Dota 2 - Elimination Mode 3.0 Day 7 Match Discussion

Elimination Mode 3.0 Day 7 Match Discussion

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:48 AM PST

Elimination Mode 3.0

Organized by Moonduck



Day 7: February 17

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT Format
- - - - - - - - - - - -
GF vs. 09:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 01:00 04:00 BO5

Grand Finals: OG vs compLexity Gaming

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:
Game 4 Winner:
Game 5 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Manila Masters announced!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:00 AM PST

I miss the old Ember

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:58 AM PST

I miss the old Ember

Farm faster gold Ember

The crit your soul Ember

Two Rap eer OH Ember

I hate the new Ember

The flaming doom Ember

Veil Maelstrom zoom Ember

3 remnant boom Ember

I miss the sweet Ember

Chop up the creeps Ember

I gotta say at that time I always played Ember

EE Invented Ember, it wasn't any Ember

And now I look at all my pubs and there's so many Embers?!

I used to love Ember, I used to love Ember

I even had the twin rapiers, I thought I was Ember

What if Icefrog made a patch about Ember

Called "I miss the old Ember" Man that'd be so Ember!

That's all it was Ember, I still love Ember

And I love you like Gaben loves James's Ass.

Fuck Slacks


But seriously I miss hearing that deadalus crit sound.

submitted by /u/granal03
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Fly with the next level BM

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:53 AM PST

Winter Treasure II

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:41 AM PST

EE about DotA and reddit

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:39 AM PST

Wife: "Now that we have a baby you will stop playing this stupid game, right?". Me:

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:03 AM PST

Insert team logos in the dramatic "VS" screen

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:18 PM PST

I feel so proud of my Rubick play, did 5 man Ravage 5 man BH!!!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

Dota 2 LoreGasm: A Collection of Colors-The Theory of the Third Ancient

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:55 AM PST

Ez smurf

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:34 AM PST

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - February 17, 2017

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:00 PM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: On-Going

Blog Post

  • Winter Treasure II | Link

Official Changelog

  • Fixed a bug preventing item combines from building the item into the inventory slot that contained a recipe used in the combine.
  • Added a new feature in the Shop UI that allows players to request item suggestions from teammates during the game.
  • Fixed a number of bugs with the query panel.

Winter 2017 Treasure II

The treasure includes the following items.

Economy Updates


  • Currency exchange rate updates for AUD, CLP, KRW, TRY, BRL & NOK.
  • All Keeper of the Light mounts have now been tagged as 'Expired' and are now not marketable, tradeable, craftable, deleteable but are giftable. This is in regards to the change mentioned in the blog post above. You are most likely given new items of the same.

Related Links

Patch Size: 1.3 GB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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Elimination Mode 3 finals start in 1 hour, kicking off with an Ability Draft showmatch with your favorite pros!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

4k- 4.7k SEA RMM is flooding with newly bought account. Valve should really start addressing this of MMR selling/boosting.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:59 AM PST

These level 23-25 accounts that are ruining matches for regular players are rampant in the bracket. It has made some of my friends who are on the same bracket quit completely and it's starting to get on my nerves too. Something concrete should be done on this problem immediately.

EDIT: Here's a match with an obvious rage inducing account buyer. 4.5k Average game. I still don't know how we won this game. Axe is the highest MMR player with 4.9k solo i believe? That fucking axe laned for the first 2?-3? minutes, died twice, that's when I got the hunch to look at his profile and fuck me If I'm wrong, his name is even" Don't expect +25 from me". His average Lasthits is like 50-60? That's when I asked him to go jungle and so he did making me, the ES to go offlane. He then proceeded to rush PHASE FUCKING BOOTS maybe he needs it to chase because the enemy have weaver, ok that might be fine but you know his next item? He fucking bought a fucking claymore, that's when I lost it and started flaming him non stop while playing, I and pudge were trying real hard while our 4.7k zeus was playing OK while continually flaming him about buying his account. Back to the axe, he proceeded to buy SHADOW FUCKING BLADE on AXE. I'm still mad. Next Item blademail, next item BKB, next item DAGGER which was bought at about 30~ mins of the game. We lost 2 raxes and then managed to kill them w/o buybacks because of overconfidence and thanks to the pudge being tanky af and his aghanims allowing him to hook these Radiant retards again and again. For some fucking miracle, we won the game. You really should download the replay for some fucking entertaining average SEA game with an account buyer. Please do and keep a fucking eye on the axe's item progression. I just noticed that he sold some of his items to get radiance in the final minutes of the game. Rant over. I needed to because this shit is stressing.

submitted by /u/Kwijybodota
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OG's new meta picks

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:22 AM PST

Slacks' Dota Lore Series is out!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

OG Wombo Combo

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:58 AM PST

When You Hit That Level 12 Just Right ��

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:49 PM PST

I'll just give this PA a little poke

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST

Suspect that you have rounded shoulders? I wrote a guide on how you can test and fix them!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:25 PM PST

Hey gamers of r/DotA2,

Some of us have been hunching forward for a huge part of our lives because of the way we work. This is especially so if you have been working in front of the computer for a large part of your life (studying, working, playing games etc.)

