Elder Scrolls Online - Guild Fair Friday - Advertise your guild, Find a guild!

Guild Fair Friday - Advertise your guild, Find a guild!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:02 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to our new recurring post to help you find a guild on the subreddit!

If you have a guild, you're allowed to post ONCE. If you're looking for a guild, you can also post. Your post should have - 1) Server (NA or EU), Faction (if applicable), and Type of Guild (Social, PvE, PvP, Hardcore Endgame, Trade, Mixed)

For recuriters, also include 2) Current member numbers 3) Guild recruiting message 4) How to apply

As always, be polite and respectful, and good luck finding a guild!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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ESO is currently the top selling game on steam

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:04 AM PST

So I just found this in the gamefiles...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST

[FIXED] Inventory Grid View updated to version

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:57 PM PST


I had an epiphany today and was able to fix the issues with Inventory Grid View introduced by ESO 2.7, Homestead!

The update is available on ESOUI. Fire up Minion to grab it. If you find any other issues, please post the error text and what you were doing when you received the error to the comments on the addon page.

Thank you everyone for sticking it out and for the words of support in the addon comments. That was a rough few days with the regular item list :)

submitted by /u/Randactyl
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When you are an Argonian but you are actually kind of civilised. (WIP)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

[DATA MINING] Spellcrafting assets found in game files!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:18 PM PST

I can always play the "same" argonian

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:27 AM PST

If i'm right the memory and the soul of a dead argonians goes back to the hist and when a new argonian get's born he earns the soul and the memory. So technically it's possible that my Argonian in TES:Morrowind got the memory from my Argonian in ESO over some generations. Then my Argonian in TES:Oblivion got the memory from my Argonian in TES:Morrowind (+the memory from my ESO Argonian). And my Argonian in TES:Skyrim got all the memory from my ESO, Morrowind and Oblivion Argonian. So my Argonian in Skyrim is the ultimate Hero, I mean he has the Memory from my "Hero of the Pact", "the Nerevarine", "the Hero of Kvatch", the "Champion of the Arena" and he is "The Dragonborn"

Then he is the ultimate Assassin because he completed the Dark Brotherhood in ESO, Oblivion, Skyrim and completed the Morag Tong in Morrowind

Now when I think about this the Argonian is the only possible race you can play, when you play all The Elder Scrolls games, because you in reallife remember all the things you have done in the previous games.

thx for reading ;-D

Ps: I've never played the TES games wich were released before Morrowind.

submitted by /u/LizardJan
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Not A Young And Brave Khajiit Anymore FeelsBadMan ;_;

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:13 AM PST

Torchbugs go hard.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:38 PM PST

I've completely forgotten the lack of info the game gives to newer players.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:47 PM PST

My friends finally decided to buy the game and ive been bombarded with questions from how to level skill trees, enchanting, crafting, questing, grouping, and I'm sure a bunch more are waiting for me. I forgot the lack of tutorials and information this game gives to newer players especially newer mmo players. Have you guys felt the same way or is it just me?

(I know learning curves are apart of every game but some of the earlier things that are important really are not covered until you stumble upon it yourself or google it)

submitted by /u/tmiller26
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[PC] Sometimes its sad how people act in pvp

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:03 PM PST

I was just pvping in trueflame when some kid next to me got ganked by a NB. As he was backing off, he got jumped by 2 more people. I jumped in and killed him. He was salty and decided to message me. Its weird because most people i come across are so nice, this really put me off. http://imgur.com/a/nZwXv Edit: Grammar

submitted by /u/DrugsKill2
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This one has redecorated

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:08 PM PST

I finally got my chance to visit the town of Haven...After 14 years, and discovered more about myself.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:26 AM PST

Back in 2003 i was introduced to the game 'Morrowind' by a friend, who unfortunately at that time had a broken leg, this meant he could not leave the house. So being a good friend i would visit him almost daily to keep him company. He had always been a big gamer and knew what releases were coming out and when, after he explained what an RPG actually was he proceeded to hold up the games box, mesmerized he explained that "The map for this game is huge, and you can do pretty much anything you want!"

I was skeptical to say the least.

After playing with him for roughly ten hours straight, we sat in the dark, bathed in the glow from his small TV in front of us, surviving on Pepsi max and Doritos, i knew i was hooked and knew this game would stay with me for a long time. His dark, warm room was where i first created my character of Gildor Blundell, and his entire back story and history, including where he was born and raised, the small fishing town of Haven, Valenwood by his only living relative, his grandfather.

His story was intricate, detailed, and passionate, bordering on obsessive. I wrote short stories including all of his whirlwind adventures he lived though, the roads he walked down, the people he killed, the women he loved. I continued his epic story through bloodmoon, and arena, his grandson closed the gates of Oblivion, his descendant fought dragons. As his lineage grew in both directions, it became clear that his blood line was special indeed, and yet cursed, none of his blood would ever be able to live a normal life, all of his ancestors were cursed to be woven into the very fabric of the history books.

