Learn Dota 2 - PSA: LearnDota2 Community Now Available on Twitch for ALL Members of this Community - Details Inside - Need Moderators!

PSA: LearnDota2 Community Now Available on Twitch for ALL Members of this Community - Details Inside - Need Moderators!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:07 AM PST

Hey /r/learndota2!

With the announcement of Twitch Communities, I figured it was a good idea for us to claim the community name prior to others trying to capitalize on it.

Are you a Dota 2 aficionado and want to help new or experienced players improve? If so, look no further! This community is for players who create educational content, do coaching with players, replay analysis, or anything that may be helpful for a player to improve.

You do NOT need to be an educator to join this group, but you DO need to want to improve as a player and maintain the best positive attitude you can while approaching the game.


Any streamers of this subreddit should consider streaming to the LearnDota2 community tab: https://www.twitch.tv/communities/LearnDota2

The premise of this community tab is for those who want to help others learn or for those who are climbing themselves and may want advice.

Since I've just written up the descriptor & rules on the page, please feel free to give me input if anything should change or if anything needs to be added.

I'm uncertain exactly how the moderation of communities work rather than stream-related moderators, so any members of this community that are active, watch a good bit of twitch, or have pedagogical skills they want to improve, please post below if you're interested in being a moderator.

Mods of this subreddit -- contact me if you want me to get you set up as a mod for this as well.


See you on the battlefield!

- sKai

Follow me on Twitter to see when I'm doing free coaching, @Reach4sKai

submitted by /u/Reach4sKai
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"sub-2k players never do _______" - fact or fiction?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:25 AM PST

So these kinds of comments are made a lot, and sometimes taken as gospel. I've got to say in my experience as a fairly new player, though, it's been a mixed bag, and it can be dangerous to ALWAYS assume.

For instance, if you spam invisibility as an escape because sub-2k players never use detection - man, are you trouble when they actually do have detection. So I just wanted to share what I've observed from ~4 months down in the trench.

Sub-2k players never buy wards. False. I would say 1 out of 3 games either your team or the enemy team doesn't have wards at all, and occasionally both. (Often you can predict this by the lineup.) But more often than not, someone has placed 10 or so observers throughout the game. Sometimes people even deward if you're at/near the common spots.

Are they clever about it? Not really. Does your team take advantage of vision intelligently? Not always. But if you run around thinking there are always no wards at all, it's a great way to get yourself killed.

Sub-2k players never use smoke. Definitely true. Maybe once every 20 games someone will buy it and actually have some semblance of a plan. Then the execution of it usually gets botched anyway. I occasionally use it solo as a support for placing dangerous wards, and judging by postgame screens, occasionally other people do as well.

Sub-2k players never buy detection. False, big-time. Even against 1-point-something-k players, I've come to learn that invisibility can still be very unreliable. People see a Riki, Treant, Weaver, TA in the lineup, and you will see sentries and Dust pop up in the enemy inventory before long. Not too uncommon to find sentries in lane from minute 3-5 or so, either. I can't tell you how many times I've been about to die as Weaver or TA, tried to use invisibility as a last-ditch escape, and promptly been killed anyway. It's no joke.

Now, will they check your inventory and realize you're about to build Shadow Blade, and plan defensively? Hell no. Do they make good decisions about where to put sentries? Hell no also. (Not uncommon to see someone drop 40 sentries against a Riki trying to ward all lanes at all times ... I've also seen people place sentries right in front of their own towers, not realizing towers give you vision, etc.) Generally you can get away with whatever once or twice before they start to catch on, but they often DO respond, and if you think invisibility = invulnerability, by the late game, you die.

Maybe this is something that 1k players didn't do when the current crop of 4-5k players was first starting out, but I think at least the knowledge of it is out there and people try to do it, albeit often pretty ineffectively.

Sub-2k players don't push objectives. True, sometimes. Not uncommon to come out +2 or +3 in a teamfight and then half your team immediately TPs to fountain or goes to farm their own jungle. Also not uncommon to see an aggressive 5-man deathball coming down your throat as soon as a couple of your team are dead. It's probably about 50-50 in the games I see.

