Learn Dota 2 - TIL : Shift clicking on courier delivery button

TIL : Shift clicking on courier delivery button

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:21 PM PST

It will queue you and he will deliver your items after he finish his current job.

Really usefull :)

submitted by /u/duskhorizon
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How to deal with BladeMail

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 04:16 PM PST

i had a dame as sven and the enemy team brought 3 blademails I tried to life steal through them with satanic but looking at the replay i noticed I still wrecked my self with against these blademails

submitted by /u/irocksock
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Dotabuff: Death of Split Pushing

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST


I just wanted to post about this as I thought it might create some good discussion.

It seems like Kawaiisocks (the author) is right, "ratting" as a winning strategy is largely dead. However, I think there is a distinction to be made here.

I think to win a game of dota in the current meta, you need to win a team fight. However, if your team is behind, I think split pushing is the best opportunity to "create space" and delay the game such that you can get some networth behind your cores and get some key items.

submitted by /u/rootnegative
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Smurf commentary videos

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:02 PM PST

Hey, saw some interest about this from 3-4 people a week or two ago, a friend of mine asked me to make a video like this on my 4k account, i was wondering if there was still interest for this kinda stuff here.

If there is just let me know and i'd be happy to post the link.

submitted by /u/dotaplayer111
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Should I bother with ranked matches at the 2k bracket? Just had a nightmarish game

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:47 PM PST

I have a bit over 500 games, and I'm around the 2k bracket. For the longest time I avoided (solo) ranked matches because I felt that calibrating at an average MMR would make it really difficult to climb out from, rather than just getting good hidden MMR first. Lately I had a few very strange regular matches that made me decide to go for ranked, thinking that players there will likely take the game more seriously.

Well, they do, kinda, but often in a horrible way from the little matches I did.

Naively, I thought people would communicate more. That backfired in the most ironic way, with them just flaming each other non-stop, calling gg early, going against each other, etc. I had a shadow demon that bought all the wards and sentries to place around our base (wasting them that is) when the game went south. People went into very weird lanes, people didn't communicate in the picking phase, and it was overall just a really traumatizing experience.

It makes me wonder - should I really bother with ranked at this point? So far, from the few matches I did, I'm finding that the occasional reddit comments about ranked being a "different dota" are really wrong. Or right, but in the bad way - meaning it's where all the insane people are. Regular matches might occasionally have some weird, silly picks, but overall I don't recall too many games that were nearly as atrocious.

Is it just an exception? A stroke of bad luck? Should I keep at it? Take into consideration that I do want improve, but if that match of mine was what I can expect in ranked, I really don't see how I'll improve faster there.

submitted by /u/CheekyBard
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Could somebody please explain the roles of Dota 2?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:34 PM PST

For background, I come from Smite, which, like League, has ADC, Support, Mid, Jungle, and Solo ("Top" in League).

As I understand it, Dota 2 has more fluid roles than the very rigid, required roles in Smite and League. That makes things hard to understand, though. I know that there's a carry in the safe lane, a hard support that goes with that carry, and a mid. Other than that, I'm kind of lost. What, practically, are the roles that people go into in an average game of Dota 2?

submitted by /u/anewerbeginning
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My 1k storm, i think my laning stage is my weakest element.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:43 PM PST

I'm a 1k storm player, i play mid a lot now and i think my mechanics have improved a lot.

2994294421 i'd really appreciate some feedback. I tried to dodge the sunstrike death but pulled my hand away from my mousepad. This isn't my very best game just my most recent win.

submitted by /u/Duck117
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To build upon the post earlier today, what does a dota team need?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:52 AM PST

I understand the farm priority system, and I understand what makes a carry a carry, a support a support etc, but surely there's more to making an effective choice than just looking at farm priority?

What I mean by this is, suppose my team have picked a weaver, a tide hunter, a Zeus and a Lion. Ignoring the enemy team (which I know you shouldn't do, but for the sake of this question I think it's best we ignore counterpicking). I understand we need another support, preferably a pos 4, But who do I choose? Assuming I'm equally skilled at all heroes.

submitted by /u/Whores_anus
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Support/roam Riki build

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

I was thinking oov +tango +2 clarities+obs for starting items, then going tranqs echo sabre blink. Basher for luxury maybe? Maybe the new sny? Is diffusal still good?

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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Luna and Lifesteal

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:43 AM PST

Hey all,

So 7.00 dominator rework saw Luna keeping it as a core item and following the 7.02 nerf I'm trying to work out if it's best to keep getting it or picking up a casual morbid or even building into Vlads.

I enjoy getting the dominant because it allows you to do ancients earlier with a creep tanking for you but life steal is very nice as for better sustain.

I've been continuing to build the Helm but not sure if it's worth it anymore.

What are everyone's thoughts?

