Dota 2 - I made it mom

I made it mom

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:01 AM PST

Hi guys! I just finished remaking my old CM set. Tell me what you think!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:59 AM PST

Heading home after Japanese BBQ when suddenly

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 08:22 PM PST

Febby does a cool deny

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:24 AM PST

flaming bird narrowly escapes

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:58 AM PST

Jebaited, oh whoops

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:33 AM PST

So what do you think of the Kiev Major being Single Elimination once again? Seems this fact got buried under the Treasure II release and the sub barely noticed.

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:45 AM PST

Personally not a fan. I thought they might've at least innovated or made some changes to the format, but no.

submitted by /u/D3Construct
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Bug Report: Elder Titan's Astral Spirit can block Clockwerk's Hookshot

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

According to the Wiki it is impossible for most spells to interact with Elder Titan's Spirit:

This is because the spirit's unit type and its invulnerability, making almost every spell ignore it.

The only abilities being able to target it are Dark Rift​ and Boots of Travel, as they can target units of that type and invulnerable units.

The only ability affecting the spirit is the Swiftness Aura from Drum of Endurance.

This of course includes Hookshot (Clockwerk)... Or at least used to...

Elder Titan's Astral Spirit is currently able to block Clockwerk's Hookshot:

Assuming this is the proper interaction, then why is the current interaction a different one?

Here's a gif of the Spirit blocking the Hookshot: (patch 7.02) (10 seconds in, top-left of the video)

(VP vs NP match from the Boston Major)

The Clockwerk hook was supposed to hit the Ogre Magi, but it got blocked by the Elder Titan Spirit which prevented Clockwerk from killing the Ogre and in the end cost him his life.

Astral Spirit was recently changed to not be affected by Juggernaut's Omnislash anymore, since it made Juggs Ult a lot worse than intended.

This unfortunally affects Clockwerks Ultimate as well.

Here is how the interaction used to be in the Dota2 Source1 Client (lastest build before Reborn was mandatory), should be late 6.84 -

The Spirit was not able to block the hookshot in patch 6.84 (Dota 2, Source1).

None of the changelogs between 6.84 and 7.02 mention that the Spirit is now able to interact with certain spells.

submitted by /u/TheZett
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No sentries? No problem

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:27 AM PST

Cute play I did today with a dominated Centaur

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 08:45 AM PST

Thus, I invoker masturbation. [NSFW]

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:23 AM PST

I was very bored and I am very sorry.

EDIT 1: Can't change titles. I even fail at shitposting...

submitted by /u/Jukebox32
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I need voice actors for a (dota) custom map

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:59 AM PST

I don't know where else to post this because /r/gaming is gay and /r/voiceacting is dead, also I don't use reddit for anything else than dota. I'm looking for voice actors for a HL2:Ep2 mod, and I'm not looking for professional voice actors that want me to pay them $100per line, I'm looking for basement dweller voice actors with horrible microphones where you can hear a TV in the background and the ceiling fan going crazy, however everything as long as its following the script will be accepted since I'll be needing a lot by many different people. I have no idea how this reddit website works or how you can contact me so add me on my steam if you're interested [spoiler] [/spoiler] feel free to downvote me to hell if this is the wrong subreddit

[edit] you can also contact me through my email address

[edit 2] sorry for the horribly awkward organizing in this project I wasnt expecting anyone to reply

[edit 3] This is getting out of hand, If you're interested just email me I already have had too many add me on steam

[edit 4] moving everything here I'm still reading and replying to emails you sent before the change , this is just for easier organizing, if you feel embarassed of putting your voice clip in a comment you can still mail it

submitted by /u/drogkastrull2
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After years of trying i finally did it...

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 05:54 AM PST

Calibrated at 3300 when ranked came out and since then my goal was to hit 6k, and well after years of tryharding and abusing meta i did it...

I abused Void back in 6.81 to get 4k

Then i abused troll in 6.83 to get 5k...

Then i got stuck in low 5k high 4k trench for monthes, then got to 5800 dropped to 5100 and then i was stuck in mid 5500 for last monthes.

Then my boy troll got in meta again and i climbed it

I don't have many people i can share it with, It actually means something to me and i decided to share with you, sorry if it bothers anyone. Dotabuff if any1s interesed.

I was also taking screenshots of some cool and weird shit in all this climb,

and got pages of negative comments on my steam profile which i never delete, some of them are actually pretty funny.

