Fallout - TIL even Codsworth has some anti-communist programming.

TIL even Codsworth has some anti-communist programming.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:06 AM PST

While aboard the yangtze submarine, Codsworth had this to say.


submitted by /u/Psyker_girl
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I want to hear about the role playing aspect of your Fallout 4 characters.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:15 AM PST

Who are they? What faction do they side with, and why? Let's hear about your favorite characters!

Spoilers ahead.

I'll start. My current character is a retired special ops soldier. He has little charisma but is great with most weapons. He find the brotherhood and the minute men to be the easiest factions to work with. He doesn't mind the rail road but thinks they are too extreme to side with ultimately. After finally finding his son he changes from wanting to help the wasteland to a confused angry and lost state of mind. He sided with the minute men in the end destroying the institute. After the death of his son and losing his last family he ventures off into nuka world to hate fuck everything

submitted by /u/samgore
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[Fallout 4 Spoilers] What's your stupidest death in any Fallout game?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:40 AM PST

I thought of this question just a few minutes ago in Survival mode in Fallout 4 when I was taking a Vertibird from CIT ruins after first going to the Institute, and I went back to Sanctuary, and was not able to exit the Vertibird. The Vertibird then took off again, and after it was in the air, it dropped me to my death and I lost ~40 minutes of progress, back before even building the Signal Interceptor.

submitted by /u/BIG_GAPING_CUNT
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What are some quality of life mods for Fallout 1 and 2?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:08 PM PST

Is Buffout Addiction bad?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

So I have become addicted to Buffout and I myself don't think this is that bad because I have a lot of it and can get it cheap however I am quite new to Fallout 4 (and the whole series really)and I don't know whether this will effect my characters health or the way they fight.

I know there is a perk to beat addiction by 50% but I haven't reached that yet.

submitted by /u/crazyexoticz
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Is Nick Valentine technically Robocop?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:39 PM PST

Fellow XB1 plebs who are also way into settlement building, what are your must-have mods for settlements?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST

I've got that are giving me more things to build, which I love, but I'm getting weird incompatibility issues.

submitted by /u/coryandtrevorforever
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Can somebody please explain to me why Fallout 4 is not a good RPG?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

I keep hearing things like, "Fallout 4 took the RP out of RPG," "Fallout 4 is wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle," or "Fallout 4 is a good game but not a good Fallout game." Define a "Fallout game." If you consider Fallout: New Vegas a good Fallout game but Fallout 4 isn't because it "isn't a true RPG" I have some bad news for you.

When you look at Fallout: New Vegas, it's a very good game. It has a good story, multiple endings, but also The Courier has a predetermined backstory. But look at Fallout 4 now, it has 4 endings like New Vegas, a predetermined backstory like New Vegas, a good story like New Vegas (even if the story was executed poorly).

I'm not trying to praise Fallout 4 or bash Fallout: New Vegas, I legitimately have no idea how Fallout 4 isn't a good RPG. I keep hearing the argument that you have no free will in Fallout 4, and you can't make your own choices or decline to do anything, etc. Which is total bullshit because in most quests there are different ways to do things, you can definitely decline any quest that isn't story essential. In New Vegas it's the same, you can't deny story quests and they usually have only one way to do them.

There's also essential characters. As most people know, there is only one essential character in New Vegas (Yes Man), and that is because he is essential to completing the game. Every essential character in Fallout 4 is essential to completing the game, and when their part is over you can kill them.

I love New Vegas, it's my favorite Fallout game. But if you want to look for a game that isn't an RPG, go to Fallout 3.

EDIT: Guys, please don't just downvote me because I'm breaking the jerk, I just want an answer.

submitted by /u/SpaghettiDoggo
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You are approached by a frenzied Vault scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

So Johnny Cash did a cover of big iron

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:23 PM PST

I thought it was pretty interesting


submitted by /u/Calmacane
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Do Soda Cans Exist? Should or Would They?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:58 AM PST

I was playing and drinking some Coca-Cola from a can I starting to wonder if it's possible?

submitted by /u/PraisetheSunBoi
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Where's the best place to build a minute men base?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:18 PM PST

Like a place where people can sign up, come to with problems, get trained, ya know, basic military stuff.

submitted by /u/Domikinn
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How is the Fallout 3 BC implementation on Xbox One?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:28 PM PST

I recently went through Fallout 4 and thoroughly enjoyed it. I never played Fallout 3. I'm considering giving it a try, but I'd like to do it on the Xbox One.

