Heroes of the Storm - Kaelaris Strikes Again!!!!

Kaelaris Strikes Again!!!!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

"No King rules forever my son"

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST

Stutter Step/Attack Move Guide - MFPallytime

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

I want to play an evil Support who flips the script and calls the recipient of his heal minion.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:18 AM PST

It would be cool, regardless of the hero (and I know we have a fair share of worthy candidates), to hear them say things like bend to my will, and keep fighting minion. I'm a Support. These monkey's dance for me! It's time we get the respect we're due.

It would be cool if you had a heroic where you could bring a dead hero back to life as a channel that drains your life but they're unkillable. Like Nazeebo's spirit but your ally fights until you die.

submitted by /u/HenshinM
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HGC Europe - Alternative Facts

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST

Buff Arthas' Rune Tap - Make it apply on 3rd hits and when using Frostmourne Hungers

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:50 PM PST

Rune Tap is pretty crap. If you want better healing on Arthas, you take Immortal Coil at 7 instead.

So make a small change to Rune Tap - have it always heal when activating Frostmourne Hungers (D).

It would sort of work like Samuro's Critical Strike. Every fourth hit is a critical, and activating W is an instant critical. For Arthas with Rune Tap, every third hit heals, and activating D is an instant heal. Consequently, it would also give a buff to Arthas' level 13 and 16 trait talents.

submitted by /u/Throw_a_tass
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[Suggestion] Can we have best of Kaelaris in the next Beyond the Nexus episode?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

Including all the Kaelaris Cores. We need to push the meme further!

submitted by /u/WhiteReaperSC
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The Salt Meta

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

This title sounds bad... but please hear me out

Please forgive grammar, I'm quickly throwing some thoughts against the wall and seeing what sticks.

maybe I should stuck with the tilted meta?

I don't want to turn off allied chat. I've played Heroes since technical alpha and instantly fell in love with the game. I understand the gravity of that sentence. The mechanics are refreshing but mostly it's been the community. I took a break during roughly half season 1 to half of season 2. After returning, I'm really disappointed in what I'm seeing.

Ranked Even after preseason had ended there was a solid understanding communication could win games. If there was someone fairly new to ranked, I witnessed coaching, explanation, and support. When people would flame or refuse to cooperate, teams would just work around it. Ranked wasn't perfect but there was still enough of a competitive attitude that it was never gg until the core hit zero. Don't get me wrong, ranked surely had its issues, but the community was the saving grace. The reddit community in particular has been great contribution of this atmosphere of coaching newbies, curbing flaming, and generally awesome venue for finding groups ranging for learning in ai to ranking up in TL.

Quick Match There also used to be this understanding that quick match.... was just quick match. It was for messing with comps, testing new builds and heroes, learning a new map, etc. I know I'm preaching to a choir here but the amount of games that "gg", afk or feed after losing the first objective or not immediately laning properly, or getting early game ganked.... is too damn high. If you want a competitive game, play ranked or unranked draft.

This is not the specialist meta One of the most common things I'm seeing is the Abathur, TLV, murky, and Medivh hate. This clearly applies to newer players that don't understand hots yet, but this is incredibly toxic. I've seen downright abusive chat over this. No... Honestly.... Actual abusive chat. Telling a TLV or Abathur to kill themselves is absolutely not acceptable. The tools are built in to report this behavior but the volume of this has been increasing. Losing a team fight & objective then seeing a Zagara finishing off a camp will almost always lead to flaming. On the topic of playing the map, Kyle Furgeson probably said it best. (I'm paraphrasing here) In the current meta Specialists just aren't special anymore. It's risky to soak or farm camps instead of help in team fights. These days, it's "first win. Win, Win, Win... we'll win more once we've won". This is in reference to when to play the map. Win team fights, win objectives, then go for camps and bosses. If there's a sieger or a laner doing their thing, instead of flaming, just ask for help. Also if you are telling people to kill themselves over a video game, you seriously should start reassessing your priorities in life. This is just a game.