What does happen - a LOT - is that there will be a skirmish where one or two people will die on one team, then the enemy tries to 4- or 5-man a tower, and the defenders panic, and they run up and die one at a time trying to sneak in some pointless stun on one character and run away. Then it turns into another lost fight and two towers go down, and people start calling gg and flipping out.

Another funny thing ... if someone is attacking a tower, half the time they WILL automatically freak out and run away as soon as they see you start to TP in. Even if it's three enemies attacking and just you coming to defend. So that can save you a tower sometimes. But it's also 50-50; sometimes they just keep attacking and you wasted your time, and once in a while (maybe 15-20% of the time) they will even realize you're bluffing, and gang up and murder you like they're supposed to.

Sub-2k players don't know how to last hit. True. Oh my god is this ever true. This is probably the strongest part of my game since I practice it a lot, so I can usually out-CS the enemy mid as a solo offlaner. Pretty typical to see the best CS in the safelane and offlane be high teens or low 20s, and the midlaner get mid-20s or low 30s.

Also of note: Hardly nobody ever uses creep aggro tricks. And EVERYONE tries to creep block in all three lanes, EVERY game. But let's just say there aren't too many budding Arteezys down here (Arteezies? Arteezii? What's the plural of Arteezy?) so it gets fucked up 95% of the time.

Sub-2k players don't know how to draft/pick lanes. Yup, it's the biggest crapshoot ever. Maybe a quarter or a third of the time, your own team will make some kind of a plan about their own picks, but pretty rare to consciously counter or avoid counters. And the lanes ... well, they can be anything, so try to look surprised!

Solo safelane? Happens all the time. Offlane Spectre with 8 CS @10? Yup, I've seen that. Spectre and AM both safelane? You bet. Axe, Centaur, and Void on the same team and all three go offlane? Why not? So it can be like that. Or, you can get a lineup that might actually fly in a high-MMR game.

I could go on and on (already have, in fact), but I guess the common theme is that while I think it's a dangerous mischaracterization to say "sub-2k players NEVER do _____," what IS true is that they rarely do it consistently. Or they do one thing consistently right but another thing wrong. There's always that one guy on your team wailing away on Abaddon after he flashes blue.

Sometimes when a team has strengths that click, even at sub-2k it can actually look like a legitimate, challenging game of Dota. When it doesn't, you can get stomped by a team with a 400 MMR carry.

I'm not sure what my ultimate conclusion to this novel is, but would be interested to hear other people's thoughts on how true/not true these observations are.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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Whats the deal with Shadow Blade?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:38 PM PST


I played a bunch of DotA 1 and HoN where Lothar's Edge and Assassin's Shroud were items. They were build fairly often on certain hero's. More commonly at lower MMR's/Skill levels. Typically on heroes like Sniper, Drow, Kunkka (is that spelt right?) and so on.

However in DotA 2 it seems to be built by everyone on everything (again probably more common at lower MMR's). It's even in a few guides or high level players will recommend it.

The only reason I can come up with is that higher MMR players think that the rest of us are to stupid to use Blink Dagger so they just say to get Shadow Blade instead. Is there something else to this?

A good example of what I am talking about is Shadow Blade on Legion Commander. Why would you get it over a Blink Dagger? (THE IS AN EXAMPLE, DON'T JUST FOCUS ON SHADOW BLADE ON LC!)

Kind Regards, Ashuman.

P.S. Sorry for posting a lot in this sub, its just hard to get answers from people in game. I do try to answer other peoples questions when I see them, I just don't know a lot. Mod's let me know if I am breaking any rules. :-)

submitted by /u/AshumanTV
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When to buy a magic wand as a core

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:12 AM PST

Can anyone tell me when and why I should be buying a magic wand as a carry. I like the burst heal it gives but I feel like I will run out of inventory space if I get it.

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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How do you deal with Clinkz?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:32 PM PST

Anyone wanna think about the 'rock, paper, scissors' of dota here?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:40 AM PST

Which lineup counters another, is what I'm talking about. For instance, a 5 melee lineup is countered by a lineup with mostly range or heroes like magnus/enigma.

submitted by /u/The_Godlike_Zeus
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Playing Necrophos

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:00 PM PST

Before 7.00, I used to play Necrophos mid and had decent success with it but now I don't really know where or how to play him. He doesn't quite feel like a mid anymore. I want to say solo offlane, but he's slow and has no escape and pretty farm reliant (although I am pretty low MMR so that might just not matter). Maybe he's meant for 1v1 lanes when your team goes aggro tri but that seems a bit too specific. As for items, it seems pretty clear that greaves are the item on him now but what about after that? Is veil still worth picking up? Go straight for aghs?

