Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | February 13 - February 19

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | February 13 - February 19

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

If you believe something is out of place here please report it!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Tomorrow in /r/heroesofthestorm

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:30 AM PST

Have some place to be tomorrow so no time to check the subreddits reaction to the release of Lucio? Stuck on some kind of Valentines date instead of at your desktop computer where you would want to be? No worries, I got you covered. I bring you the exclusive preview of tomorrow on this subreddit. Here what we'll have:

  • A thread asking if Lucio is released yet

  • A disgruntled post asking why Lucio isn't released yet on EU (because Blizzard hates EU, duh, its 'America first' for a reason ya dummy)

  • Another disgruntled thread calling Lucio OP, then going on about how this cash grab thing by Blizzard of releasing OP heroes to grab quick money then nerf them 2 weeks after release

  • A different thread by another angry user calling Lucio UP and desperately in need of buffs (this user bought Lucio and didnt win his first game as Lucio, hence he's UP)

  • Some thread asking about who the next hero will be

  • Some thread complaining about how Lucio 'doesn't fit' in HotS. Because an Orc riding a hoverbike delivering massive gold coins to a ghostpirate (while being chased by a murloc riding a pink unicorn that poops rainbows) fits, but a rollerblading DJ doesn't. Gotcha.

  • A thread calling new Murky OP (we've had those, but I can guarantee you that they'll be back tomorrow)

  • Some guide by a 'Lucio main' will be posted approximately 15 minutes after release.

  • A random Lucio clip of a not that Lucio play/juke will be posted. Its gonna be decent, but not great, if you get what I mean. What I'm saying is its only gonna get to the frontpage cus its the first time you've seen a Lucio do that.

  • Some post asking for QoL changes to Lucio, namely double his healing numbers so he can solo support, and make his movespeed stack with ally mount speed.

  • Some 'unknown' interactions will be brought to light by someone who thinks he's made a groundbreaking discovery, unaware its sort of common sense or actually literally in the talent description (something like 'PSA: Lucio's movespeed bonus from wallriding actually STACKS with other movespeed buffs' or 'LUCIO CAN MOVE AND ATTACK JUST LIKE TRACER!!!!' or something similar, you get what I mean)

  • Somebody will complain about Blizzard not changing things for balance reasons before the PTR becomes live, ignoring that the PTR is a very small sample size so not that good for balance testing and that the PTR (as Blizzard has repeatedly stated) is primarily for debugging, not balance testing.

  • Somebody will make a post about how theres still bugs in the game that were on the PTR. No of course I didnt report this bug I found while I was on the PTR, I was expecting you to find it and fix it while I played PTR. What do you mean playing on the PTR means I'm sortof a beta tester for the new patch so I'm supposed to report bugs if I want them fixed, PTR is the early acces to new content I get when I buy a hero with real money, no?

  • A conspiracy theory about who the next hero will be

  • A 'statistics based' post claiming Lucio to be UP/OP, based on his actual statistical winrate. Idk sample size, I just know % means I'm right about things.

There you go, that'll be all you can expect tomorrow, so don't worry about giving your girlfriend some attention (or more likely, binging on Lucio/Murky games) instead of checking the subreddit!

submitted by /u/MisterDerptastic
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Blizzard, Any word on releasing an API or an Official HotS Statistics website?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:04 AM PST

We all love stats, but the reoccurring issues with hotslog's is making many people turn away from the site making the data more unreliable thus even less people will use it.

We need a way to see the true data from a reliable source, Myself and many are sick of HotsLogs controlling a monopoly on Heroes Data and its impossible for competing websites to take off as their data will never match that of Hotslogs.