Toxicity is going to hurt this game This may be my final point I'd like to make but it may be the most important. Hots is still young. I know a lot of people that quickly quit the game and moved on over the attitudes. If you care about the games growth, the esports, queue times, mmr that feels more broken than it actually is, reducing the player pool isn't going to make it any better. Ranking down after having 7 out of 10 games take the early game GG, afk, feed, or flame road is irritating. Most QM games are scapegoating other players at random. Be it the support, someone who incidentally body blocked them after they tried to retreat from their poor engage, or anyone else they felt wasn't focusing their specific target.

Actual final note, because it's really trivial. Until we get loot boxes, stop making fun of people for buying skins or mounts for heroes they aren't master with. This doesn't even make sense to me. Buying skins is helping hots keep the lights on. I am very strongly against micro-transactions. But Blizzard isn't doing that with this. These skins, mounts, bundles and stimpacks are what's keeping the lights on. You don't have to own every skin in the game, but when blizzard gives you a quality product for free, kick them a few clams every once and a while.

TL;DR Stop flaming and start playing. Every second counts, if you need to say something, make it constructive. Coach new players instead of scaring them off. Stop scapegoating and look at your own faults. If you tell someone to kill themselves in any context, then you are the worst kind of person. Leave politics out of the game; entirely. Just.... Be excellent to each other.

submitted by /u/im_bad_at_videogames
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Brawl Idea: 1 Cho & 4 Galls in him.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:56 AM PST

Yes! Please make it happen.

Just imagine a tiny map with one lane like Lost Caverns or this Angel City (forgot its name)

And both teams having a Cho Gall that fires Shadow magic at the rate of a machine gun.

I also suggest to increase Chos health pool and reduce the death timer. But I think it could be super fun.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Rolou
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Does Arthas Need a Buff?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:22 PM PST

I think his damage and survivability are good but they aren't good enough. I think his block should get buffed it isn't good enough for what they are trying to make Arthas do which is make him good against AA heroes, he is easily kited. His level 4 and 7 have go to talents because of his lac of damage and the fact that Rune tap is weak, Army of the dead at 10 is good but needs improvement for how slow and low the heals are, Frigid Winds builds too slow, Embrace Death is a trap at 16, and all together his D talents are weak. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/MrSuperFlip
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What do you know about my squad?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:38 AM PST

I think Blizzard forgot about Dehaka's new Enhanced Agility after all...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:38 AM PST

2016-12-20 patch:

We couldn't be happier with the state that Dehaka is in, but we have heard the feedback on Enhanced Agility. While we feel it is still a bit too early to make any large changes to the talent, we are happy to bring the numbers up in order to give him Mounted Move Speed when this is fully unlocked.

Even after a small buff the talent sits at 3% popularity and 39% winrate. That's an instant red flag that something's wrong. Even if EA wasn't a quest, it'd be bad. Even if EA gave twice the buff, it'd still the bad. It's bad because of the duration. Buff lasts only for 1 second after a leaving a bush – that's barely noticeable on top of being quite situational.

The old EA was useful because it turned Dehaka into Lunara. Bigger move speed allowed to threaten range, to chase, to escape and to drag further. Current EA requires the stars of not only situation but also location to align. There's little use of bush move speed if you aren't chasing or escaping. There's little use of it if there's no bushes in your path when you need them. For the bush predator fantasy to stay, baseline duration shouldn't be shorter than 2 seconds. Even that is very conservative considering the competition at that tier. Longer duration not only increases value of move speed exponentially, it also makes value more consistent.

Let's say Brushstalker now lasts for 2-4 seconds. That makes Swift Pursuit at 13 obsolete. Currently both it and Ferocious Stalker are unpopular talents with below average winrate, like EA is. They compete with Primal Swarm, which gives a good and consistent value. Swift Pursuit is useless because EA is useless. Ferocious Stalker is useless because it increases only your damage (which is mainly W) and only after using Z. Meanwhile Primal Swarm increases both your and teammates' damage on a 5 times lower cooldown (or even no cooldown) without a need of a bush. No dilemma here.

