Destiny - PSN Network Errors

PSN Network Errors

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:17 PM PST

We are receiving multiple reports from various sources that users are unable to search for a name on PSN such as to invite to a party or send a message.

Please gather your pitchforks and sharpen them, awaiting for the signal.

submitted by /u/D0cR3d
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I'd love to see IB Zone Control

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

Just a thought. I think it'd be an interesting shakeup to the usual control/clash/rift (unfortunately.)

submitted by /u/EbolaNF
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Christopher Barrett tweet

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

"The true origin and meaning of the 7 Seraphs can be found on ,,,2;;:66~3&&: end transmission"

Edit: Here is the Link URL, thanks to u/Elevasce

submitted by /u/JimmypikeHK
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Jason Schreier Updated information regarding Activision and Bungie Stock confusion.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:50 AM PST

:UPDATE (2/10, 4pm): Bungie has denied that this is the case, telling Kotaku: "There is no scenario where Activision, or any other partner we work with, is awarded Bungie stock." This contradicts the account of two sources we spoke to prior to the publication of this story. It's possible we got our wires crossed or were misinformed—we're poking around to see what happened there—but we know that this information had been floating around both externally and internally at Bungie. We apologize for the confusion and will defer to Bungie's account on this one.

:However, we do know that Bungie employees' stock vesting schedule is based on game releases, including Destiny 2, which gives them major incentives to get the sequel out this year.

submitted by /u/ATypicalFruit
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You Can Respawn After a Wipe

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:56 PM PST

In heroic strikes and other things where there's a respawn timer and you can wipe still. If all of your team has wiped and your respawn timer is nearly done, spam that respawn button, you can still respawn once the timer ends, unless the screen goes black.

Edit: Wow I reached front page, I thought this information was pretty well known and just wanted to point it out to some newer members, guess nobody else new about it.

submitted by /u/cookiedough320
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Everyone Moaning About Weapons Patch - This One Guy Exemplifies Why Something Had to Be Done

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:15 AM PST

Been following him for a while..(I've taken details out of the screenshots)

Stats: Last Game: Game Before:

Fact is this guys constantly finishing top of crucible games routinely with ZERO primary weapons kills. Special ammo and more to the point Shotguns are completely broken and dominating the game. For anyone who tries to say the issue was blown out of proportion I just reference them to this guy.

I for one am extremely, extremely happy Bungie have acknowledged the approach they have to balancing and taken appropriate measures to gut Shotguns. Roll on Tuesday!

submitted by /u/KinetiClutch
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Found this cool fan made destiny movie poster on twitter!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:53 PM PST

It's pretty cool if you ask me.

submitted by /u/hunter4lyfe
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Another reason not to go inside the Bubble following next weeks patch

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:38 AM PST

Because of the change to special ammo Defender titans using NBP and Immobius are going to be truly difficult to deal with. I know some of us are guilty of trying to run into that death magnet over and over in a futile attempt to pop the Bubble of Doom but Immobius' intrinsic perk allows it to be fired ad infinitum in the bubble and not use ANY special ammo. Just something to keep in mind.

Edit: Of course said titan will have to HAVE special to begin with but the point remains!

Edit 2: As /u/Z3ynth007 points out, a shotgun with replenish will also murder your ass

submitted by /u/UserNameTaken_KitSen
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Kinda crazy but everyone is already using NLB/Sidearms in PVP

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST

I started playing a ton more crucible this week and after the livestream, nearly 60-70% of people are using sidearms for sure and NLB/Sidearm combo. I guess this is truly going to be the hot combo after the patch.

submitted by /u/DooceBigalo
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Tower Thought/Theory: Is Imago Loop Pahanin's Long Lost Hand Cannon and the Precursor to Fatebringer?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:58 PM PST

I was sitting in the Tower looking at my 3 decent and sub pair rolled Imago Loops from today - and my now lack thereof 3 Skeleton Keys - and I just wondered what the name or individual words of its name meant: "Imago" and then "Loop," as well as if Imago Loop could be one of the Original Vault of Glass Raiders' Weapon, and I will propose a small theory.

