Smite - Kuzenbo Banner Voting Thread

Kuzenbo Banner Voting Thread

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:28 AM PST

Please DO NOT make any top-level replies, ie. replies to this post. Feel free to comment on the submissions by replying to the corresponding comments.

Every time a new god or goddess is added to Smite, we update our banner to honour the addition to the roster. You can see some of the previous banners here.

After Kuzenbo's announcement, we received two submissions, and the winning submission, based on your votes, will be the banner of /r/Smite until the next god release. The artist of the winning design will receive a one-time opportunity to select a single seasonal or limited flair to equip, excluding tier five skins and the beta flair.

See here for more info.


To vote, simply upvote and downvote the comments below that correspond to banners you do and don't want to see win. You can upvote and downvote as few or as many designs as you would like. The design with the most upvotes will become the banner.

If you would like to submit your designs for the next god releases, we begin accepting submissions the moment the patch notes go live (and the artwork for the new god is therefore available.) We take submissions for five days, and the day before the patch, we allow you all to vote, so that the banner can be updated on patch day!

You can submit artwork either by sending us a modmail, or by sending me (@DrYoshiyahu#0145) a direct message on Discord.

  • Submissions must be 1920x200px, .jpg or .png, and less than 500kb.
  • Moderators reserve the right to reject any artwork if they believe it is not of a high enough standard. (We're not taking MS Paint drawings)
  • Designs are listed on imgur in the order in which they were submitted. The early bird gets the worm!
  • In the case of a tie, the moderators will decide a winner from between the designs tied for first place.

Good luck! :3

submitted by /u/DrYoshiyahu
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[CONSOLE] Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread "Season 4" - 4.1

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:47 AM PST


Season 4 is finally here! Please feel free to share/discuss any builds or strategies you may have!

The world's longest patch notes may be found HERE!

Please note that KALI is NOT in the live client right now and may be "hotfixed in as early as Wednesday 2/15"

submitted by /u/Unforgettable_
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Hi-Rez should sponser a Man At Arms video for one the gods weapons...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:57 PM PST

For those that don't know what Man At Arms is, they're basically a youtube channel that speciallizes in making video game of ancient weapons in real life forges using old and modern techniques, they have really good production quality and a big fan base. A week ago, Ubisoft sponsored a video for ForHonor and it already has 1.2M views... And this with a simple japanese old fashioned katana. All their video in a spawn of months reach easily something like 3 million views. Imagine these guys producing Thanatos Scythe, Nemesis blade or even Chaacs giant axe... It'd bring millions of views for then and a pretty damn good advertising for Hi-Rez...

Here some videos to serve as example: Batmans Wolverine claws

Assassin's Creed Hidden Crossbow

(Cloud's Final Fantasy 7 giant sword)

submitted by /u/VoxelRiot
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Can we get the pre-game time back for Assault?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

I'm all for the faster starts in most game modes, but I feel like Assault is the one game mode where it made sense to have it.
It is the 1 game-mode that can force you onto a god you wouldn't normally know how to play... so the extra time to read abilities and think about itemization was very helpful.

Also the jump parties. Bring back the jump parties. :(

submitted by /u/-Mekkie-
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Hi-Rez has no idea what they're doing with the conquest map.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:43 PM PST

Seriously, I know people really want to justify that Hi-Rez is just experimenting with S4, but holy shit was it a mess. What's the excuse for it being such a mess? They have multiple other MOBAs with years of experience having a perfectly fine main mode that they could study. They spent weeks testing the new map. Yet despite all this they somehow made the game so much worse. There are a few huge problems with the conquest map (some that I've already complained about multiple times in the past)

Let's go over some of the main goals of this season. 1. All the laners start in lane. 2. The jungler starts in the jungle. 3. The jungler is the only person who clears jungle camps. I suppose that they fixed the first one, but it was implemented horribly, and the second and third one were not fixed and were just made worse.

Goal #1: All the laners start in lane. This change actually worked, all the laners start in lane. The problem is, the game has been balanced around everyone starting at level 2 for so long that the game has some serious problems when you start at level 1 (FUCKING IZANAMI) One side is always going to get pushed out, and pushed out hard. If you clear the enemy melees first then you automatically have wave pressure and then you can snowball from that out of control. Huge mess.

