Hearthstone - /r/Hearthstone Discord Server | RIP Ragnaros Edition

/r/Hearthstone Discord Server | RIP Ragnaros Edition

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:30 PM PST

(Repost because last post is now archived)

Well Met!

We are happy to announce the /r/Hearthstone Discord Server! If you are looking to talk about the game, find new friends to play with or just hang out with like minded people, feel free to join us!

Also a big thing to point out is our registered users just passed 10,000 on the Discord server and we are partnered with Discord in order to give you guys a bunch of extra features and better quality voice channels!

If you would like to join us, please download and install the free Discord Client and then click on this link. Mobile and Tablet Clients are also available.

Let the GamesMemes Begin!

~/r/Hearthstone moderation team.

submitted by /u/Oagoz
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The problem I have with 3 full expansions.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:22 AM PST

Before I start talking, the problem is epics.

Legendaries: You most of the time get the ones you need after some grinding and dusting without the need to pay for anything.

Rares: They arrent really a problem to get, you get most just opening like 50 packs or so.

Commons: You get enough for you, your mom and your 40 cousins.

But epics... Not only do you get very few from opening packs, as well as them being very needed most of the time for very specific decks to be playable.

But worst of all they feel so bad to craft or disenchant, most of the time you can't even use those cards for a different deck and thats been true througout the history of HS.

A couple of examples

  • Astral Communion - Astral Druid

  • Lock and Load - Lock n' load hunter

  • Echo of Medivh - Echo mage

  • Mysterious Challenger - Secret Paladin

  • Shadowform/confuse - Chansey/Djinni Priest

  • Renounce Darkness/Dreadsteed - Any renounce deck/Dreadsteed decks

  • All the different giants.

Love to hear your opinions, I hear a lot of people talking about blizzard being greedy and that this expansion will cost more but I dont really got a problem with that. Hopefully they will follow what most other card games does and just give us a lot of free packs and make it fun for us to play. Cause I might pay for some cards, which I've done in the past despite being mostly free to play player, But I won't even think about paying for a single pack if Im not having fun.

submitted by /u/kongaii
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Wild-Shop: Make old adventures, and maybe old packs, available

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:56 AM PST

Hi guys!

With the next rotation comming soon and 2 adventures rotating out, the PVE experience for new players who do not own previous adventures is very limited. So is the possibility to obtain old cards from GvG and TGT as the access to these packs will be gone.

I do understand that some people think this is the point of wild and it is only fair. However, it would be so good if we could buy old adventures still after they rotate out.

Sure they will have to make big warnings when entering the wild-shop like:


or something like that.

The reason for this is that I know many people that still would like to buy Naxx. The cards were good, but they would not only like to buy it just for the cards but also for the PvE experience.

Plus I do not think that "veteran players" would mind this availability too much either. I wouldn't mind new players buying LoE and BRM next year or the year after as I know how much fun I had in these adventres and with the cards afterwards.

What does /r/hearthstone think?

Sorry if my English is not perfect, not native.

Edit: formatting.

submitted by /u/HammerBammer
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Kibler on the Year of the Mammoth Changes

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:14 AM PST

I'd just like to point out that ever since Ben Brode became Game Director and returned from paternity leave, we've had very good communication efforts from the team

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

I know that there have been a lot of gripes about how the Hearthstone development team doesn't communicate regularly enough, but if you consider about what's changed since Ben Brode was promoted to Game Director and after he came back from his paternity leave (basically the start of 2017), they have really done a nice job. Consider:

  • In the month of January, we had the first livestream developer insights Q&A to address criticism of the game
  • There have been more efforts to reach out to players on this subreddit (and on official forums it seems as well)
  • They acknowledged the challenges in balancing Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, we were promised they would look at STB, and they have already announced a nerf to STB
  • They explained why the nerf patch doesn't come this second (complexity pushing patch out to multiple platforms, ongoing playoff tournaments)
  • We had a detailed announcement, with immediate development team communication on the subreddit, about the upcoming rotation and changes to the game.

