Destiny - Trials of Osiris Megathread [2017-02-17]

Trials of Osiris Megathread [2017-02-17]

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:01 AM PST

This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of Osiris.

When does Trials of Osiris end?

  • Trials of Osiris ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.

Trials of Osiris Map

Black Shield

Trials of Osiris Bounties

Name Description
Teamwork Defeat 5 opposing Guardians while both your teammates are alive.
Determined Complete 5 Trials of Osiris matches or win 1 Trials match.
As One Defeat 3 opposing Guardians while near at least one of your teammates.
Physician Revive 5 teammates in the Trials of Osiris.
Valor's Reward Earn 75 points in Trials by round wins (+3), losses (+1), and ties (+1). As a Trials Fireteam, defeat 3 opposing Guardians without anyone in your Fireteam dying.
His Eye Upon You Win Trials rounds and defeat opposing Guardians. Fireteam members share progress. This bounty may be completed daily.

Trials Passage

  • Grants you access to Trials of Osiris
  • A passage costs 500 glimmer.
  • A Trials Passage always costs 500 glimmer, regardless if the card is completed or not.

Special Note: You can now purchase Passage Coins or exchange them for Motes of Light. You can purchase these from Brother Vance in the Reef. See below for the exchange rate:

Item Cost
1 Passage Coin 1 Mote of Light
1 Mote of Light 3 Passage Coin


To access the buffs, hit Triangle // Y on your controller while hovered over the Trials Passage Card from your Inventory Screen.

  • Favor of Osiris - Start Trials of Osiris with a Win. Must be purchased before your first match.
  • Mercy of Osiris - Your first loss is forgiven. Must be purchased before your first match.
  • Boldness - Winning your first match awards a bonus win. Must be purchased before your first match.

Buff Information

  • Buffs are NOT shared between fireteam members. Each member will need to purchase their own.
  • If you purchase the Mercy of Osiris and lose while the Mercy of Osiris was active, finish with 9 Wins/0 Loss with 1 actual loss, it will count as a Flawless victory.
  • All buffs must be purchased before the first match.

Flawless Victory Information

  • If you win 9 times without any losses, you get access to The Lighthouse in Mercury.
  • If you get flawless victory multiple times on the same character, the chest on Mercury will not contain any loot after the first time.
  • Using the Mercy of Osiris does not prevent you from a flawless victory.

The Lighthouse Information

  • You get access to a chest that gives you sweet loot.
  • Returning to Orbit will allow you to return to The Lighthouse.

Trials of Osiris Loot

Turning in Trials of Osiris bounties can result in Year 2 Trials items as rewards.

Year 2 Trials items can also be earned as end of match rewards.

A single legendary item is a guarantee upon a Gold Tier Package rewards.

  • 5 Wins - Random Armor
  • 7 Wins - Random Weapon
Possible reward via Gold Tier package
  • Exotic Gear
  • Rare Engrams
  • Legendary Armor (Year 2)
  • Legendary Weapons (Year 2)
  • Ghost (Year 3)

The Lighthouse Chest Loot

A single legendary weapon is a guaranteed upon Lighthouse

Possible weapons (Year 3 - Adept):

Year 3 Weapon Loot Pool (Non Adept):

Guides and Important Links

Godspeed, Guardians. Mercury awaits.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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The amount of salt in this subreddit has a more of a negative impact on my desire to play than anything in the patch

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:41 AM PST

Changes and nerfs I can learn to work around. Scrolling through all the bitching makes me question why I'm still involved with the community. I'm not a PvP god, but I enjoy me some crucible and I'm having fun in the new meta. So is everybody I play with.

The health regen bug is annoying, but there are other skills in the various trees that I hardly ever touched prior to Tuesday. I think people keep a blind eye to the fact that certain combinations were so good that nothing else was getting used. Even if it was an accident, if the end result is that the Crucible has a variety of weapons, classes, and skill loadouts (and my own admittedly anecdotal evidence has shown that's exactly the case right now), I'm ok with it. When/if they fix it, I'll be ok with that too.

Trying out different primaries is fun. Not having to gear around the threat of getting shotgun rushed is fun (and surprising when it happens!). Heavy seems generally unaffected by the loss of Truth. I get that people feel connections to their favorites, but I'm sure I'm not alone in having a vault full of weapon options that I never used to use. That has definitely changed since Tuesday.

submitted by /u/DoinDonuts
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The Nokris Mystery [Spoilers and Conjecture]

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:42 AM PST

For those who don't yet know, in the mission Regicide, in which The Guardian "kills" Oryx, there are three statues. One scans as Oryx himself, and one as Crota, the son of Oryx. But these two are unimportant. The third scans as "Nokris," to which our beloved Little Light has next to no information, and it is this one that interests us.

There are a number of theories that I've read, which are as follows: Nokris is Oryx's brother or sister [False, as per Books of Sorrow] Nokris and Eris are one and the same [Plausible, but I don't believe it- I do think there is a connection, however.] Nokris is Oryx's son/daughter [Most likely in my mind]

In order to begin our hunt for some small, arcane scrap of knowledge, riddled with holes and conjecture, we're going to go back to Old Earth, Pre-Golden Age. The closest word I could find to "Nokris" is "Nokri," a Hebrew word meaning "Adultress, Alien, or Unfaithful Woman." The Adultress definition doesn't interest us, but the other two do. Nokris is almost certainly Hive (Duh.), which is the epitome of alieness. But it's the unfaithful part that interests me. The Hive as a culture don't seem to be big on true execution. Killing each other infinitely, sure, but truly destroying one another is a different story, as evidenced by Crota, who led the Vex to Oryx's throne world (Grimoire, Books of Sorrow), and Alak-Hul, who tithed to his mate (In-Game, Sunless Cell). What this leads me to believe is that Nokris is a female(?) Hive of great power who was exiled by Oryx, and had all information on her struck from Hive records. What sin would be so great for this punishment, I cannot guess at.