...And now today, about fifteen years later, i finally got to walk Gildor Holloway who unbeknownst to him will become Gildor Blundells grandfather, and where the curse originated. Down this winding and shadowed path to Haven, a long winding dream comes true.

When looking back, it is clear to me now that not only was i helping a friend in need, but i was also escaping the dread of living with an alcoholic and somewhat abusive father. I used the Elder scroll games as a way to escape the shitty situation i had at home, indulging into a fantasy realm was the only way i could stay sane. Without it i am not sure i would have survived.

Thank you ZOS, and thank you Bethesda.

Gildor Holloway.

TL;DR Apparently my father would routinely beat me with jumper cables, so with a desire to escape that situation i retreated to a friends house where i indulged myself for years in a fantasy realm, where i created a huge backstory for my main character and his ancestry, which now includes my eso character...Gildor Holloway

submitted by /u/ThomasCrown001
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[Media] You've heard of "arrow to the knee", now get ready for "bow to the eye"

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

I play like I play Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. For fashion!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:51 AM PST

New ESO Live Friday, February 10 @ 3 PM EST/12 PM PST

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:25 PM PST

[Media] I love the way my house looks at night!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:43 PM PST

Found my twin!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:02 PM PST

[Media] So I decided to make one of the other forms of Khajiit - meet my Ohmes, Merani-daro

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:32 AM PST

Anyone been getting error messages when using LUI or AUI

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:08 AM PST

i get an error message when i try to take stuff out of my bag and deposit into bank, friends have also been getting them was just wondering if anyone on reddit is having the same issues or possibly knows a solution

submitted by /u/nice_crocs
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[Discussion] ELI5 what improved in the game since launch

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:36 AM PST

I honestly don't know anything about the game, but I keep hearing a lot about how the game was crap at launch, but also hear about how it's so much better now.

Considering I probably can't figure it out just by people telling me "oh this update was good or this DLC was good" without giving me specifics in how they were good, could anyone please explain in detail how the game improved so much that people are now saying that it's an amazing game?

submitted by /u/LittleCodingFox
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Can't activate ESO key, bought through Humble Store

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:01 PM PST

Hi there, Hope this doesn't break any rules or anything, but I'm having mighty trouble redeeming my key that I just purchased from the Humble Store, it is the Tamriel Unlimited Key and I've tried a billion times (an exaggeration I know) to active the key through the "redeem code" bit on my account page. I had an account during the Beta and I am trying to use that, could that be an issue here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, from what I've read after I put in my code it should ask me if I want to buy a membership as well? But it keeps taking me to the store page. I have tried multiple different browsers both with and without uBlock Origin on.

submitted by /u/maldwag
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How hard is the Maelstrom Arena?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:11 AM PST

I don't really care about the achievements like not dying or whatever, I just want the maelstrom bow. How hard is it to do?

submitted by /u/disllexiareuls
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[Media] Meanwhile in the EU housing bubble.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:59 AM PST

Intense Server Lag and Frequent Disconnects/Crashes since Homestead

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:28 PM PST

greetings all,

I have been playing ESO way more than usual over the past month leading up to Homestead, to save for my precious house. Quite obsessively! I saved over 3 million (and squandered most of it on the first day of Homestead to get Quandom Indorilia and a bunch of achievement furnishings etc) from powerfarming, most of it in Craglorn which is fairly popular for farming. I've had literally no server or crash issues for this past month leading up to Homestead, and I have been playing a lot.

Ever since Homestead has hit live, I am having constant CTD's, loading screens that log me out, unusual & enormously high ping (especially in captial cities), the highest I have ever seen it. Rawl'Kha is affected especially by this, I frequently get logged out trying to load into Rawl'Kha with the error message "Invalid internet connection", to which I immediately log back in so it certainly isn't an invalid internet connection.

I post this thread in the hopes that its not just me experiencing this, perhaps find a solution to my absolutely terrible performance of the game since Homestead. Nothing has changed on my end re: internet connection, experienced 0 issues until Homestead hit live. I want to play this game more than the servers are currently allowing ;(

submitted by /u/letor
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The game should not kick you out of a dungeon if the party is disbanded.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:02 AM PST

I finally got in to the banished cells dungeon and cleared it with the group I found. I am a new player and level 11. So I was doing the quest. The group was moving fast and clearing everything. And after the last boss they said their good byes wished my luck and disbanded the group.

I was enjoying the ending scene, When to my horror a count down timer appeared and was telling me I was going to get kicked out of the dungeon. I was looking around everywhere for a place to turn in the quest and then it happened. I was kicked out of the instance.

The quest I have is called banishing the banished and im stuck on the part where it says wait for the keepers to bind high kinlord rilis. I am hoping 40 mins from now when I find another group to go in I can convince them to stay for just a moment longer.

submitted by /u/Night-Sky
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