Is this something we can see in the not too distant future? is it in your sights? is it already in the works? help :(

submitted by /u/Maskimus
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Hotslogs is now opening spam websites.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:49 AM PST

After finishing a game, Hotslogs Website redirected me to this:


I don't mind disabling my Adblocker for normal ads but this is not acceptable.

submitted by /u/mahlzeitcompany
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QoL Anub changes

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:18 AM PST

So, with the recent buffs to my favorite bruiser I spammed a little bit on Anub in HL (master) as well as in QM (in my smurf). And being QM I experimented with all of the available talents and I found some inconsistencies with the information some talents provide. Remember this is a QoL post and not a buff request since I will talk about some weak talents.

1) Trait: I think it's only fair that Anub gets a counter for his beetles that are still alive. Sure you can count how many you spawn but counting on them being alive after getting some AoE in the face is pretty unreliable. There is no reason why Anub can't get a Beetles counter when Xul has a skeleton counter.

2) Locust Needles: The splash animation is very unclear. Kerrigan gets a very clear circle on her similar talent while Anub gets some spikes splashing in random directions. It is often hard to count whether you will hit that Shrine monster or not.

3)Locust Swarm and Hive Master: They both need a range indicator since both of the swarm fly around in a circle far smaller than the actual range of the abilities. Often when you chase a squishy with small HP you have to guess whether or not you are in range for that pesky bug to fly in for the kill, whether you need to burn your ms bonus or your E to get in range or not. I would prefer if the swarm would fly in a pattern similar to Dehaka's Dark Swarm (W).

4) Urticating Spines: Similar to point 2 and 3 there is no range indicator nor is the animation clear. It is minor though compared to the above since you count on its damage when you are in melee range of your target, where the damage is pretty much guaranteed.

5) Burrow Charge and Epicenter: They both need impact area indicators. As any good Anub player knows, the best use of Burrow Charge is to emerge PAST your fleeing opponent for some sweet stun-bodyblock combo. But with the current animations you have to guess in which side your body will emerge or whether you will emerge past your target and stun or miss the stun. Also I have no idea why Epicenter doesn't widen the ability indicator.

submitted by /u/FurryOfDracula
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Zero f**ks given by McIntyre [3:28]

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:44 PM PST

Such a lost opportunity on Valentine's Day

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:07 PM PST

Free hero rotation should have been something like:









Erik from The Lost Vikings. (Thanks to /u/bobbzilla0)


submitted by /u/Samygabriel
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Now that we have heroes with baseline armor, what do you guys think about giving our lovely dryad, Lunara, some Spell Armor?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

It would fit her fantasy and lore very well, cosidering that Dryads in WC3 got the Spell Immunity passive, which makes them immune to all spells. Something like 5-10 Spell Armor would propably not break the game, as her winrate at the moment is slightly below average.

Might make her some kind of niche counter to mages, similar to Anub.

submitted by /u/Bali4n
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[OC]"An Open Letter To My Favorite Teammate"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:43 PM PST

Rather than buy into the absurdity of which that is Valentine's Day, I took it upon myself to do something personal and make him something. If you ever need someone on your team patient enough to put up with the mistakes I've made, this is your guy. Sadly, I've done almost all of these situations.


submitted by /u/shutupandsuckmyclit
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An idea for upcoming Murky rework patch: whenever teammates pings Murky's egg, it should say "Murky's egg" instead of "this area"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:18 PM PST

Poeple just don't seem to take it as seriously or know what I'm talking about right away whenever I try to ping the egg while playing with/as Murky to help to protect it or istract the enemy so Murky can relocate it in time before it gets destroyed.

submitted by /u/Pernaman
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Mewn on Pros

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:03 AM PST

Heroes Hype Gauntlet

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:12 PM PST

How To Participate

You and your team can sign-up through our Battlefy page.

Date & Time

Start Time: Wednesday, 6:00pm PST (9:00pm EST)




Gale Force Esports


Grizz + A new Special Guest every week!

Where To Watch

Catch Heroes Hype Gauntlet on Twitch every Wednesday, at 6:00pm PST (9:00pm EST).


Over $1,300 in cash and HyperX merchandise.

NOTE: You can add $1.00 to the Prize Pool for FREE by redeeming the coupon code "hhg1," on our Matcherino page. Be sure to tell your friends!