I also theorize that Nokris is either Oryx's daughter or consort, based on her position next to the Hive gods Crota and Oryx.

Now, the second part of this clap-trap theory: Toland the Shattered, Eriana-3, Vell Tarlowe, Omar Agah, Sai Mota, and Eris Morn descended into the Hellmouth, Guardians six, armed with Light and Fury. It was not enough. Six guardians descended and five(?) guardians died, their Light snuffed out by Crota's will. The last Guardian, the Hunter Eris Morn, emerged from the Hellmouth, her ghost destroyed and her Light eaten, but alive.

Eris Morn is one of the most enigmatic characters in The Tower. She has a deep, intimate connection with the Hive. She knows so much more about them than she has a right to- more even, I believe, than Toland. Some theorize that what came out of that dark-wreathed pit was not Eris, but Nokris. I believe this to be incorrect- Eris did however, pull herself from Crota's Den with something in her possession- her orb.

We know very little about her orb, save that it whispers to her, secrets of the Hive, mysteries of witchcraft, and, possibly, damning advice. I believe this orb to be, in some way, Nokris.

We know for a fact that, to the Hive, "death" is more of a gentle suggestion than anything else. My theory posits that, when Oryx cast Nokris from his fell kingdom, he slew her, and cast her soul into this orb. There is certainly precedent for this, as was the case for Crota. It was Eris, fleeing Crota and his minions, who found this orb, which whispered to her how to escape the Hive.

Now, in the Grimoire, there are three cards of particular interest to me- Oryx, The Taken King, Oryx Rebuked, and Oryx Defeated. In them, someone or something is talking to Eris. When I first read these, I assumed it was Toland (death is relative, and we do not know for certain he died), or Osiris talking to her. I now believe it to be her orb. There are a few passages that catch my attention:

From "Oryx, The Taken King" "...Yes, the father of all your burdens comes... When life is strength and strength is death, what is death, if not hope?"

First off, "the father of all [her] burdens" is interesting, because it is clear that Eris is greatly burdened by this dark knowledge she has of the Hive. Secondly, the passage is about death being hope is a VERY Hive logic, as seen in The Books of Sorrow.

From "Oryx Rebuked" "...I do take a debased joy in speaking again to small human-form heads... Good luck! Do let me know if a vacancy opens."

The comment about human-form heads implies that whatever is speaking is not human or meta-human. But the most chilling is the comment about a "vacancy."

From "Oryx Defeated" "Dwell a moment on the weight of what you've done. Contemplate the story you just ended. Will you ever do anything that screams down the millennia? Will you ever hammer your will on the universe until it rings and rings and rings? Oryx was an awesome power. Show reverence.

All right. Enough. Enough. A vacancy has opened, hasn't it?

How interesting. How very interesting.

Do you ever pause, dear listener, to consider who benefits from all this heroism you commit? Do you ever look around you and feel the faintest chill? As if you are the tiny little ball bearing placed beneath a great mass, so that it might, if pushed, begin to roll?

You're a god yourself, now. You've consecrated yourself. Emulate me. Use your power to learn.

There are worse things to practice being."

I posted the entire text of this card because it is the most worrying.

Since we have met Eris, we have slain Oryx's entire court, every Hive and Taken entity worthy of succeeding Oryx, and all at her behest. Indeed, we have opened a large vacancy, one that, were their headstones shifted and pushed aside, would offer room to a new Hive lord with no competition. Indeed, it was with Eris' counsel that the Awoken Queen Mara Sov, likely the most powerful warlock(?) in system, rose against Oryx and fell. Without ever considering who our heroism benefits, we have, in my belief, lain out a red carpet for Nokris, when she undoes her death.

This is my greatest fear, that we have been puppeted into allowing something horrific to ascend to power, and that thing is Nokris.

So, what are your thoughts? What part of Destiny Lore should I attempt to tackle next?

submitted by /u/Scathach_ulster
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Would losing RESERVE special ammo be a better fix than ALL special ammo?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:02 AM PST

I think it may have been a better idea for special weapons to lose all reserve ammo on death, retaining a maximum of 1 magazine on respawn. Then you could adjust high impact shotguns magsize down to 3 or 4.


You'd respawn with less ammo then you had before the patch, but more than zero. You could then hold onto your special for "special occasions" and use it accordingly.


Then just reset special spawns to the old spawn timers. You can then save special ammo to deal with roaming supers. You can save your special for heavy round, the same way some people save their super for heavy.


People who haphazardly manage their special weapons will be punished for their poor decision making, and the pace of the game won't suffer as much. If you try and "main" a special, you'll find yourself out of ammo almost immediately.


You could rework perks to make them work with the new change. Maybe Exhumed and Skip Rounds now respawns you with a few reserve rounds instead of none whatsoever.


There's nothing wrong with special weapons being used a lot as long as they aren't the best option in more situations than primary weapons.


We're at a point where Snipers can't just win every 1v1 because they have a 0.0s TTK and can headshot you through a hail storm of bullets. Shotguns have lost a great deal of utility with the crit removal and midair accuracy nerf. Fusions have always been inconsistent, especially on strafing targets. And Sidearms have always been overshadowed by everything else because Special was always plentiful.


