Pokémon GO - Screenshot Saturday and Sunday - Screenshots are permitted until 11:59 PM UTC Sunday [Meta]

Screenshot Saturday and Sunday - Screenshots are permitted until 11:59 PM UTC Sunday [Meta]

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

Good morning /r/PokemonGO!

It's that time of the week again!! All screenshot posts are permitted on the subreddit, go ahead and post all of those juicy screenshots we've been removing all week! >:D

We hope you all have a great weekend, and make some great catches to show us!


Normal screenshot rules will resume on Monday at 12:00 AM UTC

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
[link] [comments]

Newbie Questions, Bugs, and Gameplay Megathread - 31 Jan 17

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 09:19 PM PST

Consider asking your question here, instead of making a post and have it buried!

Also, to prevent redundancy, do consider doing a CTRL+F in this thread or a subreddit search query for your question!


Old Megathread

I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

Niantic support (expect delays because Niantic): https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

/r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

Known bugs (some have possibly been fixed):

  • Most recent update has caused some people to have the app crash when they click their Avatar.

  • Non-PoGO sound lowering (music, podcasts, etc.) - this is a bug from the Unity engine. There are some workarounds that work with various degrees of reliability (pause and restart the music while PoGO is running; on iOS you can swipe up, switch to the camera, wait for the volume to return, then switch back to PoGO).

  • There is currently a bug where the game freezes when you open it. On iOS, some people have had success with updating to the latest iOS version. For everyone, restarting the app will sometimes(?) fix it.

  • If phone time is not set to Automatic, Incense and Lures may not work properly. Fix this by setting time to Automatic (in your phone's Time/Date settings)

  • In some rare occasions, logging out from a Google Account resets your progress entirely i.e. back to level 1. See here. This is presumably the most destructive bug, although it is extremely uncommon.

Instruction Manual

Main Map

  • Does the app have to be open?: Yes, the app must be open to remain active and notify you of events. An exception to this is if you have Pokémon Go Plus or the Apple Watch.

  • Swiveling White PokeBall Icon (Top Left Corner): It means content is loading.

  • Tapping the Map--Zoom: Tap the map once to display a blue circle, and tap + drag up to zoom out/tap + drag down to zoom in the screen. You can also zoom in and out with a two finger gesture of pinching (like most cell phones)

  • Pokémon Nearby/Sightings (lower right): Shows you wild Pokémon in your vicinity. Pokémon near Pokestops are prioritized, you can click one and then the "footprints" underneath to be shown exactly where the Pokestop is. It will be in the radius of the Pokestop such that if you are standing on the stop it will show up. If there are not enough Pokestops nearby, you will see Sightings - Pokémon within 200 meters of you.

  • Pokestops: Click a Pokestop on the map to bring up a "photo disc". Spin the disc left or right to receive items (usually 3-6). You do not need to click on the items to receive them, if you close out of the Pokestop you will receive all of them. After spinning, you will need to wait 5 minutes before you can spin that stop again (when it changes back to blue instead of purple).

User Menu (Click Avatar in lower left)

  • Menu Options - Journal (button in lower right): Allows you to see the last 50 or so "things" you've done (Items received from Pokestops, Pokémon caught, Pokémon ran away, Pokémon hatched, Candy received from Buddy)

  • Menu Options - Buddy (button in lower right, or click on your avatar): You can assign any Pokémon you have (that is not currently in a gym) to be your "buddy". This Pokémon will appear with you on the User Menu screen, and its head will appear next to your avatar's head on the main screen. While this Pokémon is your "buddy", every 1/3/5 km you travel, it will "find" a Candy for its family. Sometimes (approximately 2% of the time) it may find 2. You can switch out your Buddy at any time, but if you are partway through earning a candy you will lose any progress.

  • Menu Options - Customize (button in lower right): Allows you to change your avatar's appearance (clothing, etc.). More options are likely coming in the near future.

  • Medals - Upper Section: The first 11 medals are based on normal game interactions (Registering new Pokémon, Evolving Pokémon, hatching eggs, gym battling, etc.). The names of all the medals are based off NPCs from the original Game Boy games, so you will have a "Battle Girl" medal regardless of your in-game gender.

  • Medals - Youngster/Fisherman: These medals are earned based on "small" Rattatas and "large" Magikarp. The criteria is the randomly generated "size" (height/weight) of the Pokémon, and is currently the only in-game usage for these stats.