There's lots of possibilities that SP and FS could go, I personally would like to see:

  • SP gives some armor for the duration of Brushstalker.
  • FS removes tunneling warning sound and makes Dehaka invisible after tunneling for the duration of Brushtalker.

You'd have a talent for survivability, a talent for playmaking and a talent for damage. There would still be problem of level 16 tier having a one standout mandatory pick, but that's story for another time.

submitted by /u/Phoenixed
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Meet the HGC Copa América 2017 Opening Pre-Season Champion (With Written Comments)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:00 PM PST

This Sunday, After a 3-2 series, Infamous was crowned the HGC Copa América 2017 Opening Pre-Season champion.

I briefly comment all matches below. If you want to watch them without spoilers, click here to watch the VODs and stop reading now.

pontaL, the Brazilian team, sent the Peruvian team Infamous earlier that evening to the loser's bracket by winning a BO5 series by 3-1 (Infernal Shrines - W; Dragon Shire - L, Tomb of the Spider Queen - W; Towers of Doom - W). Then, Infamous faced the Brazilians from Paga Nóis in the loser's finals, defeating them by 3-0 (Dragon Shire - W; Cursed Hollow - W; Sky Temple - W).

Then, they faced each other a last time.

Game 1 - JUMP!

In the Grand Finals, the two teams faced each other again. First, they played Infernal Shrines, where the game ended in a Punisher push against pontaL's core while their catapults were attacking Infamous' core. The Punisher with Infamous almost didn't make it, but they won with a core at 26% health. (I still believe that E.T.C could have used Stage Dive on the enemy's core and raced that a bit better).

Game 2 - Coming back from a comeback

The second match in Towers of Doom had its balance shifted lots of times. pontaL had the early advantage opening a 28-24 health lead over Infamous, but the Peruvian team managed to connect several 2 and 3-men Mosh Pits while outrotating the Brazilians using Dehaka and Falstad globals. They left pontaL with 6 health points while keeping their own core at the same 24.

Despite being 2 levels behind and almost an altar away from losing, pontaL had a great team fight in a key choke point and eliminated most of the enemy team, which enabled them to destroy a couple of keeps and get level 20 before Infamous. After channeling the next waves of altars, they tied the game at 6-6.

Finally, two altars spawned at once at the bottom and in the middle. The teams traded some heroics in the middle while sappers fired 3 shots at Infamous' core, leaving them with 3 health and 3 shots per channel. No one died in this fight, but a bit later in the bottom pontaL's Nitt facechecked a bush and got tongued by Dehaka, which snowballed into a three-men kill by the Peruvian team. The two remaining Brazilian players were desperately channeling the altars hoping that Infamous wouldn't reach them on time, but Jschritte's Falstad flew to Malfurion on bot while ETC and Kharazim zoned Zeratul out in the middle, completing the team wipe and securing Infamous' victory.

Game 3 - Malfurion, not Malfoolrion

The third match on Tomb of the Spider Queen was overall balanced. Even though pontaL dominated most of it, even reaching a 19-17 level lead, a good pick-off by Infamous let them summon two waves of Webweavers and tie up in experience. When both teams were level 20, Infamous tried to bait in the boss pit, but Vieira in his Malfurion spotted them with Moonfire. This unveiled into a huge 5-on-5 fight that, at one point, looked it could go either way, but Malf's 4-men Twilight Dream secured kills and the win in a final boss push to pontaL, extending the series.

Game 4 - Throw pit?

In the face of elimination, pontaL played Sky Temple extremely safe. Infamous, probably a bit scared after losing the previous map, did the same. An extremely boring match took place for 19 minutes with even levels. Infamous was holding a huge constructs advantage.

