Learn Dota 2 - Reminder that Beastmaster Roar can interrupt channeling even through BKB + Linkens

Reminder that Beastmaster Roar can interrupt channeling even through BKB + Linkens

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 12:36 PM PST

Just a reminder for those new to Dota about reporting someone.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:15 PM PST

Reports are NOT for people who are not doing well. Everybody has bad games from time to time. Reports are for people who are toxic to the community and don't belong in games where everyone is just trying to have a good time. If someone more experienced than me can explain what Toxic is I would very much appreciate it.

submitted by /u/tintinreddits
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How to improve decision making?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 03:36 PM PST

Alright so by far this is my weakest skill. I always choke on my decisions and usually make the incorrect one.

After all is said and done, I know what I did was wrong, I know the correct thing I should have done, but this is all hindsight and doesn't seem to affect my thought process during the event itself.

Usually playing a core role this is extremely frustrating when one misstep will cost the entire game.

I'm not sure on how I can improve on this, as it seems just like a mental capacity thing. I know what to do and correct plays, but my actions just don't follow.

submitted by /u/Bowser701
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I'm a new player. I'm having trouble figuring out what heroes to take mid/offlane/support/safelane.

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 01:48 PM PST

I wanted to pick lifestealer with my friend who plays support. Since he looked 'edgy' (which, lets be fair, is one of the most important statistics when picking a new hero to play) and he told me that Lifestealer is actually more of an offlaner.

Now I'm confused, because if you click lifestealer he lists as a carry/disabler/escape.

I tried to google a list of offlaners like this https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/lanes?lane=off

but that list shows stuff like dark seer, riki, clinkz and Rubick top.

I can see dark seer top maybe. But Clinkz is definitely a carry, right? And Riki is supposed to roam all day so if he's the offlaner then there'd be an empty lane. Maybe I'm just stupid.

Is there just a plain list of where the heroes most commonly go to? Could someone explain the lane dynamic here? Because I'm not really getting where to go half of the time, and often the team will just yell at me to go to x lane.

If there's 1 offlane and 2 safelane to support, how does it work? Are you supposed to have two supports, one tank, one midlaner and one carry?

Edit: I'm aware that not every hero has a 'set lane' where he HAS to go, and most often they can go wherever. But considering that I'm playing all pick and I just want to know which lanes the hero most commonly go to. That'd be great information.

submitted by /u/Oldcheese
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Some concerns about Ancient Apparition's playstyle and impact on the game

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

A while ago there was a topic about Bounty Hunter, and which abilities should be skilled first. There was one particular post that seemed very basic, very practical: max Shuriken early because its biggest impact in the game is early.

One thing that's often struck me as being largely counter-intuitive is Ancient Apparition's skill build, itemisation and the playstyle it encourages. As a preface, let me be clear in saying that I think Torte De Lini's standard builds projects are largely really helpful to new players, and often quite practical in the way that they're thought out. I happen to believe that Ancient Apparition's skill build is far removed from those traits I'd normally associate with intuitive and practical ways of playing the game.

If we take the Bounty Hunter premise of maxing early game nukes first, then Chilling Touch is plainly priority one. At level 4 Chilling Touch, your physical attacks are dealing 480 magical damage - 80 per hit by 6 attacks - per hero. Assuming you have 2 right-clicking heroes, you're talking nearly a thousand magical damage before reductions in a fight. What better time in the game to have a massive nuke of 480 magical damage per hero than when hero HP and magic immunity is at its lowest level all game. I'm sure two people could argue all day long about which of either Cold Feet or Ice Vortex to max next, but to my mind Chilling Touch is the spell to max first.

In teams that lack high levels of co-ordination, using spells like Sacred Arrow, Light Strike Array and Ice Path aren't the easiest stuns to land. For that reason, I think maxing Cold Feet first seems counter-intuitive, as the spell becomes much more practical and useful when you have something like Rod of Atos or Eul's Scepter. This isn't to say that a value point in Cold Feet is bad: it's really not, but slapping four early points into a spell that you require co-ordination with other players in order to cause a stun to even happen is folly for most players at "normal" skill level, and maybe even above depending on the team you get. The sheer fact that the stun's duration is entirely conditional on them not leaving the 740 break distance in 4 seconds is testament to how largely ineffective the spell is without items or synergistic spells: and at a cost of 150 mana at every level.