If you have any questions, you can contact the Heroes Hype team through our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/5kMgaeB

submitted by /u/itsKagekiri
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The slight buff to Abathur's hat is appreciated, but his monstrosity is what really needs to be looked at.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:57 AM PST

In almost every situation the clone is way more practical than the monstrosity. It's on a 50 second cooldown, immediately puts another body in the fight when and where it's needed most, does 20% more damage and moves 10% faster than the hero being copied as well as allowing your team to spam their most useful abilities. The level 20 upgrade also bolsters the survivability of the person being cloned, which further contributes to your teamfight power.

For comparison's sake, the monstrosity is on a 90 second cooldown, and starts off extremely vulnerable until you build up stacks. If a clone is lost, it's no big deal because it was going to die anyways after 20 seconds. If the monstrosity it lost, you not only have to wait almost double the time to bring it back, you also have to begin building stacks again. Because of this, it's function is almost completely opposite to that of the clone: it allows you to start pushing areas that are unguarded by other heroes while they preoccupied.

Most of the time however, it can be really difficult to get the ball rolling. It's extremely vulnerable to being taken out once people notice the big symbol it leaves on the map, and you constantly have to babysit it with your hat to keep it from dying prematurely by automatically tower diving. The level 20 talent that gives it deep tunnel is very useful for allowing it to get away from heroes, but is still pretty underwhelming.

There are several things that could be changed to increase the effectiveness of the monstrosity, yet it can be hard to say what would put it over the top. The deep tunnel ability feels too weak to be level 20 talent on its own, but still might be too good to have as a base part of the monstrosity because of the extreme survivability it would provide right off the bat. If the monstrosities cooldown was reduced, it would be more competitive with the clone by allowing for more frequent pushes. A slightly more creative buff, possibly as an addition to the level 20 talent, could make it so that the monstrosity spawns locusts after every Nth minion that dies near it, dramatically increasing the threat it brings even while still weak.

I'd like to hear what others think about this. As it stands, Abathur seems to be better off building for locusts if he wants to be a strong pusher. This makes him vulnerable by actually having to be out in the field, but with decent map awareness his deep tunnel allows him to escape danger before the enemy team can even pinpoint his location. On a really neat side note, his clone can actually be used as an emergency escape because it removes Abathur's body from play while the clone is being controlled... just another reason to pick it over the monstrosity, even for pushing builds.

submitted by /u/cometcrasher
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3 special words of Mewnfare

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:23 AM PST

Zeratul's Master Skin should have a different blade colour with its tints.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:39 PM PST

Zeratul's Templar skin changes his blade to blue from green, while this is not the case on the blue tint of his master skin. Since it would be very easy to implement (it's already in the game) I would very much like to see that irritating green blade gone from the blue and black tint of Zeratul's master skin. No spell effects would need to be changed (again, look at Templar Zeratul), it would just be nice if the weapon changed tint with the rest of the skin (at least where that weapon tint is already in the game). Thoughts? It could even just be treated as a bugfix.

submitted by /u/Frizzlenill
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I feel like there needs to be something done about Varian

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:19 AM PST

There are two problems i see with Varian right now (and HGC highlights one of them).

1). Tank Varian is incredibly powerful and simple to use. They reduced the CD on Taunt after his release because nobody was drafting him as a tank, but I think they went too far with it. You go in for your lockdown combo and bait out the enemy cleanse. Then 20 seconds later, you turn right back around and do it again while the enemy team doesn't have cleanse. As long as one of your damage dealers waits for you to engage and then blow up the target, it's a very easy kill that really requires minimal skill on the part of the Varian.

I think they either need to increase the CD on Taunt or change how warbringer works. Have the baseline charge come a 10s CD and then warbringer turn it into a stun, but increase the CD of charge by 4-6 seconds.

2). Arms (Colossus Smash) Varian is too weak. They showcased how he had 3 different paths to talent into, yet really there are only two with taunt and twin blades (which I believe is highly overrated).

