Dota 2 - Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: EU and CIS Qualifier Day 3 Match Discussions

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: EU and CIS Qualifier Day 3 Match Discussions

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:35 AM PST

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 CIS Qualifiers

Organized by Perfect World

Need info on the event? Check out the CIS Survival Guide and the EU Survival Guide

Missed Day 2? Catch up here

You can either Sort by new or use the Comment Stream.



CIS matches:

EU matches:

Day 3: February 5


ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
A-WBF Effect vs. 12:00 03:00 06:00 11:00 12:00 19:00 22:00
B-WBF vs. 15:00 06:00 09:00 14:00 15:00 22:00 01:00


ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
A-WBF vs. 15:00 06:00 09:00 14:00 15:00 22:00 01:00
B-WBF vs. 18:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 01:00 04:00

Group A Winner Bracket Finals: Effect vs Team Spirit

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   2:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Group B Winner Bracket Finals: Vega Squadron vs Team Empire

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Group A Winner Bracket Finals: B)ears vs Na'Vi

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Group B Winner Bracket Finals: Cloud 9 vs Team Liquid

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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S4 Banner Memorial Thread

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

Pay your respects to the most legendary banner this sub has ever seen the likes of which. BibleThump

submitted by /u/Deadtoads
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Give people who afk random during pick phase abandon

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:24 AM PST

Weekly reminder for this issue. Although I don't mind low prio that much, I have 5 games to win because I took one for the team and abandoned after an asshole was afk during pick and got random. It should be them playing LP since they technically abandoned during the pick phase.

submitted by /u/feuer_werk
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Monkey king arcana is pay2lose

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:54 AM PST

A lot of times, people will skill their ult later on, for example if im doing well in lane, and the opponent is a little tanky, instead of taking ult i might want to take another level in my crit/stun, but now the opponent knows that, and knows that its safe to gank me, since if i had my ult, then it would be too risky to gank etc

I think they should make it so the arcana changes styles on level 6/12/18 regardless of what u skill.

I would be appriciative if people will take this seriously. Even if u hate monkey king, or dont play him(like me), its still annoying to have a set give the enemy an advantage.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Don't you just love it when you pass the secret shop and you hear the shopkeeper's soothing words?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

WTF Valve

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 03:58 PM PST

Valve, I need the ability to scroll through all the chat

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:49 AM PST

This is quite annoying in some situation with this limited scroll chat in-game. i often use it to mark roshan time, or enemy's ability which had long cooldown. and then it just gone overlapped by some other chat.

submitted by /u/arifshiddiq
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DARK MOON IN 1 MIN by Lesllee

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

6k Player named Sunfy Blatantly using Instant Stun Scripts (gif inside)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:02 AM PST

Here's him using Euls Script against BSJ:

Yeah his cursor does go over to the pudge to euls him but its way too godly of a reaction. And just on artour's stream he openly admits the script when playing Rubick.

He stopped exposing his games on dotabuff a few days ago, probably when he got the scripts. Didn't realize it was this easy to get and use scripts for easy MMR.

submitted by /u/FruitloopsXD
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BSJ INSANE team fight Ft. Chi Long Qua

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 09:13 PM PST

Since 7.00, the mini map no longer shows player's color code during the pick stage. (volvo pls fix)

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:27 PM PST

VAC hook on Arteezy

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:30 AM PST

Miracle 9K escape

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST

Hero1: Everything wrong with Abaddon, part 1/2 (a new project of mine, going through all heroes, listing all bugs, and suggesting some QoL improvements)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

This is a series I planned some time ago (last year before 7.00, that's why some of the vids have the old HUD) and I think it's time to start it.

Once a week or every 2 weeks, I'll make a post focusing on a single hero, pointing out every issue I could find (this includes cosmetic items), and also including some suggestions for the hero, mainly quality of life stuff and minor possible improvements.

Since no one is perfect, I probably missed some stuff. If you know any other issue about this hero, or have an idea for small improvement (not balancing stuff), feel free to post them

Some of these posts will be split up into multiple ones (like this one), because else they'll get too long.

Part 1 of 2: Bugs


  • Total number of subjects: 17
  • Number of bugs: 8 (this post)
  • Number of minor issues: 2.5 (next post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6.5 (next post)

other stuff includes inconsistancies, inconveniances and suggestions

Bugs are sorted by order of severity.

1.Borrowed Time scepter upgrade malfunctions and may cause performance issues.

Borrowed Time's scepter upgrade adds an aura to it which lingered for 0.5 seconds on allies. This lingering caused a suicide bug on Abaddon when allies took damage after Borrowed Time expired on him, so he took the 50% damage without turning into a heal. To fix this issue, the devs set its buff linger duration to 0.

