Omniknight vs Puck and Templar Assassin When to buy Town Portal Scroll?

Try to have at least one TP scroll on you at all times

Ideally two so you can use one and still have another left. Don't buy one at the start of the game, but as soon as it feels like you might need to start moving around (i.e. people are pushing towers or roaming around looking for kills) you should pick one up. Remember that you can buy them from the side shop, so unless you're mid you don't need to bring one out using the courier.

If you're playing a carry

I think it's generally worth using a Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll to return to your lane if you have to go back for health. The 135 gold will be paid for after about 3 last hits, which you should be able to get easily in the time that it would take you to walk back. However, be careful using it to Town Portal Scroll Town Portal back to lane if you think a fight might be about to happen elsewhere - Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scrolls have quite a long cooldown. If you're playing a support (or are in a lane with two carries because nobody picked a support), it's probably better to walk back - you're less likely to make up the farm, and by walking you keep your Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll off cooldown in case you need to use it later.

Later on, the main use of TP scrolls is to return to your towers to defend

By having a Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll , you're able to push the enemy towers without leaving yourself stranded if a fight breaks out near one of your own. Particularly in the late game when your outer (T1 and T2) towers are destroyed, pushing far from the base without a Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll  is very risky!

If you find yourself running out of item slots, you can replace your TP scrolls with a Boots of Travel

These let you Town Portal Scroll Town Portal not just to your towers, but also to friendly creeps anywhere on the map - very useful when your towers are all destroyed.

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