True Dota 2 - 7.02 Dire Offlane Creeps Pathing was Changed

7.02 Dire Offlane Creeps Pathing was Changed

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:33 AM PST

I posted this in the dota2 subreddit but got no response back. I just need some verification that im not going insane.

I noticed this change because i used to break the trees on the right of the secondary jungle hard camp to use as a pull camp. It was really strong with phoenix who could do this with Q but as soon as 7.02 hit i couldnt do this anymore.

This was because I noticed the creeps always walk on the right side of the tower now. At first i was like whatever thats fair, it was a pretty broken strat anyway.

But then it started to annoy me that I couldnt body block the creeps properly, they have weird pathing now. Like for example at the tier 1 tower ill always get 1 or 2 creeps deciding to break away and walk on the other side of the tower. It completely ruins the block as i cant get them to converge again properly by the time they get in front of the tower.

Surely this isnt just me right? Anyone else been noticing this?

submitted by /u/MetallicMike27
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7.02 best dual offlane combos vs. AM/Slark?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:14 PM PST

In previous patches I had a lot of success with undying+slow/stun against AM/slark, but I'm not liking it that much so far.

Centaur+tusk use to be a thing and I really like centaur solo off. Is tusk+cent good in 7.02?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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how viable is blink on sniper?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:20 AM PST

blink on sniper makes him super hard to catch, when should i get that(since it takes an inventory slot)

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Seeing a lot of hand of midas in my bracket.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:57 AM PST

Basically the concensus I have gathered is that hand of midas shouldnt work in this deathball meta. But in my unranked games, which I have no idea what teir we are but prob pretty low. If I was to completely guess I'd say 2.7ish? I met some guys and I play with people who are as high as 5k, and man those games are so much different, and more fun! anyway.

I am seeing so much hand of midas in my solo unranked games. Like, sometimes 5. not questioning if the item is good i guess, but if it's so bad why do I see it on at least 1 if not 2 heros a game when I am soloing.

It seems like my low teir games are going against the trend of death ball all towers by x mins. It's like, more farm than death ball at this level. Anybody experiencing this against the curve micro meta at bad levels?

submitted by /u/svene
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Why does no one build drum this patch?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

On paper it looks like a good item for the stats, mana regen and aura but no one ever builds it. Maybe the recipie should be cheaper? For an item built from a lot of cheap early game items 700 gold cost recipie is a big deterrant from buying it. I often have bracer and wind lace so consider a drum but 700 recipie cost makes it too expensive imo.

submitted by /u/Mr__Random
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Went from 800 mmr to 2k!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:31 PM PST

Thanks to this sub, I was able to improve my play by a whole lot. It's been a rocky road, but it's so worth it. IM AVERAGE NOW.


submitted by /u/HowIsBuffakeeTaken
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Winning and having fun

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

I play a few different online games (rocket league, quake 3, tf 2), and something I've noticed is in Dota having fun seems much more dependant on winning.

Like in other games the outcome is just less important. TF2 is just as fun when you're fighting against a stomp, because you can make your own fun experiences. But in Dota it seems like fun is much more about winning or at least having a tie. Maybe this is why people flame more, or pick up on others bad plays? Frankly in other games I barely notice if my teammates make a mistake.
There are a few exceptions like if you start playing your own game as a split pushing NP or base mining techies, where your game experience is not so linked to the rest of your team. Anyone else feel this way? Dota is the only game I have played that is like this.

submitted by /u/Kaiped1000
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So we came to the situation where low priority provides better quality games...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:26 PM PST

It's hilarious. Everyone sooner or later loses temper and it doesn't matter if its a good or bad person. Looks like every normal person that knows how to play below bracket 5k has landed into low priority. The games i'm getting on normal rating is TERRIBLE. Quality of games is complete utter shit. While on low prio everything seems to be balanced. People ward, call miss, roam, cooperate.

I've started to leave games as soon as i get back to normal games. Just so i can play some quality ones. That's the pure effect of Behaviour System.

Low prio seems to be outside of Behaviour System influence, because you know what ? Well all bad guys are supposed to be trapped there, so no point in using it.

Behaviour system is the worst thing that happened to Dota. I know noone who would not lose his temper sooner or later when provoked, and this kind of games are just pure oil for such situations.

Valve your system doesn't work - True Dota is in Low Prio

submitted by /u/pojzon_poe
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How should Treant Protector be played in 7.02?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:38 PM PST

I've been mostly playing him as a pos 4 going for a fast aghs, but I'm not sure if it's worth getting a blink dagger first. What are your thoughts on how he should played in this patch?

submitted by /u/Erolone
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Roaming Naga

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:11 PM PST

Just wanted to hear your guys thoughts on a pos 4 roaming Naga. I havent had much time to test this out in pubs but theres two main points id like to bring up that makes me think it would be viable. Roots were buffed and she has high movespeed in the beginning. My starting building would be ideally 2 mangos, wind lace and a ward. Transition into arcane, Mek (into greaves if needed) then an aghs.

Gameplay wise just start rotating into lanes and setting up kills with ensnare, which has a decent range. In between kills just grab bounties and stay off the map to create pressure. A core weakness i see in her roaming ability however is Naga lacks any real damage to kill if she were to run into an enemy support while rotating unlike pudge or something so your goal would be to gank the lanes and avoid other confrontations outside of those.

For skill build id would just first max ensnare and riptide, while completly ignoring her illusions until you have to level it. Another point id like to bring up is with riptide the minus armor is also something that could potentially synergize well with your team and allow your rotations to have a greater impact.

Again i haven't actually tested this out, mostly just theory crafting here so let me know your thoughts

submitted by /u/AsianSpices
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Core Jakiro farming issues, tips?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

I feel like Jakiro is powerful if you get to the point where you'd get to an Aghs+Refresher(Which is a disgusting underused combo by the way, free rax if you get there); offlane or mid lane is my lane choice.
Midas makes you punished; Veil + Q + Liquid Fire makes a lot of CS missed or denied in between DoT procs if the wave's pushed on, Maelstrom is silly.
What's the approach one should take as Core Jakiro to stay a core in farm?
Also, one slightly off topic question, thoughts on new Dual Breath talent/15 especially for that purpose?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Why isn't ember seen more at the pro level?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:20 PM PST

Ember was picked a few times at the asia championship qualifier tournament, but i was expecting a lot more. Why does ember seem so much stronger in pubs?

submitted by /u/Dat_Speed
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