On a related note to synergy with Chilling Touch, Ice Vortex. It slows the enemy: great, that's ideal. It bolsters magical damage: fantastic, Chilling Touch's damage is magical and is affected by magical damage amplification. Chilling Touch and Ice Vortex: not exactly a match made in heaven, but about as close as you'll get to it.

Ice Blast. Oh geez, I'm sure this isn't going to impress the diehard DotA conservatives. Well, here goes: Aghs is so overvalued, I'm prepared to say that for 4,200 gold, it's a sub-optimal and even bad value item to rush on a variety of levels. Let's delve into it.

Aghs does one thing, and one thing only: increases the duration of the frostbite to 17 seconds, regardless of the level of Ice Blast. So instead of 8/9/10 seconds of chip damage after the initial explosion damage, it does chip damage for an additional 9/8/7 seconds. Some people might say "well, it's the removal of health regeneration that's the important thing" and point to Alchemist's Chemical Rage as though this validates the entire premise. Maybe it does, but from what I've seen in the many 4k+ games with Ancient Apparition, two instances are by far the most common:

  • you get an Ice Blast onto an enemy, their regeneration or healing is stalled, a core on your team does enough damage for them to reach the shatter threshold in a matter of seconds, the enemy dies
  • you get an Ice Blast onto an enemy, their regeneration or healing is stalled, they run away and never reach the shatter threshold and the spell is effectively wasted regardless of whether you had the Aghs upgrade or not

Let me be completely clear here: for the 4,200 gold spent on Aghs to be worth it, it is absolutely critical for that additional 9/8/7 seconds of frostbite to be the difference between whether the enemy hero lives or dies. It doesn't have to do the damage by itself, but it does have to be the driving factor [the removal of healing or regeneration part during that additional 9/8/7 seconds counts too] behind why the enemy died, otherwise it's just 4,200 gold spent to have one less item slot available to carry something you actually need.

Let's be real: you're spending 2,050 gold to amass 4,200 gold to ultimately get 7 additional seconds of stalled regen/healing and 288/256/224 magical damage in 32 magical chip damage per second: before reductions might I add. If that's not madness, I don't know what is, and this leads me to talk about the main issue with this hero from my perspective: how people play Ancient Apparition.

Have a good look at half a dozen games in 4k+ on this hero: what you'll often see is a hero that has virtually no early game impact, spends most of its time farming to get Midas and generally having less than half mana more than half of the time, meaning that generally the hero can't use all of their spells during times that might be perfectly ideal to do so.

I don't see Ice Blast as a spell that should be played in a three-point-shot-from-centre-court kind of way: the spell is a lot easier to land - and a lot more functional in terms of hitting the shatter threshold - when you're firing it at ranges of less than 2000 units, and on fleeing enemies instead of initiating with the spell. However, most of the players that use Ice Blast will use it immediately upon seeing an enemy once the spell is off-cooldown, and sometimes even firing it into areas with no vision of an enemy and no indication that the enemy is even there.

Ice Vortex has a cast range of 1,500 units, provides 200 radius ground vision. This means that you can get a pretty good idea of where a fleeing enemy is within 1,500 units just by casting Ice Vortex where you think they've gone. If you get vision of them, then you know roughly where to cast Ice Blast as they're running away. And they're probably running away because they're low on HP, right? Boom, shatter threshold reached in the initial explosion rather than praying it happens at 16 seconds, and all that needed to be done was to not throw the spell out the minute it's off-cooldown.

The problem I mentioned before with this kind of playstyle is that with Hand of Midas and Aghs rush, and spamming Ice Blast like it's Kaldr's last day on Earth, is mana.Frequently Ancient Apparition has mana regen of ~2 - 3 per second when rushing Midas and Aghs, making for frequent fountain trips [even more so when spamming Ice Blast every 40 seconds] - and by extension - very little actual support of your core players. Ice Vortex gives vision to 1,500 units, making it extremely handy for giving vision of spots where ganks could come from, scouting out heroes rotating to defend towers, and - perish the thought - direction contribution to team-fights. Chilling Touch can be cast once every 26 seconds at level 4, meaning that it can be cast on as much of your team as you can fight in the radius prior to a fight, and this can buff your chances of winning said fight quite substantially. In terms of fights with allied heroes that are hit-and-run types: Weaver, Storm Spirit, Slark etc. Chilling Touch is a huge boost to early game fight impact and is so overlooked by the current standard build.