  • Medals - Lower Section: These medals are earned by capturing Pokémon of different "types". Each Pokémon has one or two "types", and dual-type Pokémon will count for both medals. For each level of medal you get (Bronze/Silver/Gold), you will increase your chance of capturing Pokémon of that "type". Dual-type Pokémon will average the medal bonus between the two types. When encountering a wild Pokémon, you will briefly see the medals you currently have earned for that Pokémon's type(s) at the top of the screen.

Settings Menu (Pokeball, upper right)

  • Battery Saver Option: When the app is open and the phone unlocked, the screen will turn black if the phone is idle or laying down. You can still receive alerts.

  • Change Nickname: You are allowed to change your nickname a single time.

  • Version number (lower right): This shows you the current version of Pokémon GO that you have installed. It will NOT be the same as the iOS version number, since iOS does not allow apps with version numbers lower than 1.

Pokedex (Pokeball, upper center)

  • Length: The Pokedex will always go to the highest # of Pokémon you have seen/encountered/captured. The few Generation 2 Pokémon released so far (babies) all have Pokedex numbers from 152-251.

  • Shadows: If you view a Gym with a Pokémon you have never encountered before, it will add it to your Pokedex as a shadow (Seen: 1, Captured: 0). You do not have to scroll through the Gym for this to happen, only click into it. This is how people "see" regional Pokémon outside their normal region. Regional Pokemon (Tauros, Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, and Mr. Mime) can only be found in their geographical regions.

Shop (Pokeball, center)

  • Incense: Can be purchased in the shop, or received as a reward from leveling up (never from spinning a Pokestop). Incense causes Pokémon to appear near you for 30 minutes. It will NOT bring Pokémon from your Nearby/Sightings menu, but will cause entirely new Pokémon to spawn visible only to you (with a purple smoke ring around them on the map). If you are stationary, one will appear every 5 minutes. If you are moving, one will appear every 200 meters, but never more than one every 60 seconds. If your timer starts at anything other than 29:59, you will need to adjust your phone settings (See Bugs section).

  • Lucky Eggs: Can be purchased in the shop, or received as a reward from leveling up (never from spinning a Pokestop). Lucky eggs cause you to receive double-XP on everything you do for 30 minutes (catching Pokémon, hatching eggs, evolving Pokémon, spinning Pokestops, battling Gyms). If your timer starts at anything other than 29:59, you will need to adjust your phone settings (See Bugs section).

  • Lure Modules: Can be purchased in the shop, or received as a reward from leveling up (never from spinning a Pokestop). Lure Modules can be placed on a Pokestop (click to bring up the Photo Disc, click the white oval above the photo, select the Lure). Lures will make Pokémon spawn at that Pokestop for 30 minutes, visible and catchable by anyone. They will appear for exactly 3 minutes, after which they will disappear (if not captured) and a new one will appear. You will not see a timer for Lure Modules.

  • Egg Incubators: Can be purchased in the shop, or received as a reward from leveling up (never from spinning a Pokestop). Egg Incubators (blue) allow you to hatch 3 eggs, one at a time. After the third use they disappear. Everyone also starts the game with a single, unlimited-use Incubator (orange), that will never go away.

  • Bag Upgrade/Pokémon Storage Upgrade: Can ONLY be purchased in the shop. Permanently increases Item storage/Pokémon storage by 50, with each maxing out at 1000.

  • Shield icon (upper right corner): You can press the shield in the shop tab anytime, including immediately after you place a Pokémon to defend a gym. You will get coins/Stardust based on how many Pokémon you have in a gym at the time you click the icon (maximum 10). Afterwards, there's a 21-hour refresh before you can collect them again.

Items (Pokeball, lower right)

  • Max Items: If you have exactly your maximum allowable items (350/350, for example), you will be able to spin a Pokestop and receive the items, taking you over your maximum. You will not be able to spin Pokestops again until you have a number of items equal to or lower than your maximum. You will ALWAYS get items as level-up rewards, even if you are over your maximum.

Pokémon Storage (Pokeball, lower right)

  • Blue Aura: Indicates Pokémon captured within the last 24 hours/newly captured Pokémon.

  • Sorting (lower right button): Sorting by HP does NOT sort by the amount of HP the Pokemon has, but rather the percentage of health remaining. All Pokemon with full health will be first, followed by any Pokemon with partial health (by percentage), followed by any Pokemon with no health. The secondary sort ("tie-breaker" for otherwise equivalent Pokemon) for HP/Favorite/Number/Name is the CP value.

