Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-19]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-02-19]

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:04 AM PST

Daily Chapters: Paradox (Story)

Ishtar Sink, Venus Investigate the signal coming from the Vault of Glass.

Daily Crucible: Skirmish (Skirmish)

The Crucible "Leave no ally behind, and no enemy standing." —Lord Shaxx
Small-team tactics. Kill the enemy. Revive teammates.

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Deathless Earn 10,000 XP without dying.
Kill It with Fire Get 30 kills with Solar weapons.
Fast Striker Kill 30 enemies without taking damage from them.
Hunting the Exalted Defeat 10 Hive Majors or Ultras.
Hive Hunting Defeat 50 Hive.
Cosmodrome Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies in the Cosmodrome.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Secondary Fire Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Special Weapon to earn "Special Streak", "Special Spree", or "Special Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Strike Efficient Get 150 kills in a SIVA Crisis Strike and complete the mission to earn a "Brutal Efficiency" Medal.
Weapons Expert Get 3 rapid kills with any weapon type to earn "Primary Streak", "Special Streak", or "Heavy Streak" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Demolitions Expert Get grenade multikills to earn "Explosive Streak" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Heavy Gatling Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Heavy Weapon to earn "Heavy Streak", "Heavy Spree", or "Heavy Rampage" Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Called Shots Get assists to earn "Concentrated Fire" medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Lightbringer Defeat 7 Guardians using any ability (melee, grenade, super).
When the Smoke Clears Defeat or assist in the defeat of an opposing Guardian with a smoke bomb.
Precision in Tandem As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, defeat 10 opposing Guardians with precision headshots.
Unfaltering In Skirmish, defeat opposing Guardians while both your teammates are alive.
Lifeline Revive 3 teammates in the Skirmish playlist.
Guns Blazing Defeat 5 Guardians in a single life.
Lightning Touched Defeat an opposing Guardian with Thunderstrike in the Crucible.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: Sho'oulth, Horror of Oryx. Mars or Venus. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out Kill 12 Consumed or named Fallen, Hive, Cabal, or Vex on Venus.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Ambassador Complete 3 strikes in any strike playlist.
Queen's Treasure Open the Queen's Treasure Chest in the Level 41 Prison of Elders.
Queen's Eye Kill 30 Taken with precision shots.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Calls to nerf No Land Beyond are the EXACT reason we have the current meta

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:25 AM PST

Ever since NLB was introduced, it was hated by most people outside of a small nice of players who were godlike with it. The gun was a joke, a booby prize whenever your chance at an exotic came up.

Flash forward today and the current meta makes it almost viable. And already PVP players are calling for it to be nerfed with flinch.

No, OK? Just no. This sort of bullshit is the exact reason we have a new meta which is so disliked by almost everyone. Stop calling for things that are viable to be nerfed. It's a gun for fucks sake. It's MEANT to be used to kill you. If we keep on nerfing anything that's halfway decent all we'll get is, well, the current meta, where everything is so terrible that a once terrible gun is now one of the best guns to use in the game.

Instead of nerfs, let's talk buffs. What guns can we use to counter NLB? How can they be buffed? How can we make other guns so fun that people will be inclined to use both kinds of guns?

Downvote me to hell if you want, but personally I feel that's where our discussions as a community should move to from here on in. Nerf the word "nerf" and embrace the word "buff". Let's make every gun great again.

submitted by /u/h3llbee
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With the exception of Sidearms, literally every single gun in Destiny is significantly less powerful than when the game launched.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 06:49 AM PST

And I don't mean literally like "internet literally," I mean every single archetype of weapon for real. Hand Cannons? Worse than launch. PRs? Significantly worse now than they were even during vanilla, when they were the laughing stock of the Destiny community. Snipers? Worse. Fusions? Worse. Shotguns? Way worse. Autos? Still pretty much a joke. All heavy ammo? Worse, and less of it (though this I'm pretty okay with). Shit, even scouts were affected by the 2.0 change that allowed range and damage falloff to be tuned independently, introducing inaccuracy into low range archetypes.

