Skyrim - Pull!


Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:14 AM PST

I found Lydia again!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:24 PM PST

So I lost Lydia in Mzinchaleft in the Dwemer ruins of Blackreach while doing the Elder Knowledge quest. I searched everywhere for her and she was nowhere to be found, but her bed in Breezehome said it was owned. I checked the crypt in Whiterun multiple times and she wasn't there either, but I could get other followers so I figured she probably got killed in Blackreach.

Anyway last night with Aela as my follower I was doing the Lost to the Ages quest line when I found myself in Blackreach again, curious to see if I could locate her body after last seeing her a 100 realtime hours ago I made my way over to where I last saw her and I couldn't believe my eyes! There she was, trapped in one of those Dwemer lifts, and she's all "Honored to see you, my Thane." - and shit, like she hadn't been stuck in a fucking glowing mushroom infested cave since I started the play through!

She's chilling at Breezehome right now being as useless as ever, taking care of my two charity cases and sweeping her room obsessively.

submitted by /u/bluebullbruce
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And So Ends A Bloody Revolution!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:36 PM PST

working as intended

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:51 AM PST

It took me 30 minutes, but I finally did it.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:59 PM PST

Alright, I'll just come back later.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:15 PM PST

Sunrise over High Hrothgar

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:37 AM PST

Update: I am the guy who thought his wife was buying him Skyrim for Valentines Day, and got T-shirts instead.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:44 AM PST

If you are interested in the background story:

I have this coming Monday off for Presidents' Day and also decided to take off today to get myself a four-day weekend. My wife woke me up as she was leaving for work and telling me that she was going out for happy hour with some girlfriends tonight. She would be home around 11

She kissed me and then turned around to leave but stopped at the door and said all "This might make your four days off a little better." and tosses a copy of Skyrim special edition onto the bed.

I'm not actually sure if I ever said thank you or if I just jumped around like an idiot. She said she has been waiting since Valentines Day to give it to me, and yes, the shirts were a ruse.

Thanks to the folks who offered to pitch in and get me a copy, for no other reason than just being good people.

Five years in the making and I'm finally off to Skyrim.

submitted by /u/DoctorSnape
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Have You Got The Heart Of A Daedra? Enlist Now! (art by @joffrea_GAMEDEV on Twitter)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:57 AM PST

That moment you realize you weren't riding Shadowmere

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

Seen on my university campus

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

Do everything wrong with the Thieves Guild - They still love you

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

An old quote by another villain, but this seemed appropriate ;)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:01 AM PST

After 500 hours i keep discovering things about skyrim

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:59 AM PST

Noises on Solsthiem

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:33 AM PST

When I'm travelling around the island I keep hearing these creepy distant moaning/howling/horn like noises. What are those noises and are they related to a quest?

submitted by /u/Bellionaire64
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Oh yeah, really impressed by the size of your hammer.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:07 AM PST

Popping the question with Skyrim theme- need help!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:34 AM PST

So my girl and I are both really into Skyrim. I've bought the ring (irl), but I need to make a print out of a Skyrim item screen with a bunch of custom text. I've done some googling myself in vain to that end. Basically I want to have the item stat screen saying something like "RING OF ENGAGEMENT", ARMOR 0, WEIGHT 0.3, VALUE 3 MONTHS' PAYCHECKS.

The text below would read something like, "Love is increased by 50 points. Alerts observers to your relationship status."

Is there a mod or a website out there that would allow me to do it? I've found ones that allow me to rename any item, modify stats, etc., but nothing that would allow me to simply type whatever I wanted to make a screenshot. I'm also really bad with photoshop.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm also interested if y'all have any clever ideas of what text to put.

submitted by /u/Klaus_Kinski_alt
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Is there any way I can cure lycanthropy long after I've cured Kodlak?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:20 AM PST

I don't mind being a werewolf but I keep seeing the 'beast blood keeps you from restful sleep' and thinking damn, Azök Giantsbane must be tired of that shit.

submitted by /u/Chaz_ice
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The Glitchers Guide To Playing A Pure Mage (Spoilers)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:58 PM PST

This guide is going to teach you the best way to play as a mage - using glitches! I'm going to start by telling you what you need to get started:

  • Froki's Shack: A building located west of Riften and south of Ivarstead. It is on the other side of the mountain from Riften. Head west until you hit it, and it's pretty hard to miss.

  • Platter: If you are a true glitcher (or a hoarder) you should already have one of these. You can find one in Dragonsreach, which is convenient.

  • Beast Form/Vampire Lord: This is absolutely necessary, no way around it.

  • Do Not Delete (Optional).

  • College Of Winterhold membership.

If you already have the Do Not Delete, skip this part. If you don't, head to Dragonsreach to get one. Grab a platter from the table and head to the Jarls quarters. In there, go to the Jarls bedroom (Stone of Barenziah and Fine Boots are in here) and place the platter on the wall to the right of the Jarls bed, in between the wardrobe. If you have Whirlwind Sprint, use it now. Otherwise sprint through the wall, and grab the floating chest on the other side. It is marked as stealing, but you probably won't get caught.

Next, you need to go to the College of Winterhold. Go into the hall of Countenance, not Attainment. Get out your trusty platter, and go through the wall in between the room with the table and the first bedroom on the right as you walk in. once you start falling, look down and place down that Do Not Delete immediately. If you look around, you should see 4 chests next to you. It will take some jumping, but you should be able to reach them. They have leveled spells and robes, which is very useful for a new mage.

Protip: You can sprint in midair for that extra boost of speed.

Next up, Riften! You need to be here for a variety of reasons:

  1. Talk to Mjoll and get her quest. This is pretty important, because she is invincible, and therefore, a pretty good tank.

  2. Go to Froki's Shack. If you have the Unofficial Patches installed, this trick will not work. Once you've made it to Froki's shack, find her wood chopping block. You may notice something that shouldn't belong: A Diadem Of The Savant. Now, what is so special about this, you may be asking? It respawns.

Let me repeat that for you.

It respawns.

Come back every once in a while, and that wood chopping block will have the Diadem of the Savant on it. This brings me to the next part of the guide:

Join the Companions or the Volkihar Vampires. There is a way to become both a vampire and a werewolf, which I will explain if anyone wants it.

Once you have gained the respective transformation, grab a follower, any follower will do. Get them to a secluded area, and transform just as you speak to them. If done correctly, you should be able to enter the trading menu. From here, you can equip as many helmets, rings, boots, necklaces, and gauntlets as you want. Anything but the chestplate is fair game.

You probably understand where this is going now.

Slowly but surely, start hoarding Diadems from Froki. once you get 20 of them, do the glitch with your follower, and you have EVERY spell usable for free.

You're fucking welcome.

EDIT: This trick also works with the Amulet of Talos and the Dragon Priest Masks.

submitted by /u/Malama_Kazam
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If the Dragonborn used Call Dragon, Summon Durhneviir and Bend Will on a bunch of dragons... the Thalmor would get rekt...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:08 AM PST

All it takes is for the Dragonborn to use Bend Will on a bunch of dragons, Summon Durhneviir and Call Dragon. Assuming the Dragonborn also completed every single quest. He could also summon Arniel's Shade and Karstaag. Why can't we just burn down the Summerset Isles with an army of dragons?

submitted by /u/Draaxus
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Real talk, playing Skyrim made me try grilled leaks, Turns out they're great!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

Are my hands really tiny or are his really big?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

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