Anyways, I'm sure everyone is sick of suggestion threads but I made one anyways because I am an asshole.

submitted by /u/Sliq111
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Shotguns Are No Longer Competitive | Aerial Accuracy Explained | Facts and Opinion (Video and Written Explanation)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:28 AM PST

You guys know I'm honest about whether or not The Video is necessary. This is one I'd highly recommend. I do a pretty good job with gifs and pictures below (all links below this paragraph are pictures, gifs, and Reddit links), but the video really highlights my points and makes it easier to understand. Either way, the write-up is definitely worth your time.


As the title states, it is of my opinion that shotguns are no longer a competitive weapon choice. However, my opinion is based on a pretty well-supported analysis, so the bulk of this video will be comparisons to pre-patch, and testing post-patch. I also want to make it very clear that this write-up is not a complaint. I adjusted to every meta since the beginning of Destiny, and this balance update is no different for me. I'm just objectively evaluating the changes to shotguns and adding my opinion in the mix.

Removal of the Movement Penalty and Rangefinder ADS Time "Slowed"

We'll knock the easy stuff out first. The Bungie stream stated that the movement penalty on shotguns was going to be removed in the patch. I tested the sprint speeds before and after the patch, which did not change. That makes sense, because the pre-patch penalty was a reduction to agility. Agility does not affect sprint speed, so your ability to close gaps is pretty much the same as it was before.

The other easy point is the change to ADS time on Range Finder shotguns. I'm not the first person to bring this up, nor am I the one who discovered it it, but ADS time for Range Finder shotguns was buffed, as opposed to nerfed. It's about 2 frames faster with Range Finder than without Range Finder.

Aim Assist Removed From Hip Fire

Let's move into to the more critical changes. Bungie removed aim assist when hip firing a shotgun. I've played a few games since the patch dropped, and my accuracy with shotguns has been atrocious. I couldn't figure out why until this clip right here. I completely missed from point blank. In the last 6 months, I could count on my hands how often I've missed this badly, but it's happening way more frequently since the patch. I reviewed the play and I think I have an explanation.

Think about how quick scoping works. It's usually done in three steps. First, you center your opponent as close to where your reticle would be if you were zoomed in. Then, you begin to aim down sights and adjust your reticle based on how far off you're going to end up. Once you've centered the reticle on your opponent's head, you pull the trigger. Slide shotgunning follows the same process. You slide towards your opponent while you center them to where your crosshairs are, you adjust your aim while you zoom in, and you pull the trigger when you're close enough and on target. This is significantly more difficult to do with less magnetism, and I'll show what I mean by breaking down that clip. In this frame where my slide begins, my aim is slightly right, so I attempt to correct it. The reduced aim assist that I haven't adjusted to, which is my fault, causes me to over correct it too far to the left. By this time, I'm close enough for a kill, but I fail to re-correct my aim in time, causing me to completely whiff.

As frustrating as this is, I think this was the best change Bungie made to shotguns. It was very easy to kill someone from point blank with a shotgun. This change puts more onus on the shotgunner to have accurate thumb skill. Also, I maintain my pre-patch belief that this is only a temporary setback for shotgun users. The reason I'm whiffing so bad is because I'm accustomed to aim assist. Through practice, muscle memory can be overhauled to properly aim while approaching an enemy. Screwing up and whiffing as badly as I did enough times will teach players to correct their aim, long term. So I guess to close this point out, this change requires players to have more skill and it isn't a permanent setback for the people who put the time and effort into adjusting.

Precision Damage Eliminated

The next thing I want to discuss is the removal of the precision damage multiplier. My reliable OHK distance is a fraction under 8m. In the video, I hit 4 out of 5 shots from this distance, pre-patch. I went back and repeated this after the patch. I took 6 shots in a row, with the same gun, from the same distance, at a player with the same armour level without getting a single kill. Wondering how that could possibly be, I looked at my footage again. For this specific shot, I hit Biker for exactly 200 damage and 9 pellets. 92 of that was precision damage, which is roughly 4 pellets at 21 damage each, multiplied by the 1.1x damage bonus. Even though I was aiming low, 4 pellets found their way to the head.

You might think that extra 8 precision damage is not significant, but look at this screenshot post-patch. I hit KC with 9 pellets, just like the pre-patch scenario. If you add the damage up, you'll get to 191. The difference between this scenario where my enemy does not die and the pre-patch scenario where they did die, is the 8 precision damage I'm no longer benefiting from. That missing bonus damage makes it necessary to hit an additional pellet, which is completely RNG, even within your old OHK range. Before, I never got a OHK missing 4 pellets, I often got one with missing 3 (with some help from the multiplier), and I definitely got it with missing 2. The key here is when you miss 3 pellets, meaning you hit 9. 9 pellets before damage drop-off secures a kill on most players. Before, you could reliably get a kill with 9 pellets AND a little bit of damage drop-off because the extra bonus damage from stray pellets connecting to the head would make up for it. Now that the bonus is gone, you'll only get away with missing 3 pellets if you're in a range that doesn't trigger damage falloff, because there's no precision damage to counter the few damage that was falling off. I know that not everyone might have been able to follow that because, let's be real, it was pretty technical, so let me give the non-nerds the simple result: One-hit shotgun kill distance is lower than it was before the patch because hitting 9 out of 12 pellets gets the job done less often due to the loss of precision damage.

Aerial Accuracy Decreased

The last change I'm going to discuss that is specific to shotguns is the biggest change, and what you'll see is the dagger for why I'm personally putting my shotguns on the shelf. It took me three games of Control to lose the majority of my confidence in my gun's ability to secure kills while airborne. This was troubling for me because a few people have reported that aerial shotgun accuracy didn't take much of a hit, however, most people have concluded this based on comparing wall tests of pellet spreads. Let's do that real quickly - here's the spreads of a shot from my Party Crasher with my feet planted and in the air. I'm not going to get my measuring tape out, but I think most people would look at that and conclude the spreads are equally tight, and in this second test as well. Different spread, but similar tightness. So why do shotguns feel so unreliable while airborne after the patch? The answer is, the spread was not touched, but the direction of the cone was changed. I'll show you what I mean.

