Good heroes for 1v1 Mid Only? Queen Of Pain Dota 2

The most fair known format for a 1v1 mid match is for each of the two players to pick a hero

Then they play a best of three match - first Player A's hero against Player A's hero (mirrored), then Player B's hero against Player B's hero, then finally the deciding match if there isn't already a victor is Shadow Fiend vs. Shadow Fiend. It's suggested that each fight go to first player to two kills or first player to two towers.

This helps negate some really obvious problems

For example, Outworld Devourer beats something like 75% of traditional mid heros hands down and without there really being a meaningful contest (player skill is almost unimportant if you're within say 1000 MMR of each other).

If you are having non-mirrored matchups, then suddenly you can just win if you can predict the enemy pick and counterpick and play reasonably close to them in skill

Typically, the most polarizing hero mid is Outworld Devourer - Outworld Devourer beats basically any intelligence hero at mid lane, and a large number of other heros too. However, Outworld Devourer is relatively closer to even against Razor or Templar Assassin or to a lesser extent Viper. However, those three heros all usually get beaten by a traditional int mid, for example Queen of Pain or something.

If you're new and want a reliable lane winner, Viper is certainly the way to go

In addition to the other suggestions, I'd also add Razor and Templar Assassin.

Razor isn't a common mid pick under most circumstances because he doesn't really have much ganking potential, but as a 1v1 lane winner he is very strong. Static Link steals right-click damage from his opponent, making last hitting very difficult for them and very easy for Razor as the same time. He's also notable as one of the few heroes who can lane well against Outworld Devourer.

Templar Assassin has Refraction, which both protects her from harass and grants her bonus damage, making last hitting easy. Once she gets a point in Psi Blades, her attacks also spill out behind her target meaning you can last hit and harass your opponent at the same time! Templar Assassin has excellent burst damage once she has a few levels in Refraction and Meld, making her excellent for bursting down squishy heroes like Sniper. However, she is weak against damage over time making her a bad pick against Viper.

They all have strengths and weaknesses against each other.

For instance:
  • Puck > Queen of Pain ==> Puck can Phase Shift to dodge dagger and her ult
  • Razor > Outworld Devourer ==> when Razor goes Static Link + Unstable Current, Outworld Devourer cannot do much to stop Razor from draining all his damage
  • Batrider/Viper/Venomancer >Templar Assassin ==> Templar Assassin cannot deal with ticking damage that removes her Refraction shield
  • Templar Assassin/Viper > Puck ==> Puck cannot deal with consistent damage and strong right-click
  • Outworld Devourer > Any INT Hero (and most mids) ==> Outworld Devourer wins lanes; especially against INT heroes of which he drains their attack damage and mana with Banish
And so on...

Heroes like Sniper and Shadow Fiend will usually win the lane unless they are denied heavily or caught out of position. Both are susceptible to ganks, which balances out their laning in regular matches.

If you're looking for a list of mids, here are many (but not all):
  • Puck
  • Templar Assassin
  • Queen of Pain
  • Storm Spirit
  • Viper
  • Timbersaw
  • Pudge (weak to most unless he hooks)
  • Kunkka 
  • Batrider
  • Outworld Devourer
  • Sniper
  • Lone Druid
  • Tinker (better on Radiant for farming neutral/ancients)
  • Shadow Fiend (better on Radiant for farming neutrals)
  • Lycanthrope
  • Clockwerk
  • Bane (usually support, but good 1v1 if he can kill with his ult)
  • Beastmaster
  • Invoker
  • Naga Siren
  • Night Stalker
  • Bloodseeker
  • Venomancer
  • Elder Titan
  • Mirana
  • Dazzle
  • Warlock
  • Shadow Demon
  • Razor
  • Alchemist(kind of risky for this I think)
  • Magnus
  • Windranger
  • Dragon Knight
  • Gyrocopter
  • Death Prophet

A lot of heroes can do it beyond that though. Like Axe is good against many melee mid heroes.

Most supports are also good in 1v1 mid, they are just not the best for actual games where other heroes need more farm.

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