes to be watching for cooldowns. What I'd really appreciate some help on is when to do this. I play all roles, so tips directed towards that would help. I find it mostly impossible while laning, and probably not worth anyway ....until the ults start coming out, and that would be helpful to know. But when should I develop the habits of checking the enemies, and when is it generally safe to switch attention for a couple seconds (I tend to play thinking I'm about to be ganked if there are any enemy heros nearby, usually their are). Obvs if I am safe, not lasting hitting for a second, going to next farm camp, etc. I intend to start working on all of those. But what else? When dead, it occured to me, is one of the best times, and that's freq dead time for me that I can use better.

What else? And how to develop the habits? Thanks! And I really like this sub, wish I'd found it a year ago when I started playing.

submitted by /u/Landish_Davenport
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How useful is a hero meta statistic?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

My role is offlane, i,m 4.4k mmr on smurf, 5k main. should i only play on heroes with positive winrates (like Axe, Abaddon, Underlord) or i still can use heroes like SK and Timber, also LC? How to use this statistic effectively and does it mean much or no?

submitted by /u/Jewellinius
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Experiences creating a new account?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:56 AM PST

Hello everyone.

I've been playing Dota 2 for about 8 months, in that time, I've played around ~1k hours and then now created a new account. I had previous Dota 1 experience but it was from a few years ago, yet I retained most of my mechanical ability.

My old account mostly hovered around 2.5k˜3.3k MMR. I think in that time I've played at most 2-3 games on VHS and just a small percentage in HS.

I then proceeded to create a new account. After a few games and a very bad winrate(and good farm/score) I still managed to have mostly games on HS and VHS(a few!). In the beginning I was at around 33% WR, now I'm almost 50%. I have to say that I wasn't very used to playing with better people, but also didn't take me so long to get used to it. I think by looking at it, I might be right now at around 3.6k~4k.

How was your experience?

submitted by /u/rakeee
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SK in a Tri-lane

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:42 PM PST

Does SK works well in a defensive/offensive trilane? I used to solo lane or dual lane with him and it was fine. But in a tri-lane, I find it to be really rough as I couldn't get the items and levels on time. So can SK fit in a tri lane? And if it does what are some things that I could do to not miss out on experience and gold. Thanks in advance, guys.

submitted by /u/DehGhostDoctor
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Tinker Balance Discussion

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:55 PM PST

What changes do you guys think Tinker should see in the next patch? Nerfs? Buffs? I'm personally hoping for a bit of a nerf through items, specifically a range reduction on Aether Lens, at least enough to discourage Tinker from buying it. I feel like he shouldn't be able to do what he currently does without putting himself in any siginificant danger.

submitted by /u/NoteworthyPotato
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