DayZ - I Didn't Think I Needed This: We Should have a slightly Flooded Town somewhere on the map!

I Didn't Think I Needed This: We Should have a slightly Flooded Town somewhere on the map!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:12 PM PST

Latest EXP patch to stable

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

A list of things to consider before posting "loot is too hard".

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:07 PM PST

  1. It doesn't take "2" or "4" or "6" hours to find a gun. It just doesn't. Stop posting bullshit.

  2. If you're having difficulty finding loot, change your loot patterns. Repeating the same route over and over when you can't find anything doesn't make you an individual, it makes you a moron.

  3. The game doesn't change for you, it's the other way around. Each patch has bunch of new spawn locations and loot quantities, because the devs want to see how to best spread the population around the map etc. Stop fighting it, adapt and enjoy.

  4. Difficulty is subjective, but also the point of the game. Consider the fact that you might just be bad at the game before complaining about difficulty, it's not beyond comprehension. You might be having a hard time getting gear or surviving, others are not. What are they doing that you aren't doing?

  5. Are you making a constructive critique of the game, or just having a rant because you lost? If you have some frustration that you need to vent, have an angry wank. That way no one has to waste time on your bullshit wall of text, and you might actually feel better.

If anyone has anything else to add feel free, but I feel these address some extremely common complaints that come up with each post about loot. I understand that the "difficulty circlejerk" is just what happens when a patch is out for a while, but we either need to sticky a post to the front page, or delete every stupid rant that gets posted.

submitted by /u/Dubhs
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I was bored, so I decided to start an (maybe) illegal race between worms. Bets are open!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:10 AM PST

funniest little dayz moment ive seen for ages (superftlol) from today

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:13 PM PST

Helicrash ambush

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:11 AM PST

exp going offline for update now...hype for vehicles fixes!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:50 AM PST

Ammo Cans should be more common.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:31 AM PST

First off, I'm talking about the canisters themselves, not necessarily the ammo inside.

Think about it. There's a pretty decent military presence in Chernarus, You'd think that there'd be ammo cans all over the place, right? Not necessarily with anything in them, but they'd be there. Plus, ammo cans are made to be air/water tight (maybe not all of them, but the one I have has a seal on it). They could be used as more common/less durable (or vice versa, less common and more durable) versions of protector cases. Or you could use them as a way to carry more things in your hands when your bag is full (the same way you can by carrying a backpack in your hands). They could be relatively common, but finding one with any ammo in them would still be fairly rare. Plus, it'd put something to spawn in the smaller military locations like Altar.

I don't know, just something that crossed my mind.

submitted by /u/Lack-of-Luck
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Dirty tricks and traps?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:49 PM PST

So on a server I play on there's a bit of friction between a few groups. Instead of all out gun fights all the time I was thinking of waging a slightly guerilla esque fight, and was wondering what tricks and traps you guys know of? Anything counts whether it results in direct damage, sickness and disease, or just a way to drain their resources. Thanks ahead of time!

submitted by /u/grunt9101
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holy grail

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

Uncontrolled movement?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:35 AM PST

So, sometimes I have noticed ever since I came back a few days ago to the game after a long break, my character will move in a direction no matter what i do. I run one way, he still tries to move another way. I sit down, I slide in a direction. It depends on where I turn how I move. I lay down, I still slide. If I do an animation it wont help. Tried throwing item aswell. Tried eating aswell. Nothing helps. The three times It has happend Ive been lucky and been in situations where I could trap myself from moving, and the log out.

Anyone else experience this? And is there a quick solution besides re-log? Maybe it has to do with desync and ping? I THINK it usually happens when I play servers with like 160 - 200 ping.

submitted by /u/havagrim
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Can other players hear you on the in-game voice chat channel when unconscious or dead?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:34 PM PST

I'm just wanting to know if my smack talk is falling on deaf ears or not.

submitted by /u/GerhmanHerman
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Rhett Ackerman | DayZ ProphecyRP Ep.4

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

Is there any way to store gear/goods on the longer term?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:02 AM PST

Just started playing again after almost three years away. I have found myself running out of places to put or keep track of my gear. Especially with all the stuff you can hand make now. Is there anyway to like... build a storage chest or anything, or is the only option to drop stuff on the ground in a known location?

submitted by /u/BrinkBreaker
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Out of all the bugs this the worst one, unplayable

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

Shooting Upwards vs Shooting Downwards

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:25 PM PST

I've noticed when fighting over a castle in Day Z that there is a critical gameplay problem that makes it absolutely impossible to attack castles - you can aim towards the ground further than you can aim up towards the sky. This means that anyone who stands inside the castle keeps aiming at the ground from above cannot be shot by anyone pushing up the castle. Furthermore, they are also unable to be killed with a hand grenade, as they are too high and out of the explosion radius. When you also move forward your highest point of aiming is knocked down much lower, preventing you from shooting upwards at stairs and such whilst you are moving. This does not happen when you are moving whilst aiming downwards.

Can we please make it that you can aim just as upwards and just as high on the move that you can aim downwards?

submitted by /u/Handgun_Hero
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Glad this nonsense still happens :)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:54 PM PST

Whats the most awesome/creative thing you've ever done as a bandit ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST

Simple question, it doesn't matter if you did it or someone done it on you. I just want to see if the community still have creative ideas when it comes to banditry.

One time I let three fully geared guys drink from PET bottle and cooking pot both filled with gas and they thought the sickness came from a pound I noticed that they are new to the game . all three of them died and I got pretty good loot from them.

Note: sorry for any grammar mistakes.

submitted by /u/HannibalMcLecter
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What is this lol

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:02 AM PST

Talks of EA Player 'Recognition'

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:30 PM PST

Kinda sounds selfish or whatever, but will there be any exclusive or significant things other than bragging rights for seasoned survivors?

submitted by /u/_Thought_
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Chopper loot percentage

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:11 PM PST

So not sure if it is just me but could the chopper loot table be looked at .

Me and my friend have been to over 50 choppers in 0.61 and we have found that even though they want mags to be rare the actual percentage of ump a fal mags spawning is so low out of the 50 we have been to we have found 3 ump 1 fal and 2 vss mags .

Also can they please turn the percentage of smoke grenades down which is probably stopping the rest of items spawning as at choppers you will get 7-10 smoke grenades which are useless at the moment till they actually bring in flying choppers . I have been to choppers where all there is grenades .

Also can we please get weapons spawning back at choppers .

Love the game

submitted by /u/AnthusBlackblood
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Was wondering if anyone remembers and can find the link to a a really cool video I remember watching.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:14 PM PST

So a couple of years ago I watched a multi part series and I was wondering if anyone knew what it was.

What I remember happening was a guy and his squad fought a squad who was repairing a heli in the middle of a town. They killed the squad and eventually everyone on the server started to come together and rebuild the heli. The guy recording died and infiltrated pretending to help the large server group. He then got on the minigun of heli and with support from his squad killed all of the people repairing the heli and then finished repairing it and took it with his squad.

It was on a fairly popular channel. I thought it was Sacriel but I cant find it on his playlist.

submitted by /u/xXCunt_BagelXx
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