Civilization - I've made a huge mistake

I've made a huge mistake

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:13 PM PST

New DLC Soon

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:43 AM PST

Looks like they've added placeholder achievements, likely new DLC and hopefully a patch within a week or two.

I'd guess an alternative leader + a new civ + a scenario at 7.49 for the DLC.

submitted by /u/hallobaba
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I didn't think it was possible, but here we are now...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:24 PM PST

Something here isn't right...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:35 AM PST

Civ action at the Dakota pipeline

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:23 PM PST


Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Just installed an update, anyone know what it is? Haven't seen any mention of it anywhere.

submitted by /u/GDevdlaka
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Some might call this egotistical. Me? I call it being historically accurate!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:07 PM PST

[Civ VI] AI complaint #29384792364

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:56 PM PST

Playing a game right now and I have Gilgadouchebro and Pericles on my landmass and they are neighbors. Gilgamesh has been my steadfast friend ever since he failed miserably to take me out in the ancient era with his OP as fuck war carts but has gone out of his way to capture 5 of the 8 city states around me (one of which I was suzerain of and another I was 2 turns from completing a quest that would give me suzerain). Pericles is just on the other side of Gilgamesh and has pitched me shit for passively completing CS quests for "his" CS's but doesn't give a flying fuck that Gilgamesh is actively going Genghis Khan on any city state that hasn't put up any walls yet. You'd think that an agenda revolving around being suzerain of as many CS's as possible would take issue with someone who is actively capturing as many as possible

submitted by /u/Ariakis
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Does anyone else think civ 6 feels a little shallow?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

Hey all, I have been playing civ 6 now since it's release and have been attempting to wrap my head around it. Over the last few games I think I have found what has bothered me about this iteration. The game play is extraordinarily shallow in general, I understand that there will be DLC, but it just doesn't feel as strategically deep as previous titles were. Couple of things I have found: There is so little in the way of AI interaction it's scary, I have found no way of asking other civs for a joint war, and certainly nothing like 5 offered. There seem to be no random events that can be triggered. In past titles I have seen everything from vassalage to splitting an empire physically in half to create a new civ. There seem to be no colonial issues as we're shown convincingly in civ 5. Religion is ridiculous, I might be playing wrong, however I can find no way to match the AI in producing apostles and or other religious units. There is no way to set a state religion, and you cannot really use a religion to bind other civs to you. And finally this; in previous titles there where other ways to win aside from spamming cities constantly and all over the place. You could in the past focus on a few powerhouses and go that way. I have tried on many occasions to do this in civ 6 and found I failed miserably every time.

I would be interested in hearing what you all think of these opinions.


submitted by /u/Baalphire
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Strange icons on tactical view! Can someone help?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:18 AM PST

Portugal, That's Not How Boats Work...

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:02 PM PST

Oh India...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

Aircraft carrier

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:45 PM PST

Why do jets based on an aircraft carrier takeoff, follow the carrier, then land on it again whenever you move the carrier. Why don't they just move as a single unit, the carrier? It looks a little strange to see the Jets take off and land every time you move the carrier.

submitted by /u/Lobanium
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Transitioning from Civ V to Civ IV

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:55 PM PST

Hey guys, I decided to pick up civ 4 again after many years but I have no idea what I'm doing, everything just seems so drastically different from my main game V, any tips or guides on transitioning?

submitted by /u/JesusberryNum
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Sad and broken by the AI. Just shoot me.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:15 AM PST

Just ranting, really. I've read a few advice guides for beginning players, but I really think I am the worst Civ6 player of all time. I'm losing my third straight lowest-difficulty game in a row, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong each time. I was competent in Civ5, but in 6 the AI always seems to be outpacing, outproducing, and outresearching me. The shame, it burns. Please kill me.

submitted by /u/TakeshiKovacsSleeve2
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does anyone one know what song the Civ 2 military advisor is singing when he's happy?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:09 PM PST

if anyone remembers. if there was a war happening, he'd be drunk and singing off screen, and then stumble in and say, 'no complaints, sire!' anyone know what song that was?

submitted by /u/robotco
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[Civ 5] Getting enough tech before UN

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:04 PM PST

I've never been able to get a science victory, even on damn settler victory. At best I can start building SS parts but the world leader vote comes up before I can finish. I delay it as long as I can by undervoting for myself by one, but eventually the AI has enough votes by themselves and I have to take the diplo win.

How can I avoid this?

submitted by /u/TheLurkingMenace
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Advanced Civ6 Questions

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:40 PM PST

City Strength

How is maximum city strength calculated?

How is initial wall strength calculated?

How does wall strength work? How is this calculated and what is the difference between 100% and 50%? What is the "law of diminishing returns on wall strength?

How do you calculate the effect a wall has on a unit attacking the city? If I'm attacking with a siege tower how do I know if the unit will hurt the city significantly or not?

Support Units

How do you calculate the impact of a siege tower?

How do you calculate the impact of a battering ram?

War Weariness

How is war weariness calculated?

How does war weariness change over time?

Why do I have war weariness after wars are finished?

Is war weariness a factor when taking out a capital/civilization in multiplayer?


How does spy probability work? What makes probability of success/failure/capture go up and down other than promotions?

What is the impact of a spy promotion level?

If you're building a unit and mid build you upgrade a tech/civic to the upgraded unit, what happens to the production points? Does the production applied transfer to the new unit at a 1:1 ratio?

How does religious spread work? Is it based on distance, ratio compared to other religions, era?

How do you calculate when you can expect to attract tourists from other civs?

submitted by /u/elstrecho
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aircraft carrier

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:33 PM PST

When I have a jet based on the aircraft carrier, why does it separate from the carrier when the carrier moves and then land back on it? Why don't they just move on a single unit, the carrier.

EDIT: Thanks for the downvotes, but I'm not asking for aesthetic reasons. I actually want to know if I've done something wrong. Like do I have to somehow link the units to get them to travel as one? I'm new to the series.

submitted by /u/Lobanium
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Mod Trouble, YNAEMP will only load games

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:47 PM PST

Im trying to do my own Battle Royale, but when I install ynaemp, it wont let me set a game up. It will only let reload old save files. Anything i can do to fix this?

submitted by /u/Wendigoflames
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Huey Tlatoani

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:38 PM PST

I had a delightfully entertaining game as Aztecs today in Civ VI, where I conquered Norway within the first twenty turns with exactly two Eagle Warriors - my starting one, and the first one I produced, which was also the first thing I produced at all.

In addition, as the title suggests, I earned the Huey Tlatoani achievement! That luxury-based attack bonus is super-fun and thematic :3

submitted by /u/DragonHeretic
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New to civ (6) what settings do you guys prefer?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:22 PM PST

I'm new in that I'm not really experienced with all the game has to offer, but I don't need the game to be easy. I'm mostly curious about what people who have been playing for a long time prefer in terms of fun/enjoyment factor. I tried marathon speed because I wanted to have more time to spend on civs and feel like I was really building something up but it felt more difficult as the faith/gold costs and whatnot felt disproportionately high and I had to spend a few dozen turns fighting off barbarians with just my starting warrior. I've also only played on continent maps.

So yeah, just curious as to what those of you who have been at it a while enjoy the most

submitted by /u/Jared17777
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