What I did, was line my Icarus Eyasluna up on the tip of this plant. I jumped, and at the peak of my jump, I fire a shot. That shot is our control point, and you can see as I jump a second time, my reticle lines up with it perfectly. When your feet are planted on the ground, the middle pellet goes perfectly straight every time, surrounded by a second ring of 4 pellets, surrounded by a third ring of 7 pellets. The middle pellet is always exactly where your reticle is aimed, but the two rings around it are spread out by RNG. That's how shotgun spread works when you're on the ground, if you didn't know.

When you jump, that's not the case anymore. So again, I jump and shoot at the peak of my jump with my shotgun, just like with the Luna. I quickly swap to my Luna, line up my reticle with the plant to return to my control point, and jump again. As you can see, the entire spread was moved high and to the left. It's just as tight as when you shoot from the ground, but it doesn't always go where you were aiming. I tested this a few times and it looks like the direction of the cone changes in a similar way to shooting primary weapons from a distance. Take MIDA for example: notice how this shot is right on target, but then this shot sprays way to the left. The shotgun cone is the same way, sometimes you're going to shoot it straight, and sometimes you're going to spray it way wide. I tested it on an actual player as well. Here I am from a distance where I normally hit most of my pellets. When I miss, I tend to miss on both sides. However, when I jump, you can see 5 pellets miss to the right in one scenario, and 5 pellets miss to the left in another scenario. You do get kills from jump shooting, they just happen a lot less.

This is unreliable. Good players don't leave their success up to chance. Good players master a strategy they can count on coming through for them time and time again. As of today, I can't count on my shotgun to consistently net me kills from distances that I'll be able to reasonably get within, which is why this is the majority factor for me putting the shotguns away.

Adding It All Up

Before Tuesday, shotgun range was already the lowest it's ever been in Destiny. You had to be within 8m to reliably get a OHK. To put this in perspective, the middle dot of your radar lights up when an opponent is 8m away from you. So those times where you looked at your radar, saw that dot light up and you went "where is he? He's right on me!" well, that's how close a player had to be to kill you with a shotgun. That range is even lower now, so you have to get closer. Getting closer is more difficult because primaries are more accurate. The sniper you're rushing with TLW isn't going to ghost bullets anymore. So you have to get closer, and with less ease. Even if you do manage to get closer, it's significantly harder to focus your aim on your enemy because of the removed aim assist. So to counter this, maybe you try and been more evasive. Well, it's pretty tough to be evasive with your feet grounded, but jumping isn't viable either because your shot is going to be all over the place.

Now, like I mentioned, your accuracy up close will improve if you commit to working on it. So let's say you mastered that. You're so good that you can aim center mass 100% of the time. Let's also say you found a method to get within 7m of your opponent untouched and you never have to leave your feet. Those are pretty aggressive goals, but even if you pulled that off, you still lose your ammo after you die. So I'll leave you guys with this which sums up my closing thoughts. In my opinion, there is little to no point in learning how to adjust to the one factor you can control (aiming without aim assist), just to be constantly shafted by factors you can't control (no precision damage, random cone direction), for a weapon you can't even rely on having ammunition for.

So because of everything I've talked about today, and the tests I've run, and the games I've already spent failing with a shotgun, I'll be switching my special weapon to a sidearm. You don't lose ammo on death, you spawn with ammo even when you die without it, they're reliable while airborne, and they consistently act the way you expect them too – all things that can't be said about shotguns.


I want to remind you guys that I'm not salty and this isn't a video where I'm complaining because I used to be a shotgunner and I can't do it anymore. I enjoyed sniper/TLW on my Bladedancer in year 1, I enjoyed my Gunslinger in year 2, and I enjoyed shotgun Shadestep in the beginning of year 3, so I know I'll enjoy the new sidearm meta now. I ran these tests for myself and my following to see if we can make shotgunning work, and it turns out that I don't we can't. There's no hard feelings about that. Destiny is an ever evolving game and I'm committed to change with it. Other than that, I'll see you guys for Trials this weekend with my Wormwood, which I'm kind of excited about, and I hope you guys are too.


TL;DR - There is little to no point in learning how to adjust to the one change you can control (aiming without aim assist), just to be constantly shafted by changes you can't control (no precision damage, random cone direction), for a weapon you can't even rely on having ammunition for. I'm switching to a sidearm because you don't lose ammo on death, you spawn with ammo even when you die without it, they're reliable while airborne, and they consistently act the way you expect them too – all things that can't be said about shotguns.

submitted by /u/Dukaness
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Came to a Destiny subreddit and found The Division subreddit

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:54 AM PST

I know I'll catch flak for this, but whatever.

This place has gotten SALTY since the last patch and quite frankly it's very disappointing. I played The Division for a while and avoided that subreddit like the plague because of all the freaking salt in there. I'm getting ready to do the same with this place (good riddance we don't need you here blah blah blah ok)

Now I'm not a Bungie apologist, but I like to look at the positive side of things. This patch got A LOT right. Hand canons feel awesome. Low ROF pulse and autos are back. The shotgun meta so many complained about is all but gone. The special ammo changes altered the PvP game drastically, thus giving us something new to learn. New playing styles developing. In short, this patch freshened up a game that is 892 days old. Longer if you played the Beta/Alpha like I did. That's almost 2 1/2 years!

