Overwatch - Overwatch Heros as Pokemon (by Lunapocalypse)

Overwatch Heros as Pokemon (by Lunapocalypse)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST

When you force the Lucio main to play Reinhardt

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

Law of Equivalent Exchange

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:37 AM PST

Train of thought of an amateur Reinhardt

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:21 AM PST

The most beautiful Ana artwork I've come across.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:33 AM PST

Reinhart in the hole!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

When you're hoping to get 1 or 2 but Zarya wants you to have a team kill

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:36 AM PST

Met Reinhardt the other day...

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:36 AM PST

It ended with my demise

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:22 AM PST

DSPStanky - The Meme Dream Team

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:44 PM PST

What if Reaper could be able to cancel wraith form by pressing shift again? (x post from r/competitiveoverwatch)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

Mei can do this and it does increase her survivability in a high skill environment.

This also could set up better ult usage, since you can cancel wraith form and ult at any time instead of waiting for the wraith form to cancel itself.

He could bait abilities like the hook, flashbang, sleepdart/grenade and resume doing damage asap.

This could increase his viability.reddit!

EDIT:This is not my idea,it's u/come_fite_me_irl idea. This is original post.

EDIT2:Some people are saying that he shouldn't be able to cancel it immediately and that he should need to wait at least a second before he can cancel it and i think that would be good way to balance this.

submitted by /u/SpeedWisp02
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Just now realised that Ana's highlight intros are a part of each other.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:24 PM PST

Why is the community perception of Sombra still so awful?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:33 AM PST

I love Sombra. I love playing Sombra. I've extremely good at her with a 67% win rate with over 30 hours on her on my Sombra-only alt account and ranked in the top 100 on Overbuff, but on my main she is impossible to play (I'm at 3500-3700) because literally every game one of these happen.

  • "Well I guess were trolling" Insta-lock Hanzo with 2 hours played
  • "So can you not fucking play Sombra thanks"
  • Locks 3rd DPS "Sombra does no damage so I'm DPS"
  • "Your win rate on her is 40% please switch" - It's 40% because no one lets me play her unless the team is throwing.
  • "We really need a second tank, Sombra switch please" If Sombra exists, she will be asked to switch before anyone else. Got an attack torb on payload? "We don't need a Sombra".

I actually made a Sombra only alt account due to the fact that trying to play her on my main was destroying my SR due to the amount of toxic backlash received on an almost every game basis. At least on my alt I don't care if I lose SR to trolls.

I don't understand it. She shreds people close up, and I honestly think if you play her correctly she is more than capable. So many games my team will be like "Useless Sombra" and the enemy team will reply with something like "Are you kidding me? She did more than all of you and is literally the reason you won." She counters damn near every hero in the game and completely shuts down people like Tracer and can keep a Rien from ulting for easily more than half the round if she times it right and is good at reading enemy behavior.

I honestly think her ult is hands down the strongest ability in the game, no contest. It's extremely easy to land on 6 people and completely shuts a team down giving you free access to push into any choke in the game or to cancel any all-in engagement on a choke when defending. It charges ridiculously fast and can be used to counter initiate with massive potential in troubling situations.

Widow, pesky Winston got you down? Stand on this health pack that heals you faster than his ability to DPS and shoot his dumb monkey face.

Perception of Sombra needs to be fixed. Sombra shaming sucks. She's great if you work with her instead of against her. If you do not like someone picking Sombra then I can only guess it's because you ignore the fact she exists on your team and play as if it is 5v6, which means she is not getting any support from the team. Wait for her ult to initiate, grab her health packs.

Everyone wants a swiss army trump card that can get you out of any tough situation, Sombra is that swiss army knife. Yes, sometimes you may need a scalpel, but people will be reasonable and switch if you are reasonable with them as well in the first place.

TLDR; Trust your team, stop bashing Sombra. She is great and has huge potential and if you don't see that then you are either too obsessed with the idea of a meta or are probably low on the SR scale. It is not a troll pick, and you are not entitled to lose a game for 5 other people because someone picks Sombra.

Basically I'm just really sick of people being childish and wasting 20 minutes for 11 other people because "I don't like that".


submitted by /u/voidn0ise
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Every Pharah main Wet Dream, Visualize then EXECUTE!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

Sometimes POTG reveals your true intentions...

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

Educated Guesses About Upcoming Heroes

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:59 AM PST

With the recent announcement that the upcoming hero is probably not Doomfist, I thought I'd put together a post of what we can reasonably guess about the next heroes based on the distribution of past heroes.