For those that have played Fallout 3 on Xbox One, how was the backwards compatibility implemented? I've played a couple BC games that weren't so great.

submitted by /u/MasterBeaver
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Why I will be eternally pissed with Fallout New Vegas' ending [Spoiler]

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:03 PM PST

On my first ever playthrough back in 2011 never having played a Fallout game prior, I sided with Yes Man. While I love the game and the series, the ending kills me and I'm still pissed to this day. After battling through Hoover Dam killing NCR soldiers and Legionaries alike, dodging wave after wave of anti-material rifle bullets I finally make it to Legate Lanius' camp. One hour later I have finally cleared the camp and defeated the merciless general, very excited to wield the awesome gear and blade of the east, then inevitably General Oliver and his horde of Desert Rangers confront you leading to a quick battle between the NCR and your securitron army. The end. Game over. Really obsidian? That's how you end the game? At least give me the option to continue via DLC like broken steel did. All I ever wanted to do was/is reign over New Vegas and maybe have Joshua Graham as a follower...

submitted by /u/MrH0use
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Does anyone have a link to the post about the guys vault beach house on spectacle island?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

I can't seem to find it.

submitted by /u/SirGingerBeard
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Fallout New Vegas does not save

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:20 PM PST

I was running out of save room and when I went to the save files and deleting them it will not save anymore. I didn't know that it was happening and when i quit I lost 3 hours of saves and I AM SO ANGRY

submitted by /u/-ChooseGoose-
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Character flinching in third person when using revolvers?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:44 PM PST

Is this normal? I disabled all my mods and it's still there.

submitted by /u/98521_74563_
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Who is indisputably the most important person in Vault 101: He who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland, and to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:51 PM PST

I had a really cool experience in Fallout 2 and want to share it

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

Alright so if you go to NCR you can join the desert rangers but they give you one task: Free the slaves just outside the NCR.

So I waltz in there feeling like I was Solid Snake. I had Cassidy and Marcus in there with me but thankfully the ai doesn't detect companions if you're not detected.

I sneaked into where the slaves are using my sneak whilst humming the Metal Gear Solid theme; I then used my science skill to unlock the electronic locks on the slave's cages. All the slaves were free and they escaped. I had completed my objective but there was one problem.

How the fuck was I going to get out?

I couldn't just sneak my way out. The guards were watching the door and always detected me. I couldn't fight them. There were too many and even with Super mutant Marcus on my side I Couldn't beat them.

I couldn't just run for it either. Cassidy was at low health and was carrying some of my valuable guns. He died every time I tried to run and Marcus soon followed.

I got stuck here. For an hour I was trying a bunch of different ways to get out of the situation but to no avail. I tried waiting till night time for the guard patrols to change but that just bought them out closer to me.

Then I tried the most stupid thing ever

I INCHED my way to the exit right to the point where I was always detected. I then entered myself into combat mode but didn't fire anything. Then, using my action points, I creeped out of the building and then at a safe distance, I was free. Free. I beat this shit. I was done.

I went back to the rangers, got that sweet experience and joined up with the rangers with a shiny new Ranger Badge.

Does the badge actually fucking do anything?

submitted by /u/SUBJUGATOR001
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It seems Fallout 4 has some surprise incest

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

As you know, you can romance Magnolia, Curie, and Paladin Danse, and all three of these characters (at the time of romancing in Curie's case), are Synths, and all of the current generation of Synths are made using your son Shaun's DNA.

So yeah, if you're thinking about doing the do with any of these three characters, keep this in mind. laughs maniacally

submitted by /u/scorcher9009
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Will big leagues and iron fist stack?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:32 PM PST

I'm doing a melee run in Fallout 4 and wondering if the perk big leagues and iron fist will stack on top of each other assuming a that I am using a weapon such as the knuckles or power fist

submitted by /u/carcollector36
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Is there a better way to trigger kill animations?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

I've been trying to get enemies to do kill animations on my character for immersion reasons but they only seem to do them about every 1/10 deaths. Is there something I can change in the files to increase the chances of it happening? Or do I have to be at a certain health and standing a specific distance away from them to trigger it?

submitted by /u/SlyCoopersButt
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Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:13 PM PST

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