Trade Tuesdays - Post your ESO trades here
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:02 AM PST
Hey folks,
Welcome to our new recurring post to help you trade items in ESO!
You can post any ingame items you would like to sell, buy or trade, start your comment with WTS / WTB / WTT.
Please do not post trades for out of game items / cash, or anything that may break the ESO Terms of Service.
As always, be polite and respectful, and happy trading!
submitted by /u/AutoModerator Welcome to our new recurring post to help you trade items in ESO!
You can post any ingame items you would like to sell, buy or trade, start your comment with WTS / WTB / WTT.
Please do not post trades for out of game items / cash, or anything that may break the ESO Terms of Service.
As always, be polite and respectful, and happy trading!
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Daily Set Discussion 2016-12-20: Barkskin
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 09:01 PM PST
PvE Reward
Level: Any
Type: Medium Armor, Weapon, Jewelry
Style: Primal
Set Bonuses
Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.
A list of all Daily Set Discussions so far can be found here.
submitted by /u/RobertofPotatoland PvE Reward
Level: Any
Type: Medium Armor, Weapon, Jewelry
Style: Primal
Set Bonuses
Items | Bonus |
2 | Adds 1064 Max Health |
3 | Adds 129 Stamina Recovery |
4 | Adds 1935 Physical Resistance |
5 | Reduces the duration of immobilizations and snares on you by 50%. When an immobilization or snare is applied to you, heal for 2000 Health and restore 1000 Stamina. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds. |
Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.
A list of all Daily Set Discussions so far can be found here.
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My best eso moment was because of an urn
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:57 AM PST
Now ive only had this game for about 2 weeks now and i got my wife into it over the weekend. Well we decided to start new characters together with the ebonheart pact and we did the skybarrow quest at bleakrock (i think that the name). Prior to this i was just telling her i would love to find the daedric motif as its my favourite style, but i never would find it. immediately as we enter i search the first urn i see. lo and behold there it was. the coveted motif. i was jumping for joy for no reason. just wanted to share with the community.
submitted by /u/XxJellyKingxX [link] [comments]
How to replicate the retired Blacksmith costume with RP clothes
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:20 PM PST
Make fun of me if you wish, but last night I was running around on a thieving spree for a friend of mine, looking for some RP clothes as a surprise when I accidentally discovered that I can (almost) replicate the long-since-retired Blacksmithing Apron costume.
Items, colors, and where to find them:
Layered Blouse - Obsidian Black and Varla White or Legionary's Lead. Wardrobes and Trunks.
Aproned Kilt and Trousers - Varla White/Legionary's Lead, Coldharbour Ash Black, and Obsidian Black. Wardrobes and Trunks.
Stitched Long Gloves - Soul Shriven Gray. Sacks, Baskets, Wardrobes, and Trunks.
Cuffed Boots - Dried Blood Brown, Soul Shriven Gray, Obsidian Black. Sacks, Baskets, Wardrobes, and Trunks.
I know some of these colors aren't exact, but these are the closest I could get with my unlocked colors. Have fun roleplaying, my fellow blacksmiths! Cheers!
submitted by /u/AbbieGoth
Items, colors, and where to find them:
Layered Blouse - Obsidian Black and Varla White or Legionary's Lead. Wardrobes and Trunks.
Aproned Kilt and Trousers - Varla White/Legionary's Lead, Coldharbour Ash Black, and Obsidian Black. Wardrobes and Trunks.
Stitched Long Gloves - Soul Shriven Gray. Sacks, Baskets, Wardrobes, and Trunks.
Cuffed Boots - Dried Blood Brown, Soul Shriven Gray, Obsidian Black. Sacks, Baskets, Wardrobes, and Trunks.
I know some of these colors aren't exact, but these are the closest I could get with my unlocked colors. Have fun roleplaying, my fellow blacksmiths! Cheers!
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I think my new armor and weapon looks pretty good.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:44 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/SilchanOvTheHvnt [link] [comments] |
[Guide]Getting Around Without Wayshrines
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:38 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/benevolentbowd [link] [comments] |
Sometimes I can't believe how slow my reactions are
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:10 AM PST
Sometimes when I take my hand away from the keyboard and then go back my hand is in the wrong spot. Finger on Q or E to walk forward instead of W.
So tonight, my brain (god bless it) witnessed my left hand hold down Q instead of W to walk forward, my right hand move the mouse to hover over my last ambrosia, then my left hand to panic in the situation and try to walk forward once more. Thus consuming the ambrosia.
I think i felt my brain facepalm while I was just speechless.