Goal #2: The jungler starts in the jungle. This is another huge problem that wasn't solved. We'll start with a situation, Jungler A starts in the jungle and Jungler B starts in solo lane.

At 0:30 - The jungle camps spawn and minions meet, Jungler A kills the speed buff and Jungler B kills the wave with his solo laner, team A's solo laner can do nothing but sit under his tower and maybe kill an archer for gold, he's stuck at level 1.

Jungler B then kills fire elementals with his solo laner. They both hit level 2.

Just from this short little situation you can see that team A is behind in gold, behind in xp, and they're not even ahead in camps because they killed their own speed buff while team B killed fire elementals, and still has their own speed buff up.

You can't convince me that there is any reason to start in the jungle. When you start in lane you get yourself and your laner super far ahead and you don't lose out on anything.

Goal #3: The jungler is the only person who clears jungle camps. It's pretty obvious that with the new bumba's mask changes they're trying to discourage you from splitting jungle camps. There is an inherent problem with the way experience is shared in smite. Currently you get 66% experience if you share with one other person (66*2=132) and you get 50% experience if you share with 2 other people (50*3=150). As you can see it is much more efficient experience-wise to share, so why would you ever solo? You're not gaining any more time efficiency, you just clear one camp between each wave and you're going to be super far ahead of your opponents.

A huge problem that everyone is experiencing in all their games is the duo lane snowball. Whichever team clears duo lane first pretty much wins the early game. They get to go kill the small minions on purple buff and steal red buff. I can't emphasize how much that this is being used in nearly every game, yet it is not getting fixed at all next patch. In fact, nothing about the problems smite has currently are getting fixed next patch. It's just a few god balance changes, that isn't going to change any of the inherent problems.

LoL isn't very popular here but anyone who knows anything about Smite/LoL can tell you that League has the far superior jungle. So why does Hi-Rez not look at all the reasons why LoL's jungle is so well designed? In League, only the person who gets the last hit on a camp gets the gold/exp. It's near impossible to clear jungle camps early game without having the jungle starter item (which you can only buy if you have their version of wrath). Both of these big reasons make the jungle more independent and only let the jungler kill camps. Why does Hi-Rez not test these?

That leads into my next point, HOW DO ALL THESE CHANGES GET TO LIVE WITHOUT HI-REZ PREDICTING THE RESULTS AT ALL? This is all just me assuming stuff, but all evidence seems to point that Hi-Rez is only testing what the desired effect of the changes is, rather than testing for the optimal way to play. If they tried to play optimally, they would pretty easily see that they didn't fix anything and the game is in a worse state than before. I honestly can't see a way that a jungler who starts in the jungle would have an advantage over one that starts in lane. I learned this on my first day of playing S4. How was this not seen after weeks and weeks of internal playtests? Are the playtests just super low quality with no goals or ideas coming into them? Do the designers just ignore all the feedback that the playtesters give them? Or does Hi-Rez just actually have no idea how to make a MOBA?

TL;DR: You should probably just read the post because there's a lot I go over, but in essence, the conquest map is fucked up and Hi-Rez seems to have no idea what they're doing with it.

submitted by /u/Doodobirdie
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PonPon explains (red colour) S3 and S4 placements.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:43 PM PST

Cutesy Crikeydile Avatar Submission

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:13 AM PST

I commissioned this icon from, make sure to check him out :), and I wanted to know what everyone else thought about it

submitted by /u/DingodiIe
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

Q. "When will Kali be back?!??? IT'S BEEN A MONTH" A. Wednesday.

Q. "When will Ranked be released? I need to get placed in Bronze already" A. Friday

Q. "What's the new console meta?" A. There isn't one quiet yet, it just released hours ago.

Q. "How do I jungle in S4 on console?" A. Ult as Thor every chance you get into jungle camps. Also make sure to look up jungling techniques in the search bar. New ones are always being posted for your convenience.