  • Egg Menu (swipe right or click EGGS at the top of the screen): You can hold up to 9 eggs at at time. These eggs ARE counted in your Pokemon total. They are randomly organized (and re-organized) in the Menu screen with no known order or system. You can place an egg into an Incubator by clicking the egg, then selecting an Incubator, OR by clicking the Incubator button in the lower right, selecting an Incubator, then selecting an egg. Once incubating, move around to hatch the egg (there is an upper speed limit, so you will not get "egg distance" while in a vehicle). You can click on an incubating egg to see its progress to 2 decimal places.

  • More About Eggs: The Pokemon inside the egg is determined when you pick up the egg from a Pokestop, although you won't know what it is until it hatches. Its Pokemon level is set at the level you are when you pick up the egg (up to level 20, at which point all are level 20). When a Pokemon hatches, you can "pinch"/double-tap the screen to skip the animation. You will get a large amount of Stardust, Candy, and XP for hatching eggs (the more the km requirement, the more you get). See the chart in the Useful Links section below for egg distances/Pokemon species.

Pokemon screen

  • Star (Upper right): Indicates this Pokemon is a "Favorite". Favorite Pokemon cannot be transferred away, and they are one of the sort options in the Pokemon Storage Menu. You can click on the star to toggle Favorite on/off.

  • Menu (Lower right): For Favoriting/Appraising/Transferring a Pokémon.

  • CP = Combat Power: CP is a generic number that approximates how well a particular Pokemon will do in battle. CP is derived from a formula that takes into account the Pokémon's level, its species' base stats, and its IVs.

  • White arc: The white arc above the Pokemon's image shows the Pokemon's level relative to your own Trainer level. If the white dot is all the way to the far left, the Pokemon is level 1. If the dot is all the way to the far right, the Pokemon is 1.5 levels above your current Trainer level. When you level up, the white dot will "move back", signifying that the Pokemon can be leveled up more.

  • Weight/Height: These are randomly generated based on that Pokemon species' "base" weight/height. They have no known in-game function aside from the Youngster/Fisherman medals (see above).

  • Type: Every Pokemon has one or two "Types" (Normal, Water, Ground, Fire, Fairy, etc.). Catching Pokemon of a particular type will increase your medal(s) for that type(s), as described above. Types are primarily used in battle.

  • Stardust: Used to level up your Pokémon. Is acquired through capturing any Pokémon, hatching any eggs, and/or as a reward for being in Gyms. Stardust is NOT Pokemon-specific, but is a general resource used by any/all Pokemon to level up.

  • Candy: Used to evolve and level up your Pokémon. Is acquired through capturing Pokémon, hatching eggs, or from your "Buddy". Transferring a Pokemon will give you 1 Candy, as will evolving it. Candy is Pokemon-family specific, so all Pokemon of the same evolution tree will generate/use the same candy (typically named after the lowest evolution in the chain).

  • Leveling/Evolving a Pokémon: Each Pokémon require different amounts of Candy to evolve. You can view how much Stardust or Candy required by viewing your caught Pokémon. Powering Up will raise the level of your Pokémon by 0.5, and requires a specific amount of Stardust and family-specific Candy depending on what level you are going from/to. There is NO DIFFERENCE in the end result of Powering Up then Evolving vs. Evolving then Powering Up, therefore the general recommendation is to always Evolve first to find out the move set. You can Power Up up to 1.5 levels above your Trainer level, at which point the white dot on the arc will be all the way to the right. Once you level up your Trainer, you can then Power Up again to the new maximum.

  • Moves: Each Pokemon has two moves, which are randomly generated when a Pokemon spawns and cannot (currently) be changed. Each Pokemon has 1-2 possible "Quick Moves", and 1-3 possible "Charge Moves". Each move has a "type", just like each Pokemon has 1-2 "types", that are relevant in battle. The moves a Pokemon has may or may not correlate to the Pokemon's type.

  • Location: The (approximate) location a Pokemon was caught is shown at the bottom of the Pokemon screen along with the date. For eggs, the location is where the egg was picked up, and the date is the date it was hatched.

