Guild Wars 2 - White Mantle Shenanigans

White Mantle Shenanigans

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

Here's a comic I made about one of the new Heart Quests in Lake Doric:

submitted by /u/ablair24
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WP about the accessibility and story in Raids

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:29 PM PST

New players are coming, support them

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

As I revisit the low-level areas as I level a fresh player, I've been discovering a lot more people evaluating, returning or just bought the game.

This would be a good time to work on a new player or farm low-level mats to welcome them and bring them into the social fun.

I've played a long time and enjoy the game and the community.

submitted by /u/mwrich4
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You know, after what we've learned from legendary collections, I thought we were past this

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:21 AM PST

The Bastion of the Penitent Full Story [SPOILERS]

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:19 AM PST

Wing 4 CM Disabled for Boss 2 and 3

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:57 PM PST

Our first Dragon - The Shatterer (5:00) (with guild group)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:47 PM PST

We need a better recap of LS1 when starting LS2

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:50 AM PST

So I started LS2 a few days ago, and one of the biggest issues I have had is trying to form some kind of bond between these new companions that follow you throughout LS2. Taimi, Rox, the two lover chicks and the ugly norn.

The quick snippet of what happened during LS1 is ok, I guess. However it would be great if we got just a quick cutscene at the start of LS2 just to give us some more info on these companions who follow us around.

Im still trying to wrap my head around these people, why should I care for them? i WANT MY FUCKING WARBAND!

Edit- more words

submitted by /u/frsguy
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So I think I may have found the most broken fence in tyria

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST

[Map] Historical Guide to Tyria: The Head of the Snake

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:04 AM PST

If my warrior could block half as much as a White Mantle Cleric I'd play him twice as much.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:24 AM PST

Honest. I haven't touched my warrior since HoT and I miss it. Leveling was fun because I signed up to be a protector of Kryta. Not sure why we can't have a spammable block and / or counter attack, I've even levelled a guardian to 80 too to see if that made me feel righteous but that ended in disappointment.

Sorry about the rant, but I see Thackeray's shield and makes me wish there was a build where I could chose to block like that. Maybe the white mantle has job openings.

submitted by /u/Fox_Luris
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Let's just take a look at some new hairstyles...

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:24 PM PST

Sentient Oddity

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:08 PM PST

To the dev who put that into the game. THANK YOU.

submitted by /u/RizRashid
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My best screenshot ever!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:04 AM PST

W4B1 Solo 4:20:00

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:49 AM PST


So, I had issues finding pugs for Cairn yesterday. I had one group that got close, but almost everyone wiped at around 8%. I tried to solo, got it to 5%, then messed up and got knocked off. This was my penance :P

This was mostly unplanned, I decided to see how far I could get and...just kinda kept going.

Anet, this boss needs an enrage :P

submitted by /u/RorcNightblade
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ALL THE SPOILERS. DO NOT CLICK. Let's speculate about the smaller lore stuff hidden in this episode. It's brimming with teases.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:09 AM PST

I'll compile a bunch of stuff that I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Expansion pack leak - Mesmer - Mirage. New weapon: axe. Theme: misdirection, illussions. The more I see all those fancy new mesmer skills, the more I get convinced that the leak was right. Auto-invul (like so many other classes) on low health, AoE mind stab, multiple glamours, big-ass glamours. Jennah breaks the theme a bit with her OP Mantra of Pain/Power Spike, but why not.

  • Anise. She really falls out of her usual role. Short-sighted, bloodthirsty, heavy-handed. Is Anet just driving it home that she and Jennah are NOT the same person or is there something deeper at work? Yeah, yeah, shit just got bombed, I know, she may be a bit stressed. Still, though.

  • The End of the Line of Caudecus. Really? Dead Demmi? If they are able to drag iconic characters from the personal story back into the main story just to kill them off, that'd have quite some interesting implications for other names. Maybe they finally got over that Malyck thing.

  • Jennah going full Terminator. No, seriously. There is something really fishy about that whole thing. The PC even metions that there is more to the queen than she's letting on. Yeah, there is fucking well more to the MegaMesmer9000-o-Tron that just did cast a city-wide Glamour followed by a one-shotting Mantra. Bonus: seems she, too, only has three casts max and bluffed that fourth guy into running after mentally raping his three friends.

  • Logan. Dude seems to have realized that his battle against that continental friendzone Jennah cast on him is in vain. What's with his body? Just fucked up? The line he lets fall during the personal story hints at more, IIRC. Pact Marshal of a pact whose orders are at odds with each others. Interesting.