Overwatch is a team based, role based shooter, which means team composition is key to winning. However, I think Blizz's categories of heroes are more than a bit bullshit. To me, there's three categories: tank, healer, and DPS. You always need 1-3 tanks, 1-2 healers, and 1-4 DPS. There's also subdivisions of each category, and you usually don't need to take more than one of each subdivision for you comp.

I expect Blizz to try to add to the roles that don't have many heroes that can do them yet.


Tanks consist of main tanks, half-tanks, and off-tanks. Every team usually needs either a main tank or a half-tank actively attempting to do the main tank's job. Triple tank comps often have a main, half, and off tank set up, but it's not unusual to see other combinations as well.

Reinhardt is the only main tank. Almost every comp will have a Rein, because no one can compete with him for blocking. It's possible that Winston could become a main tank if his shield were significantly buffed or his shield cooldown cut in half or so. Blizz will have to introduce a hero that can compete with Reinhardt otherwise.

Winston and D.Va are half-tanks. They can compensate for a main tank if they need to, or they can be used to aggressively chase down squishies, but not both.

Zarya, Roadhog, and Mei are off tanks. They can be used to block, and you can play them more as tanks, but they can play other important roles as well. Zarya can pump out DPS at high energy. Roadhog is just there to get picks. Mei is there to block movement and create danger at close range, thought her sniping is powerful as well.

The next tank released will hopefully be a main tank, because Rein is near mandatory for most comps at a high level. It's also pretty likely we see a half or off tank as well. Doomfist, if he's upcoming, will likely be one of those two based on the lore about him: a tank that can deal high DPS at times and has some blocking ability as well.


All healers are either group or point healers.

Lucio is a group healer. He can heal more than one hero at once, and is mainly focused on keeping up the health of non-tanks.

Mercy, Zenyatta, and Ana are point healers. Their job is to keep the tanks alive. Ana may be somewhat of an hybrid group healer because of her grenade, but a good Ana will usually use her nade on the frontline of tanks, so she doesn't really fill Lucio's role.

The next healer released should be a group healer like Lucio. Currently, whenever you have two healers in a comp, one will always be Lucio. We may see another point healer, but there's a fairly big roster of them already.


These categories were harder to come up with. I mainly tried to focus on which heroes are mutually exclusive to each other. You wouldn't have a Widow and a Hanzo in one comp, or a Tracer and a Genji, because they fill the same role.

Bastion, Symmetra, Junkrat, and Torbjorn are defense. They create static defenses that can cover a certain area and limit the movement of the enemy team.

Widow and Hanzo are snipers. They pick enemies off from a range.

Genji, Tracer, Reaper, and Sombra are flankers. They specialize in getting behind enemy lines and getting picks or creating disruption/confusion.

McCree and Soldier76 are pure DPS. They specialize in laying on maximum damage.

Pharah is in her own category. She exists mostly to harass the enemy team while being hard to hit, but doesn't fit neatly into any other category.

The next DPS will most likely be a pure DPS character to compete with Soldier, though they could fit into any one of these categories. The other small niches in DPS are the snipers, which we don't really need more of, and then Pharah, who is in such a unique position I doubt we'll see another hero quite like her.

Summary of Possible Roles

Not everyone will agree with these roles exactly, but I think it explains why certain heroes have such a high pick rate: there's no one to compete with them in their niche. No one can tank as hard as Rein, no on can heal multiple targets like Lucio, and no one has as much pure DPS as Soldier. Blizz should therefore focus on making more main tank, group healer, and pure DPS characters.

It's important to note that each hero has unique abilities. This means heroes within each category are unique, and many are closer to a hybrid between categories, or have one ability that is similar to another category, such as Ana's grenade. Any new heroes introduced will have very different abilities than any currently in the game, and may very well be hybrids. For example, if Blizz introduces a new group healer, they won't have LoS based aura healing, but some new mechanic, like possibly a healing field similar to soldier's grenade.


Blizz seems to want a multinational team that covers most sections of the world. Some regions are overrepresented, but that's mostly because of the size of the playerbase. They also tend to favor larger countries with distinctive histories to represent each region. I'm going to break this section down by continent/region, so we can see the current distribution of heroes and see where Blizz has gaps to fill. I'll break down the regions I see as underrepresented, adding after each the countries I think Blizz might choose to "represent" said region.


