Dota 2 - Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: CIS Qualifier Day 6 Match Discussions

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: CIS Qualifier Day 6 Match Discussions

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 CIS Qualifiers

Organized by Perfect World

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Day 6: February 11

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
SF1 vs. 15:00 06:00 09:00 14:00 15:00 22:00 01:00
SF2 vs. 18:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 01:00 04:00

Semi Final #1: Vega Squadron vs Effect

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:2  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Semi Final #2: Team Empire vs Team Spirit

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   1:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Elimination Mode III talent tree spectator notification

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:44 AM PST

FoREv just hit 9k

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

15th player to reach 9 0 0 0 M A T C H M A K I N G P O I N T S !

GL next with Bears!

submitted by /u/Durdel
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Blake Martinez (Green Bay Packers) explains what he'd do if he won TI

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:37 AM PST

When the pudge is on your team

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:29 PM PST

Hero2: Everything wrong with Alchemist, part 1/2

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:36 PM PST

part 2

Once a week or every 2 weeks, I'll make a post focusing on a single hero, pointing out every issue I could find (this includes cosmetic items), and also including some suggestions for the hero, mainly quality of life stuff and minor possible improvements.

Since no one is perfect, I probably missed some stuff. If you know any other issue about this hero, or have an idea for small improvement (not balancing stuff), feel free to post them

Some of these posts will be split up into multiple ones, because else they'll get too long.

Also, this post reveals how I'll deal with Rubick. No, I'll not include every bugged spell on the rubick post. I'll include them in the hero's post which the spell belongs to.

Hero 1 part 1, Hero 1 part 2

Part 1 of 2: Bugs


  • Total number of subjects: 19
  • Number of bugs: 9 (this post)
  • Number of minor issues: 4 (next post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6 (next post)

other stuff includes inconsistencies, inconveniences and suggestions

Bugs are sorted by order of severity.

1.Unstable Concoction is blocked/reflected by every Linken's Sphere/Lotus Orb within its area.

This interaction is broken since the aoe targeting cursor was added to Unstable Concoction.


  • Get Lotus Orb and Linken's Sphere
  • Stand next to an ally who also has Linken's Sphere and cast Lotus Orb on self
  • Have an enemy Alchemist target the ally with Unstable Concoction

Result: The concoction is blocked and reflected by your sphere/orb as a secondary target. The ally's Linken's Sphere does not prevent the aoe effect from happening.

Expected behavior:Reflected only when primary target. Blocked compeltely, including aoe effect only when primary target. Should behave like how Storm Hammer behaves.

Video demo

2. Unstable Concoction's projectile provides no vision.

Even in 7.00, its vision was acknowledged. It was reduce from 400 to 300. But currently, its vision does not work at all.


  • Throw Unstable Concoction at an enemy
  • Have the enemy move inside the fog of war (e.g. blink away)

Result: The projectile does not provide any vision as it travels through the fog. It just dsappears. It also doesn't apply lingering vision on impact.

Expected behavior: The projectile should provide 300 radius vision around itself and around the target upon impact for 3 seconds.

From the 7.00 changelog

Demo of current behavior, no vision is provided at any time.

PS: The vision is broken since the aoe targeting cursor was added to Unstable Concoction.

3. Unstable Concoction can shuffle Rubick's ability positions

This is only an issue when Rubick has Aghanim's Scepter, since only then the cooldown realistically allows you to repro it. Or some weird combo with octarine core, arcane rune and chakra magic, or a refresher.


  • Steal Unstable Concoction
  • Start brewing
  • While brewing, steal another spell
  • While still brewing, re-steal Unstable Concoction

Result: The concoction doesn't fully cancel upon losing the spell. It blows up on Rubick, but it's still brewing, and even displays the timer above Rubick still. When you don't re-steal it, the timer just runs out and nothing happens. But when you re-steal it before that, it blows up a second time upon reaching 0, and then shuffles your ability positions.