Edit: Thanks everyone for kind words i appreciate it very much <3

submitted by /u/DiskoverOfficial
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Oracle's model has been broken

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 12:44 AM PST

[IMPORTANT] Heroes with 5+ abilities have the auto-cast border around ALL of their active abilities, causing annoyance and the ellipsis cooldown bug

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 02:29 AM PST

Before yesterday's update

This black border should only be around auto-cast abilities. Heroes with 4 abilities don't have the black border; like it should be, but having more than 4 abilities puts the border around all of your active abilities (not on passives).

Go in-game and compare for yourself. Try a hero with 4 abilities, and then try one that has 4+ such as Beastmaster or SF. Your actives all have the auto-cast border, even though they aren't auto-cast abilities.

Posted yesterday and it was mostly ignored, this is pretty significant.

submitted by /u/xHe4DHunt3r
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Why do these not have a consistent shape/size?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:06 PM PST

[Bug] Winter treasure II still being not tradable

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 03:22 AM PST

Screenshot taken today, 19/02/2017

Is there a known way to overcome this bug?

submitted by /u/TripleSteal-
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Yet another List of unfixed Bugs (mostly Arc Warden, some Meepo & Lone Druid as well)!

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:50 AM PST

Arc Warden has been added to Captain's Mode, but some of his bugs remain unfixed. It would be a shame if they could negatively influence a professional Tournament match, just because Valve didn't fix these bugs (assuming anyone picks him).

The following bugs can be game breaking in terms of granting Arc Warden unintended positive benefits, but they can also negatively affect Arc Warden

Bu3ny (the dev forum Mod) has confirmed these bugs!

Magnetic Field's Evasion is malfunctioning:

Depending on the location & order of placing 2 Magnetic Fields one is able to get either 100% evasion, despite enemies standing inside of the field, or getting 0% evasion, despite enemies (without true-strike) standing outside of the field.

How to replicate:

Case 1:
- Let an allied Hero and an enemy hero attack each other.
- Place a Magnetic Field that only touches the allied hero.
- 1-2 seconds before the Field expires, place a second field that covers the ally and the enemy.
- The enemy will still miss your ally, despite both heroes standing inside of the field.

Case 2:
- Let an allied Hero and an enemy hero attack each other.
- Place a Magnetic Field that covers the ally and the enemy.
- 1-2 seconds before the Field expires, place a second field that only touches the allied hero.
- The enemy will still hit your ally, despite standing outside of the field.


Current behavior: The evasion rules of the first Magnetic Field carry over to the second one, regardless of the heroes' position inside/outside of the second Field.

Intended behavior: The evasion that the Magnetic Fields may grant should work independently from each other.

Each Magnetic Field should have its own evasion check and therefore independently grant (or not grant) its evasion depending on the enemy touching the specific Field (or not touching it).

Video Showcase:

Dev forum:

Tempest Double Experience gain/transfer bug:

If a Tempest Double kills an enemy Hero, then this gained EXP & Gold is transfered to the main Arc Warden instead.

This interaction is working for most cases, but there is one case in which no EXP is gained, only Gold.

Current behavior: Killing an enemy hero with a dead Tempest Doubles spell will grant no EXP to the main Arc Warden, only the gold.

Intended behavior: An enemy hero, that was killed by a Tempest Double, should always grant the main Arc Warden EXP, even if the Tempest Double died after casting his spell, but before actually killing the enemy hero.

Dev Forum:

Showcase video:

I assume this bug is caused by the Tempest being classified as "Hero unit", and hero units cannot gain XP while dead (hero units are usually not summons, or their master dies if they die (meepo)).

Comparison with other heroes & their Summons:

(If a Chen enchants a Black Dragon and this Black Dragon posthumously kills an enemy Hero (Dragon uses fire spell, dragon dies, enemy hero dies to fire), then Chen does get the Gold & EXP for this kill. - This applies to regular summons and even Lone Druid's Spirit Bear (Eul an enemy with the bear, bear dies, LD gets XP despite the damage source - the bear - being dead), it should apply to the Tempest as well, since it works similar to the Spirit bear as of 6.87!)

Tempest Double AoE Gold Bounty Bug:

The Tempest Double does not only grant evenly distributed AoE EXP on death, like all summons do, but it also grants shared AoE Gold on death (if it was killed by a Tower or Lane Creeps).

Other summoned Units do not grant any Gold on death, if they were killed by a tower or Lane Creeps. The Tempest Double should follow that rule as well, since it is a summoned Unit as well.

Current Behaviour: Tempest Double grants AoE Gold on death (if killed by a tower/lane Creeps).

Intended Behaviour: Tempest Double should follow the same Gold granting mechanics as other summoned units (grants evenly distributed AoE EXP on death, but only Gold to the killer).

Screenshots: (Tempest dies to Tower, AW & TB gained 70 exp each; AW & TB also gained 70 gold each, despite not killing the Tempest).

