Why don't see more Disruptors? Dota 2 Disruptor

There is a lot of good stuff with Disruptor, but he also brings a lot of issues:

He has very little kill potential early game

  • He can help set up kills, but brings very little damage to the table
  • Thunder Strike does do a decent amount of damage at higher levels, but it's not burst damage, which is usually needed to get early kills

He has no hard crowd control

  • Heroes can still use items while affected by Kinetic Field and  Static Storm, so Black King BarBlack King Bar destroys his teamfight against carries (whereas a stun means you can't use items or move)

He has more level dependency than other supports

  • Most of his spells aren't as good as say Rubick, or Jakiro, at level 1

Glimpse isn't as easy to combo with other spells

  • (e.g. a stun allows a hero like Gyrocopter to decimate a hero with Rocket Barrage, Glimpse will displace them and potentially lead to an escape)
  • All your players have to be keeping track of where other heroes were 4 seconds ago, more or less
  • Alternatively, you can pick up Rubick, Shadow Demon, or Bane to get very good and easy to follow set-up

The main thing I find is that people don't know how to play with/allied to Disruptor. You need to be hyper aggressive. When you force the other team to retreat, Glimpse turns into a free kill.

However, it's hard to do that when Disruptor brings very little damage to the table on his own. Thunder Strike isn't really a spell about damage, it's about Vision. You place it onto a hero to track Glimpse (it lasts 6 seconds, so you know sort of where they will be based on when you cast the spell on them). During Thunder Strike, you get vision, so you can easily Glimpse a target back.

You also want to use Disruptor to take towers early. When you do that, you force TP reactions, which you can then just send them back with Glimpse and turn a 5v5 into a 4v5. Even though you don't team wipe them, you still crush the fight or force them to retreat.

However, when you get to sieging their base, Glimpse starts to lose effect, however, you have Kinetic Field and Static Storm to back you up.

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