Guild Wars 2 - Revoke the exploited titles from raids

Revoke the exploited titles from raids

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:50 AM PST

I am making this post to try and encourage a Dev response on the recent raid challenge mote exploiting. Speaking for many in my guild and others, we do not think it's at all fair that these exploiters go unpunished. Firstly, it's obvious that people are exploiting and not playing the game as intended if they are activating the mote at the end of the fight and aside from perhaps the first to find this, it cannot be excused as an accident.

Secondly, the challenge motes and their titles are arguably the hardest content in the game. People have spent 20+ hours wiping at these bosses, honing strats and then people have just exploited to get the rewards. Moreover, the challenge mote rewards over a hundred gold in consumables, ascended crafting mats, ascended weps and insignias. These players have abused the system and they should have at least the title and AP revoked.

I understand this will take time but people who incorrectly had HoM points given, got them revoked. I hope there is a way to look in the logs and detect who did not undertake the whole fight with the mote active.

submitted by /u/lady0sheep
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Mightyteapot - Minstrel chrono guide

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST

ArenaNet could do a lot more advertising for a rising community

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:05 AM PST

In the last few month i had some conversations to other people playing a lot of games. But what made me worry about every time, was that they didn't know this game is still alive and evolving with every patch. One person didn't even know that this game is existing.

And even in german gaming magazines, gw2 does not get the attention it should have (based on his fans and players). If there is a patch they mention it shortly... but then only articles about wow, teso, ff14. If you look on you will see a lot of not so important news about this games, but nothing about gw2.

I would appreciate it if a-net would make more advertising by its own, to reach other people than its playerbase too, to get more people interested in this game in the state it is now.

submitted by /u/Magguse
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Please let us salvage/trade in ascended HoT mats for map currency

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:01 AM PST

As the title says: Airship Oil, Auric Dust and Ley Line Sparks keep stacking over and over again. At least ~10 map currency per salvage/trade in would be a great improvement imho.

submitted by /u/CptBlacksheep
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[SPOILER] Too soon, ANet ;_;

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:41 PM PST

"Mini Demmi Beetlestone

She's a nice kid. Always says good morning and never gives me any trouble. Wait until she sees this miniature I commissioned of her! I've got one set aside for her when she gets back to Lion's Arch, so if you see her, tell her to drop by my office."

Too. Soon.

submitted by /u/Yukito_097
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[EU] Lag since Head of the Snake

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

Every few hours the game lags for a few minutes.

Here's a tracert to one of the servers that's currently giving me 500 - 1500 ping:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 10 ms 9 ms 9 ms <removed>
3 * * * Request timed out.
4 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms <removed>
5 13 ms 11 ms 18 ms <removed>
6 24 ms 21 ms 23 ms []
7 25 ms 23 ms 27 ms []
8 24 ms 27 ms 18 ms
9 24 ms 22 ms 32 ms []
10 28 ms 29 ms 29 ms []
11 537 ms * 499 ms []

Trace complete.

Often the ping is 3000 - 4500. Anyone else experiencing this?

submitted by /u/iDemmel
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Managed to get a date on valentines day with Lord Faren! Us at the beach.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:00 PM PST

We've started a webpage for the Sunday Tour of HoT

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:11 PM PST

Just the start, we'll be adding to it :-)

submitted by /u/Trixi_Morrigna
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Gem Store Update 14 Feb

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:04 AM PST

Gwens Attire Outfit - 525 Gems (25% off)

Bouqet of Roses - 250 Gems

Box of Chocolates - 250 Gems Mini Demmi Beetlestone - 400 Gems

Wedding Preparation Package - 1560 Gems

Wings of Love Glider - 400 Gems

Kryta Medium Armor Skin - 500 Gems

Primeval Heavy Armor Skin - 500 Gems

Profane Light Armor Skin - 500 Gems

submitted by /u/Mentyss
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Did anyone else get this letter from the guy down the well in the Bazaar?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:53 AM PST

(nike) dps meter comparisons

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST

Cooldown of runes/sigil/traits

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:51 AM PST

I had an idea about having an option to display cooldowns of runes, sigils and traits. For example showing the cooldown of the illusionary inspiration trait of mesmer. Or showing the cooldown of sigil of earths. You dont have to count for too many things if you can just make an option to display such cooldowns.

submitted by /u/tobimacho
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Lake Doric Meta Event Times

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:06 AM PST

I tracked the Times of Meta Events on my Map:

(times are GMT+1)

  • 14:00 Saidras Haven
  • 14:40 New Loamhurst
  • 15:25 Noran's Homestead
  • 16:00 Saidras Haven
  • 16:40 New Loamhurst

Every 2 Minutes Later each specific Boss spawns.

