Learn Dota 2 - What Should I Actively Be Asking Myself?

What Should I Actively Be Asking Myself?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

Hey guys, what type of things should I be asking myself during a game? Do different roles ask different things? What are the core questions?

Right now I focus on general things like:

Where is everyone?

Is it safe for me to be doing this?

Does their carry have invis?

Who is our initiator?

Who is initiating on us?

What items do they have that we should counter/stay away from?

Are all my lanes pushed?

Is now a good time to stack?

Etc. I know that's just a few, but sometimes I find myself not sure of what questions to ask myself. So share your best one!

submitted by /u/Devobserves
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Jakiro - +25 Dual Breath Damage talent - Worth it or not?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:58 PM PST

Considering you often get veil as Jakiro, 125 damage over time seems nice, especially if you play as core and want to waveclear.
What do you think of the talent? Is it at any time better than the cast range?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Seems PA is a first pick in all of my matches... Which is your preferred way to shut him down?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:18 PM PST

What am I doing wrong??? (replay)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:04 PM PST

What am I doing wrong??? I feel like I try my best but nothing matters...

Match 2998251362 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2998251362

submitted by /u/dizson
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Countering blademail?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:55 PM PST

is there anything in particular I can do as an OD against blademails? I was playing against 3 blademails and everyone I tried to autoattack would just pop it and ignore me. I even built a satanic (stupid decision, it doesn't work). Should I have just built a ton of hp like heart + skadi?


submitted by /u/agarplate
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educational dota2 stream from 6.5k player

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:32 AM PST

Hey guys I'll be doing an educational stream in an about an hour where i will be coaching my student over at twitch twitch.tv/nrk675 and anyone else from my stream that is interested. I will answer all questions and interact alot with the chat. I'm not sure if this type of post is allowed and mods can remove it if it's not. I just want to provide a relaxed educational stream where anyone can ask questions.

I'll just be doing either a replay analysis where my student asks me questions or do some live coaching where he plays live and i'll be providing ingame constructive criticism and help with his decision making.

submitted by /u/nrk675
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Winranger Talent Choices?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:41 AM PST

I know that generally at Lvl 10 you go for 4 mana regen over the 25% windrun slow but at 15 what seems best? 20 Int and 40 Movement Speed seems like a very 50/50 choice. Sure the Int gives you mana, damage and spell amp but 40 movement speed seems broken, giving her 380 movement speed with boots alone.

What have people found to be best across the levels and games they have played? Seeing as WR is quite versatile I'm looking at improving my WR game to rise in ranked and other help is greatly appreciated :)

EDIT - Just realised i spelt Windranger wrong in the title xD i'm dumb

submitted by /u/4761_TM87
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How much does the draft matter in DotA? Is there a point where you can say "no matter how well we could have played, this game was almost unwinnable"?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:29 PM PST

I guess sometimes I've been just first picking carries or maybe just spam one particular hero. If I just first pick a lategame hard carry this meta, for instance like an Anti Mage or Naga Siren, can the game be almost outright lost from the start if the enemy picks an early game composition and my team picks greedy?

submitted by /u/Skater_x7
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Forcestaff key bind double tap not working on myself, says "no target"

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:32 PM PST

I apologize right here that I'm new, I'm sure this is something simple that I'm overlooking. I wasn't having this problem a week ago. Please help

submitted by /u/h0ckey87
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Is There Another Way To Report A Suspected Cheater?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:38 AM PST

Hey Guys,

I just had a game where the middle from my side was feeding the middle from the opposite side, after having a look at their steam accounts the feeder had only 1 friend which was the other mid. I just realized he is doing it in all his games how is that possible to get queued like that all his matches have that other guy on the opposite side

Match In Question: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2997231675

Steam profiles of the culprits:



Other than reporting him for feeding via the in game reporting sytem are there any other methods to report both of them?

Some other matches where they are on the oppposite sides

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2996989340 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2996957507 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2996957507 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2996931211

submitted by /u/bonethug81
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How to convince people to take objective

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST

I don't know if this is true for everyone, I only play late night dota 0am~ recently, the average mmr/queue time can be very unstable at this time. It's possible to have a 4k game, but 1k~ right next game.