There is more parity now among weapon classes, but at what cost? Did Bungie really ship a game where literally everything was 30 or 40% more powerful than they intended it to be?

Is this the same philosophy we can expect from the sandbox team in D2?

edit - People keep bringing up pulse rifles, but pulse rifles are objectively worse than they were at launch. PRs received a 9.7% damage buff in early 2015. Then when 2.0/TTK came out, they received a blanket stability nerf. Then in December 2015, each archetype received an individualized damage nerf that effectively undid the 9.7% buff, and they got hit with a significant range nerf.

Our current pulse rifles are basically vanilla pulse rifles with significantly less range. They are objectively less powerful than they were at launch. The reason they seem better is because everything else has been nerfed into oblivion.

edit 2 - Here are the December 2015 patch notes. All archetypes of pulse rifle except the fastest were effectively reverted to vanilla damage levels (with the new, added fun of strict damage falloff). GoM archetype pulse rifles maintained a 2-damage crit bump over vanilla, but now those have received a ROF nerf.

So, again, PR's right now are just shittier vanilla PR's.

submitted by /u/NGHTNGHT
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Bungie, why don't you also completely undo the health regeneration nerf from Red Death and move away from making exotics feel like worse legendaries, and bring more diversity in the choice of an exotic in both PvP and PvE.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:10 AM PST

There have been threads of exotics turning into worse legendaries but I thought to also give my own voice on this.

When you feel like an exotic is too used you nerf it, of course, because it is overpowered right? Keep in mind that not always it is, the problem is that some exotics are just unique and actually feel like exotics.

Why was Truth so used? Because there weren't any other exotics worth of using, it was just all about the Clever Dragon and Mapador. And truth was actually a consistent choise which would pay off the use of an exotic slot.

Just look at the vault, dozens of exotics with unique and very interesting perks! Then why aren't they used? Because either the perk is just useless in its potential use or the exotic itself is just trash statwise.

Also think of PvE. Think of all the nerfs you have done to exotics because of them being too "powerful" in PvP and made them unfun and unuseable in PvE. Think of PvE where we would have a hard choise of an exotic because so many of them are powerful and have fun perks to mess with. Will I use IceBreaker for the ammo or Mythoclast for melting mobs? IceBreaker because PvP nerfs have made Mythoclast a complete trash for PvE as well. ( Although Mythoclast isn't brought back yet I'm just giving an example ) We shouldn't be making those statements. Will I use Truth or a legendary Heavy Launcher with void damage, tripod and a tracking? The legendary because PvP nerfs have made Truth ( aka one of the only void exotics ) almost completely waste in PvE, and most likely no bigger reason to use Truth even in PvP either.

Also just adding that I understand some exotics are more made for PvP and some are more for PvE, but I do think their perks have a potential to be powerful in both.

Well let's say if all those perks actually were "exotic" and you would tune down a bit of your fear of them being "overpowered" just imagine the diversity in the crucible and PvE. Just think of how fun would that be?

Edit: Also think of exotic armor! Why did people use Obhidian Aspects so much? Because they were actually good compared to other warlock exotic armor. Did anyone complain about Obhidian Aspects? No. Move away from nerfind and bring alternative choises in instead.

submitted by /u/Giftea
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Tether not tethering and ruining a 8-0 passage

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:48 AM PST I still don't understand how this happened; basically it's 4-4 flawless game other no mercy and I (dannymelamed) kill 2 people, tether a golden gun which is the last enemy, but here's the thing, the guy was in my tether for a solid amount of time, the tether didn't suppress him and we lost the match... And to make it even worse, the guy used his super the round before, but they farmed skorris so he got it again the best round... I'm not playing trials anymore for sure.