  • Transferring Pokémon: You can transfer your caught Pokémon to Professor by selecting the Pokémon, clicking the Menu button in the lower right and selecting TRANSFER. You will gain one candy for transferring. You cannot get your Pokémon back once it is transferred. Transferring will not delete the candies collected for that Pokémon family, even if you transfer all of that family. From the main Pokémon Tab, if you press and hold a Pokémon you can then select multiple to transfer all at once.

  • Appraising: Each Pokemon has 3 "Individual Values", or IVs - Attack, Defense, HP/Stamina. Each IV can individually range from 0-15, and they are randomly generated when the Pokemon spawns (Pokemon hatched from eggs are randomized from 10-15 instead). The appraisal feature gives you an idea of what that specific Pokemon's IVs are. Depending on what team you are on, your team leader has slightly different phrases they will use. The first phrase tells you what overall range the stats are in, out of a possible 45 total (15/15/15). The next phrase(s) tell you which of the three stats is the highest (or multiple if tied for highest). The final phrase tells you how good that high stat is. More information can be found here. Online IV calculators can reverse-calculate the IVs using the CP/HP values, Stardust required to Power Up (approximating level), and using the Appraisal phrases to narrow down possibilities.

Catching Pokemon

  • Pokeball icon: A Pokeball icon next to the name of the Pokemon indicates you have caught one before.

  • AR Mode: Can be toggled on or off by clicking the slider in the upper right corner (if your phone has a camera and a gyroscope). It is generally considered easier to aim and curve with AR off, however, some Pokemon with are "far away" can sometimes be easier to hit with AR Mode on.

  • Color of the Ring: Difficulty of catching the Pokémon. Green = Easy, Yellow/Orange = Moderate, Red = Difficult.

  • Capture mechanics: Each Pokemon has a programmed-in "capture rate", which is then adjusted by several factors. The higher level the Pokemon is, the harder it will be to capture (generally reflected by a higher CP for that particular species). Things that increase capture chance include Razz Berries, Curve Balls, Nice/Great/Excellent throws (hitting inside the circle), and medals. Capture mechanics can be found here. After taking all factors into account, whether a Pokemon is caught or not is determined by RNG (Random Number Generation).

  • Fleeing: Each Pokemon has a programmed-in "flee rate". If a capture is unsuccessful, the game will use RNG to determine if the Pokemon flees or not. Some Pokemon are more likely to flee than others - Abra has a 99% flee rate (to simulate the original game's Teleport move).

  • 100 Bonus XP: Sometimes after catching a Pokemon you will see an extra 100 XP with the text "Bonus". This is received on the capture of each multiple of 100 of that particular Pokemon species (not family). You can look at how many of each Pokemon you have caught in its Pokedex entry.

  • Stats: When a Pokemon spawns, its IVs, moves, and height/weight are set and will be identical for anyone who catches that specific Pokemon spawn. The level of the Pokemon will be randomized, from 1 to your current Trainer level (max: 30). Because the level may be different, the CP may appear different, and it may be easier/harder to catch because of its level. As your Trainer level increases, you can capture higher level/CP Pokemon in the wild.

Gym Battling

Pokemon Types

  • Type Advantages: Some types have advantages against other types, while they have resistances to other types. For example, Water has an advantage against Fire, and Rock has resistance against Electric. The attack type is checked against the Pokemon type - a Water-type attack will do 1.25x damage to a Fire-type Pokemon. An Electric-type attack will do 0.5x damage to a Rock-type Pokemon.

  • Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB): If a Pokemon uses an attack that matches (one of) its type(s), it does 1.25x damage. So an Electric-type Pokemon using an Electric-type attack will deal an extra 1.25x STAB damage.


  • Quick/Charge Moves: Tapping the screen will cause your Pokemon to release its Quick Move. Every time you use your Quick Move, and every time you take damage, your energy bar(s) located below your health meter will fill up some. When one of the bars is full, you can press and hold the screen for ~1-2 seconds to set off your Charge Move. If your Charge Move has multiple bars, you can set it off after only one or wait and use multiple in a row.

  • Dodging: Swiping left or right will cause your Pokemon to dodge an incoming attack. If you successfully dodge, you will avoid 75% of the damage you otherwise would have taken. The ideal time to dodge is right after you see a yellow "flash" at the edge of your screen.

  • Changing Pokemon: Swiping up or clicking on the Swap button in the lower right will bring up your menu of 6 Pokemon. The one you are currently using will initially be in the upper left. When you select another Pokemon, it swaps their positions. If your Pokemon runs out of health and "faints", it will automatically bring up the next Pokemon in sequence.

