Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-05]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-05]

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:04 AM PST

Daily Chapters: Scourge of Winter (Story)

Ishtar Sink, Venus Hunt and kill Draksis, the House of Winter's Kell, hiding deep in the caves of the Ishtar Sink.

Daily Crucible: Rumble (Rumble)

The Crucible "Pure combat. Your only job is to make sure you're still standing when the dust settles." —Lord Shaxx
Kill everything. Watch your back.

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Captivating Light Get 30 kills with Void abilities.
Exploding Light Get 20 grenade kills.
A Kell's Hand Get 20 melee kills without dying.
Hive Hunting Defeat 50 Hive.
House Breaking Defeat 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
Venus Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies on Venus.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Perpetual Light Generate orbs of Light to earn "Cycle of Light" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Demolitions Expert Get grenade multikills to earn "Explosive Streak" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Look, No Ghost Complete a Strike in the SIVA Crisis Playlist without dying to earn an "Indestructible" Medal.
Called Shots Get assists to earn "Concentrated Fire" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Tandem Fire Get 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn "Fireteam Streak" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Primary Master Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Primary Weapon to earn "Primary Streak", "Primary Spree", or "Primary Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Specialist Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with Special Weapons.
Backstabber Defeat an opposing Guardian from behind using Blink Strike.
Winning Team Win a match in any team playlist while in a Fireteam of 2 or more players.
Target Rich Environment Defeat 7 Guardians in the Rumble playlist.
Heavyweight Collect a Heavy Ammo crate in the Rumble playlist.
Guns Blazing Defeat 5 Guardians in a single life.
Lightning Touched Defeat an opposing Guardian with Thunderstrike in the Crucible.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: Stirok, Banner of Oryx. Cosmodrome. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out Kill 12 Consumed or named Fallen, Hive, Cabal, or Vex on Venus.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Champion Defeat 50 minions of Darkness before completing the Challenge of the Elders.
Queen's Harvest Gather 15 Dark Nuclei from Majors or Ultras in any strike playlist.
Queen's Fury Get 30 Solar Kills on the Dreadnaught.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Killing all 167 ultras in Destiny with Gjallarhorn #MOTW

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:09 AM PST

I thought it would be interesting to go through all the content in Destiny and kill every ultra with Gjallarhorn. My quest took me to every corner of the game and ended up involving more content than I remembered. Here is the result:

Beauty in Destruction

In making this video, I put together a list of every ultra in Destiny (hopefully I didn't miss any). It was especially hard finding quest ultras you can only kill once, rotating ultras, and random (strike/AF) ultras.

The amount of heavy synths used...

Credit to ChasecL0ck, drakonans, Ewoktapus, and pho-king_noodles for contributing clips

submitted by /u/BlazeBoss17
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Finally reached level 40!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

I've been playing Destiny since the end of June last year when I bought myself a PS4, and since then I've enjoyed the experience of a level 40 Titan and, not long after, a level 40 Hunter, and while I've grown fond of my Titan and everything I've achieved on him, likewise with my Hunter, there was just something missing.

You see, I used the Spark of Light level 40 boost on both my Titan and Hunter, as I got two of them with The Taken King: Legendary Addition, and I missed most of the old content and quests and didn't really experience the 1-40 grind with them.

Which brings me to my Warlock. As of right now she's got 14 hours and 51 minutes of game play logged onto her, and I've just hit level 40 after grinding through the Vanilla campaign as well as the expansions, minus ROI which I've done on my Titan.

I got the Dread Explorer Shell, which I'd never had before, and the three legendary weapons from the Vanilla fame that I didn't even know existed which I now have in my Vault. I watched the Awoken assault on the Dreadnaught turn into a slaughter in a beautiful cutscene that I never got to previously witness. And I took down Orxy, The Take King, with one of my buddies in one of the coolest endings of an expansion pack I've personally ever been involved in.

The first screenshot is the gear I had equipped just before I went to bed, the Skull of Dire Ahamkara was something I've been dying to try out along with the Sunbreakers I have tucked away. I also just got that Crimson Shell and infused it to 400, a goal of mine since it's release.