There's so much about Ancient Apparition that's suited to a fighting meta, but the way this hero is skilled, itemised and played doesn't complement that in the slightest. A TL;DR for the people that come to learndota2 to ... not read? Here's a brief summary of a few assertions and opinions:

  • Chilling Touch is the best early-game fighting spell that Ancient Apparition has
  • Midas and Aghs rush is massively overrated
  • Getting an early Eul's or Rod of Atos has a lot more value to Ancient Apparition than a Midas ever could
  • The playstyle ought to change to reflect the fighting meta
  • Ice Blasts are best used as a finishing spell and not an initiating spell unless the targeted hero has spells, abilities or talents involving particularly high HP regeneration
  • Chilling Touch is awesome
  • Pls skill Chilling Touch more
  • P.S. max Chilling Touch first, cast it on your cores and they may actually like you

The opinions expressed and the statements made are not intended to be touted as fact, nor anything other than the short-sighted ramblings of a pleb-tier DotA player: dismiss or glorify at your own leisure.

submitted by /u/AndyKlymacks
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What are some good habits for support players to get into?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 06:18 PM PST

I'm looking for things such as "before you pull, check the lane and see if you should pull." I understand a lot of carry based ones and I've spent a lot of time thinking of ones based on supporting but I have yet to come up with any good solutions. Any sort of help on any category (Ganking, Warding, Stacking/Pulling) is much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Honey_Dope
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Multiple Battlefury no longer Stack?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 06:02 PM PST

I tried multiple battlefury (5)

and it seems like it's only doing 35% cleave damage

did it get patched? I heard it use to stack

submitted by /u/ifeelum8
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Dota 2 Unranked Team Recruiting! [EU]

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 11:46 AM PST

Hey guys! I'm starting a new Dota 2 Unranked team for people who want to play the game in a good team who know what they are doing! I find myself too much in a team that does not listen or a team that is really antisocial and toxic when I am playing solo, to battle this I am starting a brand new team that accepts players who are unranked and have ambitions to play competitive and maybe even enter a few tournaments! What I require from you! To be kind and friendly! Playing Dota can be stressful, you wanna know what makes it worse? Un-cooperative players who just yell a few curse words and go on their own separate way. If you would like to join this team you must be able to listen and help the team progress! Be able to listen! This is key. I have been in so much situations where we could of won the game but lost because the players just went and did their own separate thing rather then helping and listening. Be able to communicate effectively!Whats a team without communication? Being able to talk properly with your team will mean that you can help your team and give us a much higher chance of winning! What can you expect from us? A safe environment to learn and progress! Having this team will mean no more toxic environments since I strive to get the best playing experience for my whole team! A place to improve! Many of the people who are going to join this team, maybe they are new, or maybe they are skilled and want to find a team now to make the game a whole lot more fun! Fun and excitement! I don't know about you, but the thought of a whole team of people working together and listening but not arguing while playing Dota is a dream to me! A dream I hope we can make come true! When all of us are on the battlefield, It will be a swift breeze to the top! How to join! Drop me a PM Here (Might take a while for me to get back to you but I will try my best!) or add me on discord! Cookie#7919 Right now I am playing a support (Dazzle) And can also play Nightstalker!I am more then happy to play both and am able to change what I play so that the team can be happy :) Thank you all for reading this, I know its a bit much but I am hoping to build the dream team, join COMMANDOS now!

submitted by /u/legendalive
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Is quickcast a good idea?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST

Hey, for a while I was playing without Quickcast on, and I was having some problems with bot being fast enough to press buttons twice.

I switched everything to quickcast, and it's a little trickier, but I'm quickly getting used to it and I'm way faster with the combos.

Is this normal for how people play Dota?

I also noticed there's a kind of quickcast that distinguishes between button down and button up, should I look into that?

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Any guides for a returning veteran? (Questions inside)

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 07:06 AM PST

I'm sorry if there are already guides in the subreddit which have answered my queries, but I've been unable to find them.

To give some context, I have about 1200 hours played (according to my steam profile, which I take with a pinch of salt) but I haven't played since about the time techies was added.

I've seen there are plenty of guides for new players etc which is great, however some of it is outdated and not really what I'm after.

