Is there any reason why this build is NOT viable for (certain) Assassins?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:53 AM PST

Before i get into the build i should mention that i have a very initiation-based play-style when it comes to team-fighting. I enjoy being the one to make the first move and then (hopefully) having my team follow up. Generally prefer to play Solo or Support, but when i play Jungler i like to transition into this sort of play-style as well. As such, it's fairly obvious that this build is relatively tanky.

So the finished build looks like this: Transcendence > Warrior Tabi > Breastplate > Bulwark (Pestilence if needed) > Titan's Bane > flex item.
Flex item is generally Winged Blade if there's more than 1 slow on the enemy team, Mantle of Discord if i need more Protections, or Brawler's if the enemy has a lot of healing and it's still problematic late-game. Sometimes i'll pick up Shifter's Shield or Hydra's when i still feel like i need a bit of extra damage.
Obviously this build does not work on every Assassin, but here's a list of gods i've tried it on (and have had success on): Susano, Ratotaskr, Awilix, Thor, Camazots, Thanatos. I am yet to try it on Fenrir, but i assume i'll have relatively the same result on him as i have with the aforementioned.
The reason i build like this is as follows: Transcendence gives a good amount of power in the early and mid game. Late-game it starts falling off a bit, but that's when Titan's Bane helps out. The build has good poke potential, and enough protections to compliment my aggressive play-style. Obviously i'm not always going to 100-0 anyone, but even late-game i can hold my own against Hunters and Mages (which are my prime targets anyway). Building stacks is the only real problem with this build, but with efficient farming i can still build stacks easily via Buff-camps, Harpies, and a few stacks here and there in lane.
As i mentioned, i have had a lot of success with this build on the gods i mentioned (which is the only gods i'll ever use this build on). But just because i do well with a build doesn't mean it's a good build. So i'm just really looking for input as to why this build might not be viable.
submitted by /u/Slaytaniccc
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[MOTD IDEA] A MOTD where you play a different god each time you die.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:38 AM PST

Clash Map Update?

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST

Hey guys, I was wondering if we would ever see a clash map update. I really love clash. It blends conquest and arena together. It's sort of a cluster of shenanigans but I think it works. The games are quick and more casual in nature. I have a lot of fun with my friends in this playlist. There's still some objectives there to chase and the quality of players is generally high, though recently quitting and connection issues have been a bit more frequent.
I think the map needs an update though. I honestly am not sure what I'd want them to do about it. Maybe add a bit more of a jungle and add length to the map. I would definitely like at least SOME non-tower or non-phoenix range area between the two structures. Basically, I want a space in between the tower and the phoenix where I can flank without getting targeted by a structure. There is a small area like that in clash, which could be a little bigger like in conquest.
My friend suggested 3 lanes, but I think I'd prefer it to remain two lanes. If anything, they could add another tier of towers. But again, I don't think that's necessary. I like how fast it is. I can get done a game in 15-20 minutes. That's the sweet spot in SMITE for me. Most of the games in SMITE that I hate are games that are trashy that persist for an hour where I'm locked in a support role supporting literally nobody (because when I stun them, nobody ganks, attacks or does any damage or I'll save someone only to watch them dive 5 of them right after) and thus underleveled and bored out of my mind. I recognize conquest is the go-to mode, but I don't have a friend list of just pros who know how to play, rotate, and switch off of gods (i.e. role switches). It'd be different, at least, if I wasn't playing support 50% of the time and jungle 50% of the time. Two roles that require extraordinary communication, rotation skills, and team leveling to be effective (i.e. your team can't be trash).
Anyways, my suggestion. Two lanes, with a jungle. It doesn't need to be a big jungle. You can make the decision on buffs, but we at least need mana and damage camp. Again, you can add another tier of towers but I wouldn't be upset if you didn't because I know clash is targeting a specific timeframe of completion. Ideally, you would make a map where when your entire team rotates to one side it costs them. As of now, in clash, if you rotate there's no actual cost to doing so. So, you'll often see Odin, Loki, etc. position themselves wherever they want and then rotate over to the other lane because it only takes 1 second to get there. So additionally, make the distance longer in the middle so it's easier to capitalize on poor positioning.
Those are my suggestions. I welcome any additional comments from fans of the game and/or game mode. Happy holidays.
PS: I wouldn't particularly mind the Siege map, but I do not want anything to do with randomly spawning monsters. That stuff is weak man.
submitted by /u/B_Nasty21
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Mayan Chest.

Posted: 17 Dec 2016 02:15 AM PST

Just checked the store and the Mayan chest is now avaliable, I'm guessing for the Saturnalia event (which I thought wasn't hapoening till later but okay). The content of the chest consits of; Mayan Avatar, Renegade Awilix, Nerd Rage Cabraken, Chaacolate Chaac, Kuku Kukulkan, Jag.Rar Xbalanque, Dark Whisper Ah Muzen Cab, Galatic Invader Ah Puch, Shaolin Monk-ey Hun Batz and Temple of Kukulkan Ward. Its 400 gems per role and runs for a day.
The contents of this chest gives me hope Meltdown Sol will be in the Norse Chest!
submitted by /u/Xx6YoungBlood9xX
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Smite Jazz Montage
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:39 AM PST

Something a bit more relaxing...
Hope you enjoy! :D
submitted by /u/JarkeyBacon
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Better than Zapman
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 02:27 AM PST
Odyssey 2017 chest 400 gem now ?
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 03:08 AM PST
I wonder what level I would be after almost 2000h.
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:07 AM PST

If they made the levels go up instead of just stopping at 30, I understand the matchmaking aspect but it could just be for aesthetic. It would be nice to see what level some people are that play this game an absurd amount, like me.
submitted by /u/CanadianNic
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Science went too far this time...
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 02:47 AM PST
New Smite Sales :D 25% off 200 = 300 :D New and improved math :D
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 07:59 AM PST
submitted by /u/c83e55
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Bad Luck Janus (short video)
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:59 AM PST
MOTD suggestion: Siege with siege jugs instead of minions
Posted: 17 Dec 2016 04:12 AM PST

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