Listen, I know Bungie made some mistakes with this patch with the health regen stuff (and they owned up to them). But had they delayed the patch to fix those, guess what? They would've been crucified for it too. They also nerfed some things that maybe didn't need to be touched (like quickdraw, for one). I get all that and I don't like it. But the amount of posts here straight up accusing Bungie of being dishonest to or not listening to or caring about the players are patently ridiculous.

We all love this game, otherwise we wouldn't be here and wouldn't be playing this old game. I get having passion for a game and wanting it to be perfect (it never will be). But please, let's have some perspective.

I'll go ahead and duck for cover so I don't get hit with too many flaming hammers (there's a glitch for that, did you hear?)

TLDR: Bungie made some mistakes but they're not evil and maybe we should all keep a little perspective and maybe try to see the positives

EDIT: Thanks for all the replies. Wanted to touch on a few common responses

  1. One (or even a couple) of posts/threads defending something doesn't make someone an apologist. If I made a habit of jumping into every thread that bashed Bungie and defended them regardless of what the complaints are, then yea, call me an apologist.

  2. Salt and criticism are two very different things. I've seen several posts that have taken a measured approach at critiquing this patch and haven't devolved into "BUNGO IS EVIL AND LIED TO US AND THEY DONT LISTEN TO US." You can criticize something without resorting to calling the development team incompetent.

  3. The regen stuff sucks. A lot. It breaks one aspect of the game. The choice to go live with that is questionable, for sure. But I shudder to think what the reaction would be if they announced a date and then delayed this patch.

  4. I understand that a lot of the reaction comes from loving this game. I've been playing it since the Alpha and I've put in well over 1,000 hours. I love this game and I want it to be as good as it can be. My issue is with those who claim the game is broken and terrible yet continue to play and then come on here and post about how much everything sucks.

submitted by /u/ivan5658
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Bungie, when deciding the next guns to neuter, please remember this key point: "overused" doesn't necessarily always mean "overpowered".

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:47 AM PST

Advance TL;DR - you don't really need to read this whole post. It's largely just me rambling.

Post-Advance-TLDR-Preface: I fucking loved this update. A key part of what I get out of this game is how the reward reflects the effort. It hurts when I'm capping flags and getting a reasonable amount of kills, only to get outperformed by knuckle-dragging apes, mindless JuggerDors who tear around the map wrecking everything without reprisal. I like in Destiny that I can beat people by out-thinking them or running an unusual flanking route, but there was a certain playing style that required no skill whatsoever to be wildly successful with and on certain maps was legitimately unbeatable. Regardless of how well I do or not, I feel for the first time in ages that everything bad that happens to me in this game at this specific point in time, is my fault. Everything's counterable because of this patch now, it's so bizarre but at the same time beautiful and is the best time I've ever had playing Destiny PvP.

Every cloud though, has a pure black lining.

Bungie probably have other guns in their sights now, other playing styles. I am honestly terrified they're going to go after NLB next. There is, in truth, absolutely nothing OP in any way about this weapon, it's a primary that does grant one-hit-kills and in the right hands, is a total wrecking machine. Key point though: "the right hands". I'm not even talking about mine, I'm far more than competent with it (IMO anyway) but I still run the risk of getting fisted lubelessly every time I use it.

  • It's slow and clunky, even after the reload glitch
  • It has hardly any ammo
  • The iron sights are God-awful and are obtrusive, negatively affecting peripheral vision (which is part of the point of this game)
  • Brutally unforgiving of bad, even average, accuracy (you absolutely must get headshots with this thing, consistently)
  • Almost anything else largely considered part of the current 'meta', on a level playing field, can clearly and consistently outperform it because of the increased mobility, better options for evasion, etc

But it's used to a high degree in Elimination, it's going to be used to a high degree in Trials going forwards, and will probably be done so in regular Crucible in the coming months. It's not because it's overpowered, it's because it's so Goddamn fun to use. It just is, and there's a challenge in it that people gravitate towards. Not because it's overpowered, it's just that when someone is very adept at using it, they will succeed with it. Then again, if you can control a game with NLB, you could probably quite easily do it with any other primary.

Bungie, don't take the rising numbers of NLB use as a reflection that it's 'too good'. You would be wrong, and you would know nothing about your game or its players if you fool yourself into thinking that.

submitted by /u/ARRR_LUSTY_WENCHES
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I remember when Destiny was simple. Go Pew Pew and have fun. And be stuck at 29.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:52 AM PST

Now, it's the "Meta", the "Patch" , the "Salt", the "Nerfs", the "Buffs". When and why the hell did Destiny become so damn complicated?

submitted by /u/TheMaestro55
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The radical, freeing power of "We blew it."

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:05 PM PST

Hey all,

Hemingway and real life psychotherapist here. I don't wish for a special ammo change. I don't wish for the health regen perks to be fixed. Hell, I don't even wish for my tripmines to stick to guardians again (unicorns tho guys), I just want a "We blew it." I tell my clients all the time, If you make a mistake against the ones you love, just say you're sorry and you're gonna do better next time. People are surprisingly forgiving.

Bungie - I love this damn game. Hard. Wanna keep me for another 7 years? Just tell me that you're sorry and you're gonna fix it. I'm a big boy. I can take it. We are all imperfect. Wanna know how to lose me tho? Give half answers and make me feel like you are disconnecting permanently from the Destiny 1 community. I'll be angry at first, but then ultimately sad.