I think they deserve some commendation (especially Mr. Brode) for their efforts here. It may also signify a fundamental philosophical difference between the previous Game Director and the current one about how they want to engage with the most enthusiastic members of the community. Here's hoping they keep it up.

submitted by /u/CrescentBull
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Firebat and Noxious tell the story about how Blizzard decided to nerf Ice Lance

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:05 PM PST



Firebat: "They're really just beating a dead horse with this one. Like, Freeze Mage has been dead. And they've nerfed it every single nerf along the way. They just keep kicking it. They wanna make sure it stays dead. It came back that one time they made some nerfs, and Freeze Mage still stuck around then. And now they're just making sure. They're double tapping it, just making sure it stays down. And then they reloaded and came back a second time. It's ridiculous".

Noxious: "I can just imagine the discussion. Like, Ben Brode is at home, sipping a glass of wine with his wife. You know, the kids are asleep. And then he gets a phone call. And they're like 'Brode, Freeze Mage appeared in a tournament again'. And he goes 'Are you fing kidding me right now? What the f is it gonna take?'

Next morning, flurry at the office, everyone's trying to come up with solutions. And then somebody comes up and is like 'F*** Ice Lance'. And Brode looks at him and is like 'You're promoted dude! F*** it!" and they're nerfing it now."

submitted by /u/xtreemmasheen3k2
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TIL the actual size of Jeweled Scarab

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:49 AM PST

Lifecoach FTW

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:47 AM PST

"They'll never see it coming"

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:04 AM PST

Ash says goodbye to Ragnaros

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:30 AM PST

Nerfs confirmed to happen after ALL Winter Playoffs are finished. Last one is APAC on 26.2.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:45 AM PST

A tribute to the great Azure Drake [0:42]

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:24 PM PST

Best Ever Spot The Lethal

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:57 PM PST

How much more expensive is The Year of the Mammoth?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:12 PM PST

Adventures were the most cost efficient way to obtain cards. By removing adventures and replacing them with expansions, you not only have more cards per year, but also these new cards will be much more expensive. This will drive up the prices for players who want to keep invested in the game.

some calculations:

2016 Gifts Price in Gold Price in € Cards Gold / 1 Card € / 1 Card
Whispers of the Old Gods 1 Legendary, 2 Commons, 13 packs through quests ≈ 14 packs 200 packs - 14 = 186 packs = 18,600 gold (50 pack pre-order = 49.99 €) + (2 x 60 packs = 62.99 €) + (15 packs = 17.99 €) = 193.96 € 134 (90% = 120.6) 154.2 1.608
One Night in Kharazan 4 x 700 gold = 2,800 gold 17.99 € 45 62.2 0.400
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan 6 packs 200 packs - 6 = 194 packs = 19,400 gold (50 pack pre-order = 49.99 €) + (2 x 60 packs = 62.99 €) + (15 packs = 17.99 €) + (7 packs = 8.99 €) + (2 packs = 2.69 €) = 205.64 € 132 (90% = 118.8) 163.3 1.731
Total 40,800 gold 417.59 € 311 (284.4) 143.5 1.468
2017 Gifts Price in Gold Price in € Cards Gold / 1 Card € / 1 Card
Lost Secrets of Un'Goro (?) ? 200 packs = 20,000 gold (50 pack pre-order = 49.99 €) + (2 x 60 packs = 62.99 €) + (2 x 15 packs = 17.99 €) = 211.95 € ~ 130 (90% = 117) 170.9 1.812
Expansion 2 ? 200 packs = 20,000 gold (50 pack pre-order = 49.99 €) + (2 x 60 packs = 62.99 €) + (2 x 15 packs = 17.99 €) = 211.95 € ~ 130 (90% = 117) 170.9 1.812
Expansion 3 ? 200 packs = 20,000 gold (50 pack pre-order = 49.99 €) + (2 x 60 packs = 62.99 €) + (2 x 15 packs = 17.99 €) = 211.95 € ~ 130 (90% = 117) 170.9 1.812
Total 60,000 gold 635.85 € 390 (351) 170.9 1.812

Notes: Since an adventure gives you a 100% complete set, comparing it to an expansion with random packs can only be an estimation. In this example I used 200 packs, which give you a ≈ 90% complete expansion, which should be enough to have every card that you need/want to play with.

Disclaimer: Possible gifts of any 2017 expansion are not included and would lower the overall price of an expansion.

Conclusion: We will have significantly more content per year (66,6 more cards). This will make it more expensive to keep up with the meta (you need additional 218,26 € / 635,85€ in total). Also the removal of adventures will make every single card more expensive (1.812 € per card in 2017, instead of 1,468 € in 2016). That is a 23.43% increase in prices. This is a drastic change that can not at all be compensated by the usual launch event giveaways, such as free packs from quests.