The second screenshot was the gear I had on when I finally hit 40, mostly things that I've dismantled now. And the last screenshot was taken the moment I turned level 40 during the Clash match I was having.

It truly has been one hell of a ride, now I just have to get my Warlock and Hunter to 400 light and I'm ready for Destiny 2!

submitted by /u/WildHuntOfYharnam
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I think I finally figured out how sparrow flying works.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:10 AM PST

Blast From the Past: This day, 2 years ago, it was announced of the very first major weapon tuning. AKA the one that killed Suros Regime.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:52 AM PST

Hello Guardians!! Here is the first installment of what I call "Blast from the Past" where we take a look back in fond memory and nostalgia in our favorite game. We reflect on these changes for us veteran players and see how much our game has changed and for the new people to see what happened ages ago. Without further ado here is the full text of the update that would hit a few weeks later in what would be update 1.1.1

Destiny Weapon Tuning Feb 5 - Destiny Dev Team From the desk of Sandbox Designer Jon Weisnewski:

Hello, Guardians.

What you're about to read is a heads-up about some upcoming changes to the weapons in Destiny, scheduled to go live in February with Update 1.1.1. This is the result of listening to feedback from the community, observation of players in the wild, poring over user research data, and regular internal playtests.

Many of these changes are subtle. It may take a little while to feel the nuanced differences, or you may feel the changes immediately. It all depends on how you play. This is an opportunity to change up your combat strategy in new ways, and/or double down in the areas that still feel good to you.

AUTO RIFLES It's our goal for the Auto Rifle to be a visceral, close-to-medium range chainsaw. It should reward target tracking, and drop in effectiveness at longer ranges. Looking at raw DPS [damage per second], the Auto Rifle is the most lethal primary weapon class across all of Destiny's activities.

Here's a breakdown of kills by Primary archetype for the top players [filtered to focus on the top-half of the scoreboard] in Destiny.

That's not just Suros. If you look at the top ten lethal weapons over a period of thirty days, six of them are Auto Rifles. Note the spike in SUROS starting on 1/13 - likely due to the Iron Banner Auto Rifle bounty. The ratios stay relatively consistent for non-Suros autos when Iron Banner is not in session.

It's extremely effective in most combat scenarios and engagement distances. In fact, it is so effective that it's intended role in the Primary family is being partially obscured. We want you to be able to deliver a steady stream of precision damage with an Auto Rifle, and you still can, but you'll need to get a little bit closer.

Goals: Auto Rifle is optimal at close to medium range Damage, Stability, and Range are tuned such that players desire Stability for reliable close quarters damage, or Range for better accuracy at a distance

Changes: Reduce base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5% (averaged across Rate of Fire stats, higher RoF took less of a reduction than low RoF) Reduce effective range values so that damage falloff and accuracy are a stronger factor in combat decisions Range reduction is less severe in the higher stat values, so now your range stat is more critical to long distance engagements

PULSE RIFLES The Pulse Rifle is the spiritual middle ground between full-auto and semi-auto weapons, delivering lethal bursts at a forced pace. The right combat rhythm rewards both target tracking and precision shooting.

Here are those same graphs again:

Pulse Rifles are currently the least used across all of the Tower's warriors. We want to push these weapons to become a more compelling choice.

Goals: Pulse Rifle is optimal at medium range, but can still effectively harass enemies at close or long range distances Rate of Fire sets a pace for players to both track moving targets, and then deliver precision damage in bursts

Changes: Increase base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%. DPS is now more in line with other primaries

HAND CANNONS Hand Cannons are intended to be the ideal weapon for precision-minded players on the move. Our goal is that they are ideal at close to medium range. They reward the calm hand that can pace shots under chaotic combat situations. The rounds hit like a truck so you shouldn't need to fire fast to be effective.

