Dota 2 Daily Report #5 - Execration and TNC are having VISA Problems

Dota 2 News

Execration and TNC are having VISA Problems.

Both TNC and Execration's managers, Paulo Sy and Arvin Risos, respectively, have confirmed through exclusive statements with Esports Inquirer that their teams' visas have indeed been denied. However, it appears that not all hope is lost, as the the US government has called for them to secure P1 visas instead of the B1/B2 visas that Valve had earlier instructed them.

Wings Gaming return to form at The Summit 5

After a disappointing performance from Wings Gaming at the Manila Major, it was a wonder how this team had a run like the one seen at the The Summit 5.

Dota 2 Community

Kuro is such an amazing analyst - by GildorDorn

I heard more knowledge in this 20 minute game than in a normal 40 min + panel.
It's a pleasure listening, you can actually see why he's one of the top captains.

Add a "Did You Know?" Section that scrolls through Dota terminology between TI Matches - by MagicMuy

EVO had a small section that flipped between different street fighter terms. Having zero experience at the game, I found it useful in order to understand what the casters were saying. I think new Dota watchers would benefit from a similar concept.

Faceit Boosting is getting out of control - by jjaf0425

Disregarding how butt hurt I am after experiencing this, ill try and keep this short and sweet.
I noticed the players I was playing against were boosters before the drafting phase even ended, I called live support, but they said that they couldn't do anything. Our captain drafted a team, then proceeded to immediately abandon, the player's account was brand new and had 2 previous games against the other players, all resulting in the same thing.
All I want to do is play some dota and maybe win some compendium points along the way, but I don't think I can stand playing on faceit as long as these issue persist. >End rant

The "bug" Valve is ignoring that keeps lots of us in low-priority - by Tidenburg

This has been really irking me lately and it seems like such a simple fix. At the beginning of so many of my low priority games (which I've basically been a permanent inhabitant of for the last two months) there are two or three disconnects - sometimes including me.
The cause of this is that when we select heroes they take a long time to load in. If I select my hero before the timer is ~10 second I can usually get in fine but if many people select at once or I get stuck debating which to choose I get locked out. What happens isn't a crash - it just takes some time to load everyone's fancy hats, particle effects and announcers I guess. After about 15 seconds the game unfreezes but the client detects too much time has passed without contacting the server.
I then have to disconnect, unload, reload and reconnect because I get a "automatic disconnect in 20 seconds" message where I should just get a "click here to reconnect" button or something. Why make me reload all the way back out which then gives me another abandon? This is even worse for all random which totally overloads my PC and is pretty much a guaranteed abandon.
I know asking for sympathy from my potato Macbook rig is pretty hard to ask for but I couldn't bring my PC when I moved overseas and this has been haunting me ever since. I don't know why we all have to load the map in together but then these other assets which are clearly just as time-consuming now to load will give you an abandon instead. Even mid-range PCs get the jagginess when many heroes are selected at once.
If that's not possible, just add some 'ghost' avatar for heroes and backload them in. Like in MMORPGs where unloaded characters are just silhouettes until they're loaded.
Otherwise does anyone have any advice on how I can fix this? I have no money and a recent Macbook which otherwise runs the game pretty smoothly on low settings - the load speed isn't even that bad. Save me from this eternal low-pri hell.

Dota 2 Highlights

Gifs and Pic

When your teammate tries to be helpful but gets flamed
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The Final 8 Arcana Heroes Remaining
With pitlord making his debut soon, a reminder that we still miss an ancient camp, dragonspawns
My new favorite weather effect/terrain combo
EARTHQUACK. When the players in your game are actually having an earthquake
Everything is coming up Rylai! CM gets a rampage
We beat OG in the battle cup! (kappa)
Then we didn't see him for flat 20 minutes because of no wards there


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