Definitions of "Imago"

  • The final and fully developed adult stage of an insect, typically winged.
  • An unconscious, idealized mental image of someone, especially a parent, that influences a person's behavior.
  • Translated from Latin, "Imago" means "Image"

Now for the Definitions of "Loop:"

  • A structure, series, or process, the end of which is connected to the beginning.
  • A shape produced by a curve that bends round and crosses itself.
  • From Latin it translates to "Bend."

Before I get to my Pahanin's Lost Hand Cannon Theory, let's break these definitions down to make some more sense of the actual possible meanings of the name of the Weapon.

An unconscious, idealized mental image of someone, especially a parent, that influences a person's behavior.

  • First, focus on the words "Mental Image of Someone:" this could be related to the Vex's encounter with Pahanin, as well as Kabr and Praedyth, purely acknowledging the presence of a being(s) within the Vault of Glass.
  • "Parent" reinforces the idea of Imago Loop coming before Fatebringer.
  • Then, there's "Unconscious:" this could be related to Pahanin's retreat and escape, and the possibility of him dropping his weapon ...
  • Which leads me to "that influences a person's behavior:" in this case, it's not a person, it's the weapons themselves: Fatebringer and Imago Loop's similarity in Weapon Model.

The Vex couldn't have just created Fatebringer without having an "influence" since the Fatebringer model was like one of the Vanguard's own Hand Cannon Models, specifically thinking of "The Devil You Know" which is a Legendary Hand Cannon based of the FOTC (Forces of the City)/Vanguard's own "Duke Mk. 21" Common Hand Cannon Model.

Image for the Duke Mk. 21

Image for The Devil You Know

Image for Fatebringer

Image for Imago Loop

Looking specifically at the Duke Mk. 21 and Imago Loop's images, you can see that they have the exact same grip, that half-trapezoidal shape with an orange rectangle at the edge of the barrel, and exact weapon model, granted Imago Loop has had some upgrades done to it.

  • Think about it: Imago Loop is a Hand Cannon and Pahanin was a Hunter - ideally, Hunters use Hand Cannons more than Titans and Warlocks when looking the lore.

Is it actually far-fetched to say that Pahanin had a Vanguard Hand Cannon (as his Primary) with him when going into the Vault and dropped it during a firefight?

  • Of course, Pahanin wouldn't drop a weapon like Super Good Advice (something of importance to him), but SGA wasn't created until after Pahanin's expedition inside the VoG - maybe his weapons weren't important to him then and once he left the Vault, he realized how important they were and could be more...

Going back to the Meaning of Imago

From Latin, it translated to "Image" so with that in mind and everything above, it doesn't make me think that Imago Loop came after Fatebringer, but instead Imago Loop was the Precursor to Fatebringer - everything has a "influence." Also, Imago refers to 'the final and fully developed stage' of the "process" and is "the end in which is connected to the beginning" (parts of the definitions of Loop)

Breakdowning It All The Way Down

Basically, Imago Loop is the End of the Beginning and Fatebringer is the literal "Beginning of the End" which means that Imago Loop must have come before Fatebringer's creation.

  • Fatebringer is the final and fully-developed stage of the Imago Loop: why do you think we can reroll Imago Loop? We are 'processing' the weapon, crafting Fatebringer.

Is Imago Loop Pahanin's Long Lost Hand Cannon?

Yes and No. The original weapon that the Vex discovered was a Vanguard Hand Cannon quite possibly carried by Pahanin, if not then by Kabr or Pradeth, of the same make/model. The Vex have possibly altered it, which makes it an improved/updated version from what it originally was.

  • Praedyth had a Pulse Rifle and Sniper Rifle when entering the Vault of Glass even though Warlock's ideally use Scout and Fusion Rifles, so the Hand Cannon couldn't be his.
  • It could be Kabr's, but Kabr took everything he had (maybe it was just his newly-crafted Vex Armor) and created the Aegis Relic from it, so I don't believe it was his either.

Imago Loop must be a variation of Pahanin's Hand Cannon that became Fatebringer. We've been using a Weapon from the Vault of Glass this whole time and probably didn't even realize it.


