Smite - Weekend of Feb 11 Competitive Megathread - SPL Spring Relegations!

Weekend of Feb 11 Competitive Megathread - SPL Spring Relegations!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:58 AM PST

Smite Pro League Relegations are this Friday and Saturday! 3 teams from each region missed Super Regionals in Season 3, and those teams will play the top 3 teams from the Open Bracket in a Round Robin Best of 1 series to see who makes the SPL in each region. Three teams make it into the SPL from here, and the teams that do not make it have the ability to play in the Challenger's Circuit to make it into the SPL later in the season. This will be the first time these teams play an official competitive match in Season 4, so they need to bring their best!

Official HiRez Thread #1

Official HiRez Thread #2

Where to watch: Twitch or Youtube, Sat, Feb 11 and Sun, Feb 12 @ 1pm EST/6pm GMT

Meet the Teams

All of these are subject to change this weekend, some of these are speculation as we have not heard official rosters for some teams yet

EU Returning

Team eLevate CycloneGG New Game Plus
Solo MoGoW Deathwalker N0Numbers
Jungle Faeles iceicebabyy Repikas
Mid Wlfy Kero
Support Dardez KaLaS Murrdurr
Hunter Jermain VoteNBK Gamehunter

NA Returning

Team Noble Enemy NeilMah
Solo Uzzy KikiSoCheeky
Jungle ElChapo Skeeledon
Mid MLCSt3alth Khaos Venenu
Support Wubbn NeiruMah
Hunter W0wy PandaCat DayToRemember

EU Hopefuls

Team Novus Orsa Last Minute Monsters Deserted
Solo Duck3y R3bound TheBigSB
Jungle FrostiaK Hestrix Gorgonzolla
Mid ShadowNightmare Dirgius
Support Frezzyy HalfDevil Hoek
Hunter FleuryQ Baas

NA Hopefuls

Team In Memory of Gabe Astral Authority Cope is Still the Problem
Solo Whalrus Mangoh Copebby
Jungle Cynosure fineokay Mexiety
Mid Hurriwind Sheyka Viper
Support Eonic LeftSyndrome Balentine
Hunter Snoopy FaymousHate Sops

Scores for Relegations

Will be updated throughout the weekend


Team Win Loss
eLevate 0 0
CycloneGG 0 0
New Game Plus 0 0
Novus Orsa 0 0
Last Minute Monsters 0 0
Deserted 0 0


Team Win Loss
Enemy 0 0
Noble 0 0
NeilMah 0 0
In Memory of Gabe 0 0
Astral Authority 0 0
Cope is Still the Problem 0 0

Who do you think will make it out? What matches will be the most hype? Most of all, who's excited?? Let your voices be heard in the comments!

submitted by /u/Srixis
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I miss Xing Tian

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:26 PM PST

I miss the old Xing Tian, the four skills Xing Tian

The no-head Xing Tian, set on his goals Xing Tian

I hate the new Xing Tian, 1 second ult Xing Tian

Nerfed slam Xing Tian, can't clear the wave Xing Tian

I miss release Xing Tian, beat Ravana senseless Xing Tian

I gotta say, at that time I played Xing Tian

See, they made Xing Tian, there wasn't any Xing Tians

And now I look and look around and there are no Xing Tians

I used to love Xing Tian, I still love Xing Tian

I even had the recolor and VP, I thought I was Xing Tian

What if Xing Tian met a Xing Tian in lane?

Called "Literally Frozen Lane", man that'd be so Xing Tian

That's all it was Xing Tian, we still love Xing Tian

And I love /r/smite like I love Xing Tian

Anyways can we talk about this lovable once-unkillable lump of wind and steel? I miss him being actually good, why did HiRez have to gut him and his kit?

submitted by /u/RHTheMadKing
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iRaffer's 10 Qualifying games as support and also more content to come, helping with builds and gods in season 4.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

DMBrandon tests Kuzenbo vs Scylla Ult

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:12 AM PST

Please give us the option to hide Fantasy Points on the loading Card

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:21 AM PST

This is something I've been hoping would happen for a while now, but I didn't really care enough to post about it. The addition of the "FP Level" thing on this season's ticket is what made me really want this.

Smite has some really incredible Card Art and I love being able to see it while loading. Having the bottom clogged up by numbers really seems like a waste unless you're trying to show off (which you can do just fine by getting the rewards as the ticket goes on).