As a result of this hunching, you may have developed rounded shoulders, causing your posture to be hunched forward.

In this post, I am going to share with you how you can test yourself to find out if you have rounded shoulders -- and also how to fix it.

Two Tests To See If You Have Rounded Shoulders

Method 1: Inward Shoulder Rotation | GIF

Step 1: Stand as how you normally do. Arms down.

Step 2: With your hands by your side, notice your thumbs – are your thumbnails pointing forward, parallel to each other? Or are they non-parallel? What angle are your thumbs forming right now?

Make a mental note and remember how your thumbs look like based on their angles. You have rounded shoulders if your thumbs are "naturally" pointed towards each other (i.e not parallel.)

Method 2: Tight Chest, Weak Shoulders | GIF

Step 1: Get a good look at your side profile (take a picture if you have to, or turn 90 degrees to either left or right). If you can't get a picture, see step 2.

Step 2: Observe your cheekbone-collarbone alignment. Simply draw a vertical line down from your cheekbone. Does this line hit your collarbone? Or is it in front of the collarbone?

You have rounded shoulders if your cheekbone is ahead of your collarbone.

At this stage, if you do not have rounded shoulders, or are perfectly healthy, congrats! If not, you might want to consider doing the below exercises regularly to help fix it.

1. Floor Angels | GIF

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Lie in a prone position, arms extended forward (like Superman)
  • Gently raise your arms off the ground, and bring your elbows as close to your waist as possible
  • Your hands should remain parallel and facing the front at all times
  • Bring down your arms
  • Lift them up and bring them back to the Superman position
  • Repeat for 15 reps, 5 seconds per rep

2. Wall Slides | GIF

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Stand shoulder width apart, with full body contact against the wall (ankle, butt cheeks, shoulder blades, deltoids AND back of head)
  • Bring your elbows, wrists and back of hands up and against the wall, forming an L shape with your arms
  • Without losing ANY wall contact, slide your arms up and hold them up
  • Slowly slide back down
  • Repeat for 10 reps, 3 seconds per rep (up and down counts as 1 rep)

3. Wide Superman | GIF

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Lie in a prone position, facing the floor
  • With arms extend to the side, raise your chest, arms and abs away from the floor
  • Repeat for 10 reps, 3 seconds per rep

4. Wall Corner Stretch | GIF

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Find a corner in the room (or an open door)
  • Stand about 1 to 2 feet away from the corner or doorframe
  • With arms straightened and parallel to the ground, place your palms against the surface of the walls or door
  • Lean forward and bring your chest and head out as far as possible
  • Hold for 30 seconds

5. Cobra Pose | GIF

Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Lie in prone position, facing down
  • Bring palms next to your chest, as if you're about to do a push up
  • Extend and straighten your arms, while relaxing your body from the abs and below
  • Tilt your neck back as far as you can as you extend and straighten your arms
  • Repeat for 10 reps, 3 seconds per rep

Hope this has been helpful! Let me know where I can improve!

If you would like more exercises on how to fix your rounded shoulders, here's the fully compiled list of exercises.

submitted by /u/airawear
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Easy bait by EE

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

After 2,344 games it finally happened #blessed

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:34 PM PST

Why only Mirana's pixel portrait is Sagan? While rest of the heroes are their actual head portrait.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:21 PM PST

Request: Wagamama and Forsen coaching series similar to that of Purge and Day9, ending in a 1v1 with Forsen and Day9.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:03 PM PST

Before today i had never heard of Forsen, but after watching him calibrate his MMR (2.9k) i found him hilarious and really enjoyable to watch. During his stream Wagamama sent a tweet offering to help coach him, which he agreed to at the end of his stream. This is why i humbly request they do a coaching series similar to that of Purge and Day9 (which if you havent been watching is absolutely fantastic). This of course would end in a bo5 1v1 matchup with Forsen and Day9, the true battle of NA vs EU! What are your thoughts reddit?

Edit: wow front page, thanks guys! Lets make this a reality!

submitted by /u/PrediDERP
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> No detection!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:56 AM PST

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