Learn Dota 2 - Day four since switching to DotA from LoL

Day four since switching to DotA from LoL

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:55 AM PST

I must say it feels great. The people are super nice, the teams are flexible, everyone is willing to help you learn, the access to every hero, the unique complexities of the game which leads to a seemingly infinite skill ceiling, and so much more.

Coming from LoL, Paragon, and SMITE; there is so much satisfaction stemming from all of this fresh gameplay and plethora of learnable mechanics.

I'm having loads of fun and I seldom notice the long game timers. DotA 2 has become my new addiction I think. I don't know why I didn't switch sooner.

submitted by /u/DefiantOneGaming
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How to use Naga's Ult?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:40 PM PST

I really like Naga Siren, both as a carry and as a support. I've gotten pretty decent with radiance timing (best is 16 min with Aquila+bottle+talon in an empty lobby) and I think I can utilize the first three skills effectively.

Of course, the title of this post is about the Ult. I try to use it mostly defensively and sometimes I do save my teammate. But other times I end up saving an enemy or wasting my allies' skills. It's hard to not blame it on my teammates, but there was one instance in particular where an enemy Luna was BKBed and my team didn't seem to know that they could still attack her, so naturally she output a lot of damage without my team doing anything about it.

Should I just give up picking this hero in solo queue and wait until I play with friends? Or are there some ways I can work on effectively using her in pubs?

submitted by /u/metallizard107
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How does one play a high MMR Venomancer?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:31 PM PST

Does the ~5 min jungle Midas strategy still apply?
How do you itemize? So far the best Veno I ever saw was an aura carrier(HotD + Vlad) that pushed a lot of early momentum with wards; mid-game swaying teamfights with ults in enemy team and late-game just be unkillable with multiple item actives(invisibility, Euls, Ghost scepter).
What's the playstyle early, mid and late-game in general?
Thanks for elaborate tips!

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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How out dated is my Clockwork build?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:43 PM PST


I loved Pharaoh in HoN and he was a direct import of Clockwork.

I basically built a Soul Ring, some kind of boots and then Nerco-book. Any luxiary items I got after that was tanky stuff like Shiva's or heart. I was thinking about replacing the Soul Ring cause I understand its quite bad in Dota 2 (???) with a Basilius.

So my idea was:

  • Quelling + Ring of Protection + Regen as needed.
  • Stout/cloak (if needed) + Boots + Basilius.
  • Finish boots (probs Treads, maybe Mana boots if needed).
  • Get as many levels of Necro-book as possible.
  • Then get like Pipe, Shiva's, Abysal (maybe)

Sounds fine or am I super out-dated?

submitted by /u/AshumanTV
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Iron Talon vs Midas on offlane slardar

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

Sub 3k mmr, is Iron Talon better on offlane Slardar than Midas to supplement lane farm with additional jg farm?

My concern with Midas (after blink) is that it costs 2k delaying your force staff or shadow blade. I believe the main reason for Midas is to offset falling behind in exp primarily because initating can often lead to dying without recieving the xp from kills you set up. If you had a force staff instead, you have a much higher chance of surviving as well as being able to provide a tonne of other utility.

In addition, farming patterns of allies is very inefficient in lower mmr so it's not like I'm stealing the faem from pos 1 and 2 as they would've ignored it anyways.

In fact, how about iron talon on pos4 slardar as well for thr same reasons? Again, not contesting the carries for any resources as so many jungle camps are forgotten (or alternativelu they farm jungle when safe lane farm is availabe in which case I take that).

Tl;dr if Midas is used on slardar to help keep up with xp after dying from initiating, why not just get force staff which is core item to try survive initiating and an iron talon for some supplementary farm?

submitted by /u/2blackkittens
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best hero to abuse techies' 50 gold landmine?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:29 PM PST

what heroes are best counter to techies landmines? obviously we need some kind of vision to easily spot mines and its just 1 hit right click and you get easy 50 gold. when laning and techies puts a landmine just right click it fast after he puts it before it explodes but when its hidden in fog its going to be hard to farm it. any suggestions?

submitted by /u/lester_pe
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When to play Nyx Assassin?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:24 PM PST