I think there should be an option on the Profile Loadout screen under Loading Frame that says "Hide Points" so that you can equip a Season Ticket frame (or Odyssey frame or whatever) without having the bottom of the card be cluttered by point values.

submitted by /u/TheIrishbug
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Can we remove thoths stun already?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:56 AM PST

Seriously, safest poke and laneclear in the game, insane burst ult, ungankable with his dash and range, revert his cc already to being a slow, he just has way too much atm.

Oh and nerf heartseeker while you're at it, this item is broken af, serqet's 2 alone shouldn't do high damage -_-' I love my assassins, but this item is just beyond stupid atm how much burst it provides on skills that are balanced around not doing high damage.

submitted by /u/Nalessa
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Console 4.1 and 4.2 Plans

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:58 PM PST

The Last Three Gods' Card Arts

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

I'm extremely happy to see that the latest three Default Cards for the last gods added to the roster (Nike, The Morrigan and Kuzenbo) have all been made by the same AMAZING artist, Scebiqu

IMO he is one of the best, if not the best, artists that work for HiRez and I just wanted to give him recognition for his work, that just never disappoints, since when they show the card they never mention who's the author

Among his Cards there is also Chiron's one, my personal favorite

submitted by /u/Endedinmay
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Hirez nerfing gods without telling us is not OK

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

In the latest live patch Guan Yu took a nerf and no its not to his heal. Many of you probably don't even know his nerf hell even i didn't until i looked at his abilities today. I'm not mad he took a nerf, I'm mad HiRez didn't even tell us about his nerf.

So what happened to him is he took a nerf to his escalation damage on his ult. It went from 20% to 10% which id rather have the extra 10% escalation then the 30 flat damage on his ultimate at max rank heres how much it affects him 175 -> 210 -> 252 -> 302.4 -> 362.88 -> 435.456 is how much his ult used to do assuming 0 mitigation heres how much his ult does now 205 -> 225.5 -> 248.05 -> 272.855 -> 300.1405 -> 330.15455

Which incase you don't want to do the math is about 156 damage decrease base on his ult excluding scaling. Again to Reiterate why were we not told about this nerf why did they hide this from us because this could very well be a big nerf to him over all and what else have they changed and not told us about?

Proof in case you need it Patch Notes: that i took a picture of in case they get change

Season change:


Video of Guan Yu damage on Xbox:

A picture of the damage log of Guan Yu ult:

Also the PTS patch notes were taken down by the time i went to search so i had to use other sources the pts patch notes

submitted by /u/TheRandomPersona
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Isis portrait

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:43 AM PST

Thanatoast Skin Concept

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

Kukulkan kills himself from Kuzenbo Reflect Damage!!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:38 AM PST

Solo lane matchups list!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:14 AM PST

I've been doing some research on matchups in the sololane, this is the (unfinished) list with counters/preferable matchups.
If you can contribute to this list or disagree with something, please leave a comment down below so I can edit the list!

Amaterasu: Osiris, Ravana, Ratatoskr, (softcounter) Tyr
Ama's bad early game makes her very vulnerable against the lane bullies such as Osiris and Ravana, Tyr is also really good against you since you need to get close to the wave to clear it, but her silence can stop Tyr waveclear if timed correctly.

Aphrodite: Odin, Chang'e, Thanatos, Osiris If the Chang'e is worth a damn an early Divine Ruin will completely shut down Aphrodite's already tremendously bad early game. Thanatos silence + scythe combo is just enough to kill Aphrodite before she can recover from the silence to heal back up. Osiris' entire kit is just a big F.U. to Aphrodite with his slows, stun, and antiheal.

Bakasura: Aphrodite, Bellona, Tyr, Nike, Chaac (others as well) Aphrodite punishes him for trying to eat minions and has all the self peel in the world to keep him from getting close enough to damage her. Tyr and others just stop him from farming succesfully, which is his main goal in sololane because of his mid-lategame potential. Bellona's 3 cancels Baka's damage and clear, and her shield gives her a protection buff from AA's. Not to mention that when Bakasura ults, Bellona can use her #2 to just clear all those minions within a second.

Bellona: Herc, SWK, Xing tian, Sobek, Tyr,
All those gods can interrupt her bludgeon and make her laning phase hell, Swk can poke her frequently and give her a hard time clearing. Xing and Sobek (Ymir?) counter Bellona because they interrupts her clear, can trade with her and while they loses early he wins lane after just a few levels, while outscaling her in lategame. Tyr's prevent her bludgeon, and his superior sustain allows him to bully her out of lane.

Cabrakan: Herc, Vamana ,SWK, Amaterasu, Hades, Ymir
Cabraken has a lot of burst dmg and his tremors help him to finish off kills, gods that can interrupt it make his clear a lot worse and forces him to get poke from the minions and you, all the gods I mentioned has the ability to counter his tremors.

