Trials of Osiris Megathread [2016-12-23]
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:01 AM PST
This thread is for all general discussion, questions, thoughts, musings, wonderings, etc. for the Trials of Osiris.
Year 2 Trials items can also be earned as end of match rewards.
A single legendary item is a guarantee upon a Gold Tier Package rewards.
Possible weapons (Year 3 - Adept):
Godspeed, Guardians. Mercury awaits.
Data provided by DestinyTracker
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot When does Trials of Osiris end?
- Trials of Osiris ends at normal Weekly Reset at 9am UTC on Tuesdays.
Trials of Osiris Map
Trials Passage
- Grants you access to Trials of Osiris
- A passage costs 500 glimmer.
- A Trials Passage always costs 500 glimmer, regardless if the card is completed or not.
Item | Cost |
1 Passage Coin | 1 Mote of Light |
1 Mote of Light | 3 Passage Coin |
To access the buffs, hit Triangle // Y on your controller while hovered over the Trials Passage Card from your Inventory Screen.- Favor of Osiris - Start Trials of Osiris with a Win. Must be purchased before your first match.
- Mercy of Osiris - Your first loss is forgiven. Must be purchased before your first match.
- Boldness - Winning your first match awards a bonus win. Must be purchased before your first match.
Buff Information
- Buffs are NOT shared between fireteam members. Each member will need to purchase their own.
- If you purchase the Mercy of Osiris and lose while the Mercy of Osiris was active, finish with 9 Wins/0 Loss with 1 actual loss, it will count as a Flawless victory.
- All buffs must be purchased before the first match.
Flawless Victory Information
- If you win 9 times without any losses, you get access to The Lighthouse in Mercury.
- If you get flawless victory multiple times on the same character, the chest on Mercury will not contain any loot after the first time.
- Using the Mercy of Osiris does not prevent you from a flawless victory.
The Lighthouse Information
- You get access to a chest that gives you sweet loot.
- Returning to Orbit will allow you to return to The Lighthouse.
Trials of Osiris Loot
Turning in Trials of Osiris bounties can result in Year 2 Trials items as rewards.Year 2 Trials items can also be earned as end of match rewards.
A single legendary item is a guarantee upon a Gold Tier Package rewards.
- 5 Wins - Random Armor
- 7 Wins - Random Weapon
Possible reward via Gold Tier package
- Exotic Gear
- Rare Engrams
- Legendary Armor (Year 2)
- Legendary Weapons (Year 2)
- Ghost (Year 3)
The Lighthouse Chest Loot
A single legendary weapon is a guaranteed upon LighthousePossible weapons (Year 3 - Adept):
- Vision Stone (Adept) | Auto Rifle
- Burning Eye (Adept) | Scout Rifle
- Blind Perdition (Adept) | Pulse Rifle
- Exile's Student (Adept) | Hand Cannon
Year 3 Weapon Loot Pool (Non Adept):
- Vision Stone | Auto Rifle
- Burning Eye | Scout Rifle
- Blind Perdition | Pulse Rifle
- Exile's Student | Hand Cannon
- Stellar Vestige | Fusion Rifle
- The Winged Word | Sniper Rifle
- Unraveling Thread | Shotgun
Guides and Important Links
- DestinyChecklist.net updated for Trails of Osiris data. by /u/dweezil22
- Destiny Trials Report - Useful for checking stats on your opponents, yourself, and your teammates.
- Destiny Tracker Trials Stats - Great for checking the stats on yourself or another player for Kills, Deaths, KD, KDA, Win Percentage, recent games, etc.
Godspeed, Guardians. Mercury awaits.
Data provided by DestinyTracker
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Destiny easter egg in the new Netflix series 'Travelers'
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:41 PM PST
So, watching Travelers, enjoying it so far, and this happened:
Had to actually look up Down and Doubt, all the others I recognized. One of the writers is definitely a fan!
submitted by /u/paracelus http://i.imgur.com/qbC9Y6U.gifv
Had to actually look up Down and Doubt, all the others I recognized. One of the writers is definitely a fan!