They had already taken down 2 keeps when pontaL's ETC an Valla stayed at the top temple to be crushed by Infamous's composition. What was supposed to be the triumphal ending and a championship for Infamous with a 5-on-3 and a top temple secured ended up being a useless mid keep offensive, which was protected by Ragnaros' Molten Core. At the end, that keep was as alive as pontaL's players after this failed attempt by the Peruvians. What happened next is what we call in Brazil "Quem não faz, toma" (something like "when you don't score, they do)

pontaL was still cornered. Infamous' keeps were all up and almost untouched. The Brazilians went for the boss while the Peruvians were still regrouping, a risky play since they weren't sure if Falstad had his Mighty Gust up and their BW didn't have Emerald Wind, but it seemed like the only way to win at this point.

Mighty Gust was on cooldown. Infamous was too slow. They were afraid of a bait. When they finally looked at the point, the boss was already dead and pontaL's ETC was ready to bodyblock them flawlessly while Ragnaros used his Sulfura's Smash to crush Dehaka on the pit. The boss was captured by pontaL, and a chase for a second kill started, even though it lead to nothing. The Brazilians then decided to teach Infamous how to end a game and went for the push with the boss while their ETC cleaned their core from mercs. He then used Stage Dive to join his teammates at the enemy core and ended the game, taking the series to the last match.

Game 5 - Yeah, Throw Pit.

Cursed Hollow games often revolve around bosses, but this one went too far. pontaL had a good map control at curse point and cleared the area around the last objective. Instead of going for the tribute, which was on center top, they left the tribute and went for their boss on the top right. Infamous spotted that and, even without being able to deny the boss, killed some members of the Brazilian team and tied the tributes 2-2, denying the curse and defending the boss without losing a keep.

When the fifth tribute was up, it was Infamous who had the tribute on their side, on the bottom left, and secured the area. They also went for the boss first, but unlike their situation minutes before pontaL was not able to contest, which resulted in the curse and a boss pushing in the bot lane at the same time for Infamous.

The Peruvian team put so much pressure that when pontaL managed to get the curse with the following tribute, they could only use it to de-push the top and mid lanes more safely from the mercenaries who were attacking their top keep wall and mid fort. Both teams rotated top, pontaL to defend and start their boss and Infamous to pressure them in a 5-on-5 situation. The teams traded heroic abilities near the pit and disengaged from the boss. Shortly after, they rotated to the bruiser's camp right below where another couple of heroics were traded without any kills for either side.

pontaL's stubbornness cost them the game. They rotated back to their boss 2 levels behind right after the trade while Infamous scouted their movements. The Peruvian player Insecure dealt huge damage to the Brazilians with his Li Ming pokes, which made his team feel safer to engage in a final full team fight on the pit. The boss was nearly down when Infamous trigged Thrall's EQ before Ragnaros' Sulfuras Smash to almost take down two Brazilian players. Muradin used Dwarf Toss to prevent pontaL from taking the point while his teammates wiped 4 players and secured the boss. Finally, they went for the core.

Infamous was crowned the HGC Copa América 2017 Opening Pre-Season Champion.

Fun facts:

  • This is the first time Vieira, pontaL's support, did not win a Copa América Grand Final. He won every other edition with Big Gods, Burning Rage, and other teams.

  • Infamous players also played several Copa América finals against Big Gods and Burning Rage players, but they were always second place. It means this is also the first time a non-Brazilian team wins a Copa América Grand Final.

  • However, Infamous is not entirely Peruvian. Jschritte, a Brazilian player and former Burning Rage member, is playing for Infamous.

TL;DR - Infamous opened a 2-0 advantage in the series, played too passively the next 2 games and pontaL tied it up 2-2. pontaL insisted on taking the boss in the final match but got crushed by Infamous on the pit, which lead to their loss and Infamous' championship.

submitted by /u/Bhernardo0
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Silenced people should be banned from draft modes completely

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:58 AM PST

As per title really. the draft is an important part of the process, silenced people are not marked as such and cannot participate in the draft effectively. They should be forced into QM only till their silence is up. I'm sick of having them in draft screwing it up because they cant play HL

submitted by /u/GMac_UK
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All Major Region participants for Western clashed locked-in

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:56 PM PST

The 3 slots from both EU and NA are now capped.