You should see me in dungeons
submitted by /u/erai91 So tonight, my brain (god bless it) witnessed my left hand hold down Q instead of W to walk forward, my right hand move the mouse to hover over my last ambrosia, then my left hand to panic in the situation and try to walk forward once more. Thus consuming the ambrosia.
I think i felt my brain facepalm while I was just speechless.
You should see me in dungeons
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There's a reason his title is sun's dusk reaper
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheBurningGinger [link] [comments] |
Active RP community.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:30 AM PST
Whether is a server, chat channel, guild, whatever. I'm just looking for a large group of players who are strictly rping. Thanks :)
submitted by /u/ghettochipmunk [link] [comments]
[PC] Why does the Akaviri motif have such a rough path for getting them?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:59 AM PST
I'm aiming for the Akaviri motif set so I can make my main, Samurai character. Almost have the soul-shriven motif for the sword. People have told me it will take around 4 MILLION points(?) in pvp to buy them or I have to find them on guild stores for purchase, which I'm guessing is expensive as well. I'm broke and doesn't look like I'll make much before I get the soul-shriven on my only other character who will be my main crafter.
Is there a reason why the Akaviri motif set is so hard to obtain other than "just is"? I'm not too big on buying cosmetics but if they had this on the store, I'd buy it up to save all the time.
submitted by /u/PM_For_Help Is there a reason why the Akaviri motif set is so hard to obtain other than "just is"? I'm not too big on buying cosmetics but if they had this on the store, I'd buy it up to save all the time.
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What armor set did I just see?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:55 AM PST
I only caught the dude for a few seconds at a wayshrine and didn't have time to take a screenshot so sorry about that.
Anyways his armor looked like Breton heavy armor but with lion faces on the pauldrons and a lion themed helmet. I've played ESO on and off since launch and have never seen this armor set and I couldn't find it on Esofashion. If anyone knows what set this was please let me know.
submitted by /u/Khailik Anyways his armor looked like Breton heavy armor but with lion faces on the pauldrons and a lion themed helmet. I've played ESO on and off since launch and have never seen this armor set and I couldn't find it on Esofashion. If anyone knows what set this was please let me know.
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My Friend got me crowns for XBox... but I play on PC. Anyone wanna trade/buy the code off of me?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:15 AM PST
I'm going to start off by saying that I know this sounds like a blatant scam, but I swear it isn't. My friend got me an early Christmas present: 3,000 crowns. Unfortunately, she got it for the XBox One, and I play the PC. Would anyone like to buy the code off of me? It's just on a Gamestop receipt, so I can send it to you though a message. I have a PayPal, so we can do the transaction through that, or if you just want to get a code for 3,000 crowns fr the PC we can just swap codes.
And if you don't want to buy the code (which is totally understandable), do you guys have any idea how I can get this code refunded or exchanged for it's full price? Bethesda/Zenimax and Gamestop both said they can't help me.
submitted by /u/Double-Sided_Dent And if you don't want to buy the code (which is totally understandable), do you guys have any idea how I can get this code refunded or exchanged for it's full price? Bethesda/Zenimax and Gamestop both said they can't help me.
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How much does it cost to get carried through vMoL?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:00 AM PST
I keep seeing more and more players with "the skin" and wondered how the hell they were getting it. Some i know and are not the best players. There is a player with less than 250cp with it. I asked around and apparently they are buying the achievement. I've heard of people paying 6 million. Is this a thing now?
Just to be clear i will not pay for the skin, i will only do it legit or never have it.
submitted by /u/n_thomas74 Just to be clear i will not pay for the skin, i will only do it legit or never have it.
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[PC] [NA] I'm donating $5 to men's prostate cancer research for every million my guild does in sales!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:33 AM PST
My guild is supporting men's prostate cancer research this week. Valheru's guild store is located on Na Pc in Gold Coast. Help us break our record of 5.7m in sales!
Hope this doesn't break any rules! And thanks!
submitted by /u/leithal92 Hope this doesn't break any rules! And thanks!
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Efficient Bow Build with Nightblade?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:44 AM PST
I decided to switch to bows on my NB for a while.
Whats a good build for that? Should I use Stamina or Magicka? Should I invest Skill Points in my class skill lines or in the bow skill line?
Honestly I have no clue...
submitted by /u/tookthebaitmate I decided to switch to bows on my NB for a while.
Whats a good build for that? Should I use Stamina or Magicka? Should I invest Skill Points in my class skill lines or in the bow skill line?
Honestly I have no clue...
