Diablo - Alkaizer's reaction to his first Primal Ancient on a fresh character

Alkaizer's reaction to his first Primal Ancient on a fresh character

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:57 AM PST

Alkaizer discusses Primal Ancients

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:11 PM PST


Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:57 PM PST

Red is agressive not friendly, yes its diablo. But Diablo + having something relaxing is not too bad. Bring back the old RoS theme please.

submitted by /u/DarkMahal
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Apparently HotS will get a new playable Diablo character before we get Necro. At least we'll get new forum avatars?!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:41 PM PST

Diablo III - Patch 2.5.0 in 2 minutes (with bonus at the end)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:16 AM PST

[2.4.3] All Demon Hunter builds (google doc list) | Up to date now

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey guys,
after a few weeks I finally managed to update all Demon Hunter builds for Patch 2.4.3.

The list includes meta and fun/anti-meta builds.
Builds with yellow background are meta builds in the current patch.

Amount of Torment builds: 20 (4 meta builds)
Amount of viable GR builds: 8 (3 meta builds)


submitted by /u/Desolacer
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Been playing Diablo 3 a lot and loving it. My only 2 complaints so far are lack of Auto-Sort/Sorting for Stash/Inventory, and no Search feature. Also gems.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:22 AM PST

Been having an immense amount of fun with the game. Playing WD, got my Jade Harvestor set, good and fun times.

My issues are the lack of Sorting options for my inventory and stash, and then the lack of a search feature for my stash. Also I seem to have an ass-load of gems that aren't really useful.

My stash is so messy, it would honestly take me hours just to sort through it all.

OTher than that, having a good time.

submitted by /u/FreshmeatOW
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Season journey help?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:30 PM PST

So I am working on finishing the season journey and I have a few questions,

Is it possible to do the kill "xyz" Boss in under 30-15 seconds with wizard? and what is the best build to do so

So basically I guess im asking is there t13 wizard boss slaying build?

I've been runn the tals+vrys archon for grift/t13 rift but it seems like that doesn't instantly melt bosses

( Also what are the easier conquests? )

submitted by /u/_spenman
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New Kanai's Cube recipe idea: Upgrade to Ancient

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:50 AM PST

Upgrades any Legendary item to an Ancient version of same.

Mats: One Primal Ancient item.

edit: I could have phrased this more clearly - the ancient you get will be a rerolled version of the legendary source, and will not have a chance to be a primal itself.

submitted by /u/skepticones
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Primal Ancient Idea

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:57 PM PST

Hey everyone. I saw a comment on a youtube video about primal ancient. I'd like to know what everyone thinks about it. I personally love it.

"Why not go a different way? When you drop an ancient, the more you use it, the more it gain some form of xp. And when it reach a certain amount it "awoken", upgrade or whatever, into a primal ancient. That way you do not stricktly farm for it (you only farm to have an ancient) but you still have you invest time to have its full potential unlocked."


submitted by /u/staind1603
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So what do you do each season?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

I'm nowhere near some folks, but I've got about 800 hours played.

I've played on and off since launch, and Seasonally, I played every ROS season except 3 and 8.

1: I choose hc or SC. I have a different set of friends who each religiously only play one, so I go back & forth.

2: I make a wizard, and level up with friends. (I've got 70 hours barbarian from season 4, the rest is all wizard)

3: I get my free set and finish the first few chapters of the journey

4: I get all the pieces for the build I actually want and enchant them as best I can manage

5: I push GRs solo, and along the way collect a spare of every part of my equipped gear for reforging.

6: I hit a GR wall, and tire of paragon grinding well before 800, and maybe, maybe not even bother augmenting any ancient gear or grinding bounties for reforge mats.

7: I log off until next season or so.

Highest SC I ever made it was paragon 700-something and GR 75 in season 5, and HC gr 65 in season 6. Most of the times I only make it to about paragon 400.

I like that this is a game I play one great deep binge every few months, then put it away til things change up.

submitted by /u/puppetmaster2501
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Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST




submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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What is the toughest build for any class for high level greater rifts?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:19 AM PST

Hi all. I'm looking for a build, for what ever class, that has the most survivability at higher greater rifts. Since I enjoy the play stile I tried it with and Earthquake Barbarian and it was a lot harder to just stay alive compared to my Gargantuan Witch Doctor. So what I am asking is not what is the best over all, alto I would not mind if you include that too, but what hero build is the toughest, can take the most beating and live to tell about it?