Credit to u/mblim771_kyle for creating a gif out of it

submitted by /u/xNadav
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Rocket Deflection ...And Stay Down! #MOTW

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:03 AM PST

Submitting this for my friend. He screeched like a little girl and now I realize why. Most epic relfection I've ever seen and at a self-res sunsinger with stickies to boot!

gifv: (thanks, /u/Mblim771_Kyle)

submitted by /u/olmoscd
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Video of a quick Hand cannon Rangefinder test post update

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:40 AM PST

This is a comparison video showing the difference between:

A Palindrome with Rifled Barrel, Sureshot and no Rangefinder
A Palindrome with Rifled Barrel, Sureshot and Rangefinder
A Hawkmoon

All three tests were carried out at 33m, 3m outside the suggested optimum range for a hand cannon and the special ammo crate next to me was used to measure this distance.


Pali w/o rangefinder - 76 crit damage at 33m.
Pali w/ rangefinder - 85 crit damage at 33m.
Hawkmoon - 66 crit damage at 33m.

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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Destiny subclass emblems for Battlefield.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:20 AM PST

A System at the Center of All Things: Why is the Sol System So Busy?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:41 AM PST

Here's an interesting question- why is the Sol system so busy? We have the Vex, Fallen, Cabal, Hive/Taken trying to wreck us. Why? I believe that the Hive and the Vex are at the center of this.

So, let's start with the Vex. As any grimoire reading Guardian should know, the Vex are a relentless network spread across time and space. There is anecdotal evidence that their origins are on Venus (a theory for another time), so they have a potential motive to be in the Sol system.

The Hive is slightly more complex. We know from The Books of Sorrow that The Worms their God want to hunt the Traveller, but I suspect that their arrival in-system has absolutely nothing to do with our Traveller, at least directly. We also know from The Books of Sorrow that Crota opened a portal into Vex space in Oryx's Throneworld, and as punishment, Crota was thrown into that portal before it was sealed. If we accept that Venus is the Vex homeworld, then Venus is a logical destination for Crota. However, The Vex were a force too great for Crota's relatively small regiment of Hive to defeat, and thus, he fled to the next nearest conquest- The Moon.

The Taken's arrival in system is far simpler- with Crota's death, Oryx lost a huge "food" source. The destruction of this pipeline caused him to be a little miffed, and he piloted his dreadnaught to Saturn.

The Fallen are also fairly simple. Before The Whirlwind, which was the Fallen's Collapse, The Eliksni were visited by The Traveller, and ascended to something resembling Earth's Golden Age. However, The Whirlwind, which is likely a synonym for The Darkness, descended on them, forcing The Traveller to flee to Earth, where the tattered remnants of The Eliksni, now The Fallen, followed, hoping The Great Machine would aid them.

The Cabal are hugely enigmatic. We know that they are a military empire, that they have a mess of doomsday weapons, and it is theorized that they are made up of two races; that psions and regular cabal are separate races. And, most unsettlingly, the cabal are running from something.

Now, in The Books of Sorrow, the Hive war against a civilization called The Ecumene. We know very little about The Ecumene. We know that they were a military civilization, as they survived The Hive onslaught for 10,000 years. We know they had doomsday weapons, as Oryx notes that him learning to survive exploding planets was useful in the war with then. We know that they were made up of multiple races, called client races.

Only one race I can think of would cause the Cabal to flee- The Hive. Further, The Cabal have a huge antipathy towards The Hive and Taken, going so far as to commit an elite force to ram the Dreadnaught, and attempt to blow up half the system, including their own soldiers. The fact that the empire was willing to send their soldiers on an "at all costs" mission indicates to me that there is some sort of history. I believe The Cabal and the Ecumene are one and the same.

The Fallen, one the other hand, just have some vague hint at the Darkness, that we can only theorize on, which I do below.

We also know that Oryx had two sisters who were nearly equal to him in power: Savathûn and Xivu Arath. As I mentioned, I can think of only one force ferocious enough to make The Cabal flee, and that is The Hive. I believe that one of Oryx's sisters have continued the Hive war against The Ecumene and forced them to flee- directly into the Sol system.

The Fallen, on the other hand, can only be guessed upon. However, given then The Vex and The Hive/Taken are the only races we've seen with a confirmed direct tie to The Darkness, and we know that The Hive has consumed countless civilizations, I like to think that The Whirlwind was caused by the third sister.

