Diablo - Primal Ancients will now roll Perfect Ancient Stats

Primal Ancients will now roll Perfect Ancient Stats

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:13 PM PST

2.5.0 Roland's Legacy - LIGHTNING SWEEPER GR90 Clear

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:22 AM PST

After hundreds of tries, my friend decided to binge-craft 54 Hellfire Amulets

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:33 AM PST

What is the difference between: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, standard and Digital Deluxe edition?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:21 AM PST

I have never played this game before and thinking of downloading it, but there is 20 $ difference between these two versions, which one should I go for?

submitted by /u/xatrun
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Which stat should I roll on my Ancient blade of the tribes?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:07 PM PST

I'm not sure if I should ditch life pr. fury spent or vitality?

I need cooldown reduction, but I can almost Leap all the time now.


submitted by /u/doyoueventdrift
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Said no Diablo 3 player ever

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:27 PM PST

"Oh nice, shielding again!"
"... and again, the item that I wanted! thanks kadala"
"I love bounties!"

your turn

submitted by /u/4wake
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Weird technical question.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:53 AM PST

I have an odd question, and am wondering if anyone can help me out with this. I had an idea that if I could walk on my treadmill while grinding DB's, it would be a pretty easy way to get (slightly) healthy(er). Yeah I know, not a huge health increase, but I figure it's better than nothing.

My computer is in a different room, about 30' away, and my thought was to use my Xbox One controller, and stream it to a tablet.
I think I have the streaming part figured out, using chrome remote desktop, but if anyone has a better suggestion, I'd be very open to trying it.
I'm not quite sure how to set up the controller, have it be wireless and map the buttons. Or if anyone has a better suggestion than the controller, I'm definitely open to that too. I'm just trying to grind while using this set up, not push GR's or anything like that.

Any advise or information would be a great help, thanks!

submitted by /u/Avatar_1
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Updated my Seasons 1-9 Solo GR (EU) Ladder Overview

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:28 AM PST

Just updated those lists I made a couple of month ago

EU (Seasonal) Highest Solo GR


EU (Seasonal) Leaderboards Entry Level (Rank 1.000)


submitted by /u/_Krypt_
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How to zDPS: Positioning

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

Yet another Primal Ancient change idea

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:59 PM PST

So, the recent "perfect stats" post put the current Primal situation at one that leads to a foreseeable endgame, endgear build.

To mix things up with randomness and some interesting builds, what if instead of Primals being perfect rolls, they were existing Ancient Legendaries that were tagged as a random Set component.

This would, in effect, be like having up to six more cube slots, but with the rarity levels of Primals, it's going to be ages before you assembled a perfect build with it.

To compensate for some of the letdown if it's not a set you use, allow Ramaladni's gift to re-roll the set that a primal is a component of. As it stands, Ramaladni's gifts are nearly worthless once your Ancient weapon has been gifted.

submitted by /u/essieecks
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Thinking about get back into D3, couple questions

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

Haven't played probably just over a year, going to pick it up again soon.

So Wizard is by far my favourite role, is an archon build still the best way to clear high level rifts solo or has meta changed to something else?

Roughly how long is left of this Season? Just don't want to start a new character for a couple weeks worth.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/JaArc
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Getting back into ARPGs

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:43 AM PST

So I've been getting back into ARPGs with torchlight 2. I have an ng+ toon but the online community doesn't seem to be there. Is it worth getting Diablo 3? Seems like it has a large online population. Is it going to be tough coming into D3 as a noob?

submitted by /u/0pt1cs
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Maybe a little late, WD question

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:28 AM PST

Getting back into the season and farming gear with my monk for my WD. Have 5 pieces of the spider set piece + RoRG and the firebat staff but the gameplay feels weird. Any other builds worth trying that would feel more fluid? I'm used to play melee classes and of easy builds (thorn crusader).

submitted by /u/mrconrados
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Advice for Gen Monk

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:13 PM PST


So that is my profile. Was able to do a gift 72 in 11 minutes or so, but I feel like I should be doing more. I was thinking that I should roll some Area damage to attack speed, but I figured I would put this out here for advice.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Pistauff_gamer
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PTR status?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:18 PM PST

Haven't been able to connect all day, tried two different Internet connections, so I know it's not my office blocking. Why does the launcher not give the server status and disable the Play button? And where the hell do we even go on the Blizzard site for PTR status? The changes they've made to their site over the past couple years really suck balls.

submitted by /u/ackthbbft
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Farming Uber organs, is there any reason to go higher than T10?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:39 AM PST

I've tried searching for organ drop rates, everything seems outdated, or maybe there hasn't been changes. Should I be farming higher than T10 for organs?

submitted by /u/Wetzeb
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Most efficient Torment X Wizard Build

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:39 AM PST

I'm currently running a firebird archon build for GRs and a variation (avarice band w/ boon of the hoarder and nemesis bracers) but I only play solo since I don't have Xbox live. What's the most efficient build for solo torment X runs? I've got my eye on FlashFire woh build.

submitted by /u/adventurerobby
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:33 AM PST

Trading in ARPGs and "Pay to Win"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

This thread is for a grown up discussion about trading in ARPGs and how we got to this point in Diablo III where we no longer have it. And I welcome Blizzard to read this thread as well as give us some insight on what ultimately made their decision to remove trading.

I saw a advertisement on Reddit today for a video game expansion. With the expansion pack you will get a Maximum Character Level Boost. That is 100% pay to win, but it lead me to thinking that the extreme opposite of Diablo III where everything is essentially self-found. I am actually predicting the Necromancer will start off with some serious balance issues when it first comes out. Blizzard will not want this community crying foul that they're selling an overpowered character - or 'Pay to Win'.

I remember when it first started we used to be able to craft rare amulets, they were superior to anything you could find on the auction house because they were also soul-bound. I knew from that point on there was no turning back, everything will start to be soul-bound and self-found from then on players were going to be at the mercy of RNG.

But it makes me wonder what if Diablo IV is made? Would it have trading?

submitted by /u/Kontora
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Vyr'Rasha with Tunderfury and Etched Sigil. Archon mechanics.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:24 AM PST

What about if I change Pig Sticker for a Thunderfury and Starfire for Etched Sigil on the cube? Is it any better? That's what I'm running rn. Also, I don't get why should we play ranged? Doesn't the archon play melee with his abilty number 1? I also have the passive that does melee dmg instead of ranged dmg. Is it a good idea? What's better?

submitted by /u/shaokpro
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