Guild Wars 2 - Patch Bug Thread | 8th of February, 2017

Patch Bug Thread | 8th of February, 2017

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

Save my sanity. Please ANet, refactor your loot/items.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:35 AM PST

Please, for the love of all that is holy and good in the world. Please Anet. I can't take much more of the inventory management/"do I need this/will I need this", bags within bags within bags, loot that is essentially a click machine for mats, currencies that kinda sort of aren't so are not part of the wallet, sigils, runes and more sigils that are useless etc. etc. etc.

This is not fun. I spend so much time cleaning out my bags and trying to remember what all these damn items are for that it's taking away from the actual fun part.

Yes I have the gem store salvage item, yes I know you can salvage all, yes I've bought inv/bank expansions. But it doens't matter. There is too much damn items in the game. My brain hurts. And it just keeps getting worse.

Please please clean up this stuff. Spend some time refactoring this system. It's bordering on ridiculous. Save my sanity! /rant off

submitted by /u/Eppsiedu
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Gave my wife something I waited 3,770 hours to get.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

Yesterday I was doing a hero point in Tangled Depths (that I didn't even need) when one of the vets dropped Dawn. I couldn't believe what just happened. I've been working on Astralaria after finishing Twilight so to see this drop was insane. My wife doesn't have the time to play like I do and she has been plucking away at making a legendary, but has been discouraged lately. So instead of making Eternity, I mailed it to her with a sweet message about how I had mentioned helping her make her legendary and that we could pair up with Twilight and Sunrise. I think it was the, "I've waited 3,770 hours for this drop, but I've waited my whole life for you", part that made her cry. I could not believe my luck or the timing. I decided to post here knowing that you would appreciate the nerdiness of it all way more than my parents who thought it was kinda lame.

submitted by /u/Stabby_McStabbinz
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Thank you Daniel, and congratulations Horia

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:09 PM PST

There Needs to Be More of This in Story Missions.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:33 PM PST

literally unreadable: the sequel

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

after /u/GaileGray ensured that the inaccurate reference to every keyfarmer's beloved big-beaked bandit would be properly handled, i took it upon myself to verify anet's handiwork after the latest patch.

rather than simply revise a single word to rectify the problem, however, they have chosen to completely eliminate the contents of the message.

now, far be it from flame legion to give a skritt's tail whether irrelevant humans are expunged from the annals of krytan history; if anything, flame legion is well acquainted with the sheer extent to which these disingenuous revisionists will portray themselves sympathetically while maliciously vilifying the supreme race and greatest legion. predictable as these negligent mice are, it is nonetheless lamentable that what was a simple error has been exacerbated to what you see now.

given these dreadfully shameful blunders, flame legion begrudgingly offers its exemplary writing services to anet to prevent any further foolishness. send word by griffon to the nearest castrum if interested in seizing this fortuitous opportunity.

submitted by /u/intp37
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Anet just claimed Bay..

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:01 PM PST

[Spoilers] With what's happened in the living story, the Divinity's Reach shooting range can finally open

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:29 PM PST

Before you get Minstrel's gear for chrono...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:54 AM PST

Before everyone goes gung ho about getting minstrel's chrono gear following /u/MightyTeapot's recent video guide which was very well composed, there needs to be information to argue against it especially since we're on the edge of a new raid meta (at least for organised groups) in the first place. (And so the price of pearls doesn't go through the roof with people trying to craft Minstrel's gear)

ITT: I attempt to explain how the stacking mechanics work with Regen. There IS a TL;DR at the bottom.

There is a new Regen Druid build that uses X/Warhorn with a Sigil of Concentration in the Warhorn to provide ridiculous amounts of boons for long durations and you don't want to compete with a druid's level of healing power as a Chrono. I am going to attempt to explain it (dear lord help me with formatting...)

Where does Regen come from in a raid squad right now?

  • Chronos Signet of Inspiration proc (5s base, 10s w 100%)
  • Chronos Illusionary Inspiration proc (5s base, 10s w 100%)
  • Chronos Illusionary Inspiration phantasms (3s base, 6s w 100%)
  • Other incidental's which get overwritten by Chronos.