This turns out to be a bad solution, because it causes other severe issues:

  • The aura's effect may not apply to the hero on several server ticks because of how fast it gets removed again. This means your aghs sometimes does nothing but increase duration!
  • It spams the heroes with the buff multiple times per tick, which may or may not affect performance (I need help checking this)
  • The buff stays invisible on allies, since it never gets the chance to establish due to it being spammed.

Video demos: aura malfunctioning, buff spamming and buff not being visible

Note: None of these existed before its linger duration was set to 0, so it is save to assume that all 3 issues are caused by it.

Proposed solution:

  • Make the aura use the default 0.5s buff linger duration again
  • Add codes to Borrowed Time which destroys the modifier_abaddon_borrowed_time_damage_redirect modifier on all affected allied heroes as soon as the borrowed_time modifier disappears on Abaddon

2. Aphotic Shield malfunction when combined with Borrowed Time aura or Ghostship rum

Aphotic Shield does not block any damage when the unit is also affected by Borrowed Time's aura or by Ghost Ship's rum, but it still lose capacity as if it did block.

Current behavior: For simplicity's sake, let's take a dagon 5 and say it deals 500 damage:

  • Dagon 5 alone: 500 damage
  • Dagon 5 on Aphotic Shield: 300 damage, 200 blocked by shield
  • Dagon 5 on aura/rum: 250 damage, 500 reduced by 50%
  • Dagon5 on shield+aura/rum: still 250 damage? reduced by 50%, but shield did nothing and still bursted as if it did

Expected behavior: There are 2 options:

  • Option 1: damage*aura/rum-shield = 500*0.5-200=50
  • Option 2: (damage-shield)*0.5 = 500-200*0.5 = 150

Option one would be more consistant, with Borrowed Time taking priority over Aphotic Shield. In option 2, Aphotic Shield takes priority.

Video demo As seen in the vid, Living Armor has the same issue.

3.Aphotic Shield malfunction when combined with Living Armor

Similar to the previous case. When a unit is affected by Aphotic Shield and Living Armor at the same time, this currently happens:

  • Living Armor functions normally, blocks damage loses a charge per instance
  • However, Aphotic Shield still loses health as if Living Armor did not block any damage.
  • To make things worse, Aphotic Shield itself does not block any damage while having Living Armor. So it loses health but does nothing.

Expected happenings: 2 options again:

  • Option 1: Living Armor blocks damage and loses charge, Aphotic Shield blocks remaining damage and loses capacity based on how much it blocked.
  • Option 2: Aphotic Shield blocks first. Living Armor therefore has nothing to block and keeps all its charges until Aphotic Shield is destroyed, at which point Living Armor can start blocking.

Video demo

4.Aphotic Shield's visual effect is tiny/invisible on some heroes and units

Aphotic Shield's visual effect size is based on the model. But some model have attachment issues, making the bubble extremely small or attach the bubble at bad spots, so that it's basically invisible on some heroes and units.

Here are some examples in a video showing the worst cases.

Worst cases are: Tiny, Drow Ranger, Broodmother, Gyrocopter, Riki, Viper, Weaver, Naga Siren, burrowed Nyx Assassin, Dier Siege Creep, Kobold Foreman/Taskmaster, Beastmaster's hawk, Roshan and Undying Zombie Torsos.

More bad cases are: Earthshaker, Underlord, Undying, Phoenix, Sand King, Ember Spirit, Medusa, Razor, Nyx, Oracle, Techies, Leshrac, Ogre Magi and Winter Wyvern.

Wisp also has an issue, the shield flickers heavily on it.

Here is an image showing the shield on all heroes, including their transformations, and here on all non-hero units.

Proposed fix: Most of these could be fixed by giving the shield a minimum size. As a comparison, Lotus Orb's Echo Shell does not have this issue, so maybe the behavior can be copied from there.

5. Borrowed Time heavy inconsistancy upon taking 2 damage instances at once.

It's strange. If you are low enough that damage can auto-trigger Borrowed Time, and if you take 2 damage instances at once, sometimes Borrowed Time heals from one of them and sometiems it doesn't.

Hard to put into words, so here is an image showing combat logs

Affected heroes/spells are:

  • Earthshaker (Aftershock + Fissure or Echo Slam)
  • Spectre (Desolate + attack damage)
  • Clinkz (Searing Arrows + attack damage)
  • Spirit Breaker (Greater Bash + Nether Strike or attack damage)
  • Lich (Frost Blast 2 damage instances on primary target)
  • Enchantress (Impetus + attack damage)
  • Silencer (Glaives of Wisdom + attack damage)
  • Elder Titan (Echo Stomp 2 damage instances)
  • Ancient Apparition (Chilling Touch + attack damage)
  • Nyx Assassin (Vendetta + attack damage)
  • Templar Assassin (Meld + attack damage)
  • Batrider (Sticky Napalm + any other damage from bat)
  • Outworld Devourer (Arcane Orb + attack damage)
  • Storm Spirit (Overload + attack damage)
  • Bounty Hunter (Shadow Walk + attack damage)

6.Borrowed Time cannot be shift-queued.