Chaac: (softcounter) Guan Yu, Osiris
Chaac doesn't have many counters. The best strategy might be to pick a god that outshines him lategame, because a good Chaac will never be bullied out of lane except maybe by an Osiris. Guan Yu might be a good pick because Chaac can't interrupt his clear, Guan can survive poke, and Guan outshines him lategame.

Camazotz: Chaac, (softcounters) Ravana
Nobody truly "counters" Camazotz except for maybe Chaac who can safely clear the wave and heal up the poke. Almost any other god he'll just poke down if they try to get close to him. Ravana softcounters Camazotz by standing in front of his abilities while immune, which will hinder his waveclear but it's a pretty unreliable tactic.

Chang'e: Erlang, Chaac, Nike, Ravana
Against Chang'e you need a god with good clear and sustain, so you dont fall behind too hard.

Guan Yu: SWK, Hades, Cabraken, Amaterasu, Thanatos, Odin, Ratatoskr, Hercules
Guan Yu is really strong his tallow assault shred protections and does a lot of dmg, but it can be interrupted easily so gods like SWK, Hades, Thanatos, Ratatoskr, Hercules and Ama can just get stun\silence him and he won't able to clear the wave. Odin's cage also counters him heavily, and it shouldn't be to hard to hit a birdbom on a Guan Yu when he uses tallow assault.

Hades: Sobek, Vamana
While not necessarly a counter, Aphro can lane very well against Hades because she doesn't need to be near her wave to clear enemy minions, and her lategame is far more relevant than Hades' Safe clears with anti heal built in their kit counter hades. Sobek, who can sustain well, tank quite a bit of the initial combo, dash or ult from hades ult and counter hades heal. Passive with tank boots really allow sobek to soak up the dmg early game. Vamana who can clear safely while having a better counter ult and a dash. Tank boot starts are a frustration for hades. As his sources of dmg come from multiple instances of damage.

Hercules: Vamana, Osiris.
Herc doesn't have many. Vamana counter him because he can be under the tower and farm up safely while Herc can't do anything about it, he can try to knock him up but its easily avoidable. Odin seems like the ultimate counter to anything, becuase similar to Ama and Guan Yu the anti heal and cage is really strong against him.

Kuzenbo (prediction): Hercules
Herc dash beats Kuzenbo's charge; Kuzenbo passive gets cleared by Herc's knockup and knockback. Tyr could probably work too

Nike: Ymir, Erlang, SWK, Xing Tian, Hercules, Ratatoskr (others) Counter to Nike is any solo lane God that can cc her out of her 1. If you cc her out of it she has no real clear and you can bully her because of it. Letting her to get to late will be a problem for you

Odin: Ravana, Hades, Tyr, Herc, (softcounter) Bellona and Osiris
Ravana has a lot of poke that Odin cant heal back, and his 2 and hades dash are immune to Odin burst. Tyr wins because his knockup can interrupt birdbomb and his ult can escape The Cage(TM). Bellona would also be a good pick because Odin can't interrupt her bludgeon and she can use ult to escape his cage or avoid his burst. Osiris isn't a great matchup for Odin after one piece of defense. He walks out of Odins cage for free. His 3 will make Odins little boxing skills do even less. Osiris 3+1+2 will make it very scary for Odin to do anything other than clear wave and he will put Odins timers on cooldown for the next wave. A good Osiris will make this a difficult matchup if he is safe for the first ~5 minutes.

Osiris: Freya, Amaterasu, Guan yu Osiris has a really good early, hard to counter as any god. His teamfight presence isn't the best tho, so a lot of other warriors late game will make him under preform. Amaterasu for example as much more to offer in a team fight, same with Guan Yu etc. And Freya, because Freya is broken.

Ravana: Bellona, Chaac
Ravana has one of the best early game laning potential and only gods like Bellona and Chaac can trade with him early , his team fight presence is really bad though and he gets outshined by Ama and Guan (Herc?).

Ratatoskr: Osiris, (softcounters) SWK and Chaac Osiris Damage mitigation and boxing potential is a direct counter to Rat. Antiheal and witch blade shuts Rat down. SWK and Chaac get a bit troublesome with their safe poke and heals.

Sun Wu Kong: (soft counters) Chaac, Odin

Tyr: Guan Yu, Sobek, (softcounter) SWK, Chang'e
Guan Yu just because when he uses Tallow Assault Tyr can't dash through him. Sobek because his pluck interrupts fearless and has some antiheal to limit Tyr's sustain (while sustaining himself).