Druid's boon durations & CDs

  • Monk runes: 15%
  • SoC: 33%
  • Lingering Magic: 20%
  • Total: 68%

Chrono applications of regen/CDs assuming non Domination build

  • SoI: 22.5s
  • II proc: 22.5s
  • II phantasms: 3s

Chrono applications of regen/CDs assuming Domination build

  • SoI: 18s
  • II proc: 18s
  • II phantasms: 3s

Call of the Wild (CotW): 10s regen base, 16.8s after above boon durations

CotW CD: 30s base, 24s traited, 18s traited+alacratized

As per stacking mechanics, the highest intensity Regen is placed in priority (aka the druid) and will be used first (as noted by Stack 1-5 in priority). Current raid meta (staff druid) regeneration would look something like this assuming 100% boon duration on Chrono and assuming a Chrono applies 2-3 stacks depending on if they are Continuum Splitting or not during that particular rotation.


  • Stack 1: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 2: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 3: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 4: 6 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 6 (chrono)

With new Druid Quick Drawn Call of the Wild regen, the stack would look something like this by the time the second CotW alacritized occurs.


  • Stack 1: 10.8 (druid)
  • Stack 2: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 3: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 4: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 10 (chrono)

Now the chrono has another 22.5 seconds before the next set of Regen can be applied that would be long enough to overwrite any of the stacks (18 if Domination build). This means Stack 1 would continue to be used until II phantasm regen is applied. This could mean that it gets overwritten immediately at 6s or linger for another 3 depending on the timing of when the phantasm application occurs. In worst case scenario, it will overwrite at 6s meaning you'll have gotten 10.8s worth of Druid regen used and the resulting stack will look like this on application.


  • Stack 1: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 2: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 3: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 4: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 6 (chrono)

This would in theory repeat itself for the now new stack 1 until it would look like this; however once again you're using 10.8s worth of Druid regeneration


  • Stack 1: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 2: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 3: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 4: 6 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 6 (chrono)

You will have used 10.8+10.8s worth of druid regeneration which = 21.6s. Notice now that CotW CD with traited and alacratized the CD is 18s. That means that before you even use all the regen, you would interrupt between B and C which would give you D.


  • Stack 1: (21.6-18)+6= 9.6 (druid)
  • Stack 2: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 3: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 4: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 10 (chrono)

Now in Illusions, that means there's another 4.5 seconds before SoI and/or II procs come off CD and overwrite Stack 1 in which case when it does, you'll get


  • Stack 1: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 2: 16.8 (druid)
  • Stack 3: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 4: 10 (chrono)
  • Stack 5: 10 (chrono)

In scenarios A through E, Druid regen is still primary stack being used. E after 6 seconds becomes A and the process repeats.

Once again I emphasize that this is with a 100% boon duration chrono (aka a minstrel's chrono) (100% boon duration is additionally not 100% necessary; 83% boon duration assuming perfect exectuion will still get you permanent quickness/alacrity so anything above that does give you some play room for missing rotations or speed or interrupts) So the aforementioned 21.6s of Druid regen being used can infact have even greater time because the Chrono's regen values won't be 10 and 6, they'll be something lower.

Further Benefits to CotW Druid build

  • Call of the Wild also provides FURY which is great because now you're not limited to Tiger as a pet. In the scenarios above, I focused on the quick draw of CotW for the regeneration. What if I then added Fern Hound as a source of regeneration? Fern Hound with Lingering Magic provides 15 seconds worth of Regeneration which is again higher than any value a chrono can apply so it will never be overwritten. EDIT: The regeneration from Fern Hound goes to 18.5 seconds because your personal boon duration affects your pet's boon duration (somehow?) if you are NOT under the effects of Sigil of Concentration. If you have SoC proc'd then you get 20s.

  • Call of the Wild also provides MIGHT and a blast finisher. This means that Condi PS's get to go back to Sigil of Strength + Earth/Geomancy Sigils and Rare Veggie Pizza as opposed to Smoldering + Strength and Golden Dumplings. (Still need Aristocracy runes. Sorry PS's). This increases Condi PS damage, who would be taking Arms 232 instead of Arms 222 (the fury a PS applies will always overwritten even considering 9 stacks instead of 5 per Fury's mechanics) and PS versatility in that Condi PS has range if needed and Power PS is 100% fine to use Scholar's instead of Strength Runes (which some people do already)

  • Better still, the stacks of Fury, Might and Swiftness are long duration boons meaning if you need to go away to do a mechanic (ie: You're a cannonneer on Sabetha) you get to retain your boons for longer.

  • Other benefit is that ALL the healing is provided by Druid; in other words, massive amounts of Astral Force generation. Yes this means the onus is on them to play better but when you're in full magi's gear with buttloads of health and healing yourself you're pretty safe.

