Overwatch Daily Report #5 - If Overwatch Heroes played Overwatch...

Overwatch  Community

A Fix for 'Avoid Player.' - by Subtle_Beast

Like many of you, I've lamented the removal of the 'avoid player' feature. This is especially true for me now that competitive has started and I frequently run into players whose behavior and attitudes make the game less fun while not being against the CoC.
The previous issue with avoid player was that people were using it to curate their opponent roster. A high level sniper would be avoided as to help make sure that you wouldn't have to play against them.
Instead of removing this feature, a common sense solution would be to make prefer and avoid only apply to your own teammates. If you avoid someone for being too good, that simply means they won't be part of your team, but are just as likely to be on the opposite team. If you prefer them, that increases the chance you'll be matched in a game with them.
In this system, if an opponent is sufficiently high skilled as to make an impression, the best thing to do would be prefer them.
What do you think?

If Overwatch Heroes played Overwatch... - by randomnate

Bastion would play Mercy, because he's a pacifist at heart
Lucio would play D.Va, because he's a fan of hers
Junkrat would play Pharah, the only character who can actually blow stuff up even more than he can.
Pharah would play Reinhardt, because she had his poster.
Genji would play Zenyatta, out of respect for his master.
Winston would play Symmetra, because he's a refined and cerebral individual.
McCree would play Tracer, so he can always time travel to High Noon.
And Reaper would play Mei, because he's evil

As a Mercy player to my resurrectee's... - by mouseno4

Kinda technical question, but does your ability cooldowns continue to tick - and specifically Reinhardt's shield - whilst you are dead?
Say Reinhardt's shield broke right before being mowed down by Bastion. If I were to resurrect you immediately upon death, would your shield still have 0 health? And what about your other cooldowns?
(I think I can count on one hand how many times I have been resurrected by a Mercy in 30+ hours playing)

Overwatch  Highlights

Gifs and Pic

Justice rains from a-SHORYUKEN
Knitting Ana
Tfw you don't have your ult as mercy
How I typically end my Overwatch day
surprise mercy
It's Science
So close...
The guy who drives the payload on Dorado has finally been revealed
Made some Overwatch-themed Magic: The Gathering cards
Hiya! I drew Cute Reaper throwing some pies
[Fan Art] TFW you're a guy who mains Mercy..
In my day.
Hell yea I recovered I'm amazi-- wait what?
Team left, got help on Lucio's achievement
Fist of the Nerf Star
I'm a Bastion-Seeking Missile
MILF (Mother Will Love Forever) [Fan comic]
The payload moves like a st..... stone
In lieu of the Symmetra skin thing..
Tell me guys - How did i not trigger overtime here?
Thanks for the railing else I will fall down with them too
"Hey look I'm an Offense! Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!"
What's wrong, Hanzo? Don't you recognize me?
Reaper had a nightmare
Friendly Reminder that Symmetra Balls Penetrate
Coming back from 0-2 this was really satisfying
The most impressive Torbjorn I've ever seen
You okay there Zarya?


Hey Bastion, Take On Me
70h+ of editing, 5:57 video, 31 players and their plays in A Tribute to Mercy [own repost due to me being an idiot - full story in the comments]
When your entire team dies but you're a Genji on a mission
how to be really really good at tracer
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