Thanatos: Ravana, Tyr, Osiris, Camazotz, Chaac,
Ravana can 2 his scythe, reducing healing and waveclear and setting up for punishment.

Vamana: Osiris, (softcounters) Guan Yu, Ymir
Osiris counters Vamana. Bullies him hard early on in lane and can ruin his ult with antiheal from his own ult, Witchblade and Pestilence.

Xing Tian: ....

Ymir: Tyr?, Hercules, Osiris, (softcounter) Sun Wukong
Low mobility can't handle with Herc's and Tyr's displacement well. Also Osiris can just wail on him until he's dead. Chaac soft-counters Ymir by simply poking him out and outclearing him. He's also not too bothered by Ymir's usual style of bullying.

submitted by /u/Assclownn
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Guan Yu remastery!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

Double everything Alone/together...which is it?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:36 AM PST

Kuzenbo VP

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:54 AM PST

Whoever designed his FX and voicelines deserves an award.

You're on Duo and your ADC dies? * [VVGO] Oops, he he

You want to humiliate your enemy? * [VET] You look strong. Kappa

You want to annoy your teammates? * [VEW] Kappa, Kappa, KAPPA! KA!

And of course immortal and always funny sound of farting when idle. Best Guardian ever, will main him

submitted by /u/PanSilent
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Thought: what if you could use both charges of chalice of the oracle to deploy a sentry ward?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:12 PM PST

Maybe some kind of "alternate fire" on it to allow you to place a sentry ward?

submitted by /u/n8r99
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God Icon Frames

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:34 PM PST

There seems to be a lot of misinformation out there about the Gold/Platinum/Diamond/etc frames around God icons in lobby. I've heard many different things such as;

"The longer win streak you're on the more your frame ranks up."

"It's based entirely off winrate."

"It has to do with which rank you are on the God leaderboards."

I was leaning towards believing the people saying it was the God leaderboard ranking however I have a platinum and a diamond and yet when I look at the leaderboard I am not top 200 and most of the people on there don't have the frame while a minority do.

HiRez, /u/ponponweiwei , please release some kind of statement explaining these as they were not properly introduced and are confusing a lot of people.

/u/HiRezCapslock , The system is currently bugged. My rank I achieved in Duel for both Neith and Rama is showing up on the about page next to "Joust" while next to Duel it says "Qualifying" even though I have played 0 joust games and the frames show up in Duel.

submitted by /u/AzorAhaiIsJonSnow
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Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:02 AM PST

Smite Song - Ganking (Twenty One Pilots - Heathens PARODY) ♪

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:09 AM PST

More bans in 1v1 duel? Discuss!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:12 PM PST

So far, we have 3 bans in duel, which provides some coverage, however, many people argue that this doesn't cover enough gods and i personally agree, on top of the fact there have been about 21 god releases since we first had the option to ban 3 gods, since then, a lot of old gods have come and gone in and out of the 1v1 meta but now we have way more stuff to cover and this is proven by the dominance of gods like skadi, amc, freya, kali, etc. with their extremely high win rates.

However, while it is true that increasing the number of bans will just make the next higher tier gods be the ones people cry about being overpowered, and while that is a fair point, there are a lot more gods in A tier than S tier, gods that you may not be able to deal with or may be easily able to deal with depending on your build, what i don't wnat is to be left with 40 bans or something and not be able to play anything good, what i want is more consistency, there should be hard some hard matches, yes but not matches you are doomed to lose just because a character you didn't get to ban is practically unbeatable due to their extreme advantages in 1v1 scenarios, it is certainly not the only solution and this is certainly not so big of a problem as some the game is facing nowadays and i would love to hear your opinions about it! Do you agree or do you disagree? Why?

TL;DR: Some of us want more bans in duel, some don't, both sides have their pros and cons. Which side are you on and why?

submitted by /u/CodenameShade
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I played a Joust game, ended up being a 4v3 and I still won.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:26 PM PST Guess I'm just a god ;), totally not a Morrigan glitch or anything.. nah.

submitted by /u/StartingRivalry
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Epic Fight in Solo Lane; Not so Epic Ending

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:33 PM PST

Zeus remastery!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Soul eater op

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:18 AM PST

Xbox Queue

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:00 PM PST

Anyone else having ridic long queues? Like the longest queue ive had is 2 misn before. Now its 15 mins still no game. We havent had this problem til now and weve been playin since 4.

submitted by /u/TobyEverwoods
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