Right now, the Hand Cannons work as advertised, but they're a little too effective at longer ranges. We're finding that players get very comfortable hanging back and using the Hand Cannon like a Scout Rifle or a Sniper Rifle. With these new changes, you can still hit targets at long range, but the shots need to be paced out and the damage will be lower until you close in on your target.

Goals: Hand Cannon is optimal at medium range Hand Cannon is optimal when shots are paced, becomes less effective when fired quickly Rewards agility when under fire, precision targeting, and snap shots

Changes: Reduce effective range Damage falloff starts closer to the shooter, and follow up shots are less accurate at long ranges Slight reduction to initial accuracy This is unnoticeable at close to medium range, but underscores the range intentions when used from far away

FUSION RIFLES Fusion Rifles are one of the most contentious weapons in the PvP arena right now. They've been largely untouched since Destiny launched and it has been great to watch the community slowly adopt these weapons and understand how to use them effectively. Currently, they are the most hotly unliked weapon to be killed by. On the other end of the feedback spectrum, they are supremely satisfying guns to kill with.

It is pretty easy to find and build a Fusion Rifle that can push the range limits and land one hit kills and/or massive damage from pretty far away. Furthermore, in The Crucible it is not difficult to depend on a steady stream of special ammo so that players rarely have to pick and choose the right time to use this weapon. Our changes address these issues and leave the overall feel and function of Fusion Rifles intact.

Goals: Fusion Rifles are optimal at mid-range, where targets are easier to track but they're not close enough to attack while you charge up Requires combat foresight and the ability to predict a target's movement to use successfully

Changes: Blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone is a little wider Close to medium range volleys are largely unaffected, but at a distance the projectiles are less likely to land hits on a single target This reduces the reliability of landing a one hit kill at far range, and makes the weapon better at spreading damage into a group Initial starting ammo is reduced across all ammo stats. This is change primarily affects The Crucible Starting a Crucible match, you'll have less Fusion Rifle ammo in reserve In PvE activities we persistently track your ammo. We only use initial ammo values if you are logging in for the first time, or starting a Crucible match

SHOTGUNS Shotguns are the close quarters king. These are the weapons you need to eliminate anything that is directly in your face. The role of the Shotgun has been well established in the shooter genre for a long time now. For Destiny, we have some interesting data from the field: A very high amount of players use Shotguns in PvP, and almost no one uses them in PvE.

In PvE activities, the reward of a close quarters Shotgun attack on any non-grunt enemy doesn't give you enough of a damage spike to warrant using this weapon. Like the Fusion Rifles, in the Crucible it's not difficult to find a Shotgun that is very lethal at some unexpected ranges. Some of the higher range values have been pulled in to help eliminate long distance Guardian one shots. We've also seen that the Crucible ammo economy allows for players to use Shotguns with wild abandon. So, like the Fusion Rifle, we've made a reduction to initial starting ammo.

Goals: Shotgun is the most optimal at very close range Complements melee attacks and other close quarters class builds Offensively closing on an enemy with a Shotgun is a risk/reward timing game

Changes: Increase damage by 2x (100%) against all non-Guardian combatants (aliens) Reduce high end range values - damage falloff starts sooner, so Crucible players with long range shotguns need to be a little closer for successful one hit kills (Like the Fusion Rifle) Initial starting ammo is reduced across all ammo stats in the Crucible: Starting a Crucible match, you'll have less Shotgun ammo in reserve In PvE activities we persistently track your ammo We only use initial ammo values if you are logging in for the first time, or starting a Crucible match

SCOUT RIFLE, SNIPER RIFLE, HEAVY MACHINEGUN, ROCKET LAUNCHER For the most part, these weapons have not been changed as a part of this update. However, changes to the Destiny arsenal mean that untouched weapons may now seem different in side by side comparisons. You may discover new reasons to start using some of these weapons as part of your combat strategy.

"Why did you "nerf" my favorite weapon? Why not make the other ones better and leave mine alone?"