I would appreciate any suggestions or sharing what works and what doesn't work.

submitted by /u/Maraudershields7
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Top 6 Aggro Trilane Wards (xpost /r/dota2)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:05 PM PST

Soul Catcher damage type?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:01 AM PST

In-game skill description.

Damage type: pure.

Gamepedia. Abilities description page. Damage type: unknown

Amplifies all 3 damage types, including self-inflicted damage and damage dealt by allies.

Hero's changelog page.


Soul Catcher now directly amplifies damage by 20%/30%/40%/50% instead of attempting to re-deal 20%/30%/40%/50% of the damage as Pure damage.

Where is the truth?

submitted by /u/someAlex
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Disable Autoattack When Stop Is Held (Doesn't Work)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:42 AM PST

Hey, I wanted to try this feature which can be found in the Advanced Options menu, however, even though I am holding my Stop key (bound to S by default) my character is still attacking automatically while Auto Attacking is set to Standard.

Okay, I found out that when you change the Auto Attacking option to Always, holding S does work, but changing your Auto Attacking with the Toggle Autoattack hotkey breaks the Hold S To Stop Attacking option. Is this intentional, a bug, am I missing something?

submitted by /u/UtileDulciMiscere
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What is the legit speed of increasing mmr when you are better?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:23 PM PST

Please help me reddit. This is problems bothers me for a long time. I play party ranking most of the time and my current party mmr is 4500. My solo mmr is 3500 and I have climb it to 3700k for about 2 weeks. However I am feeling stucked in this brackets. Since my friends are all getting busy recently, I've been playing 70 solo ranking games with 37win-23lose, which is 52.9% winrate. At this speed, it would take me a huge amount of time to reach 4k or 4.5k above.

I like to play carry and offlane in my party ranking games and some times I think I am decent in 4.5k mmr with about 50% winrate. However, what can I do with my solo mmr? There isn't any enjoyment to play when my friends are busy and I still think I am better than my 3.7k teammates because I don't make the mistakes from the replays I analysized. Even some people will add me as friend after every 3~4 games which also proves I do not suck at 3.7k, but I still feel it is so hard to climb currently.

Is there any youtube/twitch stream where high mmr players climbing mmr from a low mmr account? Is there any kinds of guide of what should I do when I feel my teammate isn't good enough yet I still cannot win all games? It's just unrealistic for me to play a billion games with 52.9% winrate(it may be lower as my mmr increases) everyday.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Heroes who will enter the meta in 7.02?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:51 AM PST

Anyone see any heroes buffed significantly in any way in 7.02? The only one who stands out as someone who got a major buff is Bounty Hunter. Aghs after Mek seems really good for support Bounty. He now has teamfight impact late game other than just putting track on people.

submitted by /u/strobefight
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How to PROPERLY 5 man push with a lead?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:41 PM PST

One of the mantras of people giving advice to sub 2K players such as myself is that "most of the time games come down to not pushing properly." In my last couple games it seems like my teammates were not unaware of this fact and attempted to deathball push as soon as we got a lead and failed miserably only to lose lategame.

Exhibit A: I played Omniknight. We accumulated a 10K gold advantage and took all the outer towers. We started pushing bottom lane but when it came time to hit the buildings (around 25:00), the fight went awry and we had to disengage. We tried to regroup upon respawn and the fight went even worse. Our very magic based lineup struggled to win a fight after that.

Exhibit B: I played Underlord. Once again our team recognized the lack of right click damage, but I couldn't figure out a remedy. I was debating about picking a hero other than Underlord to be more of a "hard carry" but I figured atrophy aura would allow for decent right click damage. For some reason we built double mek even though I pinged out that I would build one after completing arcanes (and several times after that). This throw wasn't as bad as the first one, but it seemed like if we didn't win by 30 minutes it was gonna be hopeless, and we just couldn't take towers fast enough.