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When did SRL get a hard mode?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:49 AM PST
Seriously, did the giant fans get an "Enraged" mechanic?
EDIT: Link for mobile thanks to /u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea: http://imgur.com/KbgxOQT.gifv
(Obligatory) EDIT 2: My first front page!? Shit, HI MOM!
submitted by /u/FreelanceJedi Seriously, did the giant fans get an "Enraged" mechanic?
EDIT: Link for mobile thanks to /u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea: http://imgur.com/KbgxOQT.gifv
(Obligatory) EDIT 2: My first front page!? Shit, HI MOM!
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With the Christmas noobs incoming, if you see one, be helpful; not an asshat
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:26 PM PST
Don't trick them into dismantling gear, help boost their light up. Don't be rude to them just for getting the game late, welcome them into this great community. This is the greatness of this community, and it keeps getting better with each iron infant being helped
Edit: some advice/help to give could be
-Getting your first exotic from PoE
-joining a faction
-grinding easy strikes for light
-getting fun shaders, emblems, or other cosmetics
-getting their next subclass
-giving tips on rolls and best weapons
submitted by /u/EnderSir Edit: some advice/help to give could be
-Getting your first exotic from PoE
-joining a faction
-grinding easy strikes for light
-getting fun shaders, emblems, or other cosmetics
-getting their next subclass
-giving tips on rolls and best weapons
Give your ideas for the list in the comment section
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After noticing this its overwhelmingly obvious that Nova Mortis and Abbadon were originally intended to be released during The Taken King
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:51 PM PST
Remember, on Christmas day, there will be an influx of new Guardians
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:09 PM PST
On the 25th (and the next couple of days), we will see all the kinderguardians rocking their sick green gear in the Tower. If you see any, send them a nice message. They won't get to experience all the magic we did with things in Year 1 and Year 2.
Tl;dr: Kinderguardians are getting dropped off on Sunday. Be nice.
submitted by /u/steftim Tl;dr: Kinderguardians are getting dropped off on Sunday. Be nice.
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Cozmo has acknowledged the issue with Xur not selling 3oCs, has raised issue with appropriate team
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:27 AM PST
See comment here: http://reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5jw766/xur_megathread_20161223/dbjic57
submitted by /u/alfyboza [link] [comments]
I think SRL has effected me, I keep seeing that forklift around the cosmodrome, never even noticed it before. PFSD
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:06 PM PST
(Discussion)Post forklift stress disorder, its everywhere in strikes, omnigul, sepkis wave room, in the divide near the splicer tank. I'm surprised taniks doesn't have one in his room. Each time I see one, I get twitchy
submitted by /u/Arkslippy [link] [comments]
When your girlfriend is in tune with your Christmas needs...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:34 AM PST
I've been an xbox guardian since beta, and I still love this game. My girlfriend got the controller stand custom made with my GT. She puts up with my Destiny addiction, so she deserves recognition on this subreddit! Early Christmas gift as she's going home 2 hours away with family and my job as an RN has me working on Christmas. Merry Christmas to all of you fellow guardians!
Edit: Nice #3 under xur being the Grinch. Not bad for my first real post
submitted by /u/MaaarkyD123 I've been an xbox guardian since beta, and I still love this game. My girlfriend got the controller stand custom made with my GT. She puts up with my Destiny addiction, so she deserves recognition on this subreddit! Early Christmas gift as she's going home 2 hours away with family and my job as an RN has me working on Christmas. Merry Christmas to all of you fellow guardians!
Edit: Nice #3 under xur being the Grinch. Not bad for my first real post
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Completed first raid ever last night - wow.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:46 AM PST
Last night I completed Wrath of the Machine (normal) for the first time - my first completed Raid in Destiny. I'd started earlier this week and made it to Aksis Phase 2 but was stuck and short for time. Joining a group in progress last night and killing Aksis was so satisfying and the entire raid was a very fun experience. It was the perfect amount of a challenge - requiring precision and communication - but not mind impossibly difficult to perform. I think it is well-designed and it was a blast.
