Pokémon GO - Trainer Tuesday - Post any of your real life stories and experiences in Pokemon GO! [Meta]

Trainer Tuesday - Post any of your real life stories and experiences in Pokemon GO! [Meta]

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

Good morning /r/PokemonGO,

Another day down. Hopefully you all had a great Monday.

This megathread is for any stories you would like to share from real life experiences while playing Pokemon GO.

These stories and experiences are still allowed to be posted to the subreddit any day of the week, but now there's a thread too! Use this for any of your small stories and experiences that didn't really justify a full post.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Meta] This sub never ceases to make me laugh

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:27 PM PST

John Hanke on future of PoGo: trading and PvP battles coming!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:24 AM PST

Confirmed: Saying Lapras Upon Hearing A Spawn Does Not Increase Your Chance Of Catching Lapras

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:29 PM PST

I've yet to see a lapras in the wild or hatch one (over 500 eggs hatched now), so I decided to try an experiment.

I had my earphones in and every time I heard a spawn in the game I said the word lapras. I then proceeded to to check the spawn to see if it was indeed a lapras.

It's a small sample size but after 100 spawns I can confirm that indeed saying the word lapras does not increase your chances of summoning the mythical beast.

Prior to this test I had seen exactly zero wild lapras and during the test I did not see any lapras. My greatest spawns were pidgeys, rattatas, paras, and jigglypuff (valentines event).

Future test might involve testing in different biomes.

Just thought I'd pass this information on to anyone else still needing a lapras.


submitted by /u/john273
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[Other] My greatest 15 minutes of Pokemon Go

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST

So up until earlier today, I had 141 on my pokedex and after so many days of the event still had no Chansey. However, as I was walking to my friends, a certain shadow appeared about 15 minutes in the other direction. Of course my girlfriend and I rushed there in a race against time.

We arrive a second after it says it had fled, and panic begins. It appears for my girlfriend and she catches it first time, but as I roam for it, an egg comes to hatch. It was a Tangela, one of the only other Pokemon I don't have! So with time running out I get back to the screen and it finally appears.. at which point my Internet cuts out... luckily I managed to finally click on it, and 5 tense ultra balls later, it was finally mine!

But that's not all, as we were walking away, a Magmar, another one I don't have spawned at the stop next to it, so back we rushed, and with luck it only took one ball.

So within 15 minutes, my pokedex has gone from 141 to 144, and it reminded me how fun it was to be chasing something new - I believe gen 2 really can do a lot to bring that excitement back. So Yeh that's my story of the day!

Edit: Magmar*

submitted by /u/N-Bizzle
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Amazing how a silhouette on the nearby...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:55 PM PST

Totally reinvigorates you and takes you back to those first few blissful weeks of the Pokemon GO experience.

Yesterday, my wife and I were traveling home from visiting my parents, when I saw the stubby winged silhouette of a Dragontie on the radar. Neither of us have ever seen a Dragonite, and she had never even seen a Dragonair.

I honestly had resigned myself to that fact that I probably wouldn't ever see one. But there he was...and thanks to the much maligned tracker, I knew exactly where to go look for him. Sure enough, he popped right up beside the stop.

My wife snagged him with 2 ultra balls. Toss after toss, I lobbed ultraballs at him. Finally, on the 23rd toss, "Gotcha" appeared, and he was mine. For 10 minutes, I was exhilarated...and I remembered just how amazing this game really is.

submitted by /u/RancheroGT
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[Research] Detailed Information on all 10k eggs I've hatched over the past two months

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST


  • Total 10k Eggs Hatched: 0
  • Pokestop Location: Null
  • Time Egg Received: Null
  • Hatch Results: Null


  • Total 10k Eggs Hatched: 0
  • Pokestop Location: Null
  • Time Egg Received: Null
  • Hatch Results: Null

I wanted to report the same information for 2K and 5k eggs but there is a character limit

submitted by /u/DrWhiteChocolate
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Day 6 of event.. still no Chansey [discussion]

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

I live in a town that has about 20 pokestops (I know I'm very lucky), yet I haven't seen a single chancey since the event started. Not on the map nor in sighting or near by.. wtf? Anyone else experiencing this? It's kind of annoying when I read a post of people that already caught like 20 yet I still don't have one nor can find one.