Give Truth a chance, Hemingway


submitted by /u/HemingwayzBeard
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I don't care about the meta changes. I don't care (that much) about health regen perks in PvP. Just PLEASE stop allowing PvE to suffer as collateral damage from Crucible adjustments.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST

Beta/Day 1 player. I've sunk countless, countless hours into this game. More than any other game I've ever played, hands down. I'm only posting because I love the game Bungie has made and care about it deeply.

Bungie, please. Just separate PvE balance from PvP. We've been asking for this for 2.5 years now and it's still coming up. Health regeneration is so vital in PvE that playing some of the harder content without it just feels stupid when this isn't even a conversation we ought to be having.

I love PvP, sure, and sometimes I get aggravated over some changes in there, but what bothers me most is that weapons or perks which work perfectly fine in PvE and simply don't have any balance issues get absolutely shafted in PvE. You nerfed Hungering Blade in Crucible because you didn't feel it was fair that you could whittle a Bladdancer's HP down to a sliver and then he'd get full health back off a kill on your teammate? How does that in any way affect its balance in PvE? Are you now watching out for the Hive's best interest? Wizard whittles a Blade's health down and they get a kill on an unsuspecting Thrall and now the Wizard has to do it all over again?

The long and short of these big changes in PvP affecting PvE is that it's bullshit. Fuck with the PvP balance all you want—maybe it'll be broken but I'll have fun with it once way or another. But just stop fucking messing up PvE as a casualty of your Crucible balancing. Seriously.

This is the ONE thing I want to see changed in Destiny 2 more than anything else.

Like I said, I only post this because I have a deep love for this game you've built, Bungie, but it just hurts to see the PvE fluidity get shattered because you want to try something new and "see how it plays out."

submitted by /u/FacelessShadow
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For Honor...of The New Monarchy

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:17 AM PST

Edit: Front page? Wasn't expecting that.

submitted by /u/Oz70NYC
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Why did the defenders bubble pop?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:22 AM PST

Because when he used a patch it only made it worse.

bungie pls

submitted by /u/Random_Imgur_User
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Trials Stream for Suicide Prevention Awareness.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:15 PM PST

Destiny streamer Allie6060 has put together a Trials of Osiris stream to spread awareness for suicide prevention. Allie's good friend Shawn recently took his own life.

Shawn was a huge Destiny fan and she thinks that raising money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention through streaming would be a great way to honor him. You can learn more about the stream and donate here.

If you can help out by donating or sharing the story it would really help the cause.

Be well Guardians.

submitted by /u/grifmasta
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[Tower thought] Xur should sell random legendary weapon rolls

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:32 AM PST

With how stale Xur has become for players with most, if not all exotics, it would be refreshing to see him sell a random legendary weapon (or 2) each week with a random roll. I realize this is not unlike the Gunsmith, but he could offer different items available through other playlists (crucible, PvE, even strike chests). I know I would be more excited to see that tentacle face if he had the potential to bring a God rolled weapon each time.

Edit: Went to work and this blew up. Obligatory "Hey, front page" statement. What I'm suggesting is make available some of the less prevalent legendaries with a better perk selection for veterans (or newer players) to get their hands on. we need something to spice up Xur.


submitted by /u/Bulldog8912
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All we want is better communication Bungie.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

1300+ hours and still going strong since the beta so I have seen some shit. This time last year we were all in the same boat watching week after week as useless information provided by Bungie telling us to stay tuned flashed across the weekly update. This is not a dig at /u/Cozmo23 or /u/deej_bng as shit flows downhill and they are just taking orders.

Can someone though please enlighten me as to why Bungie has been so cryptic about this game since inception? I don't want to hear about shareholders or trying to make promises they cannot keep as this is bullshit. Take Jeff Kaplan for example who is the VP and lead game designer over at Blizzard and assigned to Overwatch. This man is constantly in contact with his community putting out weekly videos talking about the game, patches, upcoming features, etc. Most of the videos are 3-5 minutes as they are not full of fluff. Many other developers are constantly providing roadmaps to keep their community informed.

The community is always very down around this time as the content has dried up and all we want is just a taste of something. Bungie, this is our crack and would it kill you to throw us a fucking bone every once in a while. Watch the salt dry up as you tease us about what you hope to release this Spring. You do not need to make promises or go into specifics. You have that brand new studio that has been completely useless. Put the studio to good use and show us what you are working on and keep us excited and informed. Tell us about the different guns and how they came about. Basically, talk to us!!!

submitted by /u/Syph3r
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When you garrison a little too hard

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

Xur Megathread [2017-02-17]

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:01 AM PST

Agent of the Nine, Xûr


Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.


The Reef

Exotic Gear:

Name Type Stats Cost
Hard Light Auto Rifle 23 SC
Eternal Warrior Titan Helmet 42 Int // 43 Str 13 SC
Lucky Raspberry Hunter Chest Armor 103 Dis 13 SC
Purifier Robes Warlock Chest Armor 55 Int // 57 Dis 13 SC
Legacy Engram Gauntlet Engram 29 SC


Name Type Quantity Cost
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 3 1 SC
Heavy Ammo Synthesis Consumable 10 3 SC
Three of Coins Consumable 5 7 SC
Glass Needles Material 1 3 SC
"Emerald Coil" Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC
Plasma Drive Vehicle Upgrade 1 23 SC

Material Exchange:

Name Cost
Mote of Light Strange Coin x2
Exotic Shard Strange Coin x7

What's a Xûr?

Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.

TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.

When does Xûr visit?