I'd it changes anything I'm 3.1k

submitted by /u/sonofeevil
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Does lifesteal from items and talents stack additively or multiplicatively?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 02:52 PM PST

Learning Meepo, got the hang of his mechanics, but need some advice.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:43 AM PST

So I can easily go 12-5 or better with meepo, so I have his mechanics down. However, I am by no means a good meepo player... My question is, how do you counter illusion type heroes? PL, Chaos Knight? Some others I tend to have trouble with are slow based heroes like Pudge with Rot.. can't ever seem to get away before I get nuked down or stun locked to death. Advice is appreciated!


submitted by /u/Inous
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When to sell small early game items

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST

When do I begin to sell my PMS Quelling Blade or Aquila because I find myself holding on to my QB until like 30mins into the game, do I sell it for a free slot for a tp scroll? Same with the PMS

submitted by /u/Von_Siegfried
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ctrl + key not working with bottle

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:39 AM PST

Today I have noticed that I am unable to bottle allies because everytime I hold down ctrl this level ability crap shows up and dota is no registering my key for items, clicking on bottle with mouse works fine. I have not changed any hotkeys since long time before 7.0 so I have not idea why its not working anymore. Can anyone please help?

submitted by /u/Aealo
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Gpm and xpm

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:26 AM PST

I don't understand how high ranked people get so much gpm and xpm. I've been playing ck a lot lately and I don't really understand when it's better to lane or push compared to jungle.

submitted by /u/afitz_66
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Support main incredibly sick of playing pub matches

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:17 AM PST

I main support in basically every game I play, so I figured this game would be no different. I have played around 350 games now. I've watched a fair share of purge videos, and I think by now I have a feel for my role in the game, but I keep getting flamed every time we lose for "not having farm" or having a bad K/D ratio. My warding is by no means perfect, but I'm getting better at it, and people constantly complain about needing wards even when there are no wards to buy and they're all out on the map.

It's actually gotten to the point where the first thing I do in game is mute my own team even though I know this is really bad for coordination. Is this the only/best option? I only have a few hours a week to play, and I really dont want to have to go back to HOTS. Is there another option?

submitted by /u/Siggy_23
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Improvements on draft?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:43 AM PST

Hey so lost my third game of battle cup, here's the link to the game: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2992678977 The enemy team tri laned lone druid, ogre, and witch doctor and completely pooped on our top lane. We had player errors we could have improved upon but I feel that their laning was just much better. Any ideas on how we could have picked better to counter them?

submitted by /u/Restless_Housecats
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What is the current meta?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:41 PM PST

What is the strongest strategy to win right now?

submitted by /u/novazzz
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I just can't win with jugg lately again , with bfury ricing jugg dead , I think I need to relearn him

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:32 AM PST

This recent game I went bfury on him , I had a 13 min bfury into 20 minute manta and 25 minute skadi but I feel I didn't push enough early on but overall bfury still seems super good item on him , if you can get it early on , with the additional camps I was farming like an absolute madman , around 200 cs at 20 mins....Sniper abandoned , I think should have replaced butterfly with bkb after weaver got mkb


please check my other jugg matches , mainly after 7.00 and suggest some improvements , I tried yasha->manta->maelstorm build but it didnt seem to wrok at my bracket


submitted by /u/Searchnewgf
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I want to play Oracle and don't suck with him.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:20 AM PST

Hello! I'm really interested in learning how to play a good Oracle. I don't really care if he's a bit out of the meta or if his overall winrate is quite low, his mechanics intrigue me and how versatile he is.

I'm still not really sure about how to correctly play him though. For skills I usually go 1-2-4 so I can double heal someone, then 4-2-4. Regarding items I always end up going for mana boots > euls > aether lens > situational stuff (pipe, aghs...)

I'm not sure if it's worth to check it out, but here's a video from the last battlecup where I played oracle in all three matches. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/121370776

Here are the opendota links of each one.

So, any good guide that I could check out about oracle? Is there any obvious mistake that I'm making and I should fix?

submitted by /u/Kurolox
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What provides more DPS for Invoker?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:46 AM PST

lets say you have aghs octarine BoT and dagger, what provides more DPS? EEE with alacrity or WWW with alacrity?

submitted by /u/Grixlow
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Was Linkens the right choice in this game?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:48 AM PST


I was slark. I wanted bkb too, but that wouldn't help me against a sudden LC initiation so I decided for linkens.

submitted by /u/The_Godlike_Zeus
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Which heroes to climb?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:46 AM PST

I like playing support. You can find me playing WD, Lion, Omni, Dazzle, Shaman, placing wards, buying Urns, stunning enemies and trying to keep my hapless idiot team mates alive. But it's not enough. No matter how many heals I throw out, no matter how many wards I throw down, it's not enough. Team mates will cross the river without vision, I'll be solo supporting LC, Alch, Spec and PA, my carries will buy items which don't synergise, and will finish 35 minute games with 80 cs. How do I get out of this trench, with team mates who can't last hit, can't watch the minimap, can't/won't communicate, and refuse to use their brains? Do I have to play mid and play 9v1? What do? Inb4 git gud.

submitted by /u/elpeetwa
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