Not to mention the scenery is awesome and so epic. The canister room where the 'SIVA solution' emblem is unlocked was awesome, as was the descent down into the massive pyramid chamber before the final battle. ROI has such great atmosphere, music, everything.
Thanks for the fireteams who were involved - I have discovered a love for this new gameplay mode which was previously unknown to me. Now on to King's Fall!
submitted by /u/tkirk34 Not to mention the scenery is awesome and so epic. The canister room where the 'SIVA solution' emblem is unlocked was awesome, as was the descent down into the massive pyramid chamber before the final battle. ROI has such great atmosphere, music, everything.
Thanks for the fireteams who were involved - I have discovered a love for this new gameplay mode which was previously unknown to me. Now on to King's Fall!
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To all those lonely Guardians out there this holiday...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:49 PM PST
Not sure how many out there, whether you're single, have no family, friends, etc.
I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from one Guardian to another. No matter your race, color, how many times you caused a raid team to wipe. Be good to your fellow beings of light.
Happy Holidays, from your friend in the tower. - Friendly Bane
Oh! And don't forget to have an amazing year! So much in store for us :) See you all there.
submitted by /u/FriendlyBane I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from one Guardian to another. No matter your race, color, how many times you caused a raid team to wipe. Be good to your fellow beings of light.
Happy Holidays, from your friend in the tower. - Friendly Bane
Oh! And don't forget to have an amazing year! So much in store for us :) See you all there.
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Anyone else wish that turrets weren't awful?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:33 PM PST
Like, you see the beacon, but have learned your lesson from using them and dying for the 1,000th time, but there's always that one guy that gets himself killed constantly trying to use it. I feel like it should at least be more powerful than my heavy weapon considering it's a motionless rotating turret. As it stands, they're only good in like two situations and it's rare for them to pop up in those, I just wish they did a little more than get you killed.
submitted by /u/Random_Imgur_User [link] [comments]
Can artifacts be visibly worn like Ikora Rey's medallion?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:01 AM PST
If artifacts are a thing in Destiny 2, that is.
Obviously they don't have to all be medallions, but it would be pretty damn cool if we could get some kind of visible representation of these artifacts on our Guardians. Clasps, medallions, brooches, badges... there are all kinds of little decorative memorabilia that could be visibly worn on our Guardians.
Accessorizing is an important aspect of Guardian life, after all! Providing more options is always better!
submitted by /u/FacelessShadow Obviously they don't have to all be medallions, but it would be pretty damn cool if we could get some kind of visible representation of these artifacts on our Guardians. Clasps, medallions, brooches, badges... there are all kinds of little decorative memorabilia that could be visibly worn on our Guardians.
Accessorizing is an important aspect of Guardian life, after all! Providing more options is always better!
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Why do you not play Trials anymore?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:19 PM PST
Seeing the dwindling player base that still does ToO every week, I wanted to know why you don't play it anymore, or if you do, why do you still do it?
I personally haven't gone flawless, mostly because it seems like only the best of the best are left.
Edit: Wow, front page.
Edit II: People don't play it because of lag, stacked 2000+ ELO teams, and a now unreachable goal. People keep playing for the unreachable goal.
People get matched with stacked at win 3-4, when they are around 1200-1600 ELO.
submitted by /u/DarthPoptart I personally haven't gone flawless, mostly because it seems like only the best of the best are left.
Edit: Wow, front page.
Edit II: People don't play it because of lag, stacked 2000+ ELO teams, and a now unreachable goal. People keep playing for the unreachable goal.
People get matched with stacked at win 3-4, when they are around 1200-1600 ELO.
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Hung up on Mercury
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:46 AM PST
My friend recorded this - I don't even know how this happened. Anyone else manage it?
submitted by /u/Tesseon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9ee-_U8VEc
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Vanguard strike emblems/shaders confirmed to drop in SIVA Crisis (Level 42 / Light 320) playlist.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:58 AM PST
After numerous hours grinding the SIVA Crisis non-heroic strike I managed to get the last few emblems I needed to complete my collection and thought others looking to do the same can find this information helpful.
