True Dota 2 - Ember players, how has the recent nerf effected your play?

Ember players, how has the recent nerf effected your play?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

As the title says I'm curious what ember players are doing as I feel this nerf kind of trashed one of his biggest advantages in my mind. (referring to the root preventing active fire remnant escape , not damage to the magic build ).

Do you itemize differently than you did before due to this change or is it less problematic than I'm picturing it would be ?

Overall I've found the way new root works to be a wonderful thing as it buffed heroes I already liked (underlord, techies, meepo, and atos which was an item I loved already) so I personally have been taking full advantage of that change when I deal with ember, but I notice not a lot of people really use the root mechanic in general in my games so let me know your thoughts.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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Does anyone have a working offlane hero picking guide?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 11:02 AM PST

when to pick which hero, like with what types of teammates or against what types of enemies.

preferably a guide which if i were to look at some random 7k offlaner's pick in some random game i could confirm that he picked it given the similar reasoning in your guide.

submitted by /u/circis1
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Some cool ember spirit tricks that I saw from the /r/ dota 2 that got buried

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:22 PM PST

So this is a cross post from /r/dota2 for this post

The video has pretty bad audio quality but the content is good, even EternalEnvy thought some of the stuff was good, so it might be worth checking out if you're interested in playing ember

submitted by /u/ScrapeReality
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Where can I find guides/stream channels for high mmr players playing in low mmr games?

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:23 PM PST

By low mmr I mean any mmr below 5k, high mmr is higher than 5k. For example, greed is good but being TOO toxic and greedy is not good because it will lose the game. I feel the balance of greediness is different in low mmr compare to high mmr games and many game of the concepts I learn in pro games/high mmr streamer cannot be adapted in low mmr games. I recently figured out that greedy moves are punished less in low mmr games, and therefore it is just better to do that especially for non-core heros(such as midas build, less team oriented item build etc). Another example is 5 carry lineups=auto win in 2k or even 1k mmr etc.

May I please ask if there is any way that I can find a guide or a stream channel where high mmr players play in low mmr games, such as smurfing? I would like to learn the difference in drafting, decision making and item build, in different skill brackets. It's also a better if they are not playing with friends so I can know how they react to their teammates. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Armlet on Centaur (Theorycrafting)

Posted: 19 Feb 2017 01:41 AM PST

I've been thinking about and though I realize that Hood is a better item for farming, for 500 more gold you can get Armlet which offers +25 strength on his passive and ulti. The purpose would be that It functions as a mini heart and gives you a little more tower pushing power and outplay capabilities in the midgame where centaur is tanky but can still be brought down.

Doing a quick calculation, assuming you would have armlet around the 15 minute mark, you would have around level 13 or so (a lower estimate)

23 + 4(13) = 79 strength, + 25 from armlet active means 104 strength. If return is maxed, you would do

22+0.75(104 STR), which is actually around 100 physical damage per return instance. That seems like...a lot.

Also his ultimate does a strength multiplier of 2 at level 2 meaning it does around 208 magic damage per run over.

Let's say by level 13 you have 2-4-4-2, tranquils and armlet, with some raindrops for mana regen and maybe pretty close to a blink if you're stomping.

The other value is that centaur is a high HP hero and armlet offers 9 armor when active, meaning ye value of the armor scales well. Besides blademail, centaur doesn't get any midgame armor boosting items and blademail is still considered somewhat questionable on the hero because you would be getting it to replace hood at the same timing and it doesn't provide you too many capabilities.

I propose armlet because between it and the +35 damage talent, you get 56 damage, 9 armor, and around 100 return damage, meaning that heroes can't exactly ignore your right click and attack speed. With a 4.0 strength gain at level 13 you deal

52 from stats +56 from armlet + 35 from talent + 56 base damage, which is around 199 physical damage. That's nothing to scoff at. Though this is only with the active, given how centaur tries to burst opponents it's still risky because without hood landing your return damage leaves you a little HP deficient. But with the extra strength from armlet which gives 500 hp and 9 armor you become a little more survivable to physical damage .

Of course, you lose the ability to flash farm with return, but you make creeps take 100 more physical damage with your active, meaning that you can farm by just letting them touch you and not having to always use return.

What do you guys think about this?

submitted by /u/polovstiandances
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With the new talents, has anyone felt that heroes died a lot faster in fights than pre-7.00? Should Valve address this by adding more attribute gains per level?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:32 PM PST

Basically title but heroes lost 20 all stats from leveling up to 25 and that means 500 hp and 240 mana + some armor. Only some heroes get more bulky with their talents but for others this is a huge issue. It destroyed some heroes like Morphling who are dependent on stats to be a good hero.

Im proposing a change where all heroes get at least a 0.3-0.4 increase in their stat gains so that leveling up when u got no talents and abilities to skill would have some merit.

submitted by /u/Stuck666
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How does a team counter slark's map control through dewards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 11:55 PM PST

Hi guys,

I am aware that there are very good resources which may answer my question - if that is the case, please point me in the right direction!

Essentially, I have had multiple games where I found that our team was unable to deal with slark's dewarding. To speak of a recent match,, we fought 50-50 until the midgame at 20 minutes, but then the enemy team's slark's map control ability took over. At that time, I felt that the team fights will go the way of whoever initiates, and we didn't have a lot of defensive abilities to counter their super strong initiation. All of our wards, be it offensive or defensive, gets dewarded, and we are forced inside our base. Our cores become very scared to farm whereas Slark and the enemy cores were farming very quickly with all the map control they had. So...

1) Could our drafts be improved in anticipation of this problem? 2) Could our team strategy be improved to counter what they were doing? 3) Was there anything in specific that our cores / supports could improve on in future games to deal with this problem?

Thanks for all the advice, and good day to you all :D

submitted by /u/kaldarr
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Need Guidance Pushing the Ladder

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 06:42 PM PST

Raised 800 mmr just playing core and could probably face roll through any situation. Now some teams seem more team fight/gank oriented and i can't really get away with it anymore. Not exactly sure how to take advantage of a team that does that wants to fight all the time. Any advice? Also in the event i get teammates who all play greedy cores with no team fight potential aka no CC, what is the plan?

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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