Why isn't Spirit Breaker picked up more often in professional DOTA?

The biggest issue with running Spirit Breaker is laning him in a way that he can have impact.

This basically results in you need to run him as a 2nd support role (i.e. #4). The main reason being that it's expected for supports to be MIA because they pull, ward, and do other shit where they're not visible. Also, putting him on something like safe lane support gives him a good angle to gank mid from. You'll do most of your charge through the jungle, so wards are less likely to see you.

In contrast:


  • If the carry is MIA, someone will notice
  • If he's off charging frequently, then you'd need to work that into your plan. He's not going to be farming the lane, so you'd need at least one other core hero.


  • Same as above, but a bit easier to have gank potential
  • Spirit Breaker would lose to most popular mids played at the highest level

Suicide Offlane (1v3 in hard lane)

  • he won't be able to get farm there or levels, nor can he fall back to ancients or jungle farming

Solo Safe Offlane

  • Ootentially could work, but he'd have difficulty against many popular lineups
  • It'd be fairly obvious when he goes MIA in my opinion

Ok, so now we're basically at the point of you need to put him on support. This introduces issues of he needs to get some farm. You can do that via pulling.

The bigger issue is that if your first few ganks don't go well, Spirit Breaker really has no way to catch up. He's a hero that needs to jump into the middle of a fight. If he's underfarmed, he'll basically be a suicidal initiator. You can look at Clockwerk for a similar example - if he's on support or gets stomped in offlane, he just starts a fight and dies without really contributing beyond that.

In contrast, other supports can still be fairly useful. Like an underfarmed Visage can still do considerable nuke damage, has familiars to stun and control the map, and has a poweful slow. Someone like Naga Siren has a great ensnare and a powerful initiation method that doesn't put her in too much danger.

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