What does this mean for us? Well, it means we may well have two allies against The Darkness. It's unlikely, given the fractious nature of The Fallen, and the brutally hostile nature of The Cabal, but all it would take is for one ghost to stop looking for a human or meta-human, and one Eliksni or Cabal champion, wielding Light and fury to turn the tide of Darkness.

submitted by /u/Scathach_ulster
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Finally, the OHK Throwing Knife

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:25 AM PST

Kephris Sting and Incindiary Knife can do it, if you activate invisibility while the knife is midair.....near impossible in real play but here


NOTE: He regenerated fully before the 2nd knife

submitted by /u/ytkryptek
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That Gorgon's a little bit too excited with that rock

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

The way Special Ammo works now is NOT that hard to work around.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:10 AM PST

I know this is unpopular by a vast majority and I know everyone is upset about the changes to special ammo. I was too. I tried to play with a sidearm to get around it but ended up doing bad. Uncharacteristically bad for me (now understand I have a standing k/d of 1.07- I'm by no means fantastical at this game).

Then I said to hell with it and pulled out Mr. Voops (Saladfinger's Vigil) and started to do some work. It was bad at first, sure. I was getting angry at the fact that I had to go out of my way to grab special every time I died. BUT, I realized that damn, it's not that bad because typically people never spawn too far away from special in any given match, and with special returning so frequently, I was almost always able to grab more.

Then I pulled out my LDR and started wrecking against the mofos who were new to the NLB meta. I started getting extremely comfortable with the fact that (especially as an Xbox player and never getting to experience this before) the Hawkmoon isn't any pigeon-bitch gun anymore. I can finally use this bitch to its full potential, and lemme tell ya- this gun is AWESOME.

I know it's an inconvenience having special go away after death. At first it was extremely irritating for me, but I think that's because people have become too dependent on 1HKO in this game, and having actual gun fights with primaries makes crucible actually enjoyable for me, for the first time in a while. No more shotgun warriors and less Juggernauts running around. People are using different weapons and it's fun for me!

Now please understand that this is my opinion and that I understand where everyone is coming from. I expect some flack and to be downvoted to hell for this post and I respect it. I've had friends stop playing because of the changes and switch to Overwatch. Hell, if I had the money I probably would have too. But this update makes me feel better about crucible. I'd like there to be less nerfs, like wtf bungo, Truth is dickshit now, but as far as special ammo goes I feel as if it does indeed promote more firefights with primaries.

Here's my long two cents on this. Thank you for reading.

TL;DR: I hated the changes to special ammo before but now I feel like it promotes more gunfights and has given me a better crucible experience.

Edit: In terms of Elimination and Trials, if you pick up special ammo at the end of round two and stay alive, that ammo should be there at the beginning of round three. That rule I agree is absolute shit.

Edit 2: It seems like the main concern is for special ammo in 3v3 playlists. Bungie should look at this because yeah, everything mentioned does sound like very legitimate issues among users.

submitted by /u/Yeah_Im_Rad
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Become Legend: Trials of Osiris - Black Shield Guide to Flawless Victory

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:35 AM PST


A lot of players still struggle to reach the Lighthouse every week. There's normally a lot of little tips out there but I wanted to focus on specifics for this map. If it's content you want to keep seeing I'll keep posting. Here's Become Legend: Trials of Osiris edition.

Become Legend: Trials of Osiris - Black Shield


The first thing you need to do is get used to where everything on the map is located and put a name to that location. Being able to call out where the enemy is located for your team allows them to maneuver without fear or push with aggression.


by /u/OrionTheTitan edited for Trials by myself.


Black Shield is a map that features two prominent fighting grounds, an outside area dictated by a circle in the middle where the capture point is located, and an inside area that is hard to penetrate.

Sniper Lanes

Keep your head down or lose it.

  • A Outside Special to C Outside Special. Not highly recommended.

  • Cave to Circle. This can be headglitched from both sides.

  • A Path to Heavy. This is a great angle for Alpha Spawn during Heavy round.

  • Sniping across the half walls at circle is viable.