So much was added in 7.0 that I feel a bit bewildered trying to come back into the game. There are minor tweaks here and there and it seems even some heroes have had their roles changed (lolwut) but really the main things I wanted to know about are:

  1. Game progression - has much changed in terms of the pace of the game (when people start roaming / ganking / rosh)

  2. Metagame hero lineups - when I left the usual pub game was tanky dude like bristle or timber offlane, mid carry and trilane bot / jungle + dual lane easy lane - this doesn't seem to be the case anymore, can anyone explain the current laning phase meta and why?

  3. Bounty Runes - I'm assuming these are for carries, but is it a dick move to grab one as a support to pay for support items? Also I understand that is worth going to get one just before it should respawn to grab 2 with minimal downtime running.

  4. Jungle - I've looked at maps of the new jungles and stuff, but is jungling to level 6 viable or will you be behind? (assuming something like lone druid, ursa etc)

  5. Items - of the new items, are there any must-have items (eg the dragonlance/hurricane pike for ranged or Sceptre for literally everyone who can get it)

  6. Wards - Ok so I had learnt a lot of crazy warding strats and they are all out of the window now. Where should I ward now? I've been assuming in safe lane having some jungle cover / bounty rune spawn would be a must, but since pugs rarely seem to play support I feel I'm going to have to play a lot of it so I want to do it right.

TL;DR - If you have guides for changes in 7.0 for tactics etc, throw them my way.

submitted by /u/SweggyBread
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So i just finished the weirdest and frustrsting game of my life

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 04:30 PM PST

I was lina. The enemy was pushing our tier 3 mid tower so instead of joining the teamfight, i push enemy's tier 3 top tower and got both rax. Then the invoker told everyone to report me because i didnt join teamfight. I got about 12k building damage in this game and they flame me for being useless i was thinking about to throw off this game but ive had a lot of losses recently and keep trying to win. Is it my fault that i didnt join teamfight? Sorry for the wall of text im a bit frustrated right now. dotabuff

submitted by /u/rarkdeef
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Need help with config / console commands for lonedruids spirit bear

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 04:04 PM PST

Hello. As the title says, I need help with console commands. Is it possible to do following things: - bind lone druids spirit bear return to a button (should work without selecting the bear, sort of quick cast) - bind lone druids spirt bears spell savage roar to a button (without selceting the bear) - use spirit bear item slots (without selecting the bear)

Thx in advance!

submitted by /u/DallasBobby
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When to go for midas on Lone Druid

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 02:40 PM PST

I try to play him whenever I can, he's my favorite hero, I play him on mid, with radiance build, I always buy midas before boots, by 8 minutes, but I was wondering if maybe sometimes it could be better just rushing radiance, and skipping midas, if so, when should I do that?

submitted by /u/KantaSlaus
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How do you deal with heavy escape heroes?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

The ones I have the most trouble with are storm spirit and timbersaw. In the midgame those guys just seem straight up unkillable if you don't have lots of disables or burst damage. Is there anything you can do besides counterpick in order to stop them?

submitted by /u/420AssMagician
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Key bindings and Hotkeys, thoughts and opinions.

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 01:03 PM PST

So, a little insight about me as a player. I've been playing for about 3 years or so. I've got quite a few hours logged into Dota. My MMR is fairly low, but that's because I calibrated early in my career (literally, didn't know shit about shit and still calibrated anyways). I calibrated at 2k during my first year, dropped to 1.7, pulled back to 2.2 and then stopped playing ranked for literally thousands of hours. I'm fairly sure I'm better than 2k for multiple reasons. My benchmarks are pretty good.....45-50 last hits at 10 minutes for mid a lot of times, 50-60 last hits in safe lane if I'm not fighting a super aggressive offlane, pretty good decision making so my kda is usually pretty decent, and I've recently started playing ranked again, and have around a 69 percent win rate for around 68 straight solo ranked games. A lot of friends I play with are 4k-5.5k and I keep it up with them just fine and always have a decent impact on the game.

Ok. So, here's my question......what are your thoughts about WASD camera movement? How much do you think it hinders my ability and speed as a player? Personally, I can't productively use click-drag or screen dragging. Instead, I use WASD as my camera, QER as my top 3 item slot hot keys, ZXC as my bot 3 item slots, and 1234 and space for my abilities. F is my shop, F1 is hero, F2 is controlled units, F3 is all units for micro'ing. TAB for heroes like Invoker, KotL, and others with more than 4 abilities.