Q. "When does 4.2 release?" A. February 21

Q. "Where is the console PTS at???" A. You have to uninstall the game and wait for Xbox to send you a message. It's the only way right now.

*Times are always questionable. This will be updated with more FAQ as I see them. If you know some comment them and I'll add them so we can stop with the 2748494 "Where's my Kali" posts.

submitted by /u/Real_sg4bomb
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Can we get the data for the "Popular Items" tab reset?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

It is two weeks into season 4 for PC and as far as I have seen not a single new item has made it into any of the Popular Items section for any god. I assume the HiRez either A) has not purged the data that auto-updates that tab at the start of season 4, or B) has not manually updated to the current season 4 popularity. If we could get that being updated properly again that would be great. I understand if it is not updated/purged every single patch, but there are enough changes in season 4 that it should be reset. I suppose it is also possible that none of the new Items are popular enough to make it into the Popular Items section, but I highly doubt that.

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Show me someone with more worshipers than him and you get 400 gems.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:45 AM PST

Remove the passive XP gain in Clash!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:58 AM PST

I know we have had this thread before but as a PS4 player who just got to experience the new Clash mode via the Season 4 patch this needs to be said again...

Previously by far my favorite mode in the game Clash provided a nice alternative to the constant fighting of Arena and slow early focus on farming your lane of Conquest by providing a nice mix of the two without leaning too heavily in either direction.

Now with this passive XP gain this has become another mode like Arena where constantly fighting, diving for kills from the get go has no real risk... you are going to lose very little XP farm and can snowball by playing overly aggressive and getting kills with no real meaningful downside if you mess up and die.

All of this has meant that the mode has lost it's initial build-up and the significance of gaining pressure or a kill early on and instead it's an all out brawl from the start now, with player only starting to consider their action and their consequences late into the game when respawn timers are more substantial.

So as someone who is a fan of the Clash mode please remove the passive XP gain!

submitted by /u/ocean-ripple
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Let's give props to the entire eSports Production team.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:15 AM PST

I just wanted to piggy back of this thread which has people giving props to the casters for their super long weekend of matches. I just wanted to make sure the people behind the scenes got the praise they deserved as well. I don't know the names of everyone working back there but I know they worked their asses off and have definitely been improving the production value significantly over the last few season of Smite.

Round of Applause for everyone involved in the eSports production

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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Do you guys think an entire jungle map would be fun?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

I was thinking about a new map idea, basically its a 5v5 or maybe 4v4 large map filled only with jungle except for a really strong titan in the center.

The idea would be to have just a huge jungle to run around in and farm, and try your best as a team to counter jungle, while waiting till you get high enough level to take the forest titan.

So what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/FoctopusFire
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Why do poeple constantly juke when there are no enemies around when i am playing Hel

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST

Do you want to not get healed?

submitted by /u/DAANHHH
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"I got red buff"

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:17 PM PST

You still can't F6 in Duel before 10 minutes passed

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:37 AM PST

Look I get it, there's always a chance, and you don't want people to F6 before 10 minutes, but I'm just gonna leave the game anyways, it only causes the opponent more boredom, having to wait for the match to end.

And there is a point in saying that you can always win, but I'm a level 5 Freya against a level 8, 5-0 Kali, and it hasn't even been 5 minutes yet. I'm clearly not going to win, why not just let me F6?

submitted by /u/JasonMan34
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Teleport Glyph and Blink Rune icons look really similar

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:14 PM PST

I've accidentally purchased teleport like 4 times now because I think it's blink.

Edit: Teleport Kumbha in Arena is not the best :(

submitted by /u/matteo81992
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:05 AM PST

A Comparison of Guardian Base Damage Numbers and Where Kuzenbo Fits

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:53 PM PST

First off Apologies for the long post.

Since Kuzenbo was put into the PTS (and is about to be released) a lot of people have said that he has really weak damage and doesn't feel strong enough. So I thought we might compare the base damage (with scaling figures) to see where Kuzenbo ranks amongst his peers.

We'll start off ignoring extra applicable damage (such as % health) and focus on raw numbers. Base damage plus additional damage with be underneath plain base stats.