  • Running Away: You can run away from a battle at any time by clicking the "Run" button in the lower right. There is no penalty for running. Any Pokemon you have already defeated will still be counted as defeated.

Team Selection

  • AR Mode: Can be toggled on or off by clicking the slider on this screen. Generally easier to see with AR off, unless you want to see Pokemon battling in the "real world".

  • Changing Pokemon: The game automatically selects a team of 6 Pokemon for you to use based on CP, Type Advantages, and Favorites. You can change them by clicking on each individually and selecting a different Pokemon for that slot (using the same sort methods available in the Pokemon Storage Menu).

Gym Levels/Prestige

  • Levels: A Gym has a level between 1-10, which determines how many Pokemon can be placed inside of it. This is displayed by the number of open/filled circles at the top of the screen when viewing the gym (there is a small separator bar after 5, to make it easier to count). To increase the level of a "friendly" Gym (of your color) so you can add your own Pokemon, you have to raise the Prestige of the Gym above the next threshold. There are two ways to add Prestige: Each Pokemon added will automatically add 2000 Prestige, and "Training" (battling) against a "friendly" Gym will add Prestige for each Pokemon you defeat.

  • Enemy Gyms: The only way to change the color/team of a Gym is to lower its Prestige to 0 and then add one of your own Pokemon. When battling an enemy Gym (a color other than your own), each Pokemon you defeat will lower the Prestige by 1000, and if you defeat the entire gym it will reduce it by another 1000. Once the Prestige drops below the threshold, the Gym will go down a level and if there was a Pokemon in the lowest slot it will be returned to its owner with 0 HP. This will be calculated after each battle, even if you are still battling in the Gym.

  • Multiple People Battling: Multiple people can battle a gym simultaneously, even from different teams (For example, both Valor/Red and Instinct/Yellow can battle against a Mystic/Blue Gym). When you enter a battle that someone is in the middle of fighting, your first Pokemon will immediately take all the damage dealt in the battle so far, potentially knocking it out instantly. If you are coordinating, try and have all people start the battle simultaneously. Once the Gym has been lowered to 0 Prestige, the person/people participating in the final battle will have a 30 second window in which only they can place a Pokemon in the Neutral Gym.

  • Training Friendly Gyms: When training at friendly gyms, the amount of Prestige you will gain depends on the CP of the Pokemon you are attacking with compared to the CP of the Pokemon you are training against. Each battle is calculated separately, and uses the highest CP of any Pokemon on your team of 6 (regardless of if it was used or not). If your Pokemon is higher than the defender, you will earn 100-250 Prestige (the higher CP, the lesser Prestige, minimum of 100 Prestige if your Pokemon is double the defender). If your Pokemon is equal or lower, you will earn 500-1000 Prestige (the higher CP, the lesser Prestige, maximum of 1000 Prestige if your Pokemon is half the defender).

CP Ratio (Attacker/Defender) Prestige Gain
R>2 100
1<R<2 250*R
0.5<R<=1 500*R
R < 0.5 1000
  • Maximizing Prestige Gain: Use a team of Pokemon approximately 50% CP of the lowest defender, that has type advantage (example: Use a Water-type Pokemon with Water-Type attacks for STAB against a Fire-Type Pokemon, etc.). You can battle just the bottom Pokemon and then run, or try and defeat 2-3 if they are similar in CP and you have good type advantages.

Easter Eggs

  • Pikachu Starter: At the beginning of the game, when you have the opportunity to catch your first Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle), if you keep walking away from them then Pikachu will show up.

  • Eevee Evolution: Nicknames affect the evolution, see here. This works ONCE. Otherwise, Eevee evolution is selected at random.

  • Ditto: Ditto is currently available in the game, disguised as a common Pokémon (confirmed: Pidgey, Rattata, Zubat, Magikarp). If you catch a disguised Ditto, after the capture is confirmed it will transform into Ditto. There is no way to tell if a Pokémon is Ditto prior to capture (aside from seeing someone else capture it and it transforming).

  • Pokestop BONUS: If you spin 10 unique Pokestops in a row (with no longer than 10 minutes between each one), you will get a "Pokestop Bonus". You will get a larger number of items (usually 6-12), and 100XP instead of 50XP.