Thank you all for the support and the front page, my goal was to get 10 upvotes by the morning and this well exceeded my expectations.

submitted by /u/erukeheyy
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Valentine's Day is almost here and a few of my friends thought it'd be nice to make a video for all the gaming couples out there.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:15 AM PST

Digital Lovers

Hope you enjoy! Have a good weekend, Guardians!

submitted by /u/Zerufos
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It's a good time to farm HoJ so here is an easy method in this week's 42 arena. You can finish within 4 mins. The scavenger's boon neglects the juggler.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST

Variks has some potential weapons for the upcoming patch, so it's a good time to farm the HoJ rep. If you follow my method, you can easily finish within 4min.

You need 2 Gunslinger Hunters with the nighthawk. 1 Defender Titan picks Iron Harvest / Gift of the Void/ Gift of Light and equips the alpha lupi, the Bolt-Caster w/ "live by the sword" perk for the extra orbs. the memory of Radegast is a plus for the extra sword ammo. This week's buffs are the airborne and the juggler. I recommend Titan should equip the WotM gauntlet for the round 2.

  • Round1: Actually, this is the longest part and still easy. Two Hunters attack Sylok SYLOCK THE DEFILED and ignore the minions because Titan must kill minions for orbs. Hunters make sure to keep jumping for the extra damage. You can use any favorite weapons. Titan must (or should) melee the minion first to activate the force barrier and then keep slaying the minions by your sparkling sword. After hunters killed Sylok, pick orbs. Now your SC should be ready.

  • Round 2: Titan go to the left or right to kill the minions for the orb. 2 orbs are enough, but it's up to you. Hunters, activate GG, then jump and shoot the big eyeball aka Pilot Servitor and pick orbs.

  • Round 3: Titan pops the bubble and waits till the extra orbs come out. Hunter activates GG, and done. If Titan made enough orbs in the round 2, you don't need to wait for the extra orb. You don't need to have a weapon of light because 2 nighthawk GG while jumping is already enough to kill the boss.

Good luck for the farming, and make sure Titan pick the heavy kill bounty, yess....?



submitted by /u/ZOZOT3
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19:21 Wrath of the Machine World Record Speedrun

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST

Twitch VoD Run starts at 52:15

Youtube link

Team --

rpotts - Titan

MHeat - Titan


xSupposedly - Hunter

Yockdog - Titan

KingaQueens - Hunter

We've been working on beating the previous World Record of 19:40 set by Route for a couple weeks now and it's finally paid off. Shoutouts to Cruelty for some strat sharing which helped us more consistently get sub-1 minute bombs at the beginning, and to iC3Zz x K1NGZz and his squad for sharing the Aksis Phase 1 bomb strategy.

As far as we know we came up with the Siege Engine strat and are the first to get all 3 parts on the Siege before Meksis spawns, allowing us to completely ignore him saving us over 20 seconds.

The first wave of Aksis Phase 1 MHeat throws one bomb but destroys both SIVA targets saving about 10 seconds, which along with the improved Siege strat are our biggest time savers.

This run can be improved upon significantly, the very next attempt we were 25 seconds ahead of pace after Siege Engine but had a really bad transition from Siege Engine to Aksis where one of the Titans died and had to orbit, and the third backup Titan was really far behind and we lost almost all the time we had saved and then some, then we missed the double SIVA target bomb and lost ~10 more seconds and ended up getting a 19:31.

Also of note, we had some pretty unfortunate RNG at Aksis 2 which I can be heard complaining about just after the run, where I, the Melting Point Titan who needs to get to Aksis as fast as possible every teleport, got empowered on both of the first teleports then he went to another spot, I ran to cover supercharge and it wasn't there, meaning I spent ~10 seconds on the first two teleports running around aimlessly instead of applying Melting Point. Unfortunate, but it happens.

We're going back in for some more runs this weekend, trying to get sub 19 minutes before Route inevitably takes the record back. We want to time lock this raid.

I love talking about strats, team comps, class builds, etc so if you have questions let me know.