One of the arguments I've read is hindering speed of moving around the keyboard, but I've also seen a counter-argument used referencing SC players. Personally, I'm a professional piano player, so moving my fingers up a little bit to a different row of keys doesn't seem like that much movement, nor have I felt like my speed is hindered in a way that is detrimental to my game.

So, I'm curious on this community's opinion on my hotkey choices, and if you think there is a reason why I should train myself out of this as soon as possible, or is this a "different strokes for different foks" kind of situation.

Thoughts, opinions?

submitted by /u/XteekayX
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What should I have built on jug this game?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 09:08 AM PST

Good streamers, who play offlane regularly

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 08:16 AM PST

I am looking for players, who play offlane a lot and discus what they do or answer questions. It doesn't have to be super high mmr players

submitted by /u/AedyrOR
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After many losses, I think I finally got the hang of this patch. Or, my love for Ogre has been confirmed. Road to 3K?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 12:38 AM PST

Why do people have a problem with Lycan?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 07:43 AM PST

In my MMR (3.2k) I've been seeing people ask to not pick Lycan, and I don't really see a reason why that is. Can anyone explain this to me?

submitted by /u/Skrittz
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Lets talk about lina

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST

i love lina so much. She's one of my favorite mid heroes. She farms very fast and can dish out very high both magical and physical damage. She has a build in attack speed passive which can help in pushing towers.

How is she in this patch? Is she viable as a mid right now? What item build? I used to rush bloodstone and go for attack damage items but now i think bloodstone takes too long too farm. I used to buy euls for lina but the more i play her the less i need the euls to set up her stun. I think euls is only good if the enemy has a lot of silence or to counter something like juggernaut's ult.

I think lina can be a good mid right now. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/rarkdeef
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How is my positioning?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 02:12 AM PST

In my recent fans I've noticed a decrease in my total deaths. However, I'm not sure if this is because I'm playing scared, or if I actually have good positioning, or if my enemies are just had at punishing my poor play. Please analyse any of my recent support games and fiat my positioning. Thanks!

PS. Please don't analyse the treant game, it was my first game with him so I over estimated how tanky he is.

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/284188702

submitted by /u/Captain_Cartman
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How do I position with ranged cores, especially immobile ones?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 01:45 AM PST

I'm a support main trying to learn core roles. I started off by learning Outworld Devourer, who I enjoy. He's a cool guy.

Usually though I'll run out of steam in teamfights. Even if I do crazy damage, I'm never getting kills in larger fights, and I get really unfocused and lose track of whose int has been stolen, who I can kill with ult, etc.

Drow Ranger, Dragon Knight, Vengeful Spirit, and Viper also give me trouble.

I think it's my positioning. What are some ways I can improve my ability to position with immobile carries like these? What should I be doing in sieges and fights as a ranged DPS?

I know these kinds of carries fall off late, but I'm sure there's something I can do better to stay relevant, especially if I'm vastly ahead of my enemies.

submitted by /u/PsychicFoxWithSpoons
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Basi or Aquila? When to stop?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 07:31 AM PST

Question about the two items...

I'll typically build a full Ring of Aquila on Sniper/Drow/Windrunner. Is it ever a good idea to stop at Ring of Basi? What are some of those situations? Is it better on completely different heroes?

Just curious. Not sure why you wouldn't just complete the Aquila. Maybe I'm not paying attention to the description of each.

submitted by /u/Directly2the4head
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Commentary on Pro Supports in recent matches

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:53 PM PST

Hey, I'm kasimaru. In 6.88-6.89 I made a few commentary videos on how I support in 5k+ games. 7.xx has been utter chaos, so the next episode has been delayed until further notice.

In the meantime, I've been watching some tournament replays.

Here's my commentary on two of them, focusing on the support side of things. Perhaps they'll help some of you understand the general principles of the role a bit better.

Ryze Dazzle

Zfreek Rubick

submitted by /u/kasimaru
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What are the current snowball heroes?

Posted: 20 Feb 2017 12:56 AM PST

What are the current snowball heroes, who can get out of control and just win the game?

submitted by /u/dizson
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