League of Legends Daily Report #4 - Wildturtle calls Doublelift the best in the world at their position

League of Legends News

Clarification of the rumors of Origen staff

After incredulously reading the information that has been published through social networks, and even worse, in some media that have repeated the false information without due verification, we decided to wait until the competition week ended before publishing this communication to clarify the situation.

Wildturtle calls Doublelift the best in the world at their position

We took two players from the hottest teams in the North American League Championship Series -- don't look now, Phoenix1 has won three out of four -- with Immortals' Jason "WildTurtle" Tran and P1's Austin "Gate" Yu and gave them the same seven questions to ponder.

League of Legends Community

League should have "Fun" stats! - by  hi_im_oryx

Many games have access to stats, either global or local, that are displayed simply for the interest of the player. Older Call of Duty games have stats such as "Global bombs defused" or "Total bullets fired." League should have something similar!
Perhaps in the postgame lobby, have access to stats that are fun and directly related to the champions in that game, for example:
  • Zac: Total amount of matter recycled: [blobs collected]
  • Amumu: Number of tears cried: [number of seconds with Despair activated]
  • Zed: Number of shadows stepped: [Amount of times that Zed switched places with a shadow]
These stats would simply be fun to see. They could be available in postgame lobbies on a per-game basis, maybe with a global count as well, accessible somewhere in the client.

The last assassin we got that actually functions as an assassin was Zed - by Razeerka

For reference, Zed, being released on November 13th, 2012, is nearly four years old. The next closest thing we have is Yasuo, nearly 3 years old, who is considered to be a fighter with assassin qualities, and Ekko, who is played as a tank much more than he is an assassin. So much so that playing Ekko as an assassin instead of tank is considered as more meta breaking than playing him as a tank, which was originally never intended for him to do.
I just found that interesting when you compare it to every other role, which have pretty much all (outside of bruisers since they often just shift into tanks, especially with the recently passing tank meta).
Also, Zed, Talon, and Katarina are the only assassins who it has never been meta to play them as a role other than an assassin. Although, excluding her tank build which was never too popular, you could also include Akali. Every other assassin at some point has been built as a bruiser or utilized as more of poke champion.
The only other exception is Shaco, who when built AP could be considered more poke and mage than he is assassin.

Twisted Fate Throws ~4.350 million decks a day. Man, that's a lot of deck - by LostSands

TLDR: TF throws approximately 226,172,400 cards a day, or approximately 4.350 million decks. Fair warning that I used a lot of approximations, arbitrary decisions, and I am also no mathematician. If any of you want to provide suggestions on how to make the math more accurate, feel free.
The Math
Step One: What is twisted fate's attack speed? He starts at a base attack of 0.651 attacks per second, and this increases by 3.22% per level. His E also grants him 10/+5% per skill level attack speed.
To identify his effective attack speed, we will need to know how players build him.
From this information, we see that a near majority take his E at level 3, and then wait to max it last. Another 40% max it last, and are split between taking it at level 2 and 4. For the sake of simplicity, we will say that this averages out to the primary build's attack speed chart.
Based on the most popular items for Twisted Fate, according to LolKing, we will also assume that TF never builds any attack speed items.
I created an excel-sheet for this data, and all further calculations. This google doc contains a table of them.
Step Two: How often does TF use his attack speed? Again, for the sake of simplicity we will assume that the twisted fate is using his attacks as frequently as he can, instead of focusing on last hitting. I will also arbitrarily decide that in any given match, this means that he willl be able to spend 50% of his time in the game making auto attacks. The reason I chose 50% is because there are periods of time, such as moving back to lane, the start of the game, when dead, ect, that it would be impossible to make basic attacks for, and I approximate that these periods of time make up for about half of of the game. If anyone wanted to give me math on this in particular, that'd be cool.
Step three: How long does a game last? According to this infographic, we can calculate the average game length by assigning a weight to each game length marker and the % of games that finished there. Doing so comes out to a game that is approximately ~33 minutes long on average. We will raise this to 36 minutes for the sake of later math.
Step four: Attack speed at different stages of the game? I have not found any hard statistics on when people reach different levels in matches. With that said, I have currently semi-arbitrarily decided that most people will reach level eighteen at 36 minutes, which we will also approximate as the end of the game. We will also assume that levels are evenly distributed throughout the match, reach level 2 at 4 minutes, 3 at 6, ect.
With that said, we can now use our approximate effective attack speed to find out how many attacks at each stage of the game a TF is able to make.
The total of each stage gives us the total number of auto attacks in an over-simplified world in a single game (942), and that number divied by 52 gives us the amount of decks of cards in a single game. (18)
Step five: How many per day? Well, there are 27 million players per day. If we assume that the vast majority of these players are playing 5v5, then that means there are approximately 2.7 million games. To adjust for ease and 3v3 players, let's say there are 3 million games played. Twisted Fate currently has a popularity of ~8%, which means we should see him in 8% of all games, or approximately 240,000 games.
This means that each day, Twisted Fate throws 226,172,400 cards. Or ~4.350 million decks. Man, that's a lot of deck.