EDIT: The splits were -

Start- :19

Bombs- :57

Retreat- 1:36

Vosik 2- 2:54

Kill- 5:10

Cutscene- 7:10

Repaired- 9:47

Door- 11:37

Aksis 1- 12:14

Aksis 2- 16:30

Mission Complete- 19:21

submitted by /u/rpotts
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A question regarding Hand Cannon "initial accuracy".

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:06 PM PST

Hey guys, I'm an avid HC user but have never been completely certain how the "initial accuracy" actually works.

A very long time ago, I was watching a youtube video of a few guys playing some sweats. Unfortunately, I've since looked for the footage and come up short (I believe it may have been some very early Primal footage?). The guy in the video was running a Hawkmoon and would quickly ADS, shoot and de-scope with every single shot, even when shooting in quick succession - effectively "quick scoping" his target with each round he fired off.

This caught my attention as I've never seen anyone use a HC like that before and this was some pretty high level play. I wondered why he was doing it and came to the conclusion that it could have been to gain the initial accuracy buff on all of his shots.

What with the initial accuracy changing back to year 1 values in the forthcoming patch this would seem like a strong technique to practice if this actually worked?

I guess my question is: is the initial accuracy on the first shot of each singular ADS (in that quickly descoping and rescoping would re-apply it), or does it work in some other way? Is it simply 100% accuracy when your reticle is in a resting state whilst ADS?

If anyone clued up has any insight and is able to answer my question that would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Soundboyyy
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Guys, the change to Hungering Blade actually does make perfect sense

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:09 PM PST

Before you downvote, hear me out.

In the current meta, full healing after every Arc Blade kill is fine. Why? Well, because to get kills with Arc Blade you essentially have to risk going headlong into a Matador 64 and a melee attack to follow. Without full healing you'd be really, really hard pressed to get more than one kill because if you DO get the kill you often lose most of your health to a (partially) unsuccessful shotgun blast.

In the new meta though? Shotguns just won't be nearly as big of an issue.

Shotguns can't crit, so there goes some damage right there. And fewer people will even have shotguns to begin with, either because they have a sidearm or because they have died and haven't yet picked up ammo again.

Imagine fighting off Arc Blade with just a primary weapon and you begin to see how full healing after every kill could make Arc Blade unstoppable. Remember how helpless you felt staring down a pre-nerf Hammer of Sol? Yeah, it would be like that.

The Bladedancer would eat your 2 hand cannon shots like it was candy, kill you, and then be full health for the next guy who also has nothing but a Pulse Rifle and a prayer.

In a meta with far fewer shotguns and weaker shotguns overall, the change makes Arc Blade much more fair. Primaries will be able to wear you down since you're not guaranteed to be full health after a kill.

As for snipers, they have the same ammo issues, it's very difficult to head shot an Arc Blade that is slashing around erratically, and we also know that far fewer snipers can even get a reliable OHK on them now anyway.

Also, keep in mind that it is a change and not even a straight nerf. If you get rapid-fire kills with Arc Blade while being team shot with primaries it's actually better because you'll gain health with each kill. If you do that currently, pre-patch, you wouldn't gain health at all because all the pecking from the team-shooting primaries would interrupt your health regen.

Arc Blade will still be powerful in this new meta. Just a bit different because the power of shotguns will be different. I don't think this is a case of Bungo needlessly nerfing, I think it's a direct response to all the changes shotguns are going through, the most common response to a rampaging Arc Blade. (Despite that guy on the stream saying he just "didn't like it." I think they failed on the communication there.)

P.S. And to the guys who say "Buh-buh-but why did the other healing abilities not get changed?"