My overall questions is: Is it better if you recognize that your team is picking a lineup that lacks a traditional pusher and adjust your draft or is there a way to adjust your playstyle such that lack of traditional pushers doesn't matter? Is there something that you can do as an individual that helps your team push better?

submitted by /u/Xplayer
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Stat gain of heroes

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

I was wondering why some heroes that have crappy stat gain and base stats get to late game carry ( eg spectre) while some heroes with high stat gain like venge winter wyvern and silencer arent played as carries. I understand some heroes are restricted by their abilities and synergise better with items, but won't the heroes with better stat gain profit more?

submitted by /u/not_a_robot_just_guy
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New hotd on sven

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:46 AM PST

So whats the take on the new dominator on sven.Still viable? Should I still make it on him? What is the item build in general now?

submitted by /u/gambitflash
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Carry Abbadon game analysis

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:14 AM PST

Game: https://www.opendota.com/matches/2988047410

Played this game yesterday. It was Single Draft and my team didn't draft any hard carries. I don't remember my other choices but Abaddon seemed like the only choice. I've played him more or less every position, usually offlane though, but have definitely played him as a carry. Anyway, the other team seemed to have much better carry potential so I had my work cut out for me. In retrospect, I think it was a lot my team taking bad fights (Spirit Breaker gonna break spirits...). Maybe there was a way to play around them more though...

Anyway, I was mostly wondering about items. I went HotD first. I got tons of value out of the creeps. Got some kills with Hadoken creep and some stuns, Hellbear pushes...etc. Next item was Sange and Yasha. I was mostly wanting to try out the new Sange debuff. I actually feel this was a really good item this game. It enabled me to chase and get a few kills. My next choice was Heaven's Halberd. It helped me manfight Sven a few times (was actually surprised how well I could fight Sven 1v1 throughout the game actually). I wasn't sure if Sange buffs stacked though (they do) and maybe I should have disassembled S&Y for the HH and maybe a Manta? Then picked up a Vlad's because I really needed the lifesteal/armor. Ended up finishing getting a Abyssal because I figured I could disable/stun Sven/whoever long enough to beat them in a fight. Didn't get to use it much...but that's the reasoning behind my choices. Now I wonder what might have been better.

I knew I couldn't outfarm Sven so I sort of ruled out getting Mjollnir but my push power was pretty slow without Cleave from Magnus. I also really think I should have gone Blademail after or instead of HH, mainly because I was being focused by the whole team sometimes even when I had ult. Also, since I'm pretty certain I needed lifesteal for manfighting, what is better here, Vlad's or MoM? Or should I have gone Satanic (seemed expensive but maybe I could have got that instead of Abyssal). Other potential options: Skadi, Heart, Daedelus, Armlet (instead of HotD maybe).

What do you think? Now that I'm writing this, I'm thinking maybe Maelstrom would have been good just to boost my farm. I ended with HotD but would have liked to replace it with somethings obviously.

I hadn't played Aba carry in quite awhile but despite losing the game, he seemed really good in that position to me. I had a pretty hard lane (Windranger/Alchemist) but actually did pretty well with my passive and Aphotic Shield. He can obviously build many ways, so you can adjust accordingly. I was surprised to be able to manfight Sven and Alch. I lost one manfight to Alch because I was banking on my ult coming off cooldown. Literally died 1 second before. He's probably not so good against ranged heroes but my main problem was really just when the whole team coordinated to kill me. Any thoughts on Carry Abaddon in general? Sorry if this post sucks, I'm bored ;)

submitted by /u/helsquiades
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Storm Spirit

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:56 AM PST

I am noob and new to Dota. I see heroes categorized based on complexity. It seems everyone is on their level, but why storm spirit is considered as tier 3 complex hero. I play him and doesn't feel that hard to play. Can anyone explain why storm spirit is hard and requires high skill to play ?

submitted by /u/HerFury
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What kind of discussion threads do you guys want next?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:52 AM PST

We've gone through all the heroes already and the sticky thread for all of them has been up for a month.