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[PC] When should I start doing dungeons?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:30 AM PST
I have been playing since the Thanksgiving Steam sale, but I have been wary of trying out dungeons.
From what I've read, with One Tamriel due to the scaling people are being kicked if they do not have high CP? Is this even in normal dungeons?
I'm playing a DPS (magblade destruction/resto staves) so I figure the queues will be long already. Are there guides I should watch before jumping in?
Typically I do extremely well in dungeons, I have healed, tanked, and DPS'd successfully in too many MMO's to count at this point. Is it pointless to worry about this for normal dungeons?
I'm currently around lvl 37 and still haven't ran a single dungeon due to this.. Well that and the crafting, and the Thieves Guild, and festival quests. OK maybe I have put this off longer than usual.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
TL:DR - What level and gear is suitable to start dungeons without being vote kicked repeatedly? I am a MMO vet, just not used to this type of scaling.
submitted by /u/greenman403 From what I've read, with One Tamriel due to the scaling people are being kicked if they do not have high CP? Is this even in normal dungeons?
I'm playing a DPS (magblade destruction/resto staves) so I figure the queues will be long already. Are there guides I should watch before jumping in?
Typically I do extremely well in dungeons, I have healed, tanked, and DPS'd successfully in too many MMO's to count at this point. Is it pointless to worry about this for normal dungeons?
I'm currently around lvl 37 and still haven't ran a single dungeon due to this.. Well that and the crafting, and the Thieves Guild, and festival quests. OK maybe I have put this off longer than usual.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
TL:DR - What level and gear is suitable to start dungeons without being vote kicked repeatedly? I am a MMO vet, just not used to this type of scaling.
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[Discussion] What Heavy Armor Motif most resembles the Gold Armor from Morrowind?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:58 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Fly666monkey [link] [comments] |
Find the mudcrab!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:02 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/lepemetus [link] [comments] |
Any updates on historic Crown Store items?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:40 AM PST
Hey all,
Does anyone have any updates or replies from ZoS in regard to purchasing previous Crown Store items?
I myself sent them an email yesterday citing the reddit thread where a user provided info on purchasing expired Crown Store items. I have not had any responses from ZoS.
submitted by /u/gjergj123 Does anyone have any updates or replies from ZoS in regard to purchasing previous Crown Store items?
I myself sent them an email yesterday citing the reddit thread where a user provided info on purchasing expired Crown Store items. I have not had any responses from ZoS.
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Fresh CP160 looking for suggestions on monster masks/build
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:08 PM PST
I am a Stam DK DPS using bow/duel wield and am focused pretty heavy on DoT damage. I am leaning how to make an appropriate build, but was looking for suggestions on which monster masks I should get and what the best armor/jewelry sets are. Thank you in advance!
submitted by /u/Randevu [link] [comments]
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:51 AM PST
TL DR: DO NOT use MultiCraft addon or any addon that does something with one click, you COULD GET PERMANENTLY BANNED.
Hi, I just got kicked out of the game and message saying permanently banned to contact support. First of all, I have no idea why a ban, secondly, I can't login to the support page, it says my "UserID and/or password was incorrect". Also at the very time of the ban I got a weird email saying "This message confirms that you have successfully cancelled your ESO Plus™ membership, or a Steam ESO Plus™ membership was detected thereby cancelling a duplicate membership on your account." - Which makes zero sense. Can anyone help me? How do I contact the support when I cant login?
Edit: I have a ticket support ID now: 161220-001896 Another support ticket: 161220-002019 Another ticket: 161220-002103
If an ESO Support staff is on reddit, would you please look into it?
Edit: I got a response
"Response By (Zachary) (12/20/2016 01:41 PM) Greetings,
After a thorough review of your account, it has been determined that the account did in fact violate our Terms of Service. We regret to inform you that your appeal for an account ban reversal is denied.
Due to the extent and scale of the violation, it has been decided that the ban on this account will remain in place, and that all services related to this account shall remain deactivated permanently. This decision was not made lightly, however it is final.
Regards, The Elder Scrolls Online Team"
I'm sorry but this is unfair. I am a new player, have been playing for about three weeks. I did not do anything wrong, I am playing the game fair, doing my quests, dungeons, dailies, and just casually playing and enjoying the game. They did not even give me reason for the ban. They saying "Due tot he extend and scale" sounds like I have done something huge against their ToS, but I haven't done anything, clearly some sort of mistake...
Edit: New reply
Internal logs are the private property of Zenimax Online Studios.
We reserve the right to not disclose any information regarding the action taken on this account. This decision is final, and we consider this matter closed.
