Diablo - Bounties...that 10K achieve....help with numbers?

Bounties...that 10K achieve....help with numbers?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

So I am a ridiculous achi-whore. Now that that's out of the way, let me express my concern over "Bounteus Maximus", aka the 10,000 bounty achievement.

I have been looking at where I am, and why I am there, and it works out like this (for me).

Use of bounties: Cube + reforge

Items (max): 13

Chars: 6 (all classes)

Cube items: 50 (liberal)

Seasons: 10

Level: T10 - 10 mats per completed run (all bonus)

50% chance on reforges for ancient: 50 mats (10 rolls)

50% chance mats - 100

50% chance runs - 10 runs

Unlucky - 20 runs - 200 mats - 20 rolls

So maths.

13 items on the unlucky side...PER CLASS....650 runs

50 cube items (conservative)...PER CLASS....25 runs

Total per season....675 runs.

10 seasons....6750.

Is this achie a bit OTT?

Welcome to correction on the maths, btw, have a few on board and am pissed off with this one.


submitted by /u/Istrakh
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How to rollback from 1.14d to 1.13 without losing single player char?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hi I wanna use PlugY for the stash extension but when I rollback to 1.13 my sorc is gone!!!

Is it possible to keep her and rollback?

submitted by /u/elpuxus
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Crustacean and BoH worth it in season 9?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

a few seasons back people tested that with Boon of the Hoarder and Custerian Wristguards with an apparent 10 to 15% increase in xp gain. does anyone have numbers on whether running BoH and crustaceans would give a worthwhile boost in XP for t10 - 13 speed rifts?

submitted by /u/just-jake
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Looking for a Diablo 1 HD mod only

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:17 AM PST

Hey guys, I've been searching online for a Diablo 1 HD mod only, without any additions to the core gameplay. I've come across Belzebub, Tchernobog and The Awakening, but those all add stuff to the game.

I'm looking to play Diablo 1 via LAN, hopefully in 1080p 60FPS. Any tips are appreciated.

submitted by /u/Seroczynski
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Looking for an active clan that pushes GRs (NA)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:53 AM PST

Hey guys.. I'm currently a para 690 chicken doc that's farming speed 60/65s to level gems. (I spent over 100 hours this season farming Cosmic Wings and finally have them.) I'm predominately playing solo because my friends have less than 30 hours played this season and the clan I'm in is dead.

I'm looking for something that's more casual, but still wants to push GRs and run 80-90s. Voice Comms would be ideal, because if I'm putting this much time into a game it's good to chat with people.

I'm hoping to have all of my FB gear augmented with 60s by the end of the week and then try to start pushing to get my Paragon up.

My goal this season is a top 100 leaderboard spot on solo.

submitted by /u/palmermarc
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Do season characters find fewer legendaries?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:19 PM PST

I haven't played D3 since around when it came out. But a week or so ago I rolled a new character and checked the "Seasonal" box. Sometimes around act 2 or 3 I started finding legendaries... Sometimes from big bosses, sometimes from random mobs, but they weren't very common. Maybe a dozen up through the end of act 4. I also never found any legendary or set smithing recipes. It's worth noting that I play the game by exploring every last nook and cranny of every map.

Today I rolled another character, a wizard, non-seasonal. I got 3 legendaries by level 15, all from major plot-based bosses or minibosses. I also noticed that my level 39 barbarian from launch (who had finished through act IV) had about half a dozen legendary smithing recipes + a set piece recipe (which I only saw now since my seasonal character can't see non-seasonal stuff, of course).

So my question is thus: Do season characters see fewer legendary drops than non-seasonal characters? (not talking about the season-specific legendaries)

submitted by /u/ephemeral_colors
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Support Crusader GR102 clear

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:16 AM PST

Build guide: Diablo fans

Gameplay of the 102 clear. Group composition was zmonk/firebats WD/zap wiz/ and support sader.

This build is mostly for speed 80-95, but clearing a gr102 is a pretty decent accomplishment for something replacing zbarb.

I believe this build will be the best for speed 80-90s with triple supports, zwiz/zsader/zDH. I've personally ran it with zwiz/zmonk/zbarb, pretty much every setup of triple supports + zap wiz works great.

I've also ran GR90s and 95s with 2 zap wizes and a zmonk, and they worked pretty well. I still believe single zap wiz with trip supports would be the best setup however.

submitted by /u/recc113
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Cosmetic Items 2.4.3?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:58 AM PST

Hey everyone, I just got back into diablo at the start of February. I missed all the darkening event and was wondering what are items I can farm for right now? Only ones I can think of are Cosmic Wings Falcon wings. Any more? Thanks!

Looking for pennants wings pets frames. Just about anything!

submitted by /u/tiilller
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Here's why you shouldn't play the Path of Diablo server

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:41 PM PST

Users can be banned simply for hostiling a group which is apparently "ruining the diablo experience". Spamming slurs and n***** is apparently acceptable.

This is a perfect reason blizzard's servers reign supreme: asshole server admins won't permaban you.

The blizzard servers are far less laggy, don't have asshat admin/owners, and are STILL updating Diablo 2!

submitted by /u/I_PISS_LIGHTNING
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Quick question before I start my seasonal character

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:14 PM PST

OK so I'm about to start my first seasonal character (started playing this month, I have a non-season for now [I know, I made a mistake]). My question is : which class is the easiest to gear for in seasonal, mostly for a solo Greater Rift build?

submitted by /u/fbl07
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Can we get T14 and T15 with patch 2.5.0?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:36 AM PST

Since there will be even more power creep with this patch it would be really nice to get the higher difficulties in it too. It would be even better to get up to T20 and have a real challenge and a place where you play to get items instead of experience but I don't think that there is time to properly test that. Thank you for reading and I do hope that the developer team considers this.

submitted by /u/Shizuri
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