Suggest some topics for us to create new sticky/discussions for you guys. We could begin weekly item discussion threads.

submitted by /u/Pressthepig
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Is winter battle pass worth it for a beginner?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

Hey guys, after 4 years playing league of legends, i got tired and started playing Dota 2 this week, and im loving it! :D I saw a lot of cool stuff to buy like rick and morty voices lol, but i think that the thing that is more worth buying is a battle pass. I dont know exactly how it works, but i saw that it has a lot of quests... I dont know if i should buy, what do you guys think?

Sorry for my bad english, its not my mother language.

submitted by /u/solidtonho
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A Giant Storm Spirit Guide (4.5k, 1.5k games)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST

Good day players! Today I'll share my way of playing Storm Spirit. I've began learning the hero at around 3k, climbed to 3.8k, improved further over time, and now I hover around 4.5k.


Disclaimer before we begin: I'm in no way a Storm Spirit authority, things that I'll write may not work at higher/lower mmr, may even not work for you, may look plain wrong (and it's possible that it is) but if you decide to adapt the playstyle and climb with it, great!


Lets zap right in.

Quick summary on how to play/master the hero: Storm Spirit can be played in Mid, and definitely in the Safelane if your team has other man-fighting cores. You are extra squishy pre-6, know that, play/itemize accordingly. Most important thing every SS player should master -- mana expenditure. You must have a good feeling how much mana you will expend doing a specific jump, will you have enough mana to kill your target, and/or escape.


Now for the specific playstyle: At this point I will split Storm into two roles -- Teamfight Storm, and Pickoff Storm. Depending on the role you choose to do, items and playstyle will differ greatly.


When to build Teamfight Storm:

  • Enemy has heavy disables, making BKB a necessary pickup

  • Enemy has 3 and more heroes who are natural BKB/Eul's/Linken's/Manta builders, are very tanky, or have other means of escaping/preventing ganks.

  • Enemy has grouped up and playing as 5 from very early into the game.

  • You had extremely shitty early game, and you are very far behind.


These 4 rules are not always the deciding factor, and each game should be judged individually.


How to build the Teamfight Storm:

Bloodstone, BKB/Orchid, Hex/Aghanim, further luxury items like Bloodthorn and Shiva's.

Talent choices: Damage, Health, AttSpeed, Vortex.


How to play the Teamfight Storm:

You will want to mostly stick with the team -- if they initiate, you initiate -- if you initiate, you make sure team is near -- if team is getting initiated on, you jump in to fight.

In the fights you are very tanky thanks to HP talent, treads, and bloodstone, making you an unlikely target in bigger teamfights.

TL:DR -- stick near the team, collect BS charges, manfight along with your carry.


Honestly, Teamfight Storm is the basic default way to play and build SS, especially for new players, so there should be plenty of guides analyzing the playstyle even deeper. However, for my taste, it is pretty boring, and when the situation allows, I go for the different playstyle.


When to build Pickoff Storm:

  • Enemy heroes don't have many disables/escapes, and don't naturally itemize them.

  • You had a decent early game, items are not delayed.

There are fewer prerequisites to playing Pickoff Storm, because, this time, YOU are shaping how the game plays out.


How to build the Pickoff Storm:

First and foremost -- Orchid, your most important tool. Average Orchid timing is 15 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, Boots of Travel+Linken's Sphere. Then Bloodthorn. Then Hex/Aghanim.

Talent choices: Damage, Intellect, Attack Speed, Vortex.


How to play the Pickoff Storm:

Everything went good and you have your Orchid in good timing? Great, time to go ham on the enemy team, and snowball to victory!

Start looking for pickoffs immediately. Your early orchid allows you to solo-kill almost any enemy hero, and it takes a few deaths until the enemy becomes aware of the new threat and starts playing defensively. Those few free orchid kills should bring you close to your next item: Boots of Travel.

It's minute 20-25, and your Storm Spirit just became a global threat. Start doing even more aggressive pickoffs, since now you can easily teleport to/from the base. At this point either enemy is forced to play grouped up - allowing for easy pushes, (not to mention space for your carry), or continues to feed solo kills to the Storm.

By now you should be collecting final items for your Linken's. What to do with Linkens? Enemy by now is very aware of your potential, so solo pickoffs will become harder - they might pickup an item or two not to die from you, simply stay grouped, or try baiting you. So you just splitpush like mad. Linken's and BoT makes you impossible to kill by a lone hero, and if they send forces to take you down -- once again -- space.