  • Pikachu Buddy: If you assign Pikachu to be your "Buddy", he begins by walking next to you. After you have earned 10 candies from walking with him (usually 10km), he will then appear on your shoulder.

Useful Links

There's this Pokestop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

Where can I find other players in my area?

Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits for more niche needs!

If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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Someone posted this in my local Pokemon Go Facebook page - I thought you guys would appreciate it.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:10 AM PST

Lickitung at the love den

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:40 PM PST

What a great couple!...

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:01 PM PST

I work at a Planetarium and sent a Parasect to Uranus today.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:57 PM PST

PokemonGo comes back to life in my town

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:53 PM PST

*heart starts beating rapidly*

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:53 PM PST

How do you like your Exeggcute in the morning?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

I honestly can't say this first encounter in six months was how i imagined it...

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:28 PM PST

The Valentine event brought my college campus back to life!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:51 PM PST

Anyone receiving more 2k's than usual?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:57 PM PST

Niantic is constantly accused of being incompetent. I never really bought into that until this event.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST

Basically the title. Casual player, almost level 29. Have usually been one to give Niantic the benefit of the doubt in their many questionable decisions. But even I cannot fathom how they could put on an event in which one of the main components is "make Pokémon that are already common in your area even more common — as long as they're pink." That is so stupid that it would stand out as a low point in the ramblings of a raving lunatic. I cannot imagine how a group of professional — and by almost any metric, successful — game developers could agree that is a great idea to build a weeklong event around.

Some part of me is holding out hope that maybe the biome thing is a glitch they are working to correct and make this event more like the Halloween spawns. But it probably isn't. In which case, thanks for the double candy and quadruple Slowpokes, I guess.

Edit: minor text fixes

submitted by /u/tylerjfrancke
[link] [comments]

Starter event got me my Venusaur and Charizard. V-Day event got me my Chansey and Lickitung. It's really great to see Niantic recognize the hard to fill Dex slots and act accordingly.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

I know some are still complaining about not being able to find a Chansey so far, or ran out of Pokeballs constantly during the Starter event, but honestly I think I fit the 'casual but committed' player base Niantic was looking to service with these types of events, and they've given me exactly what I wanted.

Even if I never see another Chansey this event I'll still be happy. I'm here to fill my Dex, and I can at least walk the bugger if I want to evolve it when Gen 2 releases. I'd say that's way better than praying for an egg hatch or rare spawn (which I've only seen happen once before this event, and it despawned before I could find it).

How have these events helped you? Do you generally get what you need from them?

submitted by /u/Stef-fa-fa
[link] [comments]

Everybody's out on a Friday night taking Chanseys, but I'm feeling pretty eggcellent at home.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:10 PM PST

Omg my first ever 100% iv Pokémon

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:48 PM PST

And with this event, my North American Pokedex is complete(needed Chansey and Lickitung)!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:10 PM PST

Map of where the Tauros cut-off is in Florida. [x-post r/TheSilphRoad]

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

[discussion] remember that lickitung evolves.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:19 PM PST

I've been passing on lickitungs because they're kinda a pain in the ass to catch, but then I remembered that he evolves in gen 4. I know at the rate we are going it'll be a couple years before we see gen 4, but take advantage of it while you can in this event and make sure you have at least 50 candies. When gen 2 comes out lickitung will be even less common then it was before.

submitted by /u/Dre6485
[link] [comments]

First World Problem: I cannot get rid of my lures as every stop is already lit up.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:48 PM PST

Pokémon by their Pokémon Go Google Search matches

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:09 AM PST

[List]Defeating Blissey in under 100 seconds

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:40 AM PST

Estimates are based on the following criteria:

  • The Pokemon is using its highest DPS moveset according to the accepted estimates of DPS done by various people.

  • Both the attacking Pokemon and the defending Blissey are level 30, with 100% IVs.

  • The attacking Pokemon are not dodging, they are simply performing their moves as often as possible. Note that it is highly unlikely (depends on Blissey's movepool) that any of the Pokemon on this list, even Rhydon, can take 80~ seconds worth of damage from Blissey (despite how weak Blissey is). Blissey lives long enough to use Hyper Beam a lot...

We have 100 seconds to deal 768 damage to a level 30 max IV Blissey. Let's get started.