I don't know how to buff the Arms ult in a way to make it viable. Easiest way would be to give Varian 20 armor when he dives in with his ult, but that just feels lazy to me. I think Arms is the most exciting ult he has (who doesn't love that scream when he goes in?) and wish it were more viable.

Edit: This wasn't meant to be coming off as whining or complaining about a hero being OP. It's more about a hypocritical hero design. Before Varian, there was a stun-lock meta that was hit with a nerf bat (My personal bae Tyrande got hit quite hard by this). So then Varian comes out and with Taunt, he performs about 2/3 of the old CC chain from early 2016 by himself. I'm of the belief that skillshot stuns (Lunar flare, storm bolt, etc.) should be longer durations than the point and click stuns.

submitted by /u/rkash17
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Can Samuro get his Earrings Back?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:36 PM PST

He had them in Warcraft III, Injured Blademaster in Hearthstone has them, In World of Warcraft Blademasters mostly have Earrings, and on top of that, I think it would bring some more detail to him, honestly every time I look at him I feel like something is missing, and that something seems to be his golden earrings.

submitted by /u/Wersus69
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We need like....10 more supports.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:08 PM PST

True Supports (and somewhat warriors) are lacking taste in this game. It's too vanilla, we need more rocky road.

submitted by /u/followATEVA
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New Hawkray: Cloak and Warpblade (Zeratul)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:05 AM PST

Heroes Western Clash at IEM Katowice 2017

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

The importance of timing ie. not spamming abilities

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:35 PM PST

Proper timing of abilities is something I have been paying a lot of attention to lately in my efforts to improve. This will of course be obvious to most of you on this subreddit. However I have been guilty in the past of running into a fight and instantly blowing all my abilities and have seen other players frequently do the same if this advice is obvious to you then my apologies. Lately I have been concentrating on holding my heroes abilities until the right moment. This is dependant on a few factors:

  1. Stringing your own abilities together. For example with Johanna if you catch the enemy Valla in a condemn you want to chain your defensive abilities together. Wait for the stun to wear off then hit her with a shield glare, then wait for the blind to end then use Iron skin. If you use your abilities too quickly they overlap and you don't get maximum value.

  2. React approriately to your enemy. Don't use an defensive ability until you really need it, hold on to CC for maximum impact and offensive abilities for maximum damage. Hold BW's polymorph until Butcher charges in or hit it just as Illidan uses evasion (I like this one). Hold that condemn until you can catch a few heroes or until your team really needs the peel. This is especially true for tank heroes. Do not just blow abilities for damage they almost always get better value as peeling abilities. Same with heals dont just instantly heal every bit of damage. Who is really in danger of dying where and when will your single target heal have the biggest impact in swinging the fight in your teams favour.

  3. Finally chain your abilities with your team mates. This sounds so obvious but is rarely done as effectively as it could be. This doesn't just relate to abilities but your enemy and team mates position as well. Muradin has leaped over a retreating Valla and is body blocking slowing and looking for a stun. Now is the time for Jaina to hit some abilities get some damage and a slow on her. Johanna has caught 3 enemy heroes in a condemn, blow some AOE abilities on them. That Illidan has survived BWs poly, hit him with another stun.

Like I said this is really obvious stuff however it is something that so many players neglect. We have all seen those Diablo and ETC players blowing their abilities for extra damage and wasting the chance of a kill. I wrote this partly to keep this awareness forefront in my mind when i play and partly because there may be a few players who read this and think, "yeh I do know this but do I do this enough?"

submitted by /u/StayMoist
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Tetcher has made an awesome game mode to do in custome games! BOSS mode.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:54 AM PST

A quick question. When was Spell Shield nerfed?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:18 PM PST

I rarely take the talent so perhaps it just went over my head, but iirc Spell shield used to be a 3 second mitigation with a 30 second cooldown. However, both normal and Lunara's spell shield will only last for 1.5 sec as stated in the tool tip. Thus, it begs the question, when was it nerfed?