By now from the gold you collected, you should be nearing Bloodthorn. And, just as with Orchid, your primary role gets back to ganking. With the previous items, talents, and Bloodthorn active, you hit like a truck, and can kill most heroes under 5 seconds that Bloodthorn gives. Most of the time, not enough time for the enemy heroes to react.

Look for carries pushing back, supports trying to ward/deward. Zip in, delete a hero, zap out. Watch as chaos ensues. You control the whole map. In the teamfights, you can annihilate squishier heroes. With all this space your team simply outfarms the enemy, and you win the game.


Now, in case something didn't go as planned, you do things a little bit differently. Even if you're very ahead, rest of your team can be behind, and/or feed the enemy. If enemy picks up some anti-Storm items, then you rush Linken's before BoT, and pick up Treads+Raindrops to survive the fights, since your team is behind and isn't as strong.

In the late game, you may skip Bloodthorn, and go straight Aghanim, since pickoffs are less common, and controlling the enemy team becomes priority. Eventually, with the right plays, your team should regain control of the map, and your role shifts back to Pickoffs.


Most recent game ID best depicting Pickoff Storm: 2989572698


Couple of tips viable for both playstyles:

If the enemy mid will have higher damage for lasthits, item order goes like: Circlet, Branch, Branch, Bottle, Soul Ring, Boots. Rely on your spells for lasthitting.

If not, and you can successfully right click, then the regular Null, Faerie Fire, Branch, Bottle, Soul Ring, Boots.

Wards are your best friend while playing Pickoff Storm. If nobody is buying, consider getting some yourself.

Once again, Pickoff Storm relies very heavily on mana management. Know what you can kill with mana left over for escape, or, if there is no way enemy can reach you, just enough mana to TP-out after a kill.

Will update this section once my memory digs out more Storm tricks.


Added clarifications:

Reasoning for not getting Bloodstone on a Pickoff Storm: You are all about the sweet sweet damage, and Bloodstone simply cripples SS in that area. Yes, Bloodstone allows you to jump around and waste mana more, which is great for teamfights, and that is the traditional Storm playstyle.

If you plan to play Pickoff Storm and rush Bloodstone first, your pickoff potential is reduced to just squishy heroes with no escapes, hence it's best to play traditional Teamfight Storm at this point.

A Pickoff Storm, instead of Bloodstone, simply utilizes Boots of Travel to quickly recover between the ganks. As you acquire more items, you get naturally tankier, and a 6 slotted Pickoff Storm sports 50 mana per second. At that point, the only bonus from Bloodstone is the respawn timer, which, in my opinion, is not worth an item slot.


For now, thank you for reading, and may this guide help you in becoming an unstoppable zipzapping force.

submitted by /u/Captain_Iceblock
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is jugg still a good mid?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:26 AM PST

Echo Sabre vs SnY on Chaos Knight after 7.00

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

I just saw Purge get Sabre on CK, and a lot of builds seem to recommend it after Armlet. I don't get it. It used to be a decent item on him, helping him with mana while giving decent damage. Now that raw Attack Speed benefits illusions, you'd think Sange and Yasha or even a Manta rush would be far better.

SnY and Sabre give comparable attacks/second on average, except SnY benefits illusions. That is very important. In the midgame CK has, say, 3 illusions per fight. Let's do some math. At level 14 say he has Armlet, Treads, and Wand. Say he took the 15 AS talent like most players. Other items are not relevant because he doesn't get other major AS items besides Assault Cuirass, which comes very late. He has 209 attack speed.

With Echo Sabre, he and his illusions get 219 attack speed. We could calculate the extra DPS Echo Sabre gives him over 5 seconds, but this is not fair because Echo Sabre has burst damage value. So we will calculate total number of attacks over 3 seconds, a reasonable assumption being about how long you'd take to kill a fragile core or tanky support in the midgame, with the lockdown to help you.

number of attacks = (number of illusions + 1) * number of seconds * (attackspeed/100)/1.7

Without Echo Sabre or SnY, this value is 4 * 3 * 2.09/1.7 = 14.75, rounded down to 14.

With Echo Saber, this value is 4 * 3 * 2.19/1.7 = 15.45, rounded down to 15. Add 1 from CK's own double attack and we have 16.