Expected behavior: As soon as Rubick loses the concoction spell, it should fully cancel. The timer should disappear, it should stop brewing. So there is no chance for this shuffling to happen when re-stealing it.

Video demo

4. Aghanim's Scepter Synth buff doesn't grant its stats to illusions


  • Pick Alchemist and get Manta Style
  • Buy Aghanim's Scepter and infuse it into yourself
  • Create illus and check their stats/hp/mana

Current behavior: Your illus have less stats/hp/mana than you, but they do copy the synth buff. If you just manta with the aghs in the inventory, they obviously copy the item and all its stats normally.

Expected behavior: Illus should gain the stats/hp/mana from the Aghanim's Scepter Synth buff like how they do when copying Aghanim's Scepter as an item.

video demo

5.Unstable Concoction doesn't apply aoe effect when blowing up on self while invulnerable/hidden

This is an inconistancy with the spell. When your targeted enemy hero turns invulnerable or hidden, it does apply the aoe effect still. But if it blows up on yourself while invulnerable or hidden, no aoe effect is applied.


  • Start brewing Unstable Concoction
  • Position yourself close to an enemy hero
  • Before it blows up, turn invulnerable (e.g. Eul's)
  • Compare the behavior when throwing it and the target turns invulnerable before impact

Result: The aoe effect is not applied when blowing up on self. Aoe effect is applied when impacting the target.

Expected behavior: It should always apply its aoe effect, no matter whether thrown or not. It should hit enemies around alch even when Alch is invulnerable.

PS: This interaction is also broken since the aoe targeting cursor was added to it.

Video demo

6. Reflecting Unstable Concoction while brewing one cancels the brewing

A scenario which is currently only possible vs Rubick.


  • Get a Lotus Orb
  • Have an enemy Rubick steal Unstable Concoction
  • Start brewing your concoction and put Lotus Orb buff on self
  • Get hit by the enemy Rubick's Concoction

Result: Your brewing cancels as soon as you are hit by it. The reflected concoction stuns and damages based on how long you brewed.

Expected: Your brewing should continue normally. The reflected concoction's damage/stun should be based on how long Rubick brewed his concoction.

Video demo

7. Recasting Unstable Concoction resets the damage/stun of the projectile of the previous cast

A scenario possible with Refresher, or with Octarine Core/Arcane Rune and Chakra Magic.


  • Cast Unstable concoction, and brew it for full duration
  • Throw the max brewed concoction at an enemy
  • While the projectile flies, start brewing a new concoction

Result: The projectile, although fully brewed, damages and stuns based on your second cast's brew time, so it basically deals very little damage and mini-stuns.

Expected behavior: The casts should be all independent. A new cast should not reset the previous cast.

Video demo

8. Greevil's Greed does not proc against the Tempest Double


  • Level up Greevil's Greed
  • Kill a Tempest Double

Result: No extra gold is granted, no stack is added to Greevil's Greed.

Expected: Extra gold should be granted and a stack should be added.

The ability tooltip states that it works against any unit that grants gold. The double does grant bold since I don't remember which patch added it. So it should work with Greed now.

PS: Illus have a bounty now, too. Should it work against those as well?

Video demo

9. Unstable Concoction can't target, but can hit creep-heroes

Some strange inconsistancy. It can only target heroes. But its aoe effect can hit heroes and creep-heroes.

It should either:

  • Be able to target creep-heroes as well, or
  • Do not creep-heroes within its area.

Or a buff: Make it hit all creeps within its area.