Country Hero
United States Soldier 76, Reaper, McCree
Mexico Sombra
Brazil Lucio

As you can see, the USA probably has enough heroes individually, and the two largest countries in Latin America are already represented. Underrepresented here is the Carribean (Jamaica, Cuba, or Haiti), although the next South American hero may just go to the third largest country, Argentina. Its also possible we might see a hero fromNorthern South America (Columbia, Venezuela, Peru). Canada is a dark horse.


Country Hero
Germany Reinhardt
France Widowmaker
United Kingdom Tracer
Sweden Torbjorn
Switzerland Mercy

Europe is fairly hero saturated at the moment, but I think this is because it contains a significant amount of the playerbase. Underrepresented areas include Central Europe (Poland, Czechia, Hungary) or Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece), though other miscellaneous European countries could see representation as well.


Country Hero
Japan Genji, Hanzo
China Mei
Korea D.Va
India Symmetra
Nepal Zenyatta
Russia Zarya

Asia seems relatively well represented, but things are titled towards East Asia (China, Japan, Korea) with many other areas ignored. Particularly underrepresented is Southeast Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines). Other possible choices include Central Asia, which has a unique and historically important culture despite not having a high population currently, and the Asian Tigers(Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong) due to their high percentage of internet access compared to much of the region (though for political reasons Taiwan most likely will never be included).


Country Hero
Australia Junkrat, Roadhog

Most additonal representation here would be in the Pacific Islands (Fiji, Samoa, Polynesia), though New Zealand is a dark horse.

Middle East/ North Africa

Country Hero
Egypt Ana, Pharah

This isn't really a continent, but it didn't seem right to group it in with Europe, Asia, or Africa. If Blizz chooses to add here, it''l most likely be someone connected to Oasis, meaning Iraqi. Other possible countries include Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, though there are political reasons each of the three might never see a hero. Israel stands out as somewhere that will similarly be too political to ever get a hero. North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Libya) may see a hero added, but Blizz may see Egypt as enough for all of North Africa, or even all of the Middle East.

(Sub-Saharan) Africa

No one. Nada. Zilch. Zip.

This is why I'm almost certain that we'll see at least one upcoming hero from Africa. They'll most likely be tied somehow to Numbani, which is most of the reason I think Doomfist, if he appears in the game, will be African. Numbani is said to be located somewhere near Nigeria, though it has it's own flag. Nigeria, South Africa, and Ethiopia are most likely to get heroes, due to their size, their unique histories, and their influence on the region.


Winston was raised and probably born in space, raised by an English-speaking scientist working for a Chinese company.

Bastion was re-awoken near Stuttgart in Germany, also near Eichenwalde, and according to canon spends most of his time wandering the Black Forest. However, this information is mostly trivial, as he doesn't speak or act German whatsoever. We don't know where he was made, though it doesn't really matter.

I'll also mention Zenyatta here. Though I put him in the Asia category before, seeing as how he lives in Nepal, he's an Omnic, an it's hard to put him into any one nationality.

It's quite possible that one of the upcoming heroes is Omnic or has an unclear nationality.


Overall, if Blizzard is going to try to represent as much of the world as it can I think that one of the next characters will be African. Among the other underrepresented regions, I think the most likely ones to be chosen, based on size, cultural influence, and lack of similar counties in the game, are Southeast Asia, , The Carribean, Central Europe, Southern Europe, and the Pacific Islands, in roughly that order.

Edit: formatting and spelling

Edit 2: Russia moved to Asia by popular demand. Philippines moved into SE Asia as well.

I'll add a few things I said in the comments here:


Jeff said on the Overwatch forums that hero 24 (the next one) "isn't who you think." This almost definitely means it's not Doomfist. However, Doomfist has been heavily teased in Numbani, and the playerbase is already ready for him, so Blizz is probably working on adding him into the game by now even if they weren't planning on doing it before. Because of the links to Numbani, I think Doomfist will be African, and because of the emphasis on his brawn and his fists, I think he'll be an offtank with a focus on melee and some limited blocking abilities.

Revising Hero Classifications

I'm not going to change my original post but here's how I would change the hero category system if I were Blizz:

Damage: Soldier 76, McCree, Pharah, Widowmaker, Hanzo

Flanker: Tracer, Genji, Reaper, Sombra

Defense: Symmetra, Torbjorn, Bastion, Junkrat

Tank: Reinhardt, Winston, D.va, Roadhog, Zarya, and Mei

Support: Lucio, Zenyatta, Ana, Mercy

There's a relatively even number of people in each category, and each category has a clear role. I maintain that the main/half/off tank differentiation matters, though some people have said that Lucio and Zen should be grouped together as gradual healers (non-tank) vs. Mercy and Ana as burst healers (tank).