Time Zone Arrival Departure
PDT Friday, 2:00 AM Sunday, 2:00 AM
CDT Friday, 4:00 AM Sunday, 4:00 AM
EDT Friday, 5:00 AM Sunday, 5:00 AM
GMT Friday, 10:00 AM Sunday, 10:00 AM
UTC Friday, 9:00 AM Sunday, 9:00 AM
CEST Friday, 11:00 AM Sunday, 11:00 AM
JST Friday, 6:00 PM Sunday, 6:00 PM
AEST Friday, 7:00 PM Sunday, 7:00 PM

If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.

Sort comments by New to join the conversation!

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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I want to hate the new patch because of Special Ammo but..

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:47 AM PST

It turns out I can not hate it. In fact, I've confirmed (small n) what this sweaty sub has assumed: This patch was made for us sucky players. Not the top 1%.

Quick history for context:

Day 1 (Beta) player with ~800 hours into the game. Generally regarded as a filthy casual because I have IRL commitments - I balance this game around 3 kids, 3 dogs, wife, job, goldfish. Blah blah you get the point.

I'm a LIFETIME 0.8 K/D guy. ~1200 ELOer. A lot of that is attributed to the first 6 months I played this game almost exclusively in the Crucible but without doing the PvE to get any good weapons, and without having this Reddit! to inform me as to what I was supposed to be doing. So I was REAAAL bad for a while - then I started raiding, NF, etc.

You'd think I would have gotten better - and I 'did' - in that I went UP to a 0.7 from whatever horrific thing I was before by the time RoI was released. So 'better' being subjective here...I get it: I'm not good.

Anyway, since really about HoW I've been much nearer a 1 K/D, slowly creeping up to today's 0.8 K/D. Yep. I'm a crucible god. Watch out sweats!

Then this patch happened. I went into it thinking "well, I DID enjoy PvP. This is gonna SUCK"

First match: 0.83 K/D. Experimenting with different weapons, loadouts, pissy my vampire build wasn't working on Voidwalker. Hmm...

Then the next 8 matches:

1.4, 1.5, 1.3, 1.6, 1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 5.0.

Was I lucky in SBMM and being put in crappy lobbies? Yep. But that's EIGHT in a row where I've averaged 18 kills and went positive K/D. I looked at my history - this is unheard of for more than about 3, usually followed by about 10 sub 1 K/Ds after for good measure.

Of course, I've also stopped experimenting with my load out - used to main blink vampire void walker and I switched to Storm caller since the patch.

But still - this increase in my abilities is somewhat out of nowhere and directly coincides with this patch.

I can only assume it's because I don't die nearly as often from snipers and shotguns.

TLW: This patch was done for us that suck, and while most of you are angry about it as the top 1%, I truly believe that essentially Bungie is trying to grow the playerbase here by alienating LESS of us sucky players by helping us compete, with the assumption that all of you top 1% guys/gals will adjust and STILL be top 1%.

submitted by /u/w1redup
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I feel the trust is broken between Bungie and the community...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:00 PM PST

Wall of text incoming...

I went over to Bungie forum thread cozmo has for the recent patch. While thinking through my response (below and biggest part of the wall of text...), it dawned on me that I truly felt that Bungie broke our trust (again some might say after the .04% crap) by releasing the atch with regen bug and obviously not really taking the community feedback into their changes other than matador is problem (especially skating jugg shielded matador wielding titans). The suite of changes they put in especially all the nerfs and most of the nerfs were blanket nerfs directly contradicted what they told us of not only nerfing but being surgical with nerfs when they did. Anyway here's the input I provided and wanted to share it here too:

I'm not sure it will really do any good to respond (that's a big problem, the broken trust between Bungie and the community that plays it) since most of the feedback prior to this change by this community was not really responded to by this patch/hotfix. But I will give it another shot because I am invested in this game and have played since Day1. My input is based upon some crucible play and my 3 years of experience playing the game.

I like:

  • the changes to HC and the nerfs/buffs on the shotguns
  • that primaries are mostly useful again
  • the nerf on stormcaller melee
  • nerf to shinobu's vow - skip grenades were OP

I hate:

  • the release of the patch with unintended change on regen perks from the bladedancer change because ; well I'm not sure why y'all went ahead and released it that way (pressure to get the balancing out, lazy development, poor test cases, all of the above or something else) but it was stupid beyond stupid
  • you basically killed defender, hamstrung voidlocks and sunbreakers
  • killed exotics with the regen perks
  • the nerf on bladedancer hungering blade since no one in the community was really calling for that
  • the nerf on max armor (really aimed at Titans) since again no one was calling for that and as with choosing any perks, there are tradeoffs to get that...
  • the nerf to Truth since again no one was complaining about that really
  • that the nerfs didn't seem to take into account PVE impacts; I mean I know that the PVE content is stale again but believe it or not folks still play that too
  • that these changes are making the community managers look like uncaring asses with the we released it anyway to see what happens and the community is screaming for the regen bug (and it is a bug not a feature since it made it in unintentionally) while the community managers are forced to say "change is hard". Really, the community was asking for and ready for change and you give us that line in TWAB? Really?

Good but could be better:

  • auto rifle buff was good but they still need a little more to be competitive
  • Special ammo economy change is interesting and am willing to see how it plays out but I would definitely change the sidearm exemption to maybe half or 2/3 lost on death....
  • change of quickdraw to weapon handling on BD and Ophidian Aspects - I understand this as no one really likes loosing a gun battle because the other guy can change weapons faster but I am reserving judgement as both required sacrfices to get quick draw across the class - on BD it meant a perk selection trade off and OA required an exotic slot trade off and again no one was really screaming about this either....