[Spoiler] July 18th Worlds Qualification Summary - by  dsg42

As the regular season across regions is starting to come to a close across regions, it's time to start answering that age old question - who can still qualify for Worlds? I've created a region by region summary below showing who, to the best of my knowledge, can still qualify for Worlds, and who is at risk of falling out of the race this week. Teams in italics have clinched at least a spot in their league's regional finals, while teams in bold have clinched a spot at Worlds. Some teams have been eliminated.
  • LCK
Teams need to finish in at least six place, or have points left over from the spring split, in order to be in contention for a spot in the regional playoffs. With 5 or 6 games left to play for each team, the LCK is yet to eliminate anyone from contention. There's also plenty of room for movement into those last few spots in the playoffs and finals, so it's unlikely the playoff picture will clear up this week It would be shocking to see either SKT or Rox Tigers fail to qualify for Worlds, but the race for that third spot is wide open.
Clinched: SKT (9-3) and Rox Tigers (10-3) have already clinched a spot in the regional finals. KT Rolster is close, as their 50 points will be enough to guarantee a spot if SKT and Rox run away with the top two playoff seeds.
Eliminated: No one is out yet, but CJ Entus (2-12) will be eliminated this week if they don't at least match the performance of either Afreeca Freecs or MVP
Matches to Watch: If you're cheering for blood, check out Afreeca vs CJ, a must win for CJ if they want any chance of clawing back and making it to Worlds. On the other hand, if you want to watch two teams riding on the bubble, check out KT vs MVP. KT is a real contender for the third spot at Worlds, while MVP has the potential of falling out of the race with a poor performance.
  • LPL
The LPL sends a full eight teams to playoffs, and every team, with five games left to play, is still in contention. EDG (11-0) and Royal Never Give Up (10-1) are running away with their groups, and have already clinched spots in the regional finals. Much like the LCK, it would be very surprising to see either fail to qualify for Worlds, but again, the third spot is completely open.
Clinched: EDG and RNG are guaranteed of spots in the regional finals. Each group is locked in a tight race for second to fourth place, and no one can guarantee a spot this week.
Eliminated: No one has been eliminated yet, but Saint Gaming (1-10) and OMG (3-8) are both three games out from making playoffs, and are very much at risk this week if they continue their poor performance. Saint can be eliminated with a loss to Newbee and a Newbee victory over EDG (unlikely). OMG can also be eliminated if they lose to both I May (7-4) and WE (7-4) and a win by VG (6-5) victory over RNG (unlikely).
  • NA LCS
With only four games left to play, the tiers in NA are becoming clear. Team Solo Mid (14-0) and Immortals (13-1) have both clinched playoff byes and regional finals spots. The next four teams have achieved some separation from seventh place Apex (5-9) and may very well all clinch spots in playoffs and regionals this week. The only real question remaining in the regular season is whether Apex or NRG can make a miracle run can make and make it into that sixth place spot.
Clinched: TSM and Immortals are both guaranteed spots at the regional finals. Cloud 9 (8-6) and Liquid (8-6) can both clinch by matching Apex's performance and avoiding a 2-0 to NRG's 0-2. Both teams will likely clinch this week. Counter Logic Gaming (7-7) and Team EnVyUs (7-7) will need some help from Apex and NRG to clinch this week, and are much more at risk of a late season upset.
Eliminated: Echo Fox (1-13) has been eliminated, and will almost certainly face relegations. Phoenix1 (3-11) is dangling by a knife edge, and can be eliminated this week with either a single loss, OR a match with by EnVyUs and a game win by CLG (or a game loss by P1). NRG will be eliminated with two match losses or a single loss and at least one win by both CLG and EnVyUs. Apex is at risk if they don't match either CLG or EnVyUs.