  • Near Silo to Tunnel and on top of Silo to about anywhere. Silo is a vulnerable spot for sniping but gives you a lot of coverage.

  • Sniping through Tunnel is common, use the half walls at circle to head glitch and snipe in.

  • The Wall near Bravo Spawn is great for sniping down to C Special and Heavy or catching enemies who would rotate around.


Here's some suggestions for each class in regards to this map:


Gunslinger works very well, roaming Supers in general are a lot stronger with the changes in the Update. Being able to easily win Heavy Round by killing enemies or chasing them back with Golden Gun is great. Nightstalker is also viable, the mid-game is phenomenal and being able to counter teams that might camp inside with Shadowshot and Smoke helps a lot more than a Tripmine.


Strikers are the mainstay subclass for Titans but Sunbreakers should fair well on this map. The open space allows the Hammer of Sol to be used effectively and Incendiary Grenades can be bounced around fairly well (that is, if you can bare to part with Fusions). Strikers can move quickly to get map position and Fist of Havoc is great for defeating the powerful roaming Supers. Sunbreakers can play either way, sniping and using Fusion Grenades to defeat rushing opponents should be formidable.


Voidwalkers are currently one of the strongest subclasses in the game and they continue to shine here. Axion Bolts force enemies back through chokepoints and Nova Bomb is a great Super in general, couple that with Life Steal and decent Recovery to form a menacing foe (it's been hit hard recently but it's still useful). Stormcallers can have success here with the ability to Blink with Stormtrance. Unlike Golden Gun or Hammers of Sol, you can push through chokepoints easily to wipe the enemy team. The neutral game is a bit weaker but with Pulse Wave you can avoid death more often than you might think. Sunsingers shine with the recent changes, Fusion Grenades and a melee that gives a powerful overshield help the neutral game.

Weapon Loadout

The loadouts are widely varying this week. Hand Cannons make up the majority of Primary weapons, but Pulse and Scout Rifles are close behind. No Land Beyond is more prominent than ever because of the recent changes. In regards to Special weapons, it's either a Sidearm or it's a Sniper Rifle and there isn't much inbetween. Hand Cannon + Ice Breaker or Scout/Pulse/NLB + Wormwood has been the most common loadout.

General Strategy

Whenever you play, regardless of game mode, you need to have a strategy so that you're familiar with where your team members are and what they are doing and how they assist/be assisted. Playing inside isn't worth your time, the capture point is outside and is where the majority of better teams will go. Establish map dominance early by winning the fights outside, using the cover at the Cubbies and around the Circle to engage at closer ranges.

Snipe from angles discussed aboved and push with your team to collapse on the enemy and win or force them off a potentional revive. Alpha Spawn allows for a slightly quicker push outside and a little better cover as the C Outside Special and C Rock are easy to toss grenades over and leap over. Bravo team should push to Cubby and Ramp to get some better angles into the enemy. Often times rotating through inside to Alpha Spawn is a good idea, staying off radar while doing this can through the enemy off guard and allow a needed round win.


If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments. This isn't the end-all be-all for how to play the map, just recommendations and strategy from a veteran player. I hope some of this helps those still seeking the lighthouse or looking to take another trip more easily.

Lastly, if you need more general tips for the Crucible check out:

submitted by /u/noz3r0
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My boyfriend's V-Day gift!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:01 AM PST

I had a commission done of my boyfriend and I as our class of choice in Destiny (me hunter him warlock). We met on Destiny and I had us drawn in the VoG gear because that was the first time we played was my first VoG run! It turned out so adorable and I figured my fellow Guardian couples would enjoy it too!

Ta da!

submitted by /u/MagicalFruitbat
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I made some stupid decisions with tripmines in skirmish, but I wasn't expecting this...

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:16 PM PST

EDIT: also, please forgive the running into walls and potato aim with my hand cannon. It was almost 3am and I was exhausted!

submitted by /u/mandaco25
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Is the current wormwood that is being sold a good role for it?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:23 AM PST

Decided to get it since I almost have 150 marks so I just wanted to know if I should wait or go for it.