North America will be represented by Tempo Storm, Team 8, and Gale Force eSports.

Europe will be represented by Team Dignitas, Misfits, and Fnatic.

Week 5 can change seeding, but can't change paritipants.

submitted by /u/DBSmiley
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Can Blizzard do something about the Obs in HGC so we stop missing critical gameplay in favor of zerg waves?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

This isn't the first time the obs decided to show us a zerg wave coming in instead of the actual fight, although this time we missed the most critical moment of a game (no specifics to avoid spoilers).

The obs work this tournament has been some of the worst I've seen, and I would really like to see Blizzard address this, as it is a serious problem.

submitted by /u/Suspected
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(HCG Europe) Playing ducks gust into molten swing team wipe

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:59 PM PST

Could "Death Recap" screen show recently taken dmg at any time?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

During a pretty painful match as Valeera (inb4 "GUD, go and die for playing Val") I've cought myself wondering "what the hell even revealed me?" a few times.

Could the not-used-so-much "death recap" screen show any damage taken recently at any time, not only after dying? Other than stealthies getting revelaed by random AoE like siege merc's attack, sometimes you get bursted and live to tell the tale, yet there is no tale to tell because you don't know what exactly did the damage.

submitted by /u/Zin333
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HGC North America :: Tempo Storm vs Gale Force eSports :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:00 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC Europe :: Synergy vs Playing Ducks :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.

Tempo Storm, still undefeated, can qualify for the Western Clash as a top seed as long as they don't drop their series this weekend or next. Gale Force are currently considered the most formidable foe in their way. Tempo's Achilles heel currently continues to be Battlefield of Eternity, where they are currently 0-3. This series is a major factor in determining who will take the third, and final, North American seed at the Western Clash.

There is a chance for Tempo Storm, currently 4-0, to not qualify. If they lost all three of their remaining series, while Gale Force eSports and Superstars run the table, Tempo would lose their spot. The results this weekend are incredibly important for every team participating.



The match is planned to start at 14:00 PST / 23:00 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Tempo Storm vs Gale Force eSports
cattlepillar flex - support akaface
CauthonLuck ranged - flex Equinox
Fury warrior - flex Fan
Jun support - flex Khroen
psalm melee - flex MichaelUdall


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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HGC North America :: Team Freedom vs No Tomorrow :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:30 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Tempo Storm vs Gale Force eSports :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match is planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Team Freedom vs No Tomorrow
daneski flex - melee Casanova
Insomnia flex - warrior erho
KilluZiioN support - flex Jason
Nazmas flex - ranged TalkingTrees
zugrug warrior - support TigerJK


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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"I've always wanted to do that."

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

Meet the global casting talents of HGC Korea: Wolf Schröde & Daniel “Gclef” Na

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:15 PM PST

Anyone else feel like Chen talent "Freshest Ingredients" Globes should be reduce by half?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:59 PM PST

I've been playing Chen for the past months or so and I've never been able to complete that 30 talents quest. I feel like it should be perhaps reduced by half and I feel like 30 is just way to much and just not worth the hassle. Any Chen main want to add their 2 cents? Am I just bad or is this talent near impossible to complete?

submitted by /u/waifutime
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What is wrong with zuna?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

HGC Europe :: Team Dignitas vs Fnatic :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:45 AM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Team 8 vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match is planned to start at 18:00 CET / 9:00 PST, 15 minutes after this post was posted.


Community challenges


Team Dignitas vs Fnatic
Bakery support - warrior Breez
JayPL warrior - ranged QuackNiix
Mene ranged - ranged scHwimpi
Snitch flex - support Smexystyle
Zaelia melee - melee Wubby


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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