With SnY, however, CK has 241 attack speed, and his number of attacks over 3 seconds becomes 4 * 3 * 2.41/1.7 = 17.01 rounded down to 17 attacks.

So even if we account for the burst damage potential by decreasing the time window, SnY just gives more. That's at a 3-second interval. At a 5 second interval, which is at least how long you'd take to kill a carry in the late game, SnY's advantage grows. Also, note that SnY's attack speed benefits linearly as CK gets more items and levels: That 32 attack speed will always give you 0.32 more attacks per second. This is not the case for Echo Sabre. Once he builds AC and has level 25 stats, and gets the +12 stats talent, Echo Sabre's value decreases dramatically. This is because the 500 AS cap inhibits how much faster that double attack is than an ordinary pair of attacks.

SnY gives more strength, more damage, and more movespeed. Echo Sabre is great on high-damage carries like Sven, but CK just doesn't hit as hard as, say, Monkey King or Tiny. Why give him 1 extra attack every 5 seconds, when he hits for like 180 damage? It's difficult to see how Sabre could be the better pickup. But let's list the (superficial) advantages of Echo Sabre over SnY:

  1. Might(?) help more when CK fights without Phantasm

  2. Cheaper

  3. Helps with Mana

Let's address each.

  1. SnY is easily better. CK really doesn't have the burst damage without Phantasm to use the double attack. A single CK is not a big threat and if he gets into a manfight, the long-term advantage of SnY shines. Greater Maim is better than it looks; permanent maim happens quite often. At that point Maim is far better than the ~1 second slow of Echo Sabre every 5 seconds. CK doesn't have enough a problem sticking on a target, or a high enough damage, to love Echo Sabre.

  2. This one is true, but Echo Sabre doesn't scale well, while SnY can be disassembled into Manta and Halberd. CK usually doesn't get farmed enough for that to matter, so this one I concede. Keep in mind though, that SnY's buildup is famously good while Echo Sabre's is meh. SnY is also a much better farming item, with the overall bigger attack speed advantage and the movespeed. If the game goes long enough and you farm a lot (which is rare but happens), you might even make up for the extra gold. In the late game scenario Echo Sabre is sold for a 1325g loss.

  3. This is honestly the strongest advantage of Echo Sabre. But 130 mana and 75% regen are just not big enough to solve his problems; he'll still depend on his team's arcanes. But 7.00 offers other ways to help. You can now use Clarities while farming, and Shrines are awesome for mana-deficient cores like him.

So really, each real advantage of Echo Sabre is rather situational and meh.

SnY received buff after buff for melees for many patches, and it's clear at this point that Icefrog wants it to be picked up more. Yet CKs seem to build Sabre more after 7.00!

What do you think? Why would Purge, who is a much better theorycrafter than me, get Echo Sabre?

submitted by /u/Miss_Bullshit
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Reaching account rank 20

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:45 AM PST

Hello, I've been looking at what it takes to begin playing ranked matches. I feel like my unranked matches swing wildly in skill level (but don't exactly have the best frame of reference). I have noticed a lot more teamwork and player playing roles recently, so I figure that's a good sign for my hidden MMR. I am currently at account rank 18. On one wiki, I read that it takes about 50 hours in game to reach level 20 using the experience trophies alone. I have about 120 games played. For that to be less than 50 hours, the games would have to average 25 minutes each (which they do not because low MMR leads to long games). What else can I do outside the experience trophy to level faster? Will changing playing a number of different heroes help? It looks like the all hero challenge could help, but my starting heroes in that are pretty weak.

submitted by /u/vaknah
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How to turn off unlimited gold in bot games?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:04 AM PST

Probably a dumb question....in my bot games, I somehow have unlimited gold. So it is completely pointless. I don't remember turning that on or entering any kind of command...and now I also don't know how to fix it. Does anyone have an idea or knows what to do?


submitted by /u/centralchef2
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Is it necessary to use exort spells when qw invo

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:19 AM PST

I like Invoker and this question keeps bugging me. Do I need to use exort spells when I get them as Invo. I play qw invo and already have a hard time doing well with him( getting about 400ish exp and gold)

submitted by /u/XxDirectxX
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