Regards, Zach"
I'm sorry but is this a joke? I literally haven't done anything wrong, how can they treat people like this? Just banning on a whim and that's it, no explanation at all? I would deserve at least that, perhaps I have done something wrong that I am not aware of? Although I'm sure I haven't, I just play the game casually, I even ask on reddit a lot for help in regards to the game.
Could a ZOS staff please help me? There is clearly a mistake here!
New reply
"Hello Again,
The ban on your account is from activity that we can verify ourselves through our database.
We do not ask you to explain the behavior that we find to be in violation of our rules.
Your account has been permanently banned, and reviewed by multiple personnel, and our decision is final.
All further appeals on this matter will go unanswered."
Okay so I can only assume they thought I was a bot? I told them that for example yesterday between like 2am to 5am or something like that I was just nolifing by farming red ores constantly and using bolt escape from sorcerer tree to move faster, I also told them that I did no lifing with dark anchors on desert to level up faster. To that they said above, do not explain the behavior, so they actually thought I was a bot because of how hard I no life? That is pretty funny, and I guess there is nothing more for me to do. I am innocent, I did play fair. If they give me no other choice, I guess I have no more options to do at this point but just move on. I will definitely not buy the game again even though I really enjoy it, because if I just play the exact same way, nolife, and banned again, what's the point? Very sad..
Edit: Okay, I still am not able to get a straight answer from the support, but I think I know why I am banned. It is because of this addon here called MultiCraft
I googled it, and one ZOS staff said "Macros and addons that allow players to automate and perform multiple actions with a single keystroke is a violation of our Terms of Service. All examples you provided do fall under automation, and as such are not allowed via our Terms of Service."
This is exactly what multicraft does. Crafts with one key stroke. The guy in the forum above even lists MultiCraft as example. Had no idea it wasn't allowed, lots of people use it, but I guess if that's the rule, I have to accept it. Was fun playing the game, sadly it ends here for me.
submitted by /u/Lancast Hi, I just got kicked out of the game and message saying permanently banned to contact support. First of all, I have no idea why a ban, secondly, I can't login to the support page, it says my "UserID and/or password was incorrect". Also at the very time of the ban I got a weird email saying "This message confirms that you have successfully cancelled your ESO Plus™ membership, or a Steam ESO Plus™ membership was detected thereby cancelling a duplicate membership on your account." - Which makes zero sense. Can anyone help me? How do I contact the support when I cant login?
Edit: I have a ticket support ID now: 161220-001896 Another support ticket: 161220-002019 Another ticket: 161220-002103
If an ESO Support staff is on reddit, would you please look into it?
Edit: I got a response
"Response By (Zachary) (12/20/2016 01:41 PM) Greetings,
After a thorough review of your account, it has been determined that the account did in fact violate our Terms of Service. We regret to inform you that your appeal for an account ban reversal is denied.
Due to the extent and scale of the violation, it has been decided that the ban on this account will remain in place, and that all services related to this account shall remain deactivated permanently. This decision was not made lightly, however it is final.
Regards, The Elder Scrolls Online Team"
I'm sorry but this is unfair. I am a new player, have been playing for about three weeks. I did not do anything wrong, I am playing the game fair, doing my quests, dungeons, dailies, and just casually playing and enjoying the game. They did not even give me reason for the ban. They saying "Due tot he extend and scale" sounds like I have done something huge against their ToS, but I haven't done anything, clearly some sort of mistake...
Edit: New reply
Internal logs are the private property of Zenimax Online Studios.
We reserve the right to not disclose any information regarding the action taken on this account. This decision is final, and we consider this matter closed.
Regards, Zach"
I'm sorry but is this a joke? I literally haven't done anything wrong, how can they treat people like this? Just banning on a whim and that's it, no explanation at all? I would deserve at least that, perhaps I have done something wrong that I am not aware of? Although I'm sure I haven't, I just play the game casually, I even ask on reddit a lot for help in regards to the game.
Could a ZOS staff please help me? There is clearly a mistake here!
New reply
"Hello Again,
The ban on your account is from activity that we can verify ourselves through our database.
We do not ask you to explain the behavior that we find to be in violation of our rules.
Your account has been permanently banned, and reviewed by multiple personnel, and our decision is final.
All further appeals on this matter will go unanswered."