Video comparison:

Possible Bug explanation: This bug is most likely caused by the Tempest Double being coded as a Hero, and Heroes give an AoE Gold bounty on death (if killed by the tower/Lane Creeps).

Dev forum Thread:

Eul's Scepter + Spell immune Hero Clones bug:

This bug affects Arc Warden & his Tempest Double, but also Meepo and his Meeplings.

Eul's Scepter can be targeted on non-allied units (enemies/neutrals), as long as they are not Spell Immune; and Eul's Scepter can be targeted on your own Hero(es), even while Spell Immune. (Clones count as proper Heroes)

(Eul's Scepter may be used on your own Hero Clones - this feature was added in patch 6.71)

  • Arc Warden & Tempest Double are unable to target each other if they are Spell Immune (targeting works, but target wont be Cycloned - Mana & Cooldown wasted).

  • The same bug applies to Meepo & his Clones as well (main Meepo tries to use Eul's Scepter on one of his OmniKnight repeled Meepo Clones).

  • Arc Warden & Tempest Double can self-Euls (themselves) while Spell Immune, but they cannot successfully Eul each other while Spell Immune.

Current behavior: Targeting your own Spell Immune Clones with Eul Scepter does not Cyclone them, it just wastes mana and puts the Euls on cooldown.

Intended behavior: Targeting your own Spell Immune Clones with Euls should be working, just like self-casting Euls works while being Spell Immune (with your main Hero) yourself.

Video showcase:

Dev forum thread:

P.S. A Similar inconsistency exists with Force/Pike and spell immune heroes / hero clones (see dev thread).

Helm of the Dominator Bug(?) with Tempest/Spirit Bear:

I am not entirely sure if this qualifies as a bug, but it is certainly a shadow nerf to AW & LD if this turns out to be "working as intended".

It seems that valve changed the HotD behaviour from "One creep each Helm" to "One creep each Player", while they should have changed it into "One creep each Unit" (that has an inventory and can use HotD - Thus AW, LD and maybe Rubick).

They should have changed it into "One creep each Hero (that can use the HotD)", thus LD, AW and Rubick (with stolen Bear/Tempest) can utilise two creeps via two Helms.


Video showcase:

Dev forum:

The official changelog states that:

  • Dominate can only have one creep active at a time.

    • This restriction is regardless of the number of identical items.

This can certainly be interpreted as "Each player can only have 1 HotD creep, regardless how many HotD they purchase" (an intended nerf to super ultra late game carries buying 40 Helms), but this would make buying 2 HotDs on LD and copying the mains HotD on a Tempest Double worthless (especially on the Tempest!).

It should have been "Only one HotD creep for each Hero (that can use the HotD active ability from its inventory)", thus it would mean that LD & AW (and Rubick via stolen Bear/Tempest) can have up to 2 HotD creeps (3 for Rubick), while every other hero (including Meepo, since his clones cant use the HotD active ability) can only have one (this would keep the nerf in the game, but wont shadow nerf AW & LD).

Tempest Double resummon HotD Bug:

If both Wardens have a Helm of the Dominator in their respective inventories, then the HotD of Arc Warden will always be killed, if Arc Warden uses his ultimate ability to (re-)summon his Tempest Double.

This happens regardless whose HotD (Arc Warden's or Tempest Double's) was used to dominate the creep.

I assume this happens because the game deletes the old Tempest inventory and thinks that "Arc Warden lost his HotD, thus kill creep", before the Tempest gets a new inventory.

Current behavior: Resummoning the Tempest Double kills Arc Warden HotD creep, if the Tempest had a HotD in his inventory prior to being resummoned.

Intended behavior: Resummoning the Tempest Double should not affect the mains HotD creep in any way. (It should only kill the Tempests own HotD Creep)

Have a video (by bu3ny):


submitted by /u/TheZett
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from bad to worse, and worse to worst.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:59 PM PST

Matumbaman and the 9k juke PogChamp

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:06 AM PST

StarLadder i-League StarSeries Season 3 LAN Finals Preview

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 10:09 AM PST

BUG PSA: Pugna's Decrepify STILL not working on Tombstone!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:22 PM PST

*6.78: Decrepify​ can now target Tombstone​. *

Ever since 6.85 this HAS NOT WORKED PROPERLY!!! It puts Decrepify on cooldown, but DOES NOT make the Tombstone immune to rightclicks like it should! My boy Pugna is already one of the more neglected heroes in Dota, let's get this to Valve's attention!!!

submitted by /u/Starcraft_III
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Literally unplayable: give me my 1% back

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

Just Underlord Things

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

Windranger remodel

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

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