Same fate shared with Morphling's Morph, Ursa's scepter upgraded Enrage and Bane's Nightmare End sub-ability.

They all cannot be shift-queued. This is because of this flag they have:


This is what allows them to be cast while disabled. However, for some reason, it breaks shift-queue for those abilities. It shouldn't do that.

Video demo

7.Mist Coil causes the target enemy to suicide if they have Lotus Orb buff on

This is a bullshit interaction which really shouldn't happen.

You want to finish an enemy off with Mist Coil, the enemy is low enough to die to your coil. But the enemy has Echo Shell active from Lotus Orb. What happens instead is, before your Mist Coil applies its damage, Echo Shell reflects it, applying the self-damage, denying the hero and then your mist coil applies its damage after the target denied itself.

Why is lotus orb able to apply the spell effect before the original caster's spell applies its effect?

Mist Coil isn't the only spell suffering from this. Many single-target spells have this issue. If a spell is lethal to both of you, you actually die first to the reflected spell, instead of the target to your spell.

I suggest adding a split second delay to the reflecting of the spell. The spell should first be able to apply its effect before being reflected.

Video demo

8. Curse of Avernus doesn't grant Abaddon the buff on his first attack vs buildings.

His passive is supposed to buff Abaddon against any non-ward, non-allied target, no matter whether the enemy is debuffed already or not. This works fine against heroes and units, but not against buildings.

The ability can place its debuff on buildings. So Abaddon should get the buff on the first attack against them.

Video demo

submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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Long game

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:29 AM PST

Why Artour queues on EU West

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:09 AM PST

Check out our VIEWER-controllable 24/7 stream - DotaTV247

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

Hello everyone.
We've made a twitch channel dedicated to nonstop streaming of live ranked/pro matches.


The main feature of this channel is that you can control what's on stream via chat commands:

Top 3 matches for voting are picked based on how many popular players are in them, so if players like Miracle, Dendi, etc. are playing you should see their games in the list.

You can find basic usage explanation in the channel description or for a more thorough guide you can read this doc.

submitted by /u/dotatv247
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Nice clean teamfight execution

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:24 AM PST


Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:33 AM PST

I'm drunk, by thank you guys

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:16 AM PST

Hey I'm super drunk rn but I wanted to say thank you ticket he dota Reddit you guys are fucking anazing! Every time I play dota I have to get drunk as hell to actually make my courage go up so I can't play ranked. I have been playing since 2012 and I started my ranked career since 2013 wen ranked come out. I calibrated at 2.00000 K and I wish I could recalibrate because I know I m actually a lot bitter I just restarted playerijg ranked games because I like the thrill and the seriousness, I'm super sad that people are so big of mean people in the community and it makes some of yhe games super dumped having another party Friday if you guys want to. Come. My name in steam is :; Teza my picture is natures prophets face with an green. Background, I drew it myself based offf of a pic. So yeah add me on steam, my name is : Teza, my past name is NewBeta, I also play slot of csgo in case anyone wants to add me for that, but thanks so much for being a cool cummity and good listers.

Tldr ; do fucjing love you guys and I love dota 👌🏼❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

submitted by /u/NewBeta614
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Hey Valve, I feel like you disabling the 'view a player's sets in-game' feature means you are missing out on potential revenue

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:03 AM PST

What the title says. The other day a friend and I argued about this and he said "well, if you like the set you can always check at the end scoreboard to see what heroes your team/enemies used". I felt that the argument was fair, so I just left it at that.

Until this week when I was watching the DAC and was watching all those teams duke it out in the qualifiers. I can't remember which game it was, however I thought there was 1 pro whose Timbersaw set looked pretty dope. But alas, I couldn't view what set he was wearing so I couldn't become a potential customer of Timbersaw sets. I didn't bother until the end of the game to find out because there were other games that I wanted to watch. Now I'm remembering how I forgot. Ironic.

Sorry for the long-winded anecdotal point, but to put it simply, not everyone has the patience to watch a game until it ends at the scoreboard. And by doing so, I cannot throw my money at you!

Also, here's my shameless plug of why I also want the 'view player equipment' in-game. So I can brag about my awesome gems to them:

TL;DR: No 'view player equipment in-game' = cannot be a potential buyer of that set. Yeah, I'm complaining about why I cannot throw my money at Valve. Bite me.

submitted by /u/demiwaltz
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W33 with a blind raze kill

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 05:11 PM PST

7 Years - Performance by RTZ

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:32 AM PST

Fear's Great Escape

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 08:17 PM PST

Snout shield

Posted: 04 Feb 2017 02:42 PM PST

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