Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | February 06 - February 12

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | February 06 - February 12

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

If you believe something is out of place here please report it!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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In Development: Lucio, New Skins, and More!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:59 AM PST

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes - February 6

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:41 PM PST

For Azeroth!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

Can we appreciate all the free mounts blizzard gives us?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

Like really, there are so many. (sorry if i spell any wrong or forget any)

off the top of my head we have the poverty horse and lizard.

the festive treasure goblin,

the blackhearts coin (yes i know you have to actually buy it but ingame currency is still free)

the piggy bank,

the two roosters,

the elemental mounts given from ranked play,

the cloud 9 nexagon.

The facebook mechanospider

The vulture

The orochi hovercycle

and now the flames of judgement charger coming with the for azeroth event. Most mobas dont give much stuff away for free and when they do its usually just a recolor of a character, sometimes a very bad recolor. all these mounts are great and aren't things you'd think blizzard spent ten minutes on.

submitted by /u/Klonoa134
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Murky's fake eggs look hilarious

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST

For those that can't get on PTR, the new fake eggs have a 2D floating effect for the friendly team:


submitted by /u/vambaqe
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Just finished a Heroes of the Storm dream team poster

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:49 AM PST

To answer the question, Lucio cannot mount.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:11 PM PST

[Suggestion] Bring more Diablo 2 characters into HOTS

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:29 AM PST

I became a huge fan of blizzard because of Diablo. (I was into Warcraft/Starcraft but more-so into the arpg aspect of Diablo). Diablo 2 has been my #1 game of all time.


There are plenty of characters to choose from in D2.


All of the playable characters: Druid, Amazon, Sorcerer (D3 Wizard in-game... but not the same), Paladin, Assassin.


Then you have the enemies: Andariel, Blood Raven, Tal'Rasha, Duriel, The Cow King, Mephisto, Baal, Rakanishu?!, etc.


All of these characters have their own uniqueness and I would love play any and all of them. Any thoughts on these characters or any characters i missed? Let me know!

submitted by /u/throneofbob
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Why does Lucio have sad face?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

OW Lucio

HOTS Lucio

In OW, Lucio is a cheerful and positive character, so he always smiling face.

But I don't know why he have sad(or angry) face in HOTS??

very disappointed... plz give him smile.

submitted by /u/rost473
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Kharazim's price will be reduced to 7000 in the next patch.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:33 PM PST

According to the PTR patch notes. If you thought about buying him, be sure to wait until next week!

Also, he's on free week rotation starting from tomorrow, so you can try him out before deciding to buy him!

submitted by /u/botibalint
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In development video coming today!!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:53 AM PST

You can now buy heroes with WoW gold!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:34 PM PST

Only live in NA right now. Blizzard just implanted a change to the WoW tokens: you can now also use them to add $15 to your battle.net balance. You can now buy heroes, Overwatch loot, Hearthstone cards with you WoW gold.

Sadly it appears the tokens are already sold out and the prices are going up.

submitted by /u/hamster_of_justice
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JHow | HGC Week 3 Monday Morning Recap

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:00 PM PST

Lúcio Dialogues With Other Heroes

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:50 PM PST

Murky can now build to have 6000+ health at level 20 with a 16 second death timer.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:03 PM PST

He also grows a little bit with his level 20 Big Tuna Kahuna talent.

The picture shows a regular murky at level 20, and a Murky that takes two specific talents. Correction 6674 total HP

Level 13: Egg Shell: Spawning from his Egg grants Murky a shield equal to 100% of his maximum health. The shield lasts indefinitely.

Level 20: Big Tuna Kahuna: Murky's maximum health and Egg respawn time are doubled.

♥ Jesus

submitted by /u/VirgelFromage
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How to make a caster speechless (HGC Open Division)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:34 PM PST

Hero Survey February 2017 (Census) - RESULTS + INFO GRAPHIC

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

G'Day Heroes Community,
while waiting for PTR and InDev-Video, i got sth for you to sweeten the while ... here are the results of the Heroes Survey that was held within the last week! Main purpose was to catch the dedicated player's feelings about the current hero situation concerning balance, favour and upcoming heroes. There were also bonus questions.

This is not absolutely representative for all Heroes of the Storm players, but though mostly dedicated players participated, this still draws a fine picture of the current situation i think!


I rushed the evaluation to finish it before PTR/InDev-Video was out.. so I'm very happy to share the results with you and prepared an info graphic for an overview. The change indication numbers connect to the last survey (Hero Survey December 2016, shortly before Ragnaros release). Additionaly I decided to now color the very small change of just +/- 0.1 yellow instead of green/red.


--> Info Graphic - Hero Survey February 2017
--> Survey Announcment Thread

(Results of former surveys: Jan'16 (Census) - Mar'16 - Jun'16 (Census) - Aug'16 - Dec'16 )


You can also contact/add me & stay tuned for next surveys on Twitter!.


Important: This is not official, I have no connection to Blizzard at all.
This project was born all out of fun, curiosity and love for the game.


Thanks a lot to all the 2456 participants from all around the world!
(The participation time was 2 days shorter than usually, which might be a reason for decreased numbers).
State of the game was patch 23.1 (Valeera release patch 01/25 + bugfix patch 01/27).