Good question! Here's why: We pay close attention to kill times in all game modes against all combatant types. If we brought up all the other weapons to account for lethality spikes that occur in specific situations, then our TTK (time to kill) would get faster with every patch. It is important to us to keep TTK values such that your arsenal feels lethal, but also both allows for some drama while you fight, and creates opportunities for counter-play when you're being attacked.

One of the great things about working on this game is how players continually change our understanding of how the game plays. We have an evolving tennis match of serves and returns. As always, we'll be watching and listening. Keep the feedback coming.

Your ball.


submitted by /u/InvadingBacon
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Finally! 3 years later, 100 Rumble wins by a 42 year old gamer

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

After getting bored with content I started trying to complete the rest of the grimoire about 6 months ago or so. Rumble was the last one to finish as I am not the best PVP player out there. Toward the end however I started consistently getting matched with some top 100 players and that really slowed the progress especially when so many people left the game. But I kept after it and after 2 wins today I finally got it the right way with no private match wins. That mattered to me

Thanks to the Crucible Playbook sub...a lot of guardians that put a lot effort into this game for everyone else to benefit. Good people



Edit: BTW In the beginning I could get some wins playing different classes and trying different guns, however toward the end I truly had to focus on the meta. Many hate mail messages for doing so but I was on a mission to get it done. Plenty of times I got destroyed by some crafty Nightstalkers. I noticed the elite can destroy people with any class as they get most of their kills with their primary. Toward the end I was focusing more on primary engagements, however I remember one match I won without one single primary kill. Yea I felt bad. I also rolled a great y1 shotgun that I solely used for rumble. It has the perk replenish so I don't have to worry about people hording all the special ammo.

submitted by /u/samiam3356
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53 Exotics, 1 Song | EXOTIC ARMOR RAP

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:31 AM PST

Hey Guardians!

Ever since I released an Exotic Weapons Rap 7 months ago, many people have requested an Exotic Armor one. I wanted to put in just as much effort, if not more, so it took quite a while. Thank you for your patience. I hope it was worth the wait!

Special Guest appearances from: Mrs. DUBA, Tommy Hush, MyNameIsByf, Myelin Games, Arekkz Gaming, Mesa Sean, Kdub, Mark Turcotte, Blessious, CyborgSasquatch, Jez, GeoFrass, Htmn2054, JAYMANX7, JSkeleton92, SF_Giant1316, NorinitoBandito, danfinity, barryowen1984, WALASTIKA, MaxieMae, trailerprkspvsr, FuriousMegatoad, JusticeDragons31, Styluss1, P1TTBULL1976, ChoppaRay, Netflix-n-Killin, Light-Yagami-FDN, Kokoro-daki, ashkye, Critical Rift, KillaKam02x, Mudsill47, serendipity127, moonvald, Capt_McShivers, PROPH3CY, ALLOUT1262, AreMyJokesFunny, BKSpleen, Aspudanator, Catchmex, hc5735, BISHOP100- & Puban.

Music Produced by Delta-S

submitted by /u/dubaplaysgames
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My kinderguardian friend failed the initiation

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

Words can't describe my disappointment

submitted by /u/EvmanX
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Solo Aksis No HUD 4 Phase Kill - 60 FPS Gameplay Video via Motion Interpolation

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

60 FPS Video: (ensure 1080p60 quality is selected)

Original Video: honestly feels like I'm just putting a bunch of click-bait buzzwords in the title, but it is all accurate and relevant!

This is a video of a Solo Aksis No HUD Kill done in 4 Damage Phases, along with a 60 FPS test version of the video created with motion interpolation (see this thread for other examples/explanation: link ).

The 60 FPS version isn't perfect by any means and has quite a few noticeable issues, but I feel with No HUD a lot of the errors (particularly with text) are removed from the equation so it ends up looking quite nice overall!