  • Cauterize was already nerfed; it has a cooldown, Hungering Blade does not
  • Transfusion is on melee kills only, has nothing to do with a Super ability
  • Energy Drain, see Transfusion
  • Embrace the Void has a cooldown just like Cauterize because it takes time to charge the grenade, and Nova Bomb isn't a roaming Super capable of consecutive kills
submitted by /u/Faust_8
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What have private matches brought us to?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:49 AM PST

Bungie, Please do something about the astrocyte verse being completely useless.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:51 PM PST

As one of the coolest looking exotics in the game, this helmet basically does nothing for you and the exotic perk is Negligible, the perk also only can only be used when your recovery process has already started, so if you blink too soon you won't even be taking advantage of this beautiful helmet! In my opinion The most balanced way to rework helmet is to give warlocks a Dodge mechanic like the Titan (twilight garrison) and hunter already have, as this was in line with the helmets original intended perk (blink cooldown reduced significantly) bungie pls.

submitted by /u/Morf64
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There should be a legacy option for faction rank-up packages.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:20 PM PST

I accidentally deleted my trusty old Hung Jury and no one should ever feel that pain again.

submitted by /u/MyNameIsLBN4K
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It isn't the gear that you find that is great...

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:07 PM PST

It is the gear you forge for yourself through blood sweat and tears. Make it to work for you, guardian, don't find it and try to work with what you get.

So, why can't we ascend rare or uncommon weapons and armor that we like? Granted, uncommon weapons don't really drop anymore, but my point stands.

We should be able to ascend rare weapons or armor with perks that we like in hopes of getting a second awesome perk when it becomes legendary

Basically get ascendant materials from VoG or something. Perhaps give the old content SOME sort of use and give us a reason to go back to it, or at least allow the use other rare gear in order to ascend chosen Rares to Legendaries.

Generally speaking, Rare weapons and armor have slightly lower stats than those of their legendary counterparts, so why not slightly boost them when they get ascended in addition to another main perk/upgrade branch?

Finally, if there were to be ascension via other rare gear, as a counter to upgrading all the weapons and armor you want at an insane rate for god-rolls, put a 60-80 Legendary Mark requirement to avoid the house of wolves Reforge Ready chaos.

TL;DR: what I'm saying is:

  • Ascend Rares to Legendaries using old materials from raids and such (maybe... if not old materials, then just other rares)

  • Boost base stats slightly (and maybe randomly) to compete with other current legendaries upon ascension

  • Add another main perk/upgrade branch upon ascension to keep with the current level of choice with legendary weapons (EX: Choosing from "Armor Piercing Rounds" or "Up Close And/Or Personal" on a single branch)

It is good for Bungie's "quest" for weapon diversity and minor gear would actually serve a purpose rather than just being infusion fodder or trash. And all of you know that there are some badass looking rare weapons that are out there, waiting for their time to finally shine.

submitted by /u/GreyWastelander
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Can you get exotic gear from the lighthouse chest for other characters?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:48 AM PST

I don't remember ever seeing it. Is the chest locked to items only for that specific class? Such as, I am a hunter and cannot get a Titan exotic from the loot chest, right?

submitted by /u/mattstermh
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Are there any weapons or armour with the destiny logo on them?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:56 PM PST

How to tell she's the one, Valentine's day edition!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:11 PM PST

My fiance got home and couldn't wait to give me my card.

Glad she's my wife in a few months!

submitted by /u/UbetGIRAFFEican
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TV just summed up why i think a lot of us hate the special changes.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:28 AM PST

TV Video Link

Basically at the end he talks about the exotic hand cannon meta and in that meta we didn't complain about special weapons even though we had more ammo, because primaries were so powerful.

submitted by /u/mmurray2k7
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[TowerThought] It would be cool if we had a PvP mode where we play as our enemies (i.e. Captains, Knights, Minotaurs, etc.)

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:48 PM PST

It would be cool to see what it's like to use the enemy's weapons and abilities, even if it was just for one Crucible playlist or something.

Obviously they would probably have to be prebuilt classes with little or no customization, otherwise it would just be too much effort for them to keep it balanced. But they've already got all the characters built, they'd just have to balance out the health/damage a little bit.

submitted by /u/DJchalupaBatman
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Trying to expand from original game to the full collection without spending a ton.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

I had been interested in Destiny but hadn't followed it much, so when I saw the original game at a going out of business sale for around $9 I snatched it up not know that I was better off spending a little more to get the Taken King edition, and unaware that ROI was a couple months away. I got a little obsessed with the game and now have played through the whole thing twice and desperately need to expand. I'm just curious if y'all have any suggestions.

submitted by /u/Aimless-Lee
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