  • Aerodactyl – Bite/Hyper Beam 92.8 seconds

  • Golem – Mud Slap/Earthquake 91.5 seconds

  • Machamp – Karate Chop/Cross Chop 87.6 seconds

  • Rhydon – Mud Slap/Earthquake 87.5 seconds

  • Jolteon – Thunder Shock/Thunder 85.4 seconds

  • Golem – Mud Shot/Earthquake 85.3 seconds Legacy

  • Flareon – Ember/Fire Blast 83.9 seconds

  • Gengar – Shadow Claw/Sludge Bomb 82.7 seconds

  • Vaporeon – Water Gun/Hydro Pump 82.1 seconds

  • Hitmonlee – Rock Smash/Brick Break 81.7 seconds

  • Omastar – Water Gun/Hydro Pump 81.1 seconds

  • Charizard – Wing Attack/Fire Blast 80.9 seconds

  • Starmie – Water Gun/Hydro Pump 80 seconds

  • Arcanine – Fire Fang/Fire Blast 78.9 seconds

  • Exeggutor – Zen Headbutt/Solar Beam 78.8 seconds

  • Zapdos – Thunder Shock/Thunder 78 seconds

  • Gyarados – Bite/Hydro Pump 73.8 seconds

  • Dragonite – Dragon Breath/Dragon Claw 71 seconds

  • Alakazam – Psycho Cut/Psychic 68.1 seconds

  • Mewtwo – Psycho Cut/Psychic 57.7 seconds

I included Mewtwo because why not, and Zapdos because INSTINCT. Now there are other Pokemon who can deal the damage required. But I got lazy. Please keep in mind that more simulations can actually be performed once we know Blissey's movepool for sure, at which point I'll be able to more precisely estimate who can survive in battle for that long and deal the damage required.

Edit: Minor Text Fixes

submitted by /u/DavidKSA
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Caught Porygon in downtown New Orleans at this very appropriate pokestop. If you are in NOLA you got to check it out!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:10 PM PST

Where's a Boat When You Need One?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:55 PM PST

[Discussion] This is why you suffer...this is why you are angry at Niantic...this is why you don't have as much fun as you should.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:44 PM PST

While user's observations about the app are accurate, most miss the entire point. This is meant to be a SUPPLEMENT to life, not the focal point.

Of course you're going to get bored and frustrated after 6 months of playing daily if the app itself is your primary focus. From every interview I've seen of J.H., he's characterized the app as an addition to everyday activity, rather than being the actual attraction in and of itself.

This is why the game doesn't necessarily reward players that devote disproportionate amounts of time to playing. Return on investment starts to severely diminish after trainer level 30. The way that content(Pokemon) are released over time rewards a slow and steady approach. Think about banging your head against the wall over trying to get your first Lickitung, Venusaur, etc., only to have it spawn so frequently during a special event. Sure it's fun to open a box of cookies and eat them all at once. But, it's much better to eat one a day. Think about how you could have stretched out the enjoyment of the game if you had only played half as much during the first 3 months. Don't get angry at the person who gave you the box of cookies if you binged and ate them too quickly.

Also, don't believe that you actually NEED to catch them all. This idea only appeals to a superficial materialism which can never be satisfied. If you DO catch them all...they'll simply invent 100 more to catch. It never ends.

Be of good cheer, use reasonable judgement, don't miss the actual value of an app like this. Marvel in the probability and random encounters and missed chances. Use these moments as a lesson for life, not a life in itself. Don't equate quantity or quality with success. This need not be an endless orgy of excitement and infinite digital content. True pleasure, achievement & enjoyment are normally derived from moderation coupled with sustained, sober, and measured pursuit of goals, not myopic headlong commitment to binary-based handheld pixels. Allow this to enhance your experience of the real wonder which we can so easy miss each day as we step out of the door...the world, imagination, society, friendship, technology, nature.

If you maintain a balanced view you won't be so burdened about spoofers, hackers, glitches, updates, gen II, III, IV, V, et al., that missing pokedex entry, etc. The choice is yours, either be grateful and live in an enjoyment for what you have or be anxious and ever reaching for something that you can't obtain or control.

submitted by /u/r3dfrog
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How do I find desert biomes?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

Hi guys,

I'm still looking for my Chansey and it seems everyone is saying they are found in desert biomes. Only thing is, I don't know how to find where a desert biome is near me. I live in Sydney Australia. Are there any maps which show where biome's are?

submitted by /u/IMadeThisInClass
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