Visage can work in a lot of situations. He gets a lot of kills in 3v3, but he is perfectly fine in a standard trilane and is good for occasional roams (provided you have enough damage to charge him up).

His main weakness is cross-map movement. If you do not have re-summon, your Familiars are left in one lane while you rotate. That isn't always a bad thing because you can use them to apply pressure elsewhere (especially with a Drow Ranger on your team) while you rotate and spam Soul Assumption in fights.

Here is a basic setup for Visage. Basically, if you treat every 5s as a new engagement, your controls seem much less daunting. Getting that 5s rhythm down is the only hard part, and a bit of practice against bots should be enough to get the hang of it.

You have 3 hotkeys, 1 = Hero, 2 = Familiars, and 3 = Hero +  Familiars.

The teamfight starts and you were a good little Familiars and weren't caught in the initiation.
  • Immediately hit 3 > right click someone to focus down > Medallion Grave Chill > Soul Assumptio > 1 > move someplace safer. Now your Visage is done for the next several seconds.
  • 2 > right click new target if needed > Stone Form > tab> Stone Form. Your Familiars have gotten off most of their right click damage and 2stuns. They are done for 10s.
  • 1 > Medallion > right click someone > MekansmMekansm > Soul Assumptio > Magic Wand > move some place safer ( Grave Chill has worn off about now, so you aren't super speed anymore )
  • Move back in > Medallion > Soul Assumptio > Grave Chill > back up.
  • Familiars are back > right click medallioned target
  • 1 > Grave Chill > Magic Wand > resummon Familiars if needed.
  • 2 > right click Familiars > Stone Form > tab > Stone Form
  • If you aren't out of mana 1> Soul Assumptio > backup.
  • 2 > right click second set of Familiars are pretty much done and should be flown away.

Use Fog of War + Trees

Hiding familiars on the tree line is good for finding pick-offs on supports that hang back - most cannot deal with the DPS. It is also good for having a safe place to quickly move them out of harms way - feeding Familiars is really bad.

Using the tree line also gives the opponent similar vision to your Familiars since they cannot see into the trees. You can shift Familiars around back and get stuns, or just position them to your liking.


Remind yourself to use  Soul Assumption a lot in fights. Too many Visage players hold onto it too long and then it turns into a KS spell. It is a powerful nuke which you want to use as soon as it is off cooldown.

Even without kills, it can force heroes to back off from a fight or reconsider entering. Like if you see a Shadow Shaman moving in and hit him with 1  Soul Assumption, he is probably well below 50% HP (early game). Now he either has to position perfectly, or just end up feeding. You will also be able to kill him with another Soul Assumption in about 4 seconds if he does not disable you/you are not out of mana.

Stone Form

It is tempting to Stone Form familiars when they are low on attack charges. But you really don't need to. It is often better to save Stone Form for the stun or when you need to use it to save them from feeding.

Also consider that with their attack speed and low range, they are probably DPSing similar to a level 1 support that hits for ~40 (i.e. think of your attack speed -- familiars probably hit a target 3 times by the time your projectile lands).

Try to stagger your stuns if you can, it is a very long disable if timed well.


This is another spell at your disposal, so don't be afraid to use it.

Generally, there are 3 purposes to this:
  • Double Sets of Stuns - you can have a whole 2nd set of chain stuns if you resummon
  • Deny Familiars Feed - if your Familiars are in a terrible spot and will definitely feed, then just resummon. It's better than giving the other team a shit ton of gold.
  • Upgrade -- you need to resummon for getting your stronger  Familiars. Optimally, you want to time this with another objective (e.g. stuns, denial, or even tower pushing to refresh the attack charges), but that isn't always the case

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