Edit: roll* ty downAtheworld

submitted by /u/emeka0408
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New meta, so another in-depth reminder of how invisibility works in PvP

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:33 AM PST

In a primary and sidearm heavy meta, who knows, perhaps going invisible will be more viable. But unless you know how it works in PvP, it won't help you very much.

As a baseline, crouching hides you from the radar for 2 seconds, then you strobe on the radar, and are again off the radar for another 2 seconds, repeat.


Stalker: You will appear on the radar when Stalker activates. After that you will appear for a moment once every 6 seconds. In between those moments you are completely off the radar UNLESS

  • You are so close to the enemy that you are inside the inner-most range of their radar (ie. that range where in the previous meta you're like "I'm about to die to a Matador, aren't I?")
  • You sprint
  • You Double Jump

With Stalker, if you want to be off the enemy radar, remember to take it slow and walk, not run.

Escape Artist: Works the same as Stalker, except it activates after a melee attack instead

Vanish: Same as the above two except you can sprint and Double Jump to your heart's content and still never break your stealth. Since it's a Super ability it's the most powerful.

Shadowjack: All invisibility effects have a duration of 7 seconds normally. With Shadowjack, Stalker's duration increases to 10, and Escape Artist and Vanish increase to 12.

Khepri's Sting: Works exactly like Stalker.


Vanish in Smoke: Seems to work like Vanish--you will not appear on the radar even if you sprint or Double Jump. This is most likely because it robs you of the offensive Envenomed or defensive Snare ability, is tied to a melee cooldown, and doesn't last as long.

And there you have it. In this meta with lots of poke battles, invisibility might be a bit more viable. Perhaps try using MIDA as your primary (it speeds up your walking pace so you can move further while invisible with Stalker/Khepri's Sting) and a sidearm so once you get close you can melt people with your Wormwood or whatever.

Also works well with Fusion Rifles if you have ammo for it. I've lost a Trials game to a fucking devious Bladedancer who kept on going invis and then you'd hear the voop charging from a place you didn't expect and...dead.

If you doubt me here's when Planet Destiny tested it.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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A Double Kill with Every Exotic - A MOTW Montage I've been working on since the start of January

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

Hello! So around the start of January and the release of year 2 (3) Icebreaker I decided I'd take a run at Movie of the Week. I figured (and I pray) that nobody has yet taken the time to get a double kill with every Exotic weapon. Some doubles are great (in my biased opinion), some I just had to settle on. 2 or 3 are clips from older Metas but the vast majority are from the last 2 months. Hopefully people enjoy and I hope I didn't use Dreg's Promise for 5 days for nothing.

A Double Kill with Every Exotic Weapon

This challenged seemed simple at first but as I began using the weapons I realized that this was going to take some time. The only rules I set for myself were:

  1. The final hits of the kill must be completed by the weapon or an effect of the weapon

  2. Try not to die after the double (This was especially painful with Telesto since the 2 (or 3) people you're trying to kill get time to shoot you. As you will see in the video I die after Telesto but since I get a triple I gave myself a pass.

  3. No custom games, I used all these weapons while casually playing and probably was the cause of some losses (sorry everyone)

After using each weapon extensively (very few did I get a double the first game and even then I continued to use the weapon to get a few doubles to choose from)

-Fabian Strategy is really fun to use, probably better now.

-Once you get used to The First Curse it is actually very fun to use. I may revisit it in the current meta.

-Hated Ace of Spades

-Tlaloc is very good and very fun, got several doubles to choose from and kept using it for a full night just because.

-Telesto made me laugh ALOT. A fun but not very efficient choice.

-Fourth Horseman was a poor choice to use in the Matador era...

-Why does Dreg's promise not have hitscan? Spent alot of time with the ole potato...

-Hereafter feels very rewarding to use, the blindy orbs that come out of a headshot are so....satisfying

-Apparently I am the only one who can't get used to No Land Beyond's sights. Hit so many people in the neck.

-Dragon's Breath is extremely fun, but you need perfect conditions for a double kill. This one took awhile.