  • Breaching further on the previous note, a Minstrel's Chrono takes healing away from the Druid which means less Astral Force

TL;DR: Magi's Warhorn Druid obsoletes Minstrel's Chrono if running a Magi's Warhorn Druid; Condi PS's are regaining some damage because they're not forced to use boon duration/might on crit food. Chronos should be running Berserker or Commander's (if required tanking) combinations. The build relies on Quickdrawing Call of the Wild with Alacrity to fit it within Sigil of Concentration's buff window.

Build in action can be seen courtesy of /u/Enko63

submitted by /u/Evochron13
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Warmaster/lightbringer/magisters backs seriously need to be reworked.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:46 PM PST

This has probably been said before, but for 105g, not being able to select stats like assassins is silly at this point. On top of that the reward for doing all 3 is pitiful at best, while this isn't the first achieve that hurts, it really is an obvious one. Its HoT exclusive so its not like there should be an issue with even giving it some more of the most basic stats. You only need so many berserk pieces. Thoughts?

edit: at least let us salvage/mf/resell the costs, it just clutter the inv and is a pain to get rid of

submitted by /u/Madlydevoid
[link] [comments] Bastion of The Penitent Raid Interview

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:59 AM PST

Latency problem, bad gw2 servers ?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:02 PM PST

Hi, from yesterday i sometimes get over 3000 ping in GW2

its random when, where or for how long i have this horrible latency

its not my internet problem, i have pings on various services under 10ms, also i run another game on same computer (PoE) and i have ping there around 20ms)

few of my friends have also same problem, im from Europe - czech republic

anybody know what is going on / or have the same problem ?

submitted by /u/Skajnikk
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Would be nice if I could turn off side scrolling loot. The more bags you open and salvage crap, the more your fps drops.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:54 PM PST

After opening a few thousand champ bags on a mid level character and salvaging all the stuff, over time FPS drops like a rock.

Just would be nice to have a way to even temporarily disable the loot notifications on the right from scrolling, or even showing up.

submitted by /u/SaiyanOfDarkness
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Theory on "E" (Read all) SPOILERS!!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:49 PM PST

Hello everyone I've been thinking a lot about the identity of "E". Given the notes of "E" in the new patch we could deduce that he is a person with influence in Kryta even among the seraphim, to whom they have to spy on Logan. I've been thinking of a specific person "Lord Faren". Think of the following, there are few influential characters in Kryta who start their name for "E", who appreciates Lady Kassmer so much, Loyal to the crown so much to risk saving the queen in previous patches against scarlet, that tubiese information about The top vines dry the seraphs he has on his side could have helped, also if you look at the last patch is near a woman who later in the assault to the mansion caudecus is seen that is the white mantle. And they will tell me, the first thing Lord Faren is a fool and little thing and second his name does not start with "E", but now I will tell you first of all put the first "F" of faren on the "L" of lord and they will have As a result an "E". Possibly not this theory but why but give so much play a character?

By Namp

submitted by /u/Generaljrm
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[Spoilers] Things we learnt in 'Head of the Snake'

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:34 AM PST

  1. Queen Jenna is a badass! I've heard so many people mention her power in the books and finally we get to see some demonstration of this in game. Also, we learnt, no matter how badass a mesmer you are... you can only ever have 3 charges of a mantra...

  2. Queen Jenna and Anise are not the same person... So this theory has been floating around since the start of the game however, in this episode I feel it was well and truly debunked. With Anise essentially defying the orders of Queen Jenna, it shows a defiant streak in her. It's finally nice to see characters with a little more flair.

  3. Logan Thackery will be leader of the pact. Sensible choice here. Gives him a desk job, away from Jenna. Need I say more?

  4. Canach is free and Lady Wi is now Anise's charge. I cannot wait to see this play out! They both seem like fairly powerful mesmers.

  5. Demmi Beetlestone returned... and then died. This is great, to see the writers bringing back old characters from the personal story. It would have been good to hear about the OoW actually doing something since zhaitan, even just flavour text from Demmi.

  6. Caudecus is dead. end of the white mantle?

  7. E is still alive. I've been through the letters and this, i find the most fascinating. Who is he writing to? Is it one person or many people? At first I thought it was directly to Kasmeer as it said about taking your brother etc. but then in a later letter he asks the letter be shown to Kasmeer. I assumed it was written to Anise, she can shadow Logan, she can go to the OoW, she can contact Lady Kasmeer. Does Faren have a brother? Lady Wi's mother? Can anyone help solve this? Are we certain E is a man?