Please share this, so it can reach everyone, who might be interested in it! :)
Feel free to give feedback & discuss about the results here!

submitted by /u/GwelsHeroes
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With Lucio coming to the Nexus, does that mean one of the brawls could be Lucioball?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:41 AM PST

Lucioball was a fun brawl in Overwatch. I would love to see it in Hots.

submitted by /u/glucosetwig
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Forget Egg Shell. Fish Tank is Insane

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:35 PM PST

Hi all,

There was a significant rework of "Fish Tank" that some people may not have have caught on to:

  • "Basic attacks against heroes grant Murky 75 physical armor against heroes for 2 seconds."

I repeat Murky has sustained 75 physical armor while attacking heroes. He can now destroy his old counters, like Tracer, Valla, and Zarya.

Combine this with "Time to Krill" "Toxic Buildup" and "Big Tuna Kahuna", and you have yourselves a bruiser murky who:

  • Has 75 Physical Armor and 3337 HP at level 20
  • Slows/poisons with his autos
  • Has a 14s CD mobile ice block.

Death will rise from the tide!


submitted by /u/ChartaBona
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Reverse Amp inflicts way less damage than the tooltip tells

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:34 PM PST

I just tried around for some time and while Reverse Amps damage sounds great in the tooltip, it inflicts only half of the damage it tells.

I left it on the dummy for the whole duration while not AAing and I assume the dummy does not have 50 spell armor.

Did I do something wrong?


submitted by /u/gutscheinmensch
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A reminder that arguing about the comp after draft is pointless and you might as well just focus and play

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:44 PM PST

Just had a match on Braxis where my comp was Sylvanas, Tass, Medivh, Muradin, and myself on Valla. The enemy comp was Jaina, Malfurion, Diablo, Artanis, and Alarak.

Now, our early game was shit. Their poke was very persistent and a slight mistake meant an Artanis swap into a Diablo combo. The enemy team won the first objective 100-0 and we were completely unable to contest. By the time they got ultimates, we were still level 8.

At this point I was ready to just blame our lack of a healer and chalk it up as a loss. But I figured I might as well not waste the effort and just continued playing (it didn't help that I was underperforming as Valla, getting picked a couple times and not dishing out as much damage as I would like). But somehow, someway, we started turning it around. We started getting picks, our Medivh woke up and went ham, our Muradin channeled his inner Noblesse, Sylvanas did Sylvanas things, and I just tried not to feed too hard. The third objective, we won 100-86. The next one was 100-14. The one after that was 100-0 and we pushed for the win, coming back from two levels down for most of the game plus no healer plus a scrub Valla.

Just a reminder that anything is possible in this game and that, at least in HL, individual performance can cover up many of the disadvantages and imbalances in draft. Obviously this doesn't mean to go and draft whatever and expect to win - a good draft is a huge advantage. But if the draft doesn't go your way, and you think your team has "no damage" or "needed a main tank" or whatever, just remember that there's no point arguing about stuff you can't change, and simply play your best and hope for the best.

submitted by /u/Antinoch
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New PTR Feature: Double timers!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:37 PM PST

For all you Tassadar and Sonya mains who get annoyed at your different cast timers overlapping each other and hiding crucial information about your second storm/whirlwind duration, fear no longer!

Proof: http://imgur.com/a/D6TX0

submitted by /u/ChaosOS
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Valeera now has more base health than Anub'Arak

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:54 PM PST

At this point, I just hope Anub gets a rework down the line. I know a lot if people like his anti-mage capabilities, but it used to be if you were a good enough Anub he was always a good pick (and I mean before his beetle AI patch broke him to a 72% winrate).

submitted by /u/hermod
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Reconnect System: The Other Issue (catching up is fine)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:19 AM PST

Please upvote this for visibility, as this is going on for 6+ months already and no response/mention from blizzard.

Countless posts about the horrible reconnect system. This is not one of them. I actually think the catching up with the game system works really well, and it's pretty fast.

Sometimes your connection has a slight drop, even for a few seconds and is immediately restored. You then go to the "Attempting to reconnect" screen, and there lies the real problem.

The big issue that needs to be addressed IMO is the need to leave the game and log back in to reconnect.

Besides me, my wife, my cousin and a lot of my friends suffer from this, so I know it's not because "shitty computers" or "shitty connection" or something. I'm pretty sure there's a huge amount of people out there in the same situation.

Sometimes the client reconnects after 2-3 seconds because the connection was restored, and we catch up and it's all good. Other times we are not automatically reconnected when our connection is restored. When the "Attempting to reconnect" screen lasts for more than 5-10 seconds, what we have to do is:

  • Press alt+F4;

  • Wait for the game to close;

  • Click "Play" on battlenet app;

  • Wait for the game to load;

  • Authenticate (this sometimes fails for me, then I have to close the client and start over or input username, password and authenticator code, which takes even more time if it's not with me);

  • Click "Rejoin" (if you're lucky enough to not get dropped);

  • Load the game again (loading screen);

  • Wait for the catching up system;

If it connected me right away I'd have maybe 1-2 minutes to catch up, and that'd probably be fine. But the way it works right now leaves me with 7-10 minutes to catch up, and either the game's already over or we're so far behind because of the bot that there's not really a chance of coming back.

If we don't do the whole process, the "Attempting to reconnect" lasts indefinitely, even if the connection is working fine, it will never really try to reconnect.

I know there's a way to fix that, that's not a game engine problem.

submitted by /u/Arcontes
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Graffiti hidden in alley downtown LA.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:31 PM PST

This was completely impossible to see from the street and was too beautiful for people to not see it.


submitted by /u/Houzi88
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