Before RoI these "vanguard strike" emblems/shaders were known to drop in the Level 36 (aka Vanguard Strike) playlist, but I couldn't find solid verification where these drop now post-RoI and therefore went on a grinding spree to figure this out.
I can confirm that the following emblems/shaders drop in the SIVA Crisis (Level 42 / Light 320) playlist as they all dropped for me there today:
Good luck guardians and happy hunting!
EDIT - It appears the smart loot system isn't working too well with these strike shaders/emblems - i.e. I've had the same ones, which I already acquired before, drop numerous times during my grind. One workaround is to fill your inventory with all the strike shaders/emblems you've already acquired so that those items won't drop again when you run the strikes, thereby raising your chance of the smart loot system dropping the item you actually need.
submitted by /u/zExcalivuR Before RoI these "vanguard strike" emblems/shaders were known to drop in the Level 36 (aka Vanguard Strike) playlist, but I couldn't find solid verification where these drop now post-RoI and therefore went on a grinding spree to figure this out.
I can confirm that the following emblems/shaders drop in the SIVA Crisis (Level 42 / Light 320) playlist as they all dropped for me there today:
- Lost City
- Cyan Stars
- Debt Unpaid
- No Puppet, I
- Our Kingdom
- Verisimilitude
Good luck guardians and happy hunting!
EDIT - It appears the smart loot system isn't working too well with these strike shaders/emblems - i.e. I've had the same ones, which I already acquired before, drop numerous times during my grind. One workaround is to fill your inventory with all the strike shaders/emblems you've already acquired so that those items won't drop again when you run the strikes, thereby raising your chance of the smart loot system dropping the item you actually need.
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Xur is not selling 3oC this week.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:14 AM PST
Thats what I call a bad christmas suprise, thanks Xu...äh Grinch?
Image of Proof
EDIT: Cozmo is aware of the Issue as redka234 pointed out, thanks buddy!
EDIT 2: Hey mom, hope you are a better Santa then Xur!
submitted by /u/janusziel Image of Proof
EDIT: Cozmo is aware of the Issue as redka234 pointed out, thanks buddy!
EDIT 2: Hey mom, hope you are a better Santa then Xur!
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We have a tradition of each person painting a new ornament every year. I think I have a theme.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:15 PM PST
For those of you just now getting the full set of Desolate armour and wondering where you get the taken shiver emote;
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:33 PM PST
Tess no longer has it in eververse to obtain from there with the release of RoI, however you can go to the emote kiosk in the Tower hangar and obtain it from there.
Note: you must still have all 5 armour pieces equipped in order to grab it, and also note that the emote is only unlocked on that character and no others. You have to get the armour for your other characters in order to get it for them too.
Merry X-mas or Happy Dawning everyone!!
EDIT: Was just brought to my attention that you do not have to have them all on you, you just need to have obtained them before.
submitted by /u/Z_Zeplin3 Note: you must still have all 5 armour pieces equipped in order to grab it, and also note that the emote is only unlocked on that character and no others. You have to get the armour for your other characters in order to get it for them too.
Merry X-mas or Happy Dawning everyone!!
EDIT: Was just brought to my attention that you do not have to have them all on you, you just need to have obtained them before.
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When you hit every gate and still lose...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:37 PM PST
Pay close attention to the radar.
Timebreaker too good.
submitted by /u/SplitSides https://clips.twitch.tv/equil/ClumsySquidTooSpicy
Timebreaker too good.
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Even Cayde-6 complains about the forklift.
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:32 AM PST
A funny thing I found browsing through the grimoires. The grimoire card to Haakon's Precipice:
"Hey! Who left this forklift in the middle of the track?" - Cayde-6
The steep mountain pass known as Haakon Precipice was once used by some of the more thrill-seeking Iron Lords. Redjacks have cleared brush and dug through avalanches to make the track passable again, but the increased activity has attracted the attention of the Devil Splicers.