  8. GW1 characters can live... well for a while. in the raid you find Saul... Does this mean Livia could still be alive? Also, I would like to clarify that I understand Saul was kept alive by the Eye of Janthir. I'm suggesting it's not now impossible for a human to be kept alive for this period of time by some form of magic in one capacity or another. Clearly Livia wouldn't be kept alive by the Eye, Perhaps a different form of magic?

  9. The raised Mursaat COULD be someone other than Lazarus. This I find interesting. Why introduce the last mursaat and then tell us it isn't. My idea is that, it is a mursaat, hey it is even Lazarus but a more humanised one. Perhaps, he took in some of the souls of the people killed on the bloodstone and learnt empathy and what it means to be human? idk.

  10. Logan Thackery is the rightful heir to the throne? Some people said that he could be the rightful heir as his picture was in caudecus' bedroom. I really doubt that. Gwen and Keiran are not of royal blood as far as we know.

  11. Taimi is going to use Omadd's machine and do something to the eternal alchemy... Is anyone worried about this? A child, will put herself in that thing in order to change magical patterns or something. IS TAIMI GOING TO DIE!?

  12. Still no news on Rytlock, The pale tree or Zojja. What is happening to them!?

edit 13. Aidan (Ranger from GW1) has a descendant in Lake Doric!

So guys, any speculation on what will happen next? where will we go? what are we going to do? Thanks for reading by the way. Feel free to correct me/discuss anything I've mentioned.

Thanks :)

submitted by /u/elijahofengland
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So due to the new raids/LS I've been playing through gw1 prophecies.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:53 PM PST

And from the bottom of my heart, the very dark depths of it. Fuck the grawl trash mobs, allright. Maybe some other creature will face my ire later on but, man, grawl. They're everywhere! Even the devourers are less annoying.

Also I'd like to thank that_shaman for this amazing map that helps me roughly coorelate the areas in im with gw2 versions

submitted by /u/PvtSparkle
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GW2ACT, an arcdps log parser plugin for Advanced Combat Tracker

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:54 AM PST


I've been using arcdps since it became legal and Advanced Combat Tracker is my all-time favourite DPS parser and log analyzer, so I decided to make an .evtc log parser plugin.

You can download the latest version here: GW2ACT v0.1.2


This is a "Proof of Concept" plugin, may break in ways you can't even imagine, so use at your own risk! That said, it most likely won't set your PC on fire or anything like that. I'm actively working on both features, fixes and making the code cleaner and less error-prone, so please be patient.

Technically it's closed source (mostly because I simply don't feel like properly publishing the source code), but I make no attempt to obfuscate or make it difficult to decompile so feel free to decompile and look into it if you don't trust me. It has no network code, but ACT does (for example the auto-updater).


  • Install ACT if you don't have it yet.
  • Extract GW2ACT.dll (I suggest you extract it into the ACT folder - "c:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Combat Tracker\" by default).
  • Start ACT, close the startup wizard
  • Go to the Plugins tab, Browse button, select GW2ACT.dll then Add/Enable plugin. A new tab will appear here that you can ignore (for now).
  • You may need to restart ACT for the plugin to be fully functional (this will probably change later).

Now ACT is ready to parse your arcdps .evtc log files.


  • Go to Import/Export tab
  • Select File
  • A new window will appear with import progress. It should automatically close once done.
  • Go to Main tab
  • The logs are all under Unknown Zone -> Encounter (for now).
  • You can change graphing options in Options -> Output Display -> Graphing
  • Options -> Main Table/Encounters has some column options

Misc. information:

  • It doesn't support active parsing, so you'll have to import it (Import/Export tab, Select File). I disabled the active parser feature (more or less) so people don't accidentally start it.
  • Because of how ACT works, I have to convert evtc files into text logs (.gw2log) and then feed them into ACT. Therefore when you open a .evtc file, it writes a text log file first and then automatically imports that file. You can also open these .gw2log files with this plugin, no need to convert them every time you want to view your logs. I'll add more options and possibly a more advanced way later (that doesn't involve writing a second file).
  • The plugin uses "hacky" methods to access some parts of ACT so it may break when a new ACT comes out, though it's very unlikely and these are mostly cosmetic features (ie. changing or removing parts of the UI).
  • The "Open" button on the plugin's tab runs the binary to text parser on the selected file (so it creates a .gw2log file from the .evtc), you have to open it manually afterwards on the Import/Export tab. This is an "emergency" feature, use it only if you can't open .evtc files normally.