For % health damage assuming target has 2000 health.

I'll also put average damage per ability next to the god names

Ares (840/ability)
Ability 1 does a total of 420 + 60% per shackle (1260 + 180% with all three)
Ability 3 does 280 + 56% in total with an additional 24% of the targets max health
Ability 4 does 500 + 40%
Total base damage: 2040
Magical Scaling: 276%
Base + Additional (% Health): 2520

Athena (530/ability)
Ability 1 does 280 + 50%
Ability 3 does 560 + 100%
Ability 4 does 750 + 90%
Total base damage: 1590
Magical Scaling: 240%

Bacchus (373/ability)
Ability 2 does 250 + 70%
Ability 3 does 320 + 60% in total
Ability 4 does 550 + 70%
Total base damage: 1120
Magical Scaling: 200%

Cabrakan (613/ability)
Ability 1 does 280 + 50%
Ability 2 does 320 + 50%
Ability 3 does 1300 + 700% if channeled for the full duration
Ability 4 does 550 + 70%
Total base damage: 2450
Magical Scaling: 870%

Fafnir (346/ability)
Ability 1 does 260 + 50%
Ability 3 does 240 + 60%
Ability 4 does 480 + 120%
Ability 1 (Dragon Form) does 390 + 75%
Ability 3 (Dragon Form) does 360 + 60%
Total base damage: 1730
Magical Scaling: 365%

Geb (490/ability)
Ability 1 does 400 + 50%
Ability 2 does 370 + 50%
Ability 4 does 35% of targets current health
Total base damage: 770
Magical Scaling: 100%
Base + Additional (% Health): 1470

Khepri (256/ability)
Ability 1 does 280 + 40%
Ability 2 does 240 + 50% in total
Ability 3 does 250 + 30%
Total base damage: 770
Magical Scaling: 120%

Kumbhakarna (495/ability)
Ability 1 does 350 + 50%
Ability 2 does 270 + 50%
Ability 4 does 825 + 55%
Total base damage: 1465
Magical Scaling: 155%
Base + Additional (Minion bounce): 1485
New Magical Scaling: 165%

Sobek (415/ability)
Ability 1 does 230 + 50%
Ability 2 does 260 + 40%
Ability 3 does 220 + 30%
Ability 4 does 950 + 80%
Total base damage: 1660
Magical Scaling: 200%

Sylvanus (296/ability)
Ability 1 does 240 + 35%
Ability 2 does 150 + 50% in total
Ability 4 does 500 + 125% in total
Total base damage: 890
Magical Scaling: 210%

Terra (463/ability)
Ability 1 does 520 + 60% in total
Ability 2 (assuming unshattered) does 380 + 70%
Ability 3 does 350 + 50% in total
Total base damage: 1250
Magical Scaling: 180%
Base + Additional (Shattered Walls): 1390

Xing Tian (383/ability)
Ability 1 does 220 + 60% with additional 12% total health as damage
Ability 2 does 255 + 70% in total
Ability 3 does 290 + 60% in total
Ability 4 does 525 + 175% in total
Total base damage: 1290
Magical Scaling: 365%
Base + Additional (% Health): 1530

Ymir (560/ability)
Ability 2 does 370 + 70%
Ability 3 does 210 + 50%
Ability 4 does 1100 + 150%
Total base damage: 1680
Magical Scaling: 270%

And finally the King Kappa himself

Kuzenbo (475/ability)
Ability 1 does 210 + 55%
Ability 3 does 185 + 35%
Ability 4 does 660 + 120% in total (might only have 4 instances of damage but pretty sure its 5)
Total base damage: 1055
Magical Scaling: 210%
Base + Additional (Multiple Gods Hit in 3): 1425
New Scaling: 280%

So our rankings at pure base damage are:

  1. Cabrakan
  2. Ares
  3. Fafnir
  4. Ymir
  5. Sobek
  6. Athena
  7. Kumbha
  8. Xing
  9. Terra
  10. Bacchus
  11. Kuzenbo
  12. Slyvanus
  13. Geb & Khepri

Now remember those additional effects and the new rankings are:

  1. Ares - 2520
  2. Cabrakan – 2450
  3. Fafnir – 1730
  4. Ymir – 1680
  5. Sobek – 1660
  6. Athena – 1590
  7. Xing – 1530
  8. Kumbha – 1485
  9. Geb – 1470
  10. Kuzenbo – 1425
  11. Terra – 1390
  12. Bacchus – 1120
  13. Sylvanus – 890
  14. Khepri – 770

Obviously not all guardians are meant to be played the same just like being a guardian doesn't mean support. So for Khepri his peel/ult etc. are more important than his damage, while AOE/low cast-time ults, such as Bacchus', are usually more damaging than say a Xing Tian ult.

In relation to Kuzenbo, we also have to remember that he has a 40% damage reflection (before mitigations) in his kit and this can contribute significant amounts of damage. But just looking at his base numbers he's in the bottom 5. I'm not too sure on his role, but I remember PonPon saying that he could be a jungle guardian so they may need to buff his damage if this is the role they are looking for him to be played in.

What do you guys think?

Also I'm pretty sure all the maths is right if you guys see any glaring mistakes be sure to let me know :)

submitted by /u/Cellbite
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Could "*name* has purchased gauntlet of thebes" be implemented?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:52 PM PST

Just a minor detail that seems reasonable since sovereignty and heartward say it...

submitted by /u/Goldmoon2156
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how every jungler feels this season

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:07 PM PST

Is it just me or has season 4 been incredibly frustrating?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:58 AM PST

From the way jungleing works now, the item changes, and the new spawn timers, it all just throws the game off a ton in my opinion.

It seems so snow bally as of late with a level 1 dieing in lane then never being strong enough to catch up. When people met in lane (outside of invades) at level 2 or near level 2 they had the abilities to come back, but if your jungle or your Solo die level 1, the enemy solo/jungle is going to be level 3/4 by the time they level up.

This has also made normal's much more toxic as people go so far to blame one another for the fact that they can no longer catch up to there counter part.

But that might all just be my lackluster experience, I'm curious if any of you guys are feeling the same way?

Edit: It's been a long time since I disliked Smite this much. I might need to take the season off or something because each game is just killing me.

submitted by /u/Brandon_Me
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Shower thought: What if Odin had Neith's kit?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:34 PM PST

If you really think about it, a more lore-accurate version of Odin could have Neith's kit. He could use Ichaival as his main weapon for basic attacking if he was made a hunter, and her abilities could function well with his lore. Hear me out:

Spirit Arrow: Rune of binding-Odin sends out a spell which hexes enemies, wrapping them in magical ropes which root them for a few seconds.

Unravel: healing charm-Odin draws magical power from the earth, damaging enemies and giving them an attack speed debuff and healing himself.

Back flip: Ravens' wings-Odin calls his raven allies to carry him into the air backwards, away from danger.

World weaver: Gungnir's wrath- Odin calls all his strength to throw his Dwarven spear, Gungnir, at a chosen enemy. Gungnir stuns and damages the enemy on impact, and cannot miss.

Are there any other gods which would have more lore accurate kits if they used another god's kit?

submitted by /u/fanboyphilosopher
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How to make someone heartbroken this Valentine's Day

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:27 AM PST

Very Important Console Tip

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:48 AM PST

Don't press select before choosing your god... the cursor will get stuck on the players gamer tags and you get a free deserter buff.

submitted by /u/Kelton_The_Great
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Ran Mask Needs to Be Fixed!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:28 AM PST

For those who don't know, Ran Mask's passive will be lost if you die. So if you get 6 stacks, then the next time you die you will lose it. Same thing for max stacks. Don't believe me? Go to Jungle Practice. But this is a serious issue. Ran Mask is basically a useless starter item. DON'T BUY IT until it gets fixed. I honestly don't know why it isn't being fixed in this upcoming patch...worked fine in pts, don't know what happened.

submitted by /u/ProfessorL0ki
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First thing I realized when playing season 4 on xbox. Everybody was right. Take away Thoths stun.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:04 PM PST

Please for the love of the gods take it away.

submitted by /u/Costumekiller
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