Looking on https://heroespatchnotes.com/talent/generic.html (which is a great site for patch history) you can see that Spell Shield was buffed from a 2 second to 3 second duration on June 6th, 2015 and wasn't touched after that until the ability to toggle it was added in September 13th, 2016. Apart from that, nothing is mentioned, leading me to conclude that either it's a tooltip error or that it was stealth nerfed when the ability to toggle it was added. If anyone knows the particulars I'd be very grateful.

submitted by /u/Jaxster37
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As HOTS noob tried Gazlowe for 1st time. Somehow found a team that walked into our completely obvious ambush 8 times in 2 minutes! I'm still in disbelief...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:43 PM PST

Sandbox Keep Testing: Minions and Catapults Unopposed.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:06 PM PST

Overall setup: Set up custom game with 1 player and no AI's. Soaked and slowly chipped down lanes until keeps went down at end game. Timed how long it took minions and Catapults to take down keeps unopposed.



Game 1: I tested time to core death from taking down a single keep in this one.


Single Keep down, no enemy heroes. Took keep down at 15:30ish game time, core finally died at 23:37. It took 8 minutes, completely unchallenged by any heroes, for a single lane of Catapults to kill the core. When the keep was taken down, a triple wave of minions assaulted the core and did almost no damage to the shields as they were cleared in mere moments.


Game 2: This time I took down 2 keeps and timed how long it took the core to die. I staggered the keep deaths to not unrealistically synchronize the game.


2 Keeps down, no enemy heroes. Took first keep down at 17:22. Took Second Keep down at 18:00. Core died at 20:35. It took 2 minutes and 30 seconds, completely unchallenged by any heroes, for 2 lanes to kill the core. I intentionally staggered the minions so they wouldn't arrive at core from 2 sides at the same time. Without being killed by splash damage instantly if multiple waves of minions hit the core at the same time then 1 wave actually has time to do minor amounts of damage. Due to my testing on this I lowered the value of AOE reduction to 50% from 75% in my suggestion. I don't want minions overrunning core, but I do think that a single lane, untouched, should do meaningful chip damage if allowed to reach core and die to it and that 2 lanes untouched should end the game fairly quickly. Right now there is zero threat unless there is more than 1 catapult at a time attacking.



Note: It should be noted that in a real game minions will regularly be killed by heroes, mercs will be taken that stop minion waves, even heroes going through lane disrupting minion waves severely reduces their effectiveness and stalls out pushes by minions/catas. The testing done here is many times faster than any core damage or kill would happen in a real game.



HGC Tournament Example: Spoiler Tempest vs Mighty Game 1.



Start watching at 46:15 on Twitch. Mighty takes an Impaler camp and then just leaves the lane alone and never touches it again until it goes all the way down the line. The Impalers cause the catapults to bunch because they are bags of hp that do no damage, creating a backup of 3 catapults, that was actually the worst thing they could have done. Then they never return back down to the lane. They didn't clear any of the minions. And at 49:00 Johanna is finally forced to go and deal with it.

Mighty made that mistake because single lanes are never a threat, that Imapler stackup was a freak occurance because Imaplers are so weak and crappy. So they forced the catapults to stack up early in the lane and then they didn't touch it for over 2 minutes straight after the stackup. This ended up taking 50% off the core, which the single lane is normally never even close to capable of in a normal game as my testing shows as well.

If they had never taken the impalers they wouldn't have taken near as much damage on the core, and honestly, it likely wouldn't have even broken the shield. So they made the ordinarily correct initial call to contest the punisher. But then as the fight drug on they got the upper hand and won the fight, slightly too late to go back. But at that point it was too late, Tempest would not have let them disengage, they fought hard to keep them there.

So, word to the wise, be careful when taking mercs vs catas if they don't have minion support before an objective. This kind of thing is super rare, but it can happen in highly specific situations. First time I've seen it though.

submitted by /u/Ralathar44
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Splendour's suggested balance changes

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:43 AM PST

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