-Swords are fun, used Memory of Radegast and reflecting a Nova Bomb back into a Voidwalker was a highlight of my Destiny career. Also alot of people don't shoot rockets right at you unfortunately...

I'm sure there's more but I'm just happy to be done, hopefully some people take the time to watch the whole 7 minute video (there are 53 exotics okay!) ENJOY

submitted by /u/MoogBitchGetOuTheWay
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The importance of vertical situational awareness

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST

Had to laugh after all the recent posts by people looking for a Warsat event on Mars for a quest line - had one drop right out of the air on me. Literally.



Hope the gifv works - first try at one.

submitted by /u/jfbutland
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Is the SRL music available anywhere?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:33 AM PST

I tried looking on the old Google machine but couldn't find anything.


submitted by /u/badmagnet
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Oddly satisfying

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:55 AM PST

Blasting through the classic Vanguard playlist on unleveled alts. Old speedrunning habits die hard.

submitted by /u/take_it_in_strider
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McFarlane Toys - Booth Visit and Interview

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:46 PM PST

I had the great pleasure of being able to stop by the McFarlane Booth today at Toy Fair to get a first look at the up coming Action figures and Replica Props. Let me just start of by saying that I was blown away with the quality of the figures and the prop Gjallarhorn. Destiny is in good hands with McFarlane Toys.

I was able to talk with the Chris who is the brand manager of the Destiny Line. It was obvious that he is not only a fan of the product they are producing but is also an avid Destiny player. The shear excitement he had when talking about these upcoming releases was extremely encouraging.

Let's just get down to business here. Please note that all of the items below are subject to change since they are still in prototype form.


Iron Gjallarhorn

Iron Gjallarhorn is a replica prop piece. This means it's full size and will be great for anyone looking add to their cosplay outfits. Heck this thing would look great just mounted on a wall. It's massive and completely awesome looking. They stated that the final piece should still be light enough for someone to be able to carry all day without getting fatigued.

The design of the product is meant to be broken down into three parts which will not only allow for easier packaging/shipping, but it is also meant to replicate the journey players take in the Rise of Iron to recreate the Gjallarhorn from the schematics we find in our mission to rebuild it.

There is currently an orange tip on the Gjallarhorn but they are hoping to be able to remove this by the time the finished product is released. Due to legalities in some states they may have to keep the orange safety tip on the barrel.

One extremely cool feature is that they are planning on including an onboard speaker that will play the following sounds in order.

  1. Aiming sound
  2. Target lock sound
  3. Launch sound
  4. Explosion/Wolf-Pack Rounds

They are shooting for an MSRP of $149.99 with a Fall 2017 Release Date

10" Lord Saladin Deluxe Action Figure

Saladin is set to launch in Fall 2017 at and MSRP of $34.99

The figure is very much in the prototype stage and they are looking at a couple of different options for the final release. Saladin was shown wearing his cloak and helm in the posed piece but from our discussion there is a chance that the cloak will not end up in the final release.

Saladin is shown carrying his Axe but also has a Jolder's Hammer strapped to his back. There's the potential for the Saladin figure to have an alternate set of hands to hold the Jolder's Hammer instead of the Axe.

Another interesting feature is that they had an alternate head on display for this figure. They showed Saladin's head without his helmet on.

7" "Iron Banner" Hunter

The Hunter figure is set to release in July 2017 nationwide to retailers that stock McFarlane figures. The price point is $19.99 for these figures.

The hunter is shown with the full year 2 Iron Banner outfit. The sculpting of this figure looked spot on to the in game armor. If you are a fan of the wolf head cloak then you should get really excited. The figures look incredible in person and the details are spot on. Definitely excited for this figure since I main a Hunter.

The hunter will come with the starter "Generalist" Shell for the Ghost. The weapons that will be included are a Dead Orbit Hung Jury scout rifle and the infamous Thorn. Thorn will be exclusive to this figure as it's meant to attach to the leg of the hunter when using another weapon.