Every 2 Hours Later the Meta Event repeats.

Now my Questions:

  • 1: Are the Times Server Wide? On every IP the same time they occour?

  • 2: Is the Order of apperence everytime/day the same?

  • 3: What happens after 2h if a Meta Event failed and the place is not recaptured until the moment?

submitted by /u/Daskan
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Sindrener - Primal Roar (wvw 1v1s)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:39 AM PST

Belcher's bluff signature moves bugged

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:10 PM PST

I know people probably don't care about this very much because its only a mini-game, but I would like to have them to complete my achievements so I can get the title.

I am aware that these skills are character bound, but I've just completed 2 of the NPC battles and still havent gotten either of the moves.

Moreover, I actually defeated 1 previously and had the move very long ago, but now it's gone.

Edit: It appears I was mistaken, it is actually worse the achievement, "You've Got the Moves" is completely bugged, you cannot progress it if you win. You can progress other achievements though.

submitted by /u/Matters-
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I Wonder if Logan Knows about this...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:11 AM PST

Pls Add New Mystic Forge Recipe :3

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:21 AM PST

With every epissode we are getting new maps and new Portal Scrolls for them. could we get a recipe for a book or something where we could put those Scrolls into it ? As well as those City Portals as well ?

submitted by /u/Sw0rly
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[Discussion] Jade Fragment Nodes change and why it isn't bad.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:13 AM PST

I will start this off by saying that there is no exact data in here.

Since I'm expecting more and more posts to generate about how "Anet ruins everything with time gating" and questions like "Daily limit Jade Frags?????" to pop up with this new patch, I decided to try and hit the cap on my toons this morning to see how bad the change really is (and get mah sweet sweet backpack/staff combo).

What I found will need to be looked into by some others who probably planned better as I didn't buy the Lake Doric Scroll and can't be bothered in running all of my characters through that first story mission to test this further, so unless more evidence arises I will most likely do this after reset to have an exact number.

Now then, doing the same 3 hearts, jumping puzzle, and farming the nodes on the map dry, I was able to map hop 3 times on each character and collect just about 110 jade shards in an hour and a half before the nodes disappeared. Removing the 18 shards from the karma vendors and the 12 shards from the 3 minute JP, that leaves us with anywhere from 60-80 shards that are unanswered for, leaving leeway for any that I may have gotten from getting a tag or two in any event while running by.

So this could mean two things:

  1. There is now a daily limitation of 60-80 possible shards from nodes.
  2. There is a daily limitation of 30-40 shards per toon from nodes.

Either way, I would like to use this somewhat open ended data to drive a point home, and that point is that I believe this limitation is 100% fair.

This post yesterday shows that 40+ shards can be achieved by doing the hearts/meta events in a reasonable time, per day, per toon.

This means that the most jade heavy item (White Mantle Scroll) can be achieved with minimal effort by a player with a single level 80 character in the span of 2 resets, while completely disregarding the existence of pvp/wvw reward tracks. Two days for an ascended backpiece that has HoT selectable stats; something that was gated by raids not even a year ago.

Hell, not that long ago we were time gated by 100+ laurels for accessories and an amulet if you didn't have a guild that ran missions weekly, so these new maps are hardly "time gated" as it is.

I want to end this by addressing the many discussions I saw in map chat about how "Anet is trying to time gate everything" and how they are ruining something that doesn't need fixing. The reality is that people were abusing this to farm Unbound Magic, which this farm gave essentially unlimited access to the currency, was quick to obtain (~40-50% more unbound on consumption than winterberries), and I'd imagine Extremely Profitable if abused for Magic-Warped Packets/Bundle's, etc.

All in all, I think that the limit they added is a fair compromise, and people shouldn't make much of a deal out of the change moving forward.

TL;DR - Jade shards are time gated, but it isn't that bad.