Okay so I can only assume they thought I was a bot? I told them that for example yesterday between like 2am to 5am or something like that I was just nolifing by farming red ores constantly and using bolt escape from sorcerer tree to move faster, I also told them that I did no lifing with dark anchors on desert to level up faster. To that they said above, do not explain the behavior, so they actually thought I was a bot because of how hard I no life? That is pretty funny, and I guess there is nothing more for me to do. I am innocent, I did play fair. If they give me no other choice, I guess I have no more options to do at this point but just move on. I will definitely not buy the game again even though I really enjoy it, because if I just play the exact same way, nolife, and banned again, what's the point? Very sad..
Edit: Okay, I still am not able to get a straight answer from the support, but I think I know why I am banned. It is because of this addon here called MultiCraft
I googled it, and one ZOS staff said "Macros and addons that allow players to automate and perform multiple actions with a single keystroke is a violation of our Terms of Service. All examples you provided do fall under automation, and as such are not allowed via our Terms of Service."
This is exactly what multicraft does. Crafts with one key stroke. The guy in the forum above even lists MultiCraft as example. Had no idea it wasn't allowed, lots of people use it, but I guess if that's the rule, I have to accept it. Was fun playing the game, sadly it ends here for me.
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[PC] Alternatives to Maelstrom Weaponry?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:17 AM PST
I'm CP165 (Stamina NB) but I'm still farming my Spriggan's set and have yet to begin farming my Vicious Ophidian and Kra'gh gear.
I'm not even close to being ready for the Maelstrom Arena. What are some good alternatives to the Maelstrom weapons, specifically daggers and a bow. I'm looking for Sharpened daggers specifically.
submitted by /u/Intense4Play I'm not even close to being ready for the Maelstrom Arena. What are some good alternatives to the Maelstrom weapons, specifically daggers and a bow. I'm looking for Sharpened daggers specifically.
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Do passives, such as "Slayer," work when I have abilities slotted on the bar I am not currently using?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:36 AM PST
Forgive me if that phrasing is confusing. Essentially there are passives that say "...for each fighters guild ability slotted." Do I still get a passive if I have these abilities slotted on my back bar when I have not switched to it?
submitted by /u/Randevu [link] [comments]
Where can I find the new life costume shown in this screenshot?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:29 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Oberon95 [link] [comments] |
Any way to improve frame rate? My eyes get really tired on Xbox One
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:52 AM PST
First of all, I love ESO. It's perfect for 2-3 hours of play, every few days when time allows, and there's lots of stuff to do. Definitely getting my entertainment value for the money out of it.
But...the frame rate...Ugh. This is literally the only game I own on Xbox that hurts my eyes. Trying to look for Iron or Jute while running around the landscape is tough when the frames jerk by like that.
Doom is awesome. 60 fps, liquid smooth, I can play for hours, no eye-strain.
Gears of War 4 has a lot of stuff going on, and doesn't make my eyes tired.
Other games too...Batman, Halo, etc, whatever. No eye strain.
Is there a way to dial down view distance to improve frame rate on Xbox? Or some recommended setting for your TV other than lowering the brightness to reduce eye strain? (Already tried that.)
Maybe a way to play in 720P instead of 1080P? I'm willing to give it a go if it will remove that damn 30 fps cap and give my eyes a break.
EDIT: Okay, the answer is "No. You can't tweak performance." No worries. I wanted a reasonably "budget" but "modern" platform to keep gaming on without paying the $650-$1000 to build a new PC. (Old rig has done well for five years, but needs nearly all new components - effectively a brand new PC.) Most games work great on the Xbox One, only this one has the eye strain I guess I'll deal with it.
submitted by /u/FatManDue But...the frame rate...Ugh. This is literally the only game I own on Xbox that hurts my eyes. Trying to look for Iron or Jute while running around the landscape is tough when the frames jerk by like that.
Doom is awesome. 60 fps, liquid smooth, I can play for hours, no eye-strain.
Gears of War 4 has a lot of stuff going on, and doesn't make my eyes tired.
Other games too...Batman, Halo, etc, whatever. No eye strain.
Is there a way to dial down view distance to improve frame rate on Xbox? Or some recommended setting for your TV other than lowering the brightness to reduce eye strain? (Already tried that.)
Maybe a way to play in 720P instead of 1080P? I'm willing to give it a go if it will remove that damn 30 fps cap and give my eyes a break.
EDIT: Okay, the answer is "No. You can't tweak performance." No worries. I wanted a reasonably "budget" but "modern" platform to keep gaming on without paying the $650-$1000 to build a new PC. (Old rig has done well for five years, but needs nearly all new components - effectively a brand new PC.) Most games work great on the Xbox One, only this one has the eye strain I guess I'll deal with it.
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