Matches to Watch: Apex vs Immortals is NA's last hope for an exciting end to the season. Look for Apex to lose and cement their spot in 7th place. C9 vs EnVyUs and Liquid vs CLG are both great matchups between second tier teams looking to differentiate themselves. The results of both will definitely come into play of Apex can pull out a 2-0 week
  • EU LCS
Unlike NA, EU is wide open for late playoff qualifiers. There are team on both extremes, but the middle is completely open. G2 Esports (7-7-0) has already clinched, and while Fnatic (7-4-3) and Splyce (6-6-2) are both right behind. At the other end of the spectrum, Roccat (1-5-8) is likely to fall out of the race this week. The big question is whether Origin (2-7-5) can squeak out a 7th place finish and preserve their 70 circuit points from spring split. Other than that, five teams sit between 16 and 18 points, and any of those teams can easily land anywhere from 8th to 4th place.
Clinched: G2 has already clinched a spot at regionals. Fnatic and Splyce, who are 9 and 8 points out of 7th place, will both likely to clinch this week, and have numerous scenarios for doing so.
Eliminated: Roccat needs an absolute minimum of one win this week to stay in contention, and may very well be eliminated even with a win and a tie.
Matches to Watch: I have to pick Origin vs Giants (5-2-7), which is really Origin's best chance for catching up to seventh place. Origin likely needs three or more points to stay in the race this week, and it's much more likely to happen here than against Fnatic. I would also check out H2K vs Vitality and Giants vs Vitality, which both pit those middle five teams against each other.
  • LMS
The LMS has only just past their season's midpoint, and the playoff picture is wide open. Plus, with six out of eight teams receiving circuit points, we won't know much this week. That being said, teams with circuit points from spring split are close to clinching. (Actually, does anyone know if teams would maintain their points despite facing relegations? If so, certain teams have already clinched.) We'll check back in next week when the season is a little close to reaching a conclusion.
  • Wildcard Regions
CBLoL (Brazil): INTZ has won CBLoL Summer 2016, and will represent Brazil at IWCQ
OPL (Oceania): Four teams, including Legacy Esports (7-1), will play in the OPL Playoffs, Hellions (0-8) and Sin Gaming (2-6) have been eliminated
LCL (CIS): Albus NoX Luna, Vega Squadron, RoX, and NaVi will play in the regional playoffs
LJL (Japan):Rampage, DetonatioN FocusMe, and 7th Heaven will play in the regional playoffs
LAN (Latin America North): Lyon, Galactic, Just Toys Havoks, and ZAGA will play in the regional playoffs
LAS (Latin America South): Isurus, Furious, Kaos Latin Gamers, and Hafnet will play in the regional playoffs
TCL (Turkey): All 8 teams are very much still in contention for 6 playoff spots. SuperMassive, Dark Passage, and HWA are all guaranteed playoff spots.
GPL (Southeast Asia): Ah, the super complicated one! The following teams are still in contention: Saigon Jokers, Saigon Mongaming, An Phat Ultimate, Boba Marines, Imperium Pro Team, Acclaim EmpireX, Dulcet Essence, Kuala Lampur Hunters, Vestigial, Team Rigel, Revival, Kanaya, Fortius, Phoenix K-Squad, and Bangkok Titans.
  • General
Most likely next team to qualify for Worlds: SKT and Rox Tigers both have the potential to qualify for Worlds during the regular season by finishing in first place.
Most likely to qualify for regionals this week: Cloud9 and Liquid can both qualify with an easy win over P1 or NRG respectively and a loss by Apex to TSM.
Most likely to be eliminated this week: P1 needs to beat both TSM and C9 this week in order to stay in contention.
Major region teams still eligible: 49/50
Total teams still in contention for Worlds: 86
From 86 to 16 in 6 weeks. The bloodbath begins this week.

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