I would change:

  • I would immediately roll back changes to hungering blade regen and the other regen impacts, I mean IMMEDIATELY (Actually I would have delayed the release to address that one but some idiot ok'd that going out the door)
  • I would undo the max armor and quick draw changes since they require trade offs to get them
  • I would buff ARs (either flinch or damage)
  • I would undo Truth or make it hold 2 in the chamber
  • I would buff fusions to encourage their use
  • I would fix the no flinch on NLB
  • I would reduce the flinch on snipers a tad to bring them back up a little or reduce the zoom on them a touch
  • I would include both PVP and PVE players on the sandbox testing and get input from them toward changes
  • I would enact more frequent but smaller balancing changes so it's not every 6months or a year. Maybe a monthly tuning with a quarterly meta changer on the PVP side with careful thought on impact to PVE and how to not screw over the PVE players.

Now I have spent quite a bit of time writing this up and hoping that you read it Bungie community managers and take our feedback (mine and everyone else's) to your product owners/managers and let them know that there is a community here that is overwhelming pissed off on this one. Between this thread, other forum posts and Reddit r/dtg - it is quite clear that most like the changes on primaries and nerfing shotguns and Jug Shields, ambivalent at best on the new special ammo economy, and pissed on the class changes and regen bug.

If the worse of this patch isn't rolled back (at least the regen bug) fairly quickly, then I and most of the community will know that the trust I spoke of earlier is truly broken. That Bungie rolled out a bug, tried to power through it with "change is hard" and refused to correct what is obviously a mistake made by Bungie.

I have truly loved this game, am one of the last of my friends that continues to play it regularly and I want it to keep being fun to play. I also want to know that Bungie is really supporting us by listening to us and using that feedback in the game.

TL:DR - Bungie broke my trust, feedback on patch changes, and asking Bungie to fix it....

Thanks for reading this and feedback is welcomed. I am sure not all agree with the patch feedback I provided and that's ok as we all play the game a little differently and thus different aspects are more important to us than others.

Edit: formatting... forgive my formatting as I this is only my second post....

Edit2: Wow! Front page. I would say hi mom but she doesn't know what reddit is, so i'll just say thanks!

submitted by /u/bgb4152
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Why can't Bungie give me the base game digitally for free if I own all the expansions?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:48 AM PST

When I first bought the game, I got a physical special edition with codes for the first two expansions. Ever since then I've had to use my disc to play, despite owning all the dlc digitally. Can't Bungie just chuck me a digital copy of the base game so I don't have to switch discs as often? I know it sounds lazy but it's probably a good move to make the base game free now anyway.

submitted by /u/r2001uk
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Initial Thoughts on Vooping in (x-post from r/CrucibleVoopArmy

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:17 AM PST

Now I don't consider myself anywhere above an average vooper. Me and my Sally V have some fun in PvP from time to time, and I was pretty outspoken about how these changes were going to impact Fusion Rifles in the new meta. Played a couple games of Rift last night and here are initial opinions

  • Losing special sucks and primaries are dominating. You really have to pick your battles when you see an opponent in range because they are more likely to have their primary out now. Don't be a hero or you're going to lose your special

  • In mid-range to CQC, fusions still have a home. Since the fear of getting spammed with shotguns is mostly gone, and like I mentioned above, primaries are far more likely to be out than stowed, we Voopers have an upper-hand in our wheelhouse ranges. Practice that pre-charging and get those kills and get out.

  • While I did notice when i didn't have special ammo (because nooby decisions that led to deaths), i felt special ammo spawns enough where you just have to take yourself out of combat to get special. In rift it was easy since special doesn't really spawn near the spark locations. Haven't tried other game modes yet, but keeping an eye on those clocks, having radar up while in scope (Third Eye, Gheleon, etc.) means you can stay loaded on voop ammo most of the game.

  • Git Gud with primaries. They are definitely the most used. I was using my Eyasluna last night to clean up voops from distance, but scouts pair well with Voops as well in this meta.

  • Don't feel like you have to Voop just because you have special. Most of my deaths were caused by running around with my Sally V out and running into engagements that I was getting rekt by scouts or NLB because of too much distance. Play a little more conservatively when you have special so you can use it when the times are right.

How have you been vooping since the update? Always curious to know!

submitted by /u/mcclluva
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Remember to take each post with a grain of salt, for your sanity.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:15 AM PST

I think it is easy to forget that most of the time, people don't think radically one way or the other on most issues but are usually closer to the middle. Right now we are seeing a lot of "Bungie sucks, this patch sucks, and destiny sucks" and then the opposite "Am i the only one that likes the patch?"

In fairness most of the people who are making the posts are probably more toward the middle on the issue, meaning there is stuff they like and stuff they don't like. Most of us aren't completely positive or completely negative about the post.

For example - I really dislike the changes to special ammo and the "unintented" regen perk nerfs. At the same time i absolutely LOVE the changes to handcannons and im happy about auto-rifles getting a bit of a boost.

TL;DR Just because someone posts something negative doesn't mean they hate everything about the patch, and visa versa

submitted by /u/mmurray2k7
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Now is a good time to remind Guardians about Low Sodium Destiny

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:30 AM PST

If you're sick of the salt on this sub, as I am from time to time, check out /r/LowSodiumDestiny

It helps to see every comment not being complaining.

submitted by /u/sageleader
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Where do y'all put the triangle on No Land Beyond?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:30 AM PST

I know there are some experts out there.

Tip of triangle top of head? Bottom? Center?

I feel like I get a lot of body shots when I am expecting a headshot. Or I just miss high.

And don't tell me about the red dot...I can't ever seem to see it (to much panic while aiming).

Secondly, is the reload cancel related to the bolt action or actually reloading the mag?

I tried to search but didn't see anything clear on the aiming (and i can't watch youtube videos ATM). Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/negative-nelly
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