7" "King's Fall" Warlock

The warlock figure is set to release in July 2017 with the rest of the first wave of figures at the price of $19.99

The Warlock figure is shown in full King's Fall gear including the Touch of Malice scout rifle which will be exclusive to the Warlock figure. The Warlock also comes with what looked like a Black Spindle sniper rifle and the "Iron" Shell for the ghost.

They stated that one of the items that they really had to take into consideration on the Warlock was the material used for the chest piece. Since the Warlocks robes typically extend down to mid-calf they had to use a different type of vinyl that allowed for flexibility of the piece in order to be able to take advantage of the full articulation of the piece.

Overall the warlock looked great in person!

7" "Vault of Glass" Titan

This is by far my favorite set of raid armor for the Titan so I was very happy to see that they picked this set for the Titan figure.

Like the others in wave 1, they will release in July 2017 with an MSRP of $19.99.

The Titan figure will include a Year 1 Gjallarhorn, Invective and the Vanguard Ghost Shell.

Deluxe ~12" Gjallarwing Sparrow

The Gjallarwing Sparrow is set to release during the Holiday season in 2017. The figure will be included in the Deluxe lineup which retails at $34.99.

The sparrow is sized to be able to fit a regular 7" figure on it if you want to pose your figures on the sparrow.

The base design is set around the "Iron Gjallarwing" sparrow. I asked about a variant for the for regular Gjallarwing sparrow and they stated that this very unlikely to happen.

General Discussion about the line

  • They are already planning on a series 2 for the figures, not ETA on them currently.
  • The figures include 14-points of articulation to allow for a fully posable figure. This includes movable hips/waist and will keep from having the rigid statue like figures in the past.
  • No plans for any accessory packs currently like they did for the Halo series
  • They could not confirm or deny any retailer exclusive variants. With McFarlane's history I would think we will see at least a few variants. This could be either armor/weapon swaps, or something as simple as a shader variant.
  • I asked about swords being included and there are none currently planned. But that is one item they had discussed about including at one point.
  • The design/marketing team have a passion for this game and will treat it right.
  • The box designs are already approved so they will be going the box route instead of the carded style of packaging they have used on other figures.
  • The idle hands early press release about Destiny 2 figures was meant to read as series/wave 2, not Destiny 2

I'm probably forgetting some items, but I wanted to share what I saw.

Non-McFarlane Destiny Items

  • The Coop has some great looking pieces in the works. Take a look at their stuff to get a sense of what all they produce. They make some awesome Halo stuff if you want to get a idea of what is coming. I couldn't take photos since they are still very early in the prototype stage and have not been approved for production.
  • Just Funky has the license for making some 3d molded mugs, fleece blankets, glasses/hydration products. There should be some cool items in the works
  • Trends International will be releasing calendars again along with a few other items


  • McFarlane is doing some awesome things with the Destiny License
  • The figures and replica props are looking to shape up to be some awesome pieces for the price point they are aiming for.
  • Like all collectibles, buying from retailers (not just online) will continue to help grow the product offerings by incentivizing retailers to get their own exclusives.
  • McFarlane employees are designing stuff they love since they are not just designers, but also avid players of Destiny.
submitted by /u/unoudid
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Casually playing 3v3 and have no idea how this happened

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:53 PM PST

Bungie, PLEASE fix the sunsinger glitch.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:51 AM PST

You're so focused on nerfing things (some of which make sense, but mostly don't), that you're ignoring what is breaking certain gametypes.

The sunsinger glitch in trials/elimination is exactly what I mean. I enjoy this gametype even if I get stomped but the fireborn glitch... it's really out of control: one player self res, revives his allies, sit around gaining super until the end of the round.

It's not as bad now that round lengths have been reduced, but please try to fix this in the next update!

EDIT: Just removed the flag business. (Suggestion)

submitted by /u/Neon_Seraphim
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Why don't the vendor weapons change in a given period?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 09:16 PM PST

Lets say either weekly or monthly. I just can't figure out what the design decision was there. It would not have been hard to implement it, just look at Xur.

submitted by /u/pseudoShadow
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