As for the challenge itself, I believe this is the first for a 4 phase + no HUD in the same kill. There's been a few no HUD's by now and the same for 4 phase, but none that was a 4 phase no HUD in the same run. I actually wasn't intending for this to be a 4 phase kill either! I did a 5 phase no HUD kill earlier in the week, however I was unhappy with the video's quality when I checked it later on, so wanted to go back and do it again with a new capture card. Went in intending for it to be a 5 phase, but the attempt was going pretty well for damage so by the third damage round I figured I'd just try for the 4 phase. Ended up working out and being a real smooth kill!

Took me a little over an hour of attempts to get this done, and pretty happy with how it all came out.

Overall the challenge itself was pretty fun, but mainly just wanted to test out the 60fps with motion interpolation. I'm not 100% on all the details involved with it, so if I am using the terminology incorrectly I do apologize to those in the know. This is just my understanding! Regardless, it came out pretty nicely I think, so in the future I may look at making more challenges like this and the option for people to see. Any questions feel free to ask!

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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Destiny OST - Ad Victoriam (8-bit Remix)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:29 AM PST


After over a month, I have made yet another remix, this time of Destiny's "Ad Victoriam" track. I hope you enjoy!

submitted by /u/NeptuneEDM
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Every had less than a 1% chance of winning a CONTROL match?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST

Thought I would wind down after trials last night and was sorely mistaken.


Edit: This was a fireteam on the other side so not sure how much SBMM could have helped as this is evidently some of the better players in the game and I recognized a few from streams

submitted by /u/samiam3356
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Why is it that I can get a fatebringer roll on the Imago Loop but not a Vision of Confluence roll on a Treads upon Stars?

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:34 PM PST

I just find it strange that we have a fatebringer clone that can have the same roll but we have a Vision clone that can't roll full auto.

Edit: /u/Mblim771_Kyle has also pointed out that the Sureshot IS is also not available on the Treads. Bungie why you do this?

submitted by /u/My_rock
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Did we unknowingly thwart a major fallen offensive against the city? (Light Gjallarhorn quest spoilers)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:07 PM PST

I'm talking about the mission "A Symbol of Iron," the mission that takes place on the Bannerfall crucible map. During this mission, the House of Devils attempts to breach the city wall. I believe that this was the first stage of a fallen attack.

This is also supported by the fact that there is a House of Winter Ketch sitting just outside of the Cosmodrome Wall, where we were first revived. As we all know, the House of Winter did not have a presence on Earth prior to this, as they stayed on Venus.

Also aboard this Ketch, there are multiple pikes, one being visible in the entrance and one having already been unloaded. Additionally, the House of Winter is the only Fallen House to deploy Heavy Pikes (that I know of), so it can be reasonably inferred that the Ketch also has Heavy Pikes on board.

Why would the House of Winter attack the city? Revenge. We killed their former Kell, Draksis, and kept them from reuniting under Skolas.

I also know that this Ketch was brought by the House of Winter, as there are a few dead Winter soldiers on and around the Ketch. So why weren't they on the wall with the Devils? Well, the Devils were most likely leading the attack, as they had done at both Twilight Gap and Six Fronts.

So why attack a Tower instead of a smaller portion of the wall? Well, the fallen likely didn't know that all but one Tower had been decommissioned. So, it would make sense trying to take one out by surprise.

Plus, all power to that Tower had been temporarily restored for us to access the mainframe, workshops, and, later, defensive systems. So, the Fallen at the scene would've likely thought that the tower was occupied.

Now, if the Devils were able to get the House of Winter to travel all the way from Venus to Earth, they probably would've been able to get the House of Kings to work with them. Especially since the House of Kings has, historically, been mostly uninvolved in inter-house conflicts among the fallen.

It would also have likely been quite easy to get the remnants of the House of Wolves to join their ranks, as they're probably still pissed at the city for decimating their entire house and killing their kell and helping the queen to capture many of their Ketches ([spoiler:shown in the opening intro to The Taken King]). Also, we killed Taniks twice.

That's as far as I've gotten, if you have anything to add, or debunk any part of my post, it would be greatly appreciated.

