The player is always part of it. But honestly, only solo mid doesn't have as much in common with any other role during the laning phase. Outside of that, it is largely based on the player's ability and the set of heroes they excel with.
The hero needs to have traits like (at least one of these):
Ability to find farm
- From a distance
- Using an alternative mechanism (e.g. ancient stacks)
- Via catching up with spells (e.g.
Bounty Hunter
- Being able to abandon lane and jungle if needed (e.g.
- Pulling lane creeps (e.g.
Lone Druid,
Nature's Prophet)
Ability to 1v1
Dependence on XP over Gold
Ability to make something happen when they get a key level or item
- e.g.
Clockwerk rotates with ult
- e.g.
Centaur Warrunner becomes a huge threat with Blink
- e.g.
Nyx Assassin
Ability to push fast when 1v1 or left alone (e.g. Broodmother)
Not every hero is as good in all situations.
Some examples:
Dark Seer can have trouble with
Doom since
Doom can
Devour the
Ion Shelled creep
Dark Seer can have issues with
Disruptor and
Shadow Demon as well because it is hard to use
Surge successfully
Clinkz is terrible in 3v1 situations (he can solo safelane against 3, but it isn't ideal), but excels in 1v1 offlane
Puck is good against most trilanes if they player is good, but can get owned by stuns
Timbersaw is similar to
Puck in that stuns will kill him
Elder Titan is easier to play on Radiant because of the structure of the lane and the access to the pull camp (via cutting down a tree)
Timbersaw will generally beat any STR hero 1v1 in offlane
Bounty Hunter usually does well against Weaver
Lone Druid will beat
Weaver if pooled Sentires
Lich can stall a lane's farm, but will lose the lane if they push
Beastmaster can offlane decently well if he can stack ancients, but if they ward the ancients he has no recovery mechanism and must rely on last hitting with his
Generally you default to Defensive Trilane.
Aggro Trilane is done in situations like
- you need to absolutely shut down their carry
- they have a weak lane and you can punish it
- your team is higher skill
Dual Mid is done in situations like
- You have some pair like
Io +
Tiny where you want to guarantee them farm and XP, while simultaneously shutting down their mid
- Some people believe these should be run more often, especially since carry and semi-carry mids are popular in 6.81
2-1-2 is done in situations like
- You cannot face their aggro tri and your lineup can benefit from the XP spread or similar
- You have a strong dual lane that can put pressure on their defensive trilane (e.g.
Abaddon +
Weaver )
Jungle Trilane is done in situations like
- You want to maximize XP and gold
- You can get away with being greedy
- You want to push early or gank early (having a jungler pressures mid and offlane because they do not know where you are or when you'll attack)
- You want to give your lane support more access to starting gold (i.e. a hero like
Chen can buy Wards, Courier, and Sentries while still being effective)
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