Planned features:

  • Fix Zone and Encounter names (aka. show boss name and time).
  • Clean up the reflection part (so the plugin is less prone to crashing when something unexpected changes in ACT)
  • Hide useless agents (NPCs and gadgets) so it shows players and the boss only. I'll probably make this optional.
  • Let user change import mode (this is related to the way it goes from .evtc to text log to ACT)
  • More settings
  • Add "on boss" dps to global comparison, not just full (boss+adds)
  • Parse more events, more data (like downed, dead, rez, boon uptime, dodge, avoidance, blocks and misses)
  • HTML export and various other export features
  • Encounter VCR
  • Probably other missing ACT features
  • Active parsing (I'm not sure why we'd need this, since arcdps has a very nice UI but I'll add it anyway if I can)

Important: Please send error reports to me, with the problematic log file and possibly the stack trace from your Advanced Combat Tracker.log (this is not strictly neccessary if I can reproduce the error).

Version History:

0.1.2: First public version - Theoretically it can parse most of the arcdps log files out there (except maybe very old ones) - Tested with arcdps feb.15.2017 and some earlier versions

submitted by /u/Faerym
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I know anet doesnt want to do anymore underwater combat, but can we have more info on largos?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:38 PM PST

As the title says. For those who arnt aware these guys are hunters from the unending ocean. Like quaggans they were pushed out by horrors from the deep sea dragon, but unlike quagans these guys are know for martial prowess and bassically being a race of assassins. I just want to learn more about them.

submitted by /u/greiton
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Question for long time GW2 players

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:52 AM PST


Ok so I have never really played GW2, but recently I have noticed lots of hype / talk / etc online. Now the game is like 5 or 6 years old and it seems like there are still a ton of players.

So my question is, why?

I am a big fan of playing a game, and sticking with it for years and years, so what is it about GW2 that has you long term vets still playing. What makes the end game so enjoyable that you log in day after day instead of looking for something else?

Im a big pvp guy .. so im hoping lots of answers swirl around this. I dont think GW2 has open world pvp though which is a bit of a deterant but im curious as to what it does have to hold end game players for years and years.

maybe its just a solid title and there is no hook, or special feature to GW2 vs other games .. I dont know.

Curious about the game though for sure.


submitted by /u/Greefer
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Does Anet have concept art for the non-humanoid Raid Bosses?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:01 PM PST

I think it'd be really cool to see, I'm a big fan of the boss design, especially in Bastion of the Penitent and would love to see the concept art associated with them.

submitted by /u/spawberries
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[EU] Training raid v20

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:23 AM PST

Hello Reddit!

We are back from a short break and ready to begin again \o/

For those that have never heard of us here is a quick introduction:

We have been organising raid groups since August of last year. We usually do 3-5 groups per raid night and we have 3 raid nights per week.

Currently the raid times are Tuesday and Thursday 19:00 UK or GMT time and Saturday 18:00 UK time. This post is for the Thursday raid. This week the staffers will be posting as well. I am one of the staffers of Roald.

We will start with the easier bosses and work our way up. We are getting between 3 and 5 groups per raid night. Each boss is killed often more or less (Matthias and Xera not as often).

Raid will be around two hours in duration not including the time it will take to organise it (Duration can be increased if things are going well or we are very close to getting a boss down).


  • Exotic or higher armor.
  • Exotic or higher back piece.
  • Ascended weapons.
  • Ascended trinkets.
  • Correct food and utilities for the build your are using.
  • Complete elite specialization.
  • Decent understanding your class mechanics and a raid metabuild. Please review Metabattle or QT. Practice your rotations on the test golem in the Aerodome! You do not need tag to enter. If you can get within 80% of the benchmark is sufficient. Chronos need to practice keeping quickness and alacrity 80% - 90% of the time (get a friend to sit afk in front of the golem). If you need help you are more than welcome to approach us!
  • Eagerness to learn. Being there for the raiding itself, not the loot.
  • Mental fortitude - not minding wiping for long periods of time.
  • Willingness to take personal responsibility for your growth.
  • Watch videos read tactics. We will of course explain every boss and role, but it's nice if you have some idea before going in.
  • Have Discord available. Works in a browser, mobile or PC app (recommend the PC app). You also need to be able to communicate in English. Here is our Discord I encourage you to join it even before the raid as there is a lot of information in there.
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions or give suggestions!