Every comp should at least one tank, preferably a main tank or half tank, though you can have up to three. You need a healer or two, though I'm still not sure if the best split is between group/point or gradual/burst. You can have many mixes of the remaining three, though you generally don't need more than one flanker except for a jump comp and shouldn't have more than one defense unless you're defending a point.

submitted by /u/forlackofabetterword
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Whole team left a comp match so the enemies decided to help me out

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:10 PM PST

How is this even possible

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:21 AM PST

Probably never going to top this. Thanks for the assist Mei.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:11 PM PST

I've played Overwatch since Open Beta and only now had the courage to play Competitive

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

My Season 3 stats

I tried Overwatch in the Open Beta and fell in love. Bought it before launch day and have played it ever since May 24th

I'm level 234, and until recently have only played Quick Play and Arcade, mostly alone. I'm a support main. I suffer from anxiety (an anxiety disorder, multiple to be exact) and it made me not want to play Competitive, I know it sounds weird but it's just something that keeps me from doing some things, no matter how silly they seem, like playing the Competitive modes of some games. I don't know how to explain it and it might be hard to understand

I played one game of my Placement matches with my boyfriend, we lost and I felt really bad. It wasn't a nice first experience at all. It further reinforced my ''fear'' of Competitive. But then I got asked into a team after I played with them as a support. I was very flattered and proud, and naturally it meant that I would have to start playing the Competitive mode of this game. And we did. I ended up with 2 losses, 1 draw and 7 wins. Most of my friends that I played with got placed in Gold before me. I wasn't feeling good about it, I didn't think I was any better than them. I was expecting a Silver/low Gold rank.

We won my last Placement game easily, the enemy team was full Platinum. I got placed into Platinum with 2721 SR. I was so happy and proud of myself, for placing into Plat and overcoming my fears and anxiety. Platinum probably doesn't seem great for most of you, but it is that for me and I never expected it. And this might seem pointless to share, I just wanted to share my happiness and some positivity, and to let other people with similar struggles know that YOU CAN DO IT! And you will feel so awesome and proud afterwards, it's worth it! Enjoy the game to the fullest if you really love it, don't keep yourself from it

If anyone needs someone to talk to about their anxiety issues or anything, I'm here. I love you all :)

TL;DR: I have anxiety that kept me from playing Comp, I got asked into a team, played my first ever Comp Placements and got Platinum. I'm proud and happy and I'm here for you if you wanna talk

EDIT// OMG front page! I even met someone in a game that had read this post haha! I'll answer comments tomorrow, playing OW now and then going to bed :) Thank you alllll<3

submitted by /u/dopamineh
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Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:41 AM PST

This guy made a super in-depth guide to help with settings and sensitivity. I thought I'd share since it has helped me a lot.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:20 PM PST

Hey there, Sombra

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:43 PM PST

Why Zenyatta is actually a Carbon Atom

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:06 AM PST

Have you ever just looked at Zenyatta, and thought ''I wonder if he's actually just an overgrown carbon atom that wants the state that every atom want to reach by having 8 electrons around him.''? Good, lets jump right in!

If you look at this picture You can see Zenyatta ascend to the state called Transcendence, where he's hovering 9 peace balls around him. If you've studied chemistry, you know that when you draw the bindings between atoms, you usally do lines. Here's a picture to make it easier to understand. And here's a picture of our robot monk in action

Now, it would make sense that Zenyatta has some balls around him in order to make him reach his end goal of having 8 balls and experience tranquility, but you might be wondering. ''Dovah, weren't there 9 balls in your picture? I can only see 8 in the latter one''. Why yes sheeple, I can explain. Zenyatta can do a lot with his balls and one of his main features is throwing them around to both friend and foe.

If you're an atom who has 1 too many electrons, you would want to give it to another atom right? That means that we're all metals and Zenyatta is almost constantly in a state of having too many electrons. That's why zenyatta spams his balls to everyone.

But what happens if he has both a discord and a harmony orb out at the same time? He just goes about his day because in the end, the balls will always come home again.

Thank you for reading, I hope my documented report on Zenyatta has enlighted you.

Edit: Here is an accurate picture of Zenyatta

submitted by /u/Dovahbear_
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