What to do? In order to maintain the affordability of Hearthstone, Blizzard needs to either reduce the prices of packs, introduce a new and more efficient way to buy packs in bulk (100 packs bundle?), make the pre-order much cheaper, give out substantially more gifts and free packs - or - a combination of these.

TL,DR: Spend more gold and money per year, unless Blizzard changes the pricing of Hearthstone.

submitted by /u/FliccC
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Blizzard please, consider merging the regional collections.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:40 PM PST

With the announcement that there will now be three different card expansions a year, the idea that anyone should be expected to invest the time and money to maintain a reasonably complete card collection on two or three separate regions is frankly laughable. Yet that is essentially what you're asking players who want to compete in your HCT events to do. Only one or two people are ever going to clear any sort of profit from playing Hearthstone tournaments professionally, the rest of the scene is filled out with semi-pros who still maintain full time jobs on top of playing Hearthstone at a high level. It's these people you're discouraging by continuing this artificial divide between regions.

Certainly there will be architectural hurdles to overcome, it might even be the case that all regions will be down simultaneously during a weekly maintenance period if the master servers need attention. There will also be issues with how to compensate people who have already spent time and money on obtaining duplicate cards. None of these things are insurmountable, and if you were to do it it would be easier to do now than in the future when there are even more cards and modes.

We saw with Starcraft 2 the hoops pros had to jump through in the early years to maintain different clients for individual regions so they could play in tournaments across the globe. Cross-region play came far too late for a feature that should have been present from day one. Hearthstone is repeating the same mistake and managing to make it worse because the amount of additional paid content required is so much greater. Please, do something positive for your most loyal and lucrative customers. Give us cross-region collections.

submitted by /u/JeevesMkII
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So this sub complains about the game being made for casuals and blizzard makes an announcement that goes against this and now we complain because it makes the game more expensive.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:30 AM PST

Make up your fucking mind. You cant have a cheap ccg that's also non casual. If you want a competitive game, guess what? It's gonna be more expensive.

submitted by /u/iamtheconsolemasterr
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Blizzard confirms the six classic cards being sent to Wild once Standard rotates, including Ragnaros and Sylvanas. Also Adventures being phased out and a new free Rogue hero coming.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:03 AM PST

So Blizzard made the game MORE expensive and all anyone seems to care about is a few thousand dust?!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:18 PM PST

Let's talk about this: no more adventures with guaranteed Legendaries means that you have to buy EVEN MORE packs to make sure you get the meta-defining legendaries instead of just earning them from the $20 adventure.

Am I missing something or did we just get bamboozled?

submitted by /u/THUMB5UP
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Confirmed by Ben Brode: If you have a golden & normal version of a Hall of Fame card, you will only get the golden dust refund

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

Maths on Year of the Mammoth Dust Investments

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:01 PM PST

TL;DR Investing in golden cards only works for commons, or if you do not already have a non-golden copy. If you do not have any copies of a card at all, you can craft it to practically get a free copy.

As you might already know, some cards are rotating out of standard, and Blizzard is giving a full dust refund, without disenchanting said card. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20475356

This led people to thinking. "We can invest into golden cards now and get extra dust value!" I'm here to do the maths and how much profit you would be able to get.

A table of the crafting costs and disenchanting values can be found below.

Rarity Craft Cost Craft Golden Disenchant Cost Disenchant Golden
Common 40 400 5 50
Rare 100 800 20 100
Legendary 1600 3200 400 1600

So, the idea is: Craft golden versions of Ragnaros and Sylvanas for 3200, get 3200 back when Year of the Mammoth starts, and disenchant them again for 1600 dust profit. The same can be done for golden commons, which can be crafted for 400. You get 400 back and 50 for disenchanting etc.

Well, this works. However, one thing is disregarded right now. What if you already have the normal version of the card? In this case you would get 1600 dust for free either way for the legendary, without needing to invest.

So below is a table of the results of strategies if you already own the cards:

Rarity Do nothing Craft and disenchant Golden
Common +40 +50
Rare +100 +100
Legendary +1600 +1600

In short, if you already have the non-golden version of the rotating cards, it can be worth to invest in commons, to get a 10 dust more profit, compared to doing nothing.

Now, finally there are also people who simply want to upgrade to the golden cards for swag. I want those people to realize the following.