Those that decide to participate, please reply to this thread with your IGN, classes in order of preference and any comment you might have and be online at the start of invite times on the day you chose. Please make sure you meet the requirements above!

30 minutes before raid start we will start inviting people in a 50man raid or if we have more than 50 people (which has happened several times) I will start crying and create the groups beforehand so it helps if you can let us know when you can't make it before the raid starts. Everyone will be split by roles in different groups. The comp used will most likely be 5-5 so for every role (if there are more people than there are spots) a random number generator will be used to select the appropriate number of people. (healer, condi, ps, flat dps etc) We apologise in advance to anyone we will not be able to take, but there are only so many spots. Don't give up!

We now have plenty of commanders and there is always more than 1 group. Usually there are 3 groups and at times 4 and even 5 groups at a few times so far.

Even though there are several groups, there will almost always be people that are not taken. We apologise in advance if that happens. As stated above we are using RNG to fill up groups if we have more than the required number of a given role (mostly happens with flat dps) If you want to have a higher chance to get orient yourself to the classes that are rarer. If you are the type of person that believes that we owe him something, because you signed up, please don't.

Also don't be afraid to approach me or one of my staffers or anyone on our Discord in game no matter if you have raided with us or not.

We need a few more commanders exclusively for Tuesday and Thursday.

Leave me a private message for more info.

Note: Going forward it will not be only myself posting, some of my staffers will be doing that as well.

You can read about our plans here: Next phase

Some of the raid events will be streamed on if anyone is interested.

submitted by /u/Nyanliia
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Not So Secret JP. Have they changed the "leaping wheels" recently??

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:10 PM PST

Hey guys. So, working on Dawn atm. One of the things I need is near the top of Not so Secret jp. Been a while since that one, and tbh, was hoping never to have to go there again as long as i live. But anyhow, the leaping wheel thingys, in at least two places has been changed since I went there last, the thing is, I leap over the thing I'm supposed to land on. That or I have been extremely lucky untill now on landing where I want to land.

submitted by /u/1142Styleman
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Your "Dream Elite Specs"

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:11 AM PST

It's been a while since I've seen one of these, and I always enjoy seeing everyone's ideas, so let's do it.

I'll start.

Warrior: Monk

  • Uses focii, one in each hand, as fists.
  • Uses mantra-type skills
  • Adrenaline still enables unique attacks, but also gives passive effects, which are stronger the more adrenaline you have.

Thief: Thug

  • Uses a mace.
  • Uses shout-type skills, like "You can't hit me!" or "I'm over here!"
  • Basically a dodge tank.

Necromancer: Sacrificer

  • Uses a hammer
  • Uses trap-type skills that spawn minions when triggered.
  • Shroud allows you to kill your own minions for powerful AoE attacks.
submitted by /u/SirMelty
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can i activate heroic edition

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

i just bought guild wars 2 heroic edition but can i still activate the product key please i need to know

submitted by /u/alex2901
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Is the GW2 community seriously okay with different map zones being stuck in their own time periods?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:58 PM PST

Having the different maps stuck in their own time period goes against one of their design philosophies that sucked me into Guild Wars 2 four years ago. An "Evolving" world where our choices matter.

Yes I know this is fancy PR speak and that our choices don't really matter, but an evolving world is still nonetheless a great aspect of any game. To see it grow and change over the years as you play it.

But saying zones should be stuck in their own time periods to appeal to new people is not only a bad business idea, since new people aren't the people who are investing money into the game, but makes the game stagnant for veterans who have been playing the game for years.

Are you going to be okay with the game 10 years down the road 3 - 5 expansion packs later and Kessex still has still not recovered from Scarlet's attack and Orr still looks like a desolate wasteland for the sake of "Personal Story" that can always be instanced?

Is it because it'll feel weird for new players? Well I hate to say this, but too bad for them now they have an incentive to actually check up on the game regularly like those who missed out on Living Story Season 1, I was one of these people and I moved on. Story matters, and telling a cohesive story matters, the story is not cohesive when certain zones are stuck in the past.

If Jennah's bubble was visible in Queensdale, and you're helping out a newbie and they go "Hey whats that purple dome" you then explain to them what it is, it might even pique their interest, looking into youtube for this story what's it about and even purchase the game.

Say what you will about Collin's reign, but he did the world right by evolving existing zones. There should be a mix of these two instead of just constantly pushing out more and more new maps.

submitted by /u/RizRashid
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