Edits: Formatting

submitted by /u/_Gurpy_
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Where can I buy GW2 wall graphics?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST


I'm soon moving to my very own apartment and I wish to decorate it with GW2 wall art. I'm talking about

but it's not available any more?

submitted by /u/ZeusCM
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Shouldn't we... be able to see the Jennahbubble from Queensdale as well?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:36 PM PST

How is WvW doing?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:48 PM PST

I used to play a lot of WvW before I took a slight break, so I'm genuinely curious!

submitted by /u/starlow123
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What's the best/easiest way to get Exotic Viper gear?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:18 AM PST

I'm looking to change my very old and outdated power Necro build into more condi based Reaper build. I'll still keep my power gear, but I'm trying to find the best way to get Viper gear to get started.

submitted by /u/Lukerative
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Query Daily Achievements via PowerShell

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:18 AM PST

Hi guys,

I wrote a command line tool for personal use which I figured might be useful to someone else. Trust me it doesn't do anything massively great so don't get excited. It came about when I started playing with the GW2 API's and my increasing desire to learn PowerShell.

The tool will display today's or tomorrow's daily achievements for PvE, WvW, PvP, Special (wintersday for example) or all within a PowerShell console.

There's a secondary function that you can use to display tips for completing the PvE achievements in a quick manner. These are mainly based on the tips from this thread. That said there is still some missing information such as tips on completing the Maguuma Wastes and Heart of Maguuma so if you have tips for the following please tell me so I can include these in an update:

  • Maguuma Wastes: Lumberer and Miner
  • Heart of Maguuma: Lumberer and Miner

Additionally if you know of a better tip than the one being displayed please let me know.

So how is this useful? Personally I use a "oneliner" to get the tips, save the waypoints into the clipboard and run the game. Once I am in game I message my own character and paste (or if i'm lazy just do it in local chat).

First off, the module can be easily installed from the PowerShell Gallery which is a hosted repository by Microsoft (Source is posted on Github). Despite being a Microsoft repository you will still get a warning when installing. Additionally, you will need to configure your computer to allow it to run scripts. I assure you both of which are safe and non-malicious. You would need to do the same for any script that resides on the repository not just mine.

Installation method for Windows 10

Run the PowerShell console as an admin and use these two lines...

Install-Module -Name GW2DailyAchievement Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 

Press 'y' to each. The module is now installed and can be used (elevated console is no longer required). Screenshot showing example of installation on my computer and running three examples.

For older operating systems you can also use the above method if you have Windows Management Framework 5 or greater installed. You can check this by looking at the Major property by running $PSVersionTable.PSVersion It's not a huge task but might mean upgrading .NET Framework and a reboot. If you need help post in the comments.

Usage examples

Get today's daily achievements for all categories


Get today's daily achievements if you don't own the Heart of Thorns expansion and the max character level on your account is 51

Get-GW2DailyAchievement -Edition GuildWars2 -MaxLevel 51 

Get daily achievements for only PvP, WvW and Special.

Get-GW2DailyAchievement -Content PvP, WvW, Special 

Get the tips for completing todays achievements and wrap it (since the PowerShell console can be pretty small)

Get-GW2DailyAchievement | Get-GW2DailyAchievementTip | Format-Table -Wrap 

I personally use this line to save the tip waypoints into my clipboard and then run the game which is located in my Windows profile folder.

Get-GW2DailyAchievement | Get-GW2DailyAchievementTip -OutVariable GW2 | Format-Table -Wrap ; ($GW2).Waypoint | Set-Clipboard ; Invoke-Item '~\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe' 

Other usage

Updating the module (when updates are available)

Update-Module -Name GW2DailyAchievement 

Uninstall the module

Uninstall-Module -Name GW2DailyAchievement 

Update Notes

I just pushed an update (see above how to update). It's added a few of the items mentioned below. New functions...

Get-GW2DailyFractals Get-GW2DailyBloodstoneFen Get-GW2DailyEmberBay Get-GW2DailyBitterfrostFrontier Get-GW2DailyLakeDoric 

Known issues

  • No proxy support
submitted by /u/Swarfega
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Where is Rytlock? After being taken to the Black Citadel we've heard nothing of him.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:00 AM PST

How did he become a Revenant? What's going on in the Black Citadel? Why are all these super interesting sub-plots abandoned for now? It'd be much more interesting to see whats going on there.

submitted by /u/vnm99fps
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