Edit 1: The Downvote gauntlet hath begun

submitted by /u/BizChicken7783
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Just wanted to share my last iron banner

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:02 AM PST

Voop Lord - A fusion rifle montage. #MOTW

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:03 AM PST

Poured my heart and soul into this, and just hope you guys like it!

submitted by /u/Iron_SIghts5
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The last word+ primary arms+ airborne + bone of Eao+ Siva heroic strikes.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

Greatest fun I've had in destiny for a while, takes out a yellow knight in one clip, Bonus points for reload and more hand cannon ammo.

submitted by /u/Vampireknight991
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Saladin's double kill

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST

Was pretty surprised on this kill.

submitted by /u/alfys46
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Ace of Spades is a PvE MONSTER (our year 2/3 equivalent of Fatebringer!)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 07:20 PM PST

I've always mained a hunter. Year 1 I rocked Fatebringer as often as I could like anyone else.

Once hand cannons were nerfed more and more I started using them less and less in PvE. It seems like the PvE "meta", if thats a thing, turned to scout rifles.

Recently I'm looking for new ways to play to keep myself interested. I haven't found any year 3 HCs I like in PvE. I have a Finnala's thats OK. Anyway I broke out my Ace of Spades this week to use on some heroic strikes.

Well my friends, Ace of Spades should be talked about more. Its a MONSTER in strikes. And I would argue the perks set it up for massive ad control just as well as Fatebringer did.

Sure, no Arc damage. But you're not getting that back. It has firefly. God how I missed firefly on handcannons. The destruction! It does not have outlaw but the exotic perk to refund EVERY crit kill is better than a super fast reload in my opinion.

And you can twirl it like a cowboy. I just want to say I think some more love needs sent to Ace of Spades!

submitted by /u/xmandalore
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I'm making a Destiny mod for a board game called Star Wars: Imperial Assault. Here is Atheon

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:42 AM PST

I have been addicted to this tabletop game called Star Wars: Imperial Assault. I have thought that Destiny would make an excellent tabletop miniatures game. I'm not much of a graphical artist, but this is my first attempt at making Atheon.

I'm of course planning on making more. If you guys are interested, when I'm done I can post them all here for your enjoyment.

submitted by /u/StrikeAnywherePanda
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Where Titans lack in melee range

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:04 AM PST

I had a teammate accidentally killing another teammate, So I got creative and saved the day!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:12 PM PST

Here's the link.

In case you don't feel like watching and just want to read a cool story, I'll type it out here:

Attempting a strike, one of my teammates fell off of the edge. Reviving him just doomed him to keep falling off and respawning, and I quickly realised that and backed off. The third guy came in and didn't quite realise that, or was the other guy's friend doing some trolling. Either way, once I saw what he was doing, I went and whacked him off the edge giving the first guy time to respawn, then I revived the second guy.

Apologies if I ruined your indestructible medal guy number 2, but it was necessary!

submitted by /u/Blank-VII
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Chaos Dogma - Is it Really that Bad?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:26 AM PST

Hey guys, I've been really bored with the way the meta has been with the crucible (haven't we all). I usually like to switch up my loadouts every game and when I put on Chaos Dogma, I just thought it was outstanding and underrated. So much in fact, that I wanted to make a video about how good it actually is and where you can use this gun to maximize effectiveness and fun. If you guys can let me know other guns or give me tips to improve those types of videos in the future, I'm open for feedback. Thanks! -Big Red

Edit: It started a few minutes in, Fixed. Thanks u/Mblim771_Kyle

submitted by /u/ItsMcLaren
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Almost 1 year ago bungee released crimson doubles, this is my best/favorite clutch moment from that event

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:42 AM PST

Getting legendary marks without RoI?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:02 AM PST

Hi all,

I bought Destiny + TTK, enjoying it so far but there seems to be a lot I can't do without RoI?

Looks like I will inevitably have to upgrade sooner rather than later - but as the title says, is there any way to get legendary marks without RoI? Seems next to impossible to get legendary gear aside from Murmur/TSR without upgrading, please correct me if I'm wrong.


submitted by /u/harleyflinn
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