Obviously, the 1k game is a free win if I pick something like Slark and make my own snowball, but it can get boring quickly plus I don't have a heart of 1v9, I perfer a team game that's the point of dota right? In higher skill bracket, people would naturally group up after 10min and take fights, but not 1k. Even I can make a huge advantage for my team in early game, it's going to be wasted, for example, I had a game yesterday, Troll on my team has ageis, and I asked my team to come with me to smoke into their jungle and take t2, but then they typed 'we defend', and we defend for 60min and lost. I don't tilt in dota or flame people but this just feelsbadman, I kind understand now why people just want to destroy item and afk in fountain. Is there a way to convince these people to do things with you and not stay in jungle forever?

submitted by /u/darkebiru
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Why does Bounty Hunter buy Desolator?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

It seems like his entire "Shtick" so to say is to hurt someone, very badly, with one attack coming out of invis. Is there a reason that desolator, a weapon for hitting people repeatedly with right click attacks, is bought so commonly on him? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Gibusmann
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How do those streamers able to do 24 hours streaming?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:27 AM PST

Just as the title says, I've seen waga, singsing do 24 hours streaming. Did they even eat or sleep? Won't they feel tired in high mmr games?

I personally need a break after 2~3 games for my eye and brain. Is there any secret methods that allow those streamers to do that?

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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What could i have done to win tbis game?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

I hate to be that guy who blames his team for a loss but im simply out of ideas as to bow i could have won this game.

I've tried getting my team together to 5 man around the 30min mark and repeatedly pinged them when they were dicking around in the jungle after a successfull pickoff. Perhaps i should have carried detection despite being slot-starved to catch the es but that did not seem to be the game losing factor. Please help =(


edit : im sf

submitted by /u/DisoLoser
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Is there a way to change alt to a different button?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:29 AM PST

i don't know why but my fingers suck at reaching the alt key...maybe it's the position of my keyboard but it's just hard to reach. Seeing as how alt is such a crucial key in dota, is there anyway i can change it to something else like shift? hitting shit to see tower range, spawn boxes just seem more natural for my fingers.

submitted by /u/Nwball
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Atos on Offlane Magnus?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:09 AM PST

Blink + Skewer combo is very hard to do without some kind of disable. Eul may do the trick but i need to wait for the target to land before i could Skewer them. The bonus HP + Intel from Atos is kinda good too.

submitted by /u/IkhlasNG
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Can't watch a game or even join a game because the game crashes instantly...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:59 PM PST

Everthing said above... anyone has the same problem?

submitted by /u/N00bas
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Where to start?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST

So yesterday I had my first Dota 2 match as a friend told me about it alot and got me hyped. Normally I play LoL (Sorry :3) But I have no idea were to start , how am I going to learn all those hero abilities, items, roles , pulling, stacking....it's all so much, just play a shit ton is my guess. How did you start out and what is your opinion/do you have any tips?

submitted by /u/Kingpowner
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Recalibrating on my smurf, cant seem to reach High skill bracket, help?!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:10 AM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/players/244699343 is my dotabuff

My old account had a really low solo mmr, because i calibrated too early, but over 1000 matches later i learned a lot and play at 4k party with my mates..

Ive played 8 of my 10 solo mmr calibration matches, but all of them have been normal skill.. Ive won 7/8 and done rather well, 500+ gpm and xpm and im pretty sure my KDA ratio has always been positive. What am I doing wrong? I really want to calibrate into HS, at least.

EDIT: I also have over a 75% WR with nearly 100 matches.. what am I doing wrong??

submitted by /u/XDropShotNinJaX
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I regularly choke in the middle of games with my five stack as the strat caller, how do I deal with this?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:26 PM PST

I have been playing with a 5 stack recently and drafting + trying to call strats on top of that since as the more talkative of the two supports I have more focus to watch things like the minimap while my carry is focused on farming. But often I choke in game or get stressed and my teams voices starts making me lose focus and/or I start saying things that need to be done later than they need to be done, I.e. defend a tower. I feel that because of me, my five stack is rarely on the same page and I'm afraid to zone the voices out to focus for fear of falling off the very little communication we have and I'm afraid if I shut up and don't say anything my team will just fall apart. What do I do?

submitted by /u/heydavywronglocker
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What is the most efficient farming pattern (Pos 1 carry) for the given situations? (Without the help of supports. Wards will do)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

*2 Good constant harassment from dual lane *Good offlaner that can shut down a tri lane quick *Left alone by the supports but can't handle the offlaner yourself *Constant ganks from mid *Enemy has good map control

I need to review my replays based off your answers. Thanks

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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'Wexort' invoker is legit now?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:52 AM PST

I was watching a game of OG.Ana playing invoker and he went 2-4-7 in orbs (2 quas 4 wex 7 exort). Is this kind of thing common now? He didn't have a unique item build either, it was the usual aghs-euls-travels stuff.

submitted by /u/Wakawakayukayuka
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