Civilization - Firaxis: Masters of shitposting.

Firaxis: Masters of shitposting.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:59 PM PST

This has been a hostile game

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:27 PM PST

Some idiot wasted a general and put this citadel out in the middle of nowhere near a differing ideology

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:45 PM PST

Sorry in advanced

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:28 PM PST

Maybe I should build Red Fort

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:57 PM PST

$CityStateName$ = Best City-State

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:33 AM PST

Chalk globe - imagine making a map of your world as you explore it

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:31 PM PST

An Analysis of all Civ 6 Wonders (Renaissance)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:59 AM PST

Great Zimbabwe - 5 Gold, +1 trade route, +2 Gold to trade routes from this city per bonus resource.

More trade routes are never bad, and this one makes sure you get more gold on not just that route, but all routes from that city. This one is worth planning ahead for... you need to build your Commercial Hub with a Market next to cattle, so if you have a good river or coast tile next to cattle, plop your CH there as early as possible, and be ready to build Zimbabwe when you unlock it.

Forbidden City - 5 Culture, +1 wild card policy slot

Do I really need to explain why you need this wonder? What do you want for your empire?... More yields from trade? More great person points? Cheaper military units? More tourism? More envoys? That extra wildcard slot can be used for basically any of that. If you've ever looked at the government policies and thought, "just one more tur - I mean... policy..." then this is the wonder for you.

Venetian Arsenal - great engineer points, get a second naval unit free each time you build a new one.

This sounds completely overpowered, basically doubling your navy... but navy is not super useful in Civ 6. Perhaps if we ever get Archipelago map, or a true islands map, not island plates which still gives giant continents in my experience...Don't get me wrong, I like naval units, and I used them all the time to win wars in Civ 5, but I haven't found myself doing that yet in Civ 6.

Potala Palace - +1 Diplomatic policy slot, 2 Culture, 3 Faith.

This will probably depend a lot on how you use diplomatic policies, and how many city states you maintain suzerain of. If you just end up wiping out most of the city states on your continent, and you have no allies, then you won't benefit from this as much as others. This is probably the least useful policy slot... but it's still a slot, and at the very least, you can grab something to buff spies, get more gold, or get more envoys. So if you have a good spot to build this, you have the time, and/or you currently have a diplomatic policy in a wild card slot, build this... but it probably shouldn't be a high priority.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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An Analysis of All Civ 6 Wonders (Industrial)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

Bolshoi Theater - points for great writers, artists, and musicians, 2 free civics researched.

Want a culture victory? Great person points of all types, and a leap ahead in civics research. This wonder is even idiot proof... you MUST build it next to your Theater Square... which is to your benefit, since now you're TS is getting +1 Culture as well. Any questions? Build this if you're going for a cultural victory, otherwise, it's probably not for you.

Ruhr Valley - +30% Production for this city, +1 Production for each mine and quarry in this city.

Do you have a city with a river? Do you have a hill? Any hill? Have you ever thought, "Gee, I wish I could cut my production times down by about, idk, a quarter?" Then you better build this ASAP before someone else does. You should probably be planning ahead, like all the way back in the Ancient Era, just to build this wonder. Look for a way you can build your city center, Industrial Zone, Commercial Hub, AND this wonder in a diamond pattern for more benefits to all. If a hill or 2 is adjacent to your IZ, even better. No matter what your strategy is, you WILL benefit from this Production boost. But especially if you want the science victory, as space projects eat up a lot of Production.

Oxford University - 2 free technologies, +20% science in this city, great scientist points, 2 writing slots.

Those going for science or even military victories should take a look at this. The writing slots make this look tempting to one going for culture, but let's be honest, you have at least 3 empty Amphitheaters, because you already built one in all 8 of your cities, right? Those looking to dominate the world will appreaciate the leap forward in technology, unlocking better units, and the boost to a science victory shouldn't need to be explained. All that being said, really anyone can benefit from the 2 free techs. Again, a wonder that is sort of idiot proof, forcing you to build it next to a Campus, which means you will at least put it in a city that is generating a good amount of science to benefit from the +20%.

Big Ben - doubles current treasury, +1 Economic policy slot, 6 Gold, great merchant points.

If you have no money in your treasury, this is probably not for you... or maybe it is, as the boost to your economy will help you get some. Just try not to spend any gold until you finish building it, OK? Just about anyone can benefit from this wonder, as you can never have enough gold in civilization. And economic policies do more than just help you get gold... some give more food, more culture, more faith... You can't lose with this one, unless perhaps you have no gold reserves AND no trade routes, but if that's the case, then what have you even been doing up to this point in the game?