You get 1600 dust for free for the legendary, you pay 3200, get 3200 back and disenchant the non-golden legendary you already had for 400. This means that you effectively paid 1200 dust for it. A table for the effective upgrade costs below:

Rarity Upgrade Cost
Common 35
Rare 80
Legendary 1200

And for the people who don't have any of these cards yet, it's very simple: You can invest dust to get a free copy of said card.

As a conclusion:

  • If you already have the cards, you can invest in golden commons to increase your dust. For all of the other options, it actually doesn't do anything.
  • If you want to upgrade a card to golden, please do realize that you're effectively paying your free dust for it. Also realize that now is the best time to upgrade it, if you really want to.
  • If you don't have the card at all, you can simply get a free copy of it by investing in the card.
submitted by /u/ianzzz94
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With Maiev announced as the new playable hero, Hearthstone is now officially the best Blizzard game.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

There is no argument, because I base video game quality on its proximity to Maiev Shadowsong.

You see, previously Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne was the best video game of all time, because Maiev Shadowsong was not only playable, but central to one of the stories in the game. However, that game is now an outdated Maiev source, because modern Maiev has ad her visual design upgraded from her appearance in WCIII:TFT. Because of this, I had to rank it down.

Second best, therefore, has been World of Warcraft, which features Maiev being the baddest ass in badassdom while in her canon outfit, but since you don't play as Maiev and in fact barely see her, it's been a strained top ranking.

Starcraft II has a sorry Maiev Score indeed. Its proximity to Maiev is pathetic, the only connection to her being that the game also features a ridiculously cruel, powerful woman with tall spiky things coming out of her shoulders, who has vague sexual tension with a man with a funny accent.

But this pales in comparison to Diablo III's Maiev Score, a measly 12. It has been scored down because of its overwhelming fondness for Demon Hunters.

We all know that Demon Hunters are scum and can't be trusted.

Finally the Overwatch Score, which is actually slightly higher than the Starcract score, since while the setting, tone, themes, concept, gameplay, characters, music, graphics and entire core of the game may seem entirely opposed to what Maiev seems to fit within... you can get a player icon of Maiev's helmet, so that's alright.

Now that Hearthstone is officially the best Blizzard game, I expect complaints about balance and cards to cease entirely, because Maiev is in it.

The meta, of course, will change drastically because Maiev is in it. Soon games versus Rogue will be decided entirely on whether or not they are playing Maiev.

This will further increase Maiev desirability.

Illidan Stormrage will, naturally, become unplayable - the meta-defining 6-mana card will exit use from all the top-tier decks because if there's one thing Illidan wants to avoid, it's encountering Maiev Shadowsong. All players will celebrate this overpowered card exiting use.

So in conclusion, with the new release of Maiev Shadowsong as a playable hero in the game, Hearthstone has officially become the best Blizzard game.

submitted by /u/Nemzal
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Developer Insights: Live Stream Q&A – Year of the Mammoth

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:47 PM PST

Hearthstone: Reasons To Play Mayor Noggenfogger (Dane Hearthstone)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:45 PM PST

Hall of Fame flowchart - a simple diagram about what to do with your cards

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:44 AM PST

if you're still not sure what to do with your HoF cards, here's a simple diagram: http://i.imgur.com/v5no3HO.png

also, my 2 cents:

  • when it comes to the legendaries, if you only own a regular one it's better not to craft the golden version. 1600 dust > 400 dust + a prettier (yet the same) version.

  • make your priorities! if you don't have A LOT of dust, I'd go to craft the legendaries first (if you don't own them) before upgrading cards to golden versions.

  • when it comes to the commons / rare, the upgrade isn't expensive (giving up a 35 dust profit for common and giving up a 60 dust profit for a rare).

  • it doesn't worth it to craft golden commons just to disenchant them for a 10 dust profit per card. (unless you have A LOT of dust and don't need it atm).

submitted by /u/foofam
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With the Hall of Fame comming out can we un-nerf some of the now unplayed classic cards and put them there?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

I'm sure a lot of people miss playing some of the decks those cards enabled and atm they see no play whatsoever so maybe Blizz could un-nerf them, put them in wild so you would be able to play them without ruinning the standard ranked ladder.

For example:

Molten Giant

Blade Flurry

Warsong Commander

Edit: some more examples: Starving buzzard, ancient of lore, keeper of the grove.

submitted by /u/Opachopp
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