I'm really new and I'm looking to learn all of the heroes (at least how they work). Nyx looks like a lot of fun but I know that it's not the strongest hero but I was wondering what matchups would be ideal to pick Nyx into? Where should I play Nyx? Do I prioritize farming or ganking?

submitted by /u/DefiantOneGaming
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Why have I suddenly got stuck in 3.6 - 3.7 mmr.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:42 PM PST

Every 2 games I play are either wins or losses. And that means I win 2 and lose 2 or lose 2 and win 2 back. I don't understand why I climbed through 3.5 and 3.6 fast then suddenly i stop at 3.7. Due to this ive become incredibly stressed in my life and Im starting to effect my wellbeing. I have holes in my door and whenever I seem to make the slightest mistake I tilt and go off on my team mates. ( I was never like this before). Do I need a break?

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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HoN player new to DotA 2, playing on USE and I'm looking for a coach to improve!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:40 PM PST

So far I've played roughly 120 matches at normal skill. I started by playing hard carries, since that was my best role as a HoN (Heroes of Newerth) player. More recently I've been trying to learn different roles and heroes to round my game out.


My reaction time and mechanical skill is quite good. For those of you who have never played HoN, it is a much faster paced game, requiring good mechanics to be average at. I was in the 1800mmr skill bracket which is equivalent to about 5-6k mmr in DotA (not exact, but have heard this from other players).

My attitude and instinct to press advantages is better than the majority of my team mates thus far.


TONS, mostly due to my relative inexperience with DotA2, specifically hero counters, timing, ganking paths. For example, in HoN, If i were playing safe lane, I would only ever break creep equilibrium if I was going to gank mid or jungle and heal at base. In DotA, it seems sometimes pushing the lane and manipulation of creeps can go a long way in determining early skirmishes and lane control because of how the creep aggro functions.

You tell me!

What Im Hoping to achieve:

To round out my hero pool and understand the thought processes and tactical awareness that certain roles should follow.


Username is Mithrandir

SteamID-76561198054395617 http://steamcommunity.com/id/GandalfTheGrizzay/

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/94129889

Looking to play at about 8:30 EST!

P.S please have a mic :)

submitted by /u/CyrusTheVirus_X
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Phantomlancer Aghs in 7.02

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:53 PM PST

I just played my first 3 pl games in a looong time... regarded the hero as bad tbo. His dotabuff rating currently is 46% wr and even worse negative correlation with mmr.

First match i got kinda "carried" didnt perform badly but it was a stomp and i wasnt online yet. Second match tho 2 7 2 stats we are down a rax against Pa Sf Ursa EarthSpirit and Bristle.

Then Aghs came online ... ended 14 7 15 yep not a single death completely carried from thereon out.

Third was kinda equal but the longer the game went the more of a threat i became (also relatively to what they can put up)

He may not be the greatest pick against every lineup and had pa gone into battlefury it mighta looked different but overall this hero feels really strong right now.

Also got flamed hard when we were loosing for building aghs so i guess the community considers it shit which is why im creating this thread.

I refrain from buying diffusal and go aquila treads pms oov -> aghs. After that it depends but i prefer tanky statitems so skadi sny heart of tarrasque if against physical lineup probably sny into butterfly or smth akin to that considered AC havent tried yet tho.


Lance > Doppelganger > Phantomrush

1 Valuepoint in Rush somewhat early on. Begin skilling ult only once i begin jungling.

Talents: Spiritlance Dmg (Skill the moment i get aghs up)


Either of Evasion and MR depending on lineup

Either of both depending on game and itembuild.

Playstile: Abuse Aghs abuse Aghs abuse Aghs... one lance easily clears a wave / camp take advantage to splitpush, farm neutrals and waves at once. In teamfights try to fight on lanes and keep spamming lance when theres creeps close with the above mentioned build you are super tanky.

No you dont deal the most dmg but just by your opponents being permanently surrounded by illusions youll create enough of a nuisance to win fights with your team.