Expect some "speed bumps."
submitted by /u/AliceCrazy "Hey! Who left this forklift in the middle of the track?" - Cayde-6
The steep mountain pass known as Haakon Precipice was once used by some of the more thrill-seeking Iron Lords. Redjacks have cleared brush and dug through avalanches to make the track passable again, but the increased activity has attracted the attention of the Devil Splicers.
Expect some "speed bumps."
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Should I buy Destiny now?
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:30 PM PST
Sorry for this generic question, but. I've played Destiny for 2 weeks after the release back in 2014 and quickly got tired of it due to lack of content and having to do the same activity over and over. Now it seems like it has a lot of content after two years of updates. So, I've to shoose: Destiny or Overwatch?
submitted by /u/Vitalyaya [link] [comments]
Some Dawning statistics for Week #1 released by Bungie
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 10:59 AM PST
Total Number of Kills: 3,001,706,127
Total Strike Score: 385,057,011,075
Total Strike Medals Earned: 539,488,432
Total Races Completed: 32,776,602
Total SRL Gates Cleared: 1,964,680,162
Most Used Sparrows
submitted by /u/steftim Total Number of Kills: 3,001,706,127
Total Strike Score: 385,057,011,075
Total Strike Medals Earned: 539,488,432
Total Races Completed: 32,776,602
Total SRL Gates Cleared: 1,964,680,162
Most Used Sparrows
- 1. Iron Gjallarwing
- 2. EV-40 Snowscream
- 3. Lysander's Cry
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My girlfriend hates Destiny, but obviously loves me...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 06:15 PM PST
I have an awesome girlfriend! https://imgur.com/a/dSwhy She definitely hates when i play this game, but loves me enough to buy me Destiny megabloks. She even managed to get me a warlock with Heart of the Praxic Fire. What more could a guy want?
submitted by /u/hawk-bruh [link] [comments]
Xur Megathread [2016-12-23]
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:01 AM PST
Agent of the Nine, Xûr
Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.
Tower, near the speaker
Exotic Gear:
Xur is not selling 3 of coins this week - Cozmo has acknowledged the issue
What's a Xûr?
Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.
TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.
When does Xûr visit?
Xur arrives at 9am UTC. See here to convert to your time zone
Sort comments by New to join the conversation!
Data provided by DestinyTracker
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot Description:
Xûr comes and goes freely, his strange curios too valuable to risk driving him from the Tower.
Tower, near the speaker
Exotic Gear:
Name | Type | Stats | Cost |
Legacy Engram | Helmet Engram | 29 SC | |
Empyrean Bellicose | Titan Helmet | 41 Intellect // 44 Strength(92% roll) | 13 SC |
Knucklehead Radar | Hunter Helmet | 40 Intellect // 43 Strength (90% roll) | 13 SC |
The Ram | Warlock Helmet | 77 Strength (84% roll) | 13 SC |
Plan C | Fusion Rifle | 23 SC |
Name | Type | Quantity | Cost |
Heavy Ammo Synthesis | Consumable | 3 | 1 SC |
Heavy Ammo Synthesis | Consumable | 10 | 3 SC |
Glass Needles | Material | 1 | 3 SC |
Plasma Drive | Vehicle Upgrade | 1 | 23 SC |
Stealth Drive | Vehicle Upgrade | 1 | 23 SC |
What's a Xûr?
Xûr, Agent of the Nine is a merchant within the Tower and Reef. Xûr sells exotic weapons, armor, and consumables in exchange for Strange Coins. He can be found around the Tower or Reef in different locations every weekend.
TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.
When does Xûr visit?
Xur arrives at 9am UTC. See here to convert to your time zone
Sort comments by New to join the conversation!
Data provided by DestinyTracker
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This Graviton Forfeit Hunter needs to get the hell off my back...
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:06 PM PST
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