Video demo

submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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For the 2nd day of elimination mode lets ban supports only

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:31 AM PST

2k emulator pro game.
1:CM,enchantress, jakiro, chen, silencer, ogre, rubick,disruptor,KOTL, oracle
2:lina, shadow shaman, skywrath mage,bane,lich,lion,wd, warlock,pugna,dazzle
3:windranger,leshrac,aa,shadow demon, wyvern,riki,bh,mirana,venge,io
I know ther are some heroes that stay in like pudge,abadon,omni,tree,slardar, both es but maybe our man Sunsfan can ban slac.....fuck omnikn....ban omniknight and teams ban es,slardar. Then we can see how -2k mmr games look like in pro games
Edit:i know there will be supports but do you want a roaming es/riki/bh/ogre or a roaming pa/ck/sven

submitted by /u/Trisparen
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Viper securing that CS 50 mins in

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:31 AM PST

TIL Tusk has 82 unique responses just for his ult.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:38 AM PST

s4 destroying his former teammates

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:41 AM PST

Bug: When someone whose tp is on cooldown and drops a tp scroll for you, you won't be able to use the tp despite your tp not being on cooldown.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:02 AM PST

Was playing mid when I got ganked and died then my Earthshaker just tped in and dropped a tp for me at the same time. When I pick up the tp I couldn't use it and my own tp wasn't on cooldown.

submitted by /u/Xestere
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This interview with Blake Martinez

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:03 AM PST

Was super, super enlightening. Everyone has always compared traditional sports with esports, and this was really the best way to do that. Being able to talk with a real deal athlete, have him tell about what he thinks the similarities are, how his teammates / owners / managers view esports, super super cool. Shoutout to Moonduck for doing that, one of my favorite segments you've ever done.

submitted by /u/KronoLite70
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You CAN'T touch Madara!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:17 PM PST

Found a Io leaked arcana concept

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:28 AM PST

Hero2: Everything wrong with Alchemist, part 2/2

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:46 PM PST

part 1

Here is part 2, covering other stuff, like minor glitches, inconsistencies, inconveniences and some suggestions.

Note that most of these are not considered bugs. They are things that I think are hindering the hero unecessarily and would be nice if they were changed/tweaked.

Part 2 of 2: Suggestions and other minor things.


  • Total number of subjects: 19
  • Number of bugs: 9 (previous post)
  • Number of minor issues: 4 (this post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6 (this post)

other stuff includes inconsistencies, inconveniences and suggestions

1. Heroes who cant sell aghs, still cant sell it after getting Aghs Synth buff

There are several heroes who cannot sell their Scepters (earth spirit, lifestealer, treant, meepo, etc), due to the nature of the upgrade they get.

However, once getting the Aghs Synth buff from Alchemist, it would make sense to allow them to sell it, since they still have the Synth buff after selling it.

They already can sell a second bought aghs, or even their first aghs if bought after getting the synth buff. Only the first aghs from before getting the snyth buff cannot be sold.

Video demo

2. Alchemist's illusions gain mana regen from Chemical Rage

This is an inconsistancy. No other source of mana regeneration works for illusions. Only Chemical Rage's regen works.

Health regeneration is consistant throughout, not even Chemical Rage's hp regen bonus works for them.

Video demo

My suggestion: Make all mana regen sources work for them. I don't see a reason why not, really. It would be a small buff to Morphling aghs and Vengance aghs, the only illus who can cast spells.

3. Make Unstable Concoction brew sound fade in/out when alche enters/leaves fog

Similar to how Stone Gaze, Illusory Orb and Ghostship work, Unstable Concoction's brew sound should fade in/out when Alchemist enters or leaves the fog of war.

Video demo

4. Alchemist's ogre is not animated in Unstable Concoction Throw's animation

He just freezes whenever the sub-spell is cast. Only Razzil sitting on the Ogre is animated. He also lacks a throw animation during Chemical Rage. Whenever the Throw is cast, the ogre's swords slide back on his back.

Vide demo

5. Midas Knuckle's custom Greevil's Greed effect does not work.

Nothing more to add, really.

Video demo

6. Unstable Concoction brew sound cancels upon projectile impact of a previous cast

Another case of spells interfering with each other. If you start brewing unstable concoction while the previous cast's projectile still flies, the new cast's brew sound stops as soonas the projectile hits.

Video demo

7. Chemical Rage causes attack animations to not random

Normally, a hero has multiple different animations for attacks, and they are randomly chosen per attack. But during Chemical Rage, the hero just repeats one animation until canceling and restarting an attack. This affects Rubick as well, when he steals Chemical Rage.