Play the engage disengage game never use Doppelganger to start a fight (ive seen people do that ...) use it during the fight to evade ults and reset the "find out whos the real one game" when theyve figured you out (with so much tank and attackspeed itll be hard to figure out whats the real one)

Also dont select Autocontrol summoned units ever on no hero but pl especially ... use unified unit orders or controlgroups instead. Also set illusions / summoned units to autattack. I mostly play with only the main pl selected while my illusions do what they please. As they will all be attacking different targets / running to different locations anyways it will be hard for your opponents to a) just nuke em all to figure which one looses the least hp b) disable blinks "whoops" c) allow your to annoy multiple targets at once without paying much attention to it. Also once youve figured your next kill you can just ctrl click that target but only if necessary not by default.

Not building diffu hurts your dps but the utility of just being tanky as fuck / impossible to focus down will win you many many fights.

Items to consider Manta if opponents try to counter you with orchids / got a natural silencer / silencer on their team. Radiance if they lack any good illu clears and are relatively squishy, mkb as needed maaaybe diffu if you really want to purge someone or your opponents carry is wraithking but please get tanky first.

Whats your thoughts on 7.02 PL? His wr is shit but then again many people stick to the guide when going for their builds so maybe the issue is there? These matches happened at pretty much exactly 4k higher skill opponents may have less trouble but then higher skill pls also are better at dodging.


Holy fuck TL:DR: Too long tldr takes too much time.

submitted by /u/yinyie
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Fundamental Dota Skills

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:37 PM PST

hi r/learndota2. Quick question for you. What do you guys think are the fundamental skills for dota players? Stuff like last hitting, map awareness, positioning, harassing, etc. I'm trying to practice the fundamentals, but first I have to identify what those would be?

Also in your guys' opinion what do you think is better long term? Learning how to play a few handful of heroes VERY well, or being able to play a large pool of heroes pretty well.

Let me know what you guys think, any help would be great.

submitted by /u/bakedbeans18
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Mask of madness in 7.02?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:35 AM PST

I never see anyone buying this item (5k avg games) and never buy it myself either. What heroes do u guys use this item on? Is it considered 'meta' on any heroes in high mmr games?

submitted by /u/Wakawakayukayuka
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Vanguard over vlads on PA?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:19 AM PST

I've been looking at some PA builds and alot of them include vlads. With the level 15 talent (10% lifesteal), wouldn't vanguard be the way to go now? Vanguard gives you enough sustain to jungle without taking too much damage, also allows you to be a little tankier early, and also builds into abyssal for late game. I'm thinking of starting stout, regen, phase, vanguard, (roa if needed), deso.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/Nwball
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I'm never six slotted anymore with late game items.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

I feel like my item progressions go like this.

Examples from a recent juggernaut game.

  1. Get primary attribute booting early game item. [Ring of Aquila]

  2. Get upgraded boots. [Phase Boots]

  3. Get midgame item [Helm of the Dominator]

  4. Get second midgame item that can be extended into a lategame item [Yasha], then extend it into the late game [Manta Style]

  5. Get third midgame item [Maelstrom] that can be extendeded into a lategame item [Mjollnir]

  6. Gotta have tp scrolls.

and by the time I finish extended my third midgame item into my 2nd lategame item, it's all over. GG.

Things like MKB, Skadi, Divine Rapier, Daedalus... I don't often find myself being able to build them. If the game goes well, we end. I find myself wishing I was deciding between building MKB or Divine rapier, because the super late game items are so much fun, and I'm using them rarely.

Is this the fast pace of 7.00? Or was the game always like this.

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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How to change mindset from group to solo

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:39 PM PST

Cause I play with my group alot and we smoke gank, deward, stack and pull alot, tp mid to refill bottle and bring items faster etc..

In solo ranked (3k now 2.7k) this shit never happens.

I'm so used to people having tp's early on so if someone gets ganked we can turn it around and supports not staying in your lane 24/7 attacking the enemy heroes and making the creeps attack them.

I got to 3k by outfarming my enemies and winning late game, but this patch is all about fighting, so I'm not sure if playing passive would be smart.

I also rarely if ever tell them what to do, that they should smoke gank or just gank normaly cause our carry is fine solo, that we should group and push cause we're better early then they are, and just basic shit that I feel like they should know.