Hermitage - great artist points, 4 art slots.

This one is simple. If you're going for a culture victory, build it. If not, this isn't for you.

submitted by /u/Shiboleth17
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[V] This is the rarest Indonesian exotic luxury - Mountain Cane

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:48 AM PST

Mod that lets you zoom way out?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:17 AM PST

Please don't upvote. I'm just wondering if there is a mod that lets you zoom out farther than the default but I can't seem to find one.

submitted by /u/jebkerbal
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I miss Palaces

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:10 PM PST

I miss when the old civs had Palace upgrades. It felt like a measure of my progress. They were so beautiful.

submitted by /u/Dusty_G
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Civilization 6 - Deity China Series

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:47 PM PST

Is there a mod to decide which plot your city grows to?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:12 PM PST

Is it even possible? Is there a mod which enables me to click on a tile and tell the city to grow to that certain plot?

submitted by /u/zoltan_peace_envoy
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This Valentine's, I broke Shaka's heart.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:33 PM PST

[Civ V] What are some good mods for barbarian games?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:07 PM PST

Civ V

I'm looking for some mods and setting that make for fun barbarian games. I want a game where I am fighting back hordes of barbarian invaders. I will try and list some features I'm trying to achieve in the game.

  • A mass hoard of relentless invaders

  • Lower tech game. I want to stay with primitive weapons as long as possible.

  • Terrain that favors a ton of barbarians.

  • AI needs to survive or some other work around so the game does not end once they are all dead.

  • Some fun mods both for barbarians and for myself.

I have played some barbarian games in the past, but would like to see what recommendations other people have for mods and world settings.

submitted by /u/Undead_Slave
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Just had an extremely surreal Civ moment

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:57 PM PST

Civ 4. Captured the barbarian city of Aryan, discovered Monotheism a few turns later, and Aryan is now the holy city of Judaism. Take that, nazis!

submitted by /u/Bullshit_To_Go
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Dos and don'ts of individual Civs?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:31 PM PST

Hey all. So I just got Civ VI, and have been playing it all weekend because Civ V Complete has so many scenarios/civs/mechanics I really don't know where to begin. On the other hand, the lack of documentation for 6 makes things just as hard. The tutorial wasn't enough, and the adviser's recommendations cause me to second guess myself.

After restarting about 4 games, I picked Roosevelt and managed to win a cultural victory on Prince (online speed) by the skin of my teeth about 4 turns away from 2050AD. Apparently, this is a rather bad idea.

So I tried to go for a religious victory because it seemed interesting. I picked Ghandi but fell too far behind because I focused too hard on faith.

What are the dos and donts of each Civ? Is there a cheap Civ who's so strong/braindead you can steamroll your way to victory even if you don't really understand the nuances of the game mechanics? Who's the most/least beginner friendly Civ in 6?

submitted by /u/AirmanZattic
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IUPlays Civ IV Caveman2Cosmos Diety (L02E048) V37 Dom Pedro II

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:12 PM PST

Civilization VI - DLC Pay Wall Rant

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:02 PM PST

Can't declare war on Greece (Sparta) Civ 6?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

Is tourism to blaim? She is unfriendly with me yet I can't denounce or declare war.

submitted by /u/wingnut5k
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I don't get the joke about Gandhi using nuclear weapons. Can somebody non-dickishly explain it?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:28 PM PST

Civ 6 Command Line Options

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:00 PM PST

I did a dump of the DX12 executable and performed a string search to find what command line options/flags can be set. I managed to get:

  • -benchmark
  • -gameviewscript
  • -NoAsserts
  • -FullDump
  • -autoscript
  • -autoparams
  • -autojson
  • -TunerIP

Aside from the first one, the rest seem to be non-obvious. There's no documentation on any of this.

I'm actually looking for a command line to the AI benchmark. In my search there was certainly a reference to 'RunAIBenchmark', but that was more of a functional call in the game than an actual command line option.

Anyone know of a command-line for the AI Benchmark?

(Civ 5 it was something like -lategameview, which doesn't work here).

submitted by /u/borandi
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Religion question

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:50 AM PST

Just curious, if another civ comes in and convers one of my cities that has a holy district, when I purchase missionaries or apostles in that city would it help them out by continuing to spread their religion?

submitted by /u/CubicleByThePrinter
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