Video demo

8. The +80 Unstable Concoction damage talent is not added to the tooltip damage value

This goes for every new ability-buffing talent in 7.02.


Very easy fix. This thing

"LinkedSpecialBonus" "special_bonus_unique_..." 

needs to be added to the affected values, in this case the concoction damage.

9. Alchemist thanks himself when infusing Scepter on self

Who the hell thanks himself? Looks like Alchemist does.

Video demo

10 Tooltip stuff

This time it's only adding and changing of notes mainly.

  • Add note to Unstable Concoction that it still applies the aoe effect when blowing up on self
  • Reword existing concoction notes to not have "will" and "you" in them (to fit the general style)
  • Add note to Greevil's Greed saying that it doesn't work vs illus and buildings
  • Add note to Greevil's Greed explaining its stacking behavior
  • Add note to Greevil's Greed telling that it's unreliable gold
  • Reword Greevil's Greed buff to not include "you".
  • Fix Chemical Rage note to not say "avoid stuns", since that's incorrect
  • Separate the disjoint part from that note and say that it applies upon cast (current one makes it sound like it disjoints everything for 0.35 seconds)
  • Add note to Chemical Rage telling that illus copy the buff


submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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7.02 and we still don't have a backpack timer

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:20 PM PST

Volvo plez

submitted by /u/eduvina
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The Talent box from Moonducks Elimination Mode production should be a part of the game.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:37 AM PST

Seriously Valve, it is crucial for viewers to see when/what players skill the talents. Big hats off to the production crew to come up with the idea. I feel like as soon as I saw it I realized we've desperately needed it the whole time.

tl;dr - Valve should add a pop-up showing what talent players skill when they pick it up, a-la Moonduck's Elimination mode.

submitted by /u/VTMDota
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Bulldog AKA TI Winner dodges sunstrike

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:58 AM PST

OG.Ana Shackleshot

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:06 AM PST

Jerax wombo

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:03 AM PST

Jerax casually owns enemy's TB on support WR in Forev 9k game

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:20 AM PST

Bug: Magnus aghs dosent apply the 15% extra aura from talent.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:43 AM PST

Ranked Matchmaking Not Working

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:37 AM PST

After a game is found, it shows the option to choose a side (Radiant or Dire). Then, it shows that everybody has disconnected. Then it is all pick, but there is no ban and no pick order. The game keeps on Finishing Loading... But doesn't load.

EDIT: I'm playing on Brazil server. I quit both games that it happened, but it doesn't show up on my match history and I didn't lose MMR even though it wasn't safe to leave. I'm queuing for pubs now to check if it is working.

EDIT2: It is working on Unranked.

submitted by /u/Dudu_sousas
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Beware of this new SAFE-RAPIER dota 2 script exploit!!!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:36 AM PST

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - February 10, 2017

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:38 PM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

UI Updates


  • Minimap size has been lowered from 260px x 260px to 244px x 244px.
  • "Gather for Sanctuary" has been changed to "Gather for Shrine".

Learn Tab

  • The URL of Monkey King's hero page has been fixed.


  • Minor bug where the links on the browser tab were not styled properly has been fixed.
  • A small transition brightness animation has been added for item images in the shop.
  • An issue with the XP bar not being aligned properly on non-hero units has been fixed.

Economy Updates


  • Minor cosmetic fix to Gyro's model.

Bot Scripting Updates

  • Fixed not being able to MoveToUnit if the unit wasn't a building.
  • Fixed MoveToLocation stalling out if it was called too frequently.
  • Fixed a number of Action_* functions stalling if they were called too frequently.
  • Fixed Action_UseShrine() not causing the bots to actually use the shrine.


  • Seems like some crashes related to Vulkan have been addressed.
  • Seems like some crashes related to the Workshop Tools have been addressed.

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 180.2 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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Is this a bug or do i owe dota 2

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:27 PM PST

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