Mainly cause you get reported for being "bossy" (somewhat understandable, but someone has to call for some strats/plays right?) or more commonly just ignored.

tl;dr Should I play with the mindset that everyone is a fucking idiot that doesnt know what to do 24/7 or expect them to understand basic shit without commanding them around?

submitted by /u/Beast644
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Force Staff before Dragon Lance?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Edit: Specific for sniper. Forgot to put on title.

We all know that dragon lance is amazing and on sniper allows him to siege from really far while also teamfight without being that focused, but in some games that the enemy has good initiators and something like a spirit breaker that can catch you anywhere, do you guys think having a force staff first would allow for a better escape, meaning you die less and dont just become a liability?

submitted by /u/Theflyingship
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Invoker's combo

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST

I'm having a hard time learning when to use what abilities and how to chain the combo. I'm trying to learn invoker atm and still can't overcome his learning curve. Please help, any advice is appreciated.

Edit: I play QE most of the time

submitted by /u/KhangEngio
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Things to master

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:25 AM PST

Hey guys. Which things, in your opinion, can be mastered in sandbox mode? For example last hitting, jungling patterns, etc.

submitted by /u/nopurumpe
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Farming as melee strength heroes

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:49 AM PST

I recently played a spirit breaker game that was fairly typical for me. By this I mean I had very little farm compared to what I should have. Obviously my last hitting is atrocious (I'm unranked by open dota says I'm about 1.5k), but my real question is how to farm after the laning stage.

As SB, I have to be ready to gank at all times which means my health needs to be topped off. Whenever I try to far the jungle I get down to 50% HP and therefore can't help with fights without running to a shrine or base. I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. Should I focus on lane creeps until I can two-shot neutrals so they don't hurt me? This happens when I play a lot of melee strength heroes such as Centuar, Slardar and others. I end up using my regen for jungle farming rather than trading. Does anyone have any tips for improving my post-laning farm?

Here is a match I played a few minutes ago to show what I am talking about. Match 2999625147

submitted by /u/keithgmccall
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mentality or simply skill level?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:34 AM PST

So basically, it got back to playing dota 2 months ago after 1,5 year , and i climbed from 3k3 to 4k with ease, i usually play 3 games a day, win 2 and lose 1. Sometimes i get lucky, win 2 and stop. What i recognize is that i am much worse than i used to be, mechanically. I still know the things i should do, i just don't really bother doing them. Such as keeping equilibrium, stacking, denying, zoning. I also don't really switch tread or optimize my build and items at all. I just play and don't really give a fuck. For some reason, i win a lot. Is it because the attitude or maybe the bar for mmr has raised ever since

submitted by /u/GriffithTheGay
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How much is coaching worth it?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:15 AM PST

I am considering getting coaching for a few specific reasons. I know every coach is different and how I am as a player also depends on how much they can help me, but basically

  1. I play at the 1k MMR level, I sometimes say to myself I can't really be as bad as these people, but then I accept that if I am not as bad as these people, why am I 1k mmr? Ideally, I think some coaching would check my ego. I feel like the randomness of 1k mmr makes winning consistently rather hard and I think somehow I can level around this random-ness with some help.
  2. I do feel I've gotten a lot better as a player over time and I feel like I am constantly improving, but those improvements don't seem to be translating into wins and I'm not 100% sure if I'm just missing an opportunity to get my team over the goal line.

I guess I'm inevitably asking what other people's experience with this has been and has it helped them, hopefully with the things I mentioned here.

Thanks <3

submitted by /u/hntd
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Tips for improving my last hit frequency

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:21 AM PST

I saw in another post that last hitting is something that should be mastered. How can I do that?

submitted by /u/Hunterross11
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Could you ever purge slarks leap with manta

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:09 AM PST

how to improve as a captain and as a team (47xx-58xx mmr)

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:15 AM PST

HeyGuys, you ever play them CM games and dominate the lanes and have great early/mid game but still lose and the enemy team manage to win the game still? could be bkuz of 1 fight they managed to wipe us at, their offlane Slardar kept farming the offlane camps got his blink however he died 2-3 times in lane..game turned down from us snowballing to them snowballing us so bad. how to make less mistakes how to pick a team play style than just doing our lanning phase

submitted by /u/Sanrut
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