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I only play solo.

submitted by /u/Shizuri
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How do I craft a 50K dmg primary

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:55 PM PST

Somebody gave me 250K dmg primary. When I removed the gems, it went down to 50K dmg. How do I create a 50K dmg primary. The primary is Professional Russian Fast Sword.

edit: PS4

submitted by /u/erkose
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Please enlight me ! (aRPG concepts)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:34 AM PST

Hi guys, I really don't want to sound provocative or trolling, but I really need to clarify something as a neophyte gamedev who tries to understand the tastes of gamers.

I always read here and there that people really hate Grinding, and recently with the pimal ancient controversy, it seems that people really hate RNG too. I really would like to understand what aRPGs fans are seeking in those games since it is nearly always experience pexing and gathering better loot. (Personnaly I love grinding and farming with hardcore rates as I don't necessarly need to be "the best" to enjoy the game).

So, why do you guys play this kind of games ? and if you don't like linear progression (usually because repetitive) and RNG based progression what is fun for you ? I'm kind of confused as aRPGS seem to be pretty popular...

Thanks anyway. (sorry for foreign english)

submitted by /u/HyonD
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Got hit by nostalgia for D2 Where can i buy legit keys?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

I used to play Diablo 2 in Bnet, it was awesome, so where can i find Diablo 2 + LoD keys besides bnet store? (20$ is a bit too much right now)

submitted by /u/whitdemon
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Primal Ancient Items: An In-Depth Discussion

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:04 PM PST

How large is the Diablo 3 ROS file?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:40 PM PST

Looking to reinstall, as I know the system requirements may have changed since blizz last stated on their website since they have rolled out lots of updates.

submitted by /u/Ghost-Fox
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What language to use for writing Diablo 2 mods (v1.10)?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:53 PM PST


I was reading a bout a bit, saw that Diablo II was written in C and LoD C++.

Which language should i use for writing mods? I wish to make it compatible with v.1.10 (I play Eastern Sun)

Mostly interested in making a Mod that auto-hooks gold (auto-pick up gold), auto-identification on items, adding some sound effects to specific rarities (Trigger sound on Uniques) and maybe some other stuff.

submitted by /u/Doorfan
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[Solo Challenge] 'Rules'/Suggestions

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:38 AM PST

Hey everyone, I really like the idea of the Blue/Yellow Solo challenges, so was thinking in the name of consistency perhaps we could clear up what people feel 'qualifies' for this type of run so we can see more for our reddit crowd.

In the few examples I've seen so far some people don't like Cubed items being used, others Legendary Gems and sometimes the number of paragons is called into question.

I was thinking if we could have a baseline it might promote some more competitiveness and engagement from those who love rules ;)

My personal inclination is to;

Either allow Gems equal to Grift level or just level 60.

Allow the use of cubed items, these don't really add base stats (damge in spades yeah sure) but the number of build they enable compared to being vanilla is worth it imo.

And up to 800 paragon points, I think that's a good cutoff for casual vs. hardcore players?

Hope others can let me know what they think!

submitted by /u/ChrisCP
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Diablo 3 on Xbox One S - some questions

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST

Do I need to have battle.net account to play diablo3 Ros on xbox one ?

I give a chance cuz it will be soon with the season feature .

So the second question , will also non-season be online only? That would be cool , i dont want to play with hacked items etc

And the last one , I have "One S" version does it run better than on "One"

submitted by /u/opelit
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I'm pretty sure I have some botters on my friends list.

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 01:46 AM PST

I'm almost positive I have a couple of botters on my friends list, they are on basically 24/7 running rifts non-stop. and when I say 24/7 I mean it very literally. It seems that their bots log off for about 5 minutes then get back on occasionally but there is never a time they aren't online running rifts.

The reason I made this thread is I was wondering if I should report them? Will that do anything and is botting a common thing in diablo 3 like it was back in diablo 2? These aren't people I regularly talk to, they added me because I'm a zbarb but I'm almost 100% sure they are botters.

submitted by /u/DarrelleRevis24
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