  • More expansion theory. Skeletons for Necromancers? Maybe an actual minion master specialization, GW1 like? Anet got burned with necromancer minions several times and hit them pretty hard with the nerfbat, yet if the season 2 b-iconic necro got necros their greatsword, I see no reason why the miniboss won't get them their skeletons. If all the speculations about the remaining episodes and the relative release date of x-pack 2 are at least somewhat correct, we aren't too far from it. NPC skills would make very nice hints in that direction.

Please add everything you noticed and I missed!

submitted by /u/Quick_FYI
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[Suggestion]Legendaries with runes/sigils

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:52 PM PST

With Legendary armor around the corner it's times to bring the QoL suggestion up we all would like to see. As it stands currently if you want tho run a different build you can double click on the legendary weapon and change the stats but for those of us with sigil we have to stick wIth it unless it's extremely cheap which eliminates the whole point in changing the stats in the first place.

My suggestion is to allow the legendary to consume a form of currency and at a certain cap limit its able to then consume a sigil/rune (for legendary armors) to keep it permanently and allow it to be chosen later in another drop down area (much like your stat selection).

Having the stats allowed to be chosen is great but making the sigil semi permanent or regrettable to take off it's a hassle.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/TheDivision_Builds
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The Isles of Janthir (Spoilers)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:03 PM PST

So in the previous LS mission, Rox mentioned that Caudecus seemed to be moving towards the Isles of Janthir. Yet in this mission, Caudecus is now attacking Divinity's Reach, with no mention of the Isles. Canach doesn't say anything about the Isles either. Have I missed something here? (I haven't played the new raid wing, so I don't know how that fits here.)

Also, isn't it rather convenient that soon after Lazarus's (or whoever they are) reappearance, Caudecus goes bloodstone-crazy and attacks Divinity's Reach- Divinity's Reach, which has close ties with the commander who took down two dragons and promptly takes care of Caudecus? Is this connected with Caudecus's trip to the Isles?

More than that, even, Kryta is now beset on two sides by both the White Mantle and the centaurs, while the Queen has just upended the government. The entire region has become unstable.....which kind of echoes the same situation we saw the White Mantle rise to power in GW1.

What all this means, I have no idea. But it definitely feels weird for anet to just drop something as big as the isles in one episode, and then not mention it again in the next.

submitted by /u/intelligentmechanism
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Minor wardrobe mistake (BUG)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:12 PM PST

If you look at refined envoy armor icons (medium) you can see that headgear icon and leggings icon are swiched. so now you can wear pants on your head. Enjoy

submitted by /u/Fenuss
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(Gemstore suggestion) Character voice lines

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:14 PM PST

After seeing the latest revenue reports for anet, i was thinkg about, what could possibly be added to the gemstore, that people will be willing to spend money on. The gliders were a great thing, because they are something that everybody can see on their character (I myself buy gliders quite often).

So... I was thinking about some sort of character voice lines, that could be played at the press of a button (like in Overwatch). What do you think? Will people want to buy something like that?

submitted by /u/intruder_alert
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So I'm a grizzled GW1 vet considering GW2 after many years, and I have some questions for you all!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST

I put an absurd amount of time into Guild Wars back in the day. Concerning amounts of time for anyone not bored in high school. I valiantly fought my way through prophecies. I fell in love with nightfall, my Dervish became my absolute go to character with over 600 hours on him alone. Factions was beautiful and different, and I love my assassin. Then eye of the north came and went, it was a bitter sweet time. I remember people ranting and raving with hype for GW2 but I was too in love with MY guild wars. I was afraid they'd change everything I loved about the game. Then as high school ended, so did my time available for a game like Guild Wars. So now that I've found this sub I'd like to ask you gorgeous GW2 vets a few questions. And I do hope your wisdom can bring some good news. I've tried to go back and play GW1 (after having the BEST experience with ANET Support. I lost access to my account, and never made an account for their website after it became the GW2 website. But they recovered it for me and were incredibly kind. If any Anet support people frequent this sub by chance, I absolutely thank you and love you!) but it was very lonely and I began to think heavily about the possibility of getting GW2. So here are my questions :)

1.) Do character progression and skills function the same way? (Example: low level cap, 4 or 5 main skills, skill point every level up, second profession for skill combinations, etc.)

2.) Does the ability bar still function the same way? (8 abilities and one elite. Resurrection signet, capture signet for taking elites from bosses.) 3.) Is the farming tier system the same, or better? I had nice collection of unique weapons from bosses, and farming for golds was so much fun. Very reminiscent of Diablo with the process of identification. I loved that.