Edit: thank you for all of your responses, I was not aware that "biomes" were a thing. My town must be a grass biome. I will look more into it so I can finally catch a Chansey!!

submitted by /u/LeDevnoob
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[discussion] I've seen about 5 different chanseys on my tracker today but can't go far because I'm on crutches. What's your sad story about being sadly unable to go snag a rare mon?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:54 PM PST

[Discussion] I wish Pokémon with CP's less than 100 would never be able to break out once your past level 20 or something

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:37 PM PST

It's so annoying when I try to catch something that has a CP of like 60 and it keeps breaking out of the pokeball. Like seriously? Your a 45 Pidgey! GTFO... no wait, go back in. Damn it! I'm a level 26 I shouldn't still be putting up with this crap!

submitted by /u/emilysbs
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Is it so hard Niantic to fix the gym sniping from the same team?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:48 AM PST

for three times in a couple of weeks someone sniped my last spot in gym, exactly, the last one available after training it from 9 to 10, is there something more hideous? Spending 30 mins to raise a gym and having your spot stolen by a spoofer somewhere else? How come that Niantic after all this time, after having it fixed already for enemy gyms cannot implement the same feature also in this case? Don't they understand how frustrating can be? Way more frustrating than having an enemy gym stolen from you, because at least in that case you can easily taking it back if you want.

submitted by /u/picappa
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Trading will ruin this game

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 03:13 PM PST

Before I get crucified with hate, please hear me out.

John Hanke just announced that trading will be coming soon to pokemon go. While most users seem to rejoice at this announcement, I find myself overwhelmingly disappointed.

I fully understand that trading has always been a core part of pokemon since day 1 and I know that most users were upset that it wasn't in PoGo at launch and I, at that time, was one of them. However, the more and more I played this game, the more thankful I became that trading wasn't in the game.

Like everyone else, my main objective was completing the pokedex and as I start to fill my dex up and pass my 100 registered marker, I realized how much fun I had putting all this time into this game and started to think about "what if" trading had been there at launch. Honestly, I would've played this game about half as much as I actually did. Most of those fun nights I spent hunting with friends would've never happened because simply trading pokemon with each other would've resulted in my pokedex completion within a month or two.

The entire purpose of this game was, and still is, to encourage us to get out of our houses, hunt down these pokemon, and complete our pokedexes all while getting healthy exercise in. This game was never meant for us to lounge around, waiting for our friends to catch something rare, then just trade and trade back to fill that pokedex spot.

There will be no more friendly competition because you and your friends will essentially just exchange pokedexes.

I really hope more of you understand how severe this will impact the longevity of the game and how much it will hinder the challenge we have in completing the dex. This game will become far too easy and it's original purpose will be obsolete.

TLDR; Trading pokemon will take all the fun out of completing the pokedex ourselves and will severely impact the longevity of the game.

submitted by /u/cashflow605
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Why I think the Valentine's Day Event was the best out of all Events so far

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:16 PM PST

Today I had the the best day of Pokémon Go since my start in July. My Gf (Lvl 24) and I (Lvl 26) walked for couple of hours in our city and our feets began to hurt as we spotted a snorlax shadow at the nearby list. We ran as fast as we could to catch it and luckily we both got it. :) We didn't care about its moveset or IV we were just so happy that we finally caught one! Afterwards we were on our way home as an Abra appeared. I was only one Abra short to get my first Alakazam, which I finally added to my Pokédex unlucky it has got Psycho Cut and Dazzling Gleam. In the evening we went back out because i was only 1,5 km short my 10km egg. But before it hatched we saw another new shadow on our nearby tracker. It was a Muk! We both never even saw a grimer in the wild or hatched one. So we started running a second time today at full speed in fear it might dissapear but we both caught it aswell!! Only a few steps further my 10km egg hatched and i got a dratini and thanks to the valentines event I finally got enough candy to evolve my very first Dragonite. Finally after we both took several gyms over for our team we stumbled over a Machop so I also got enough Candies for my first Machamp. Tired and with hurting legs I can look back to the most successful day of Pokémon Go I ever had.

Tl;dr Got my first Dragonite, Snorlax, Muk, Alakazam and Machamp in one day.

submitted by /u/Mic9266
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Got a new job a few weeks ago and this is outside to taunt me

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:40 PM PST

How would you dish out some well deserved justice to a spoofer who's been terrorizing your town if you found out who they actually were? Or would you do nothing?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:33 PM PST

Spoofers suck. There's more than enough topics about that on here. I'm asking how you would get even if given the chance? It's ok to think a little outside of the box and be creative as well. For me, if I knew and if I could, since they are such fans of spoofing, I would dress in a giant 6 ft Pikachu costume (like the Rock has) and spoof" myself inside their bedroom, turn off the light, turn on a strobe light, and beat the shit outta their computer and phone. Then "spoof" myself out of there. See how they like that!

That, or hack their account and request a team change.

submitted by /u/YoMaddog
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Live events?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:41 PM PST

I'm not exactly looking for the timesquare thing showed in the trailer, but ingress-style events would be brilliant. Has there been news on the matter recently? Cheers!

submitted by /u/unity19919
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[Discussion] Idea for incense

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:10 PM PST

Would it ruin the game or be too strong to have the incense be scented for a specific type of Pokémon?

So you could go to the store and buy a rock type incense that would attract only rock types. Maybe the catch being you have to be moving in order for them to spawn or force you to be stationary. Could reduce the amount of Pokémon lured to the scent as well.

Just an idea as I used many of these today and mostly lured pidgeys, ratatas and weedles... which all show up on their own more than I would like.

submitted by /u/ShleezyMN
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[Bug] who else is getting this all the time on Apple Watch? I start a workout for it and it just stops

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:50 PM PST

The best way to deal with snipers?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:38 AM PST

Im sure everyone has heard this question/story.

I raised a 43k gym to a 50k gym and it got sniped. Im tilted.

Question: is there a strat/meta to dealing with these people? They seem to win every time.

submitted by /u/MeawMan
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Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

Is anyone actively working on their medals? Since completing my Gen 1 living Pokédex and only needing Togepi to hatch from the released Gen 2s, I've found myself trying for to complete my medals. It actually makes catching some of the regulars spawning around me more fun while I wait for more content and releases.

submitted by /u/BondJamesBond56
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PSA for anyone near SoCal that still needs event Pokemon

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

After several hours of driving around Los Angeles and searching days for Porygon I've found guaranteed spawn spots for the event Pokemon. But note these high percentage spawns will be over in the next two days.

Porygon & Chansey - LAX

You can find these in a very plentiful amount at LAX airport. Be ready to park and go inside if possible or get a ride there. I just drove around LAX and was able to catch mine from the outside, however there are tons of Porygon inside the airport where restaurants/Starbucks are open to the public.

Also have your Go Plus working while you're searching. Because often it will catch stuff you don't even see on your radar.

Chansey also isn't as rare as Porygon, you will find it pretty easily in Los Angeles.

Clefairy & Likitung - Santa Monica Pier

Most of you already have these, but for those that don't they spawn in a plentiful amount at the Santa Monica pier right now. Chansey can also be found here very easily.

I have also heard that Porygon spawn at Little Tokyo Arts district right now. But I can't confirm that. Either way, the spots I mentioned are a sure thing for these Pokemon if you need them in the next two days.

submitted by /u/ChillRedd1tguy
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[question] why hasn't buddy walking distance changed after egg update?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:10 AM PST

[Question] I had assumed that since some Pokémon are now under new egg groups that their buddy walking distance would change to match this. Is there a reason they haven't or is it something that could get patched in the future?

submitted by /u/deezer47
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How do I counteract hackers/spoofers?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:55 PM PST

So in my area there's approx 6 hackers/spoofers. Someone on my team was taking down a gym to level 2 from 5, and it went up to 7 while he was battling it. As far as I know this isn't possible with hacks.

Is there any way to get them to stop or should we just keep on taking out the gyms?

submitted by /u/blisstake
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[Discussion] The Greater Seattle area has an amazing Pokémon Go tracker using the discord app!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:50 PM PST

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