4.) Is the game still solo friendly? I very much enjoyed the ability to slap in my own composition of heroes to my team in town and just go run amuck by myself sometimes. The fact that every player group had a unique copy of the world when you left the cities was by far the aspect of this game that elevated it above every other 'mmo' style game for me.

5.) Last question. Is there a distinct early game area like Ascalon? Where you are held separate from the rest of the game in a happy place until the stuff hits the fan and everything changes. Suddenly you're thrust into Ascalon 2.0 and everything you knew and loved is all effed up and you get that motivation to get revenge. Or.. stay in pre destruction Ascalon and grind your way to level 20 to get that sweet sweet title. Oh!

5b.) Are there still titles? And hard mode, once you finish the main quest?

I think that's all of my questions for now, though I'm sure there will be more inspired by comments! Thanks for your time!

Edit: horrible mobile formatting

submitted by /u/ZiggyZayne
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Dissecting those "Polearms" in the new map.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

So, I'm sure we've at least taken notice of both select Sereph and Watchknights using these huge spear-things in Lake Doric. Now, am I suggesting we're gonna see land-spears? No, we're probably looking at a test of skills for a future elite spec. I'm making the assumption the skills will align with the warrior, giving him a staff to use as a polearm, but what skills would it have? Let's look a thing our friends in the new map...

  • A standard swing attack, pretty generic there.

  • A leaping attack that applies 5 stacks of tourment and knocks back.

  • A pull attack that pulls a single target.

  • A whirling attack similar to the whirling axes skill, only with the big weapon instead, and launching nearby opponents.

So yeah, that's what there is from examining these guys in combat. The watchknight was the one using the pull attack btw. So, what are our thoughts on what's A-net has put into place here?

submitted by /u/Tostitokid
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Client keeps DCing from server

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:18 PM PST

So I recently got back into the game, and it was working fine for awhile but now I'm getting the error, "Lost connection to server." I didn't get the entire code, as I tried to minimize it to open Firefox, and the client crashed on me. I am trying to get back on again to see if I can get the code to pop up again and I will screenshot it. I was just wondering if anyone else was getting errors or having connection issues recently?

submitted by /u/erraticarsonist
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[buggy?] New Guild Hall Decoration

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

I was decorating the guildhall and got then the new stuff. I removed one piece and could not put th e new stuff at that place... i removed something other and could not put it back. now i have many pieces i could not put back without putting anything new very frusttrating.

submitted by /u/MegumiTakano
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Sunday Tour of HoT; HP,MP and much much more Train

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:07 AM PST

[GAME]'s Sunday Tour of HoT starts at 5pm Server Time/11am CST US (North American Server) from Shipwreck Peak Waypoint in Verdant Brink: A full run through Verdant Brink, Auric Basin and Tangled Depths:

All 33 HPs (330 pts - basic glide gets you 310 pts)

we hit 42-44 MPs - Communes, Strongboxes + 7-9 extra MP; basic glide gets you 40'ish

All Waypoints opened

Multiple Achievements (including Golden Chicken and Disco)

Hard to Find Vistas and Points of Interest

A few random events

Good Loot & XP Zerg farm between points!

No Waypoints needed (will never call one we've not run under), basic glide get's you 90+% of all HP&MP.

Moderately paced, helpful Commander and great Map Mesmer at your service.

Whole run's a full day, 7-8'ish hours including breaks, but you're welcome to stay for an area or two (squad room allowing). We have a ton of fun; low stress 'we help each other' with no peeps left behind! A month's worth of Solo Struggle in a day. We provide specific helpful Food and Utility buffs throughout the Tour and Guild Hero Banners. Black Lion Trader and Merchant at breaks.

Will be posted on LFG/Open World/Verdant Brink and in Map Chat 4:45pm Server Time/10:45am CST US. Will be reposted on LFG and in Map Chat for Auric Basin and Tangled Depths as we enter each area. Look for 'Tour of HoT' or if the main group is full 'Tour of HoT Overflow'. [GAME] members will be in their own squad so please represent and join in that squad if you belong to [GAME].

And it is FREE: while tips are much appreciated, and thank you it helps cover the cost of the buffs and such, there is no charge or fee.

Name Trixi Morrigna, account name Morrigna.1704 if you need to find me. Please